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Bangladesh Navy

Preparations for testing and shooting with the 25mm Thug Machine, at edge of PL 74 Kamaruzzaman


it is important to note that , the superstructure where they installed the KBA 25/80 is bolted directly above the base on which previously supported the 76/62 Compact :-)


So - theoretically, one could still retrofit or install 76/62 super rapid units in place on these mounts. They are fitted on board Italian Navy Comandante class offshore patrol vessels, this OPV (a bit larger displacement than the leader class OPV's) has pennant P-493 (ITS Comandante Foscari).

Oto-Melara / Oto-Breda
76/62 Compact - 76/62 Super Rapid

76mm (3") / 62-caliber naval gun system


The Oto-Melara / Oto-Breda 76/62SR 76mm (3-inches) 62-caliber Super Rapid gun is a lightweight, automatic loading, rapid fire naval gun system used against shore, sea and air targets.

Manufacturer: 1963-2001 Oto-Melara / 2001- OtoBreda
Produced: Compact: 1963- / Super Rapid: 1988-

Technical data:
Caliber: 3 inches / 76,2 mm
Barrel lenght: 186 inches / 4,72 meters (= 62 caliber)
Weight: 7900kg, empty (Super Rapid)
Shell: 76 x 900 mm / 12,34 kilograms
Elevation: - 15° to + 85°
Traverse: 360°
Rate of fire: Compact: 85 rpm / Super Rapid: selectable from single shot up to 120 rpm
Muzzle Velocity: 925 m/s (1100 m/s - DART)
Magazine: Compact: 80 rounds / SR: 85 rounds

16 kilometers with standard ammunition
20 km with extended range ammunition
up to 40 km with VULCANO ammunition

- Compact
- Super Rapid
- Stealth casing
- DAVIDE/STRALES radio frequency guidance system for DART guided ammunition

- HE (high explosive) - 6,296kg / Range 16km / effective range 8km (4km vs. air targets at elev. 85°)
- MOM (multi-role OTO munition)
- PFF (pre-formed fragmentation) - anti-missile ammunition
- SAPOM (semi-armored piercing OTO munition) - 6,35kg / Range 16km
- SAPOMER (semi-armored piercing OTO munition, extended range) - Range 20km
- DART (driven ammunition reduced time of flight) - sub-calibre guided ammunition against multiple targets
(missiles and maneuvering targets at sea) 4,2kg in barrel / 3,5kg in flight / 660mm lenght / effective range >8km
- VULCANO (76mm unguided and guided extended range ammunition) - under development

In service with more than 50 Navy’s
see also: Mk-75 76mm gun (US Navy)



OtoBreda 76/62SR Super Rapid with DAVIDE/STRALES guidance system


OtoBreda 76/62SR super rapid gun with DAVIDE/STRALES system for DART guided ammunition aboard ITS Comandante Foscari (P 493)


OtoBreda 76/62SR super rapid gun with DAVIDE/STRALES system for DART guided ammunition aboard ITS Comandante Foscari (P 493)


OtoBreda 76/62SR super rapid gun with DAVIDE/STRALES system for DART guided ammunition aboard ITS Cavour (C 550)


OtoBreda 76/62SR super rapid gun with DAVIDE/STRALES system for DART guided ammunition aboard ITS Virginio Fasan (F 591)


OtoBreda 76/62SR super rapid gun with DAVIDE/STRALES system for DART guided ammunition aboard ITS Comandante Foscari (P 493)


OtoBreda 76/62SR super rapid gun aboard ITS Caio Duilio (D 554)


OtoBreda 76/62SR super rapid gun aboard ITS Caio Duilio (D 554)


OtoBreda 76/62SR super rapid gun aboard RSS Steadfast (FFG 70)


Oto-Melara 76mm/62-caliber gun aboard ITS Audace (D 551)


Oto-Melara 76mm/62-caliber gun aboard ITS Sfinge (F 554)


Oto-Melara 76mm/62-caliber gun aboard ITS Sfinge (F 554)


Oto-Melara 76/62 gun aboard German Navy Type 122 Bremen class Frigate FGS Niedersachsen (F 208)


Oto-Melara 76/62 gun aboard German Navy Type 122 Bremen class Frigate FGS Niedersachsen (F 208)




Oto-Melara 76/62 gun aboard an Italian Navy Comandanti class OPV
and a future OPV purchase), Bangladesh' fleet for this class of patrol vessel are far larger and almost entirely locally built. These are vessels from the Durjoy class (650 tons).

down to a half dozen other classes from 150 to 350 tons displacement, which will all be replaced with a unified design called the Padma class (350 tons). Five Padma Class vessels are already commissioned, but 25 will join the naval fleet within 2025, being built in batches of five.

And we haven't even started on the local Coast Guard patrol vessel builds, which include (again) a half-dozen different classes (see below),
Does building so many small to medium sized surface fleet necessary for Bangladesh? Wouldn't it be better to buy/build more submarine and frigate instead considering the potential hostile navy engagement? Seems like BN is thinking purely about defence not on defensive offense.
Does building so many small to medium sized surface fleet necessary for Bangladesh? Wouldn't it be better to buy/build more submarine and frigate instead considering the potential hostile navy engagement? Seems like BN is thinking purely about defence not on defensive offense.
it was a tactical move, i will not say in details but the strategy is good. ;)
it was a tactical move, i will not say in details but the strategy is good. ;)

What do you think of it? Looks damn sexy ....@BDforever


19 crew, plus 2 passengers and 6 divers
Overall Length
Surfaced Displacement
Diving Depth
Over 200m

The 19-crew, 855t displacement, Andrasta submarine, announced by DCNS in September 2008, has been optimised for littoral operations in coastal waters, but remains a formidable adversary in blue (deep) water environments.

The submarine is named after Andrasta, the Celtic goddess of war whose name means victorious or invincible. The prime contractor, DCNS, considers that the Andrasta has no equivalent for littoral missions in terms of manoeuvrability and stealth.

Andrasta submarine design
The submarine design draws heavily on the proven configuration and systems adopted for the Scorpene family and has about 70% commonality with the Scorpene. The Andrasta surfaced displacement is 855t compared to the 1,790t to 2,010t displacement of the Scorpene. The submarine incorporates the same level of safety, stealth signatures and systems integration as the Scorpene.

"The SSK Andrasta submarine has been optimised for littoral operations in coastal waters."
The Andrasta can lurk on the seabed in coastal waters where the water depth is typically less than 100m. At a speed of 4kt the range is more than 3,000nm and more than 1,800nm at 8kt.

Andrasta is being presented to world markets at about half the cost of attack submarines such as the Scorpene. The Andrasta design can incorporate extra performance options which are not mandatory for littoral missions but which customer countries may require, without degrading the submarine’s efficiency.

For specials operations, the Andrasta has a deployment airlock for combat swimmers, electronic warfare and intelligence gathering systems.

Andrasta missions
The submarine missions cover anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, intelligence gathering, special operations, offensive mine mooring, covert tracking of illegal activities, single ship operations and cooperative operations with other ships or maritime assets. The Andrasta is equipped to communicate easily with other assets and command centres.

Hull design
The double-hull structure gives good survivability and surfaced sea keeping characteristics. An X-configuration rudder has independently operated surfaces for a high level of manoeuvrability including a small turning radius.

The small hull helps contribute to the submarine’s stealth characteristics. The submarine has a diving depth to 200m and a submerged endurance of five days. It also has a very low acoustic and visual signature.

Command and control
The Andrasta is equipped with the DCNS SUBTICS submarine tactical integrated combat system. SUBTICS systems are in operation aboard Scorpene submarines of the Chilean Navy and Agosta 90B submarines for the Pakistan Navy

The combat management system is integrated with the sonar and other sensors (optical, optronic, electronic support measures, radar) and carries out the location and identification of vessels, target tracking, tactical analysis, decision making, action management, exchange of tactical data via datalinks, the control of weapons systems and engagement of targets.

"Andrasta’s double-hull structure gives good survivability and surfaced sea keeping characteristics."
The submarine is equipped with high-precision navigation and surveillance systems for operation in littoral waters. Surveillance missions can be successfully carried out while the submarine is at rest on the seabed.

The Andrasta can accommodate new-generation heavyweight torpedoes such as the Black Shark, anti-ship missiles such as the Exocet SM-39 and a mine-laying system. The torpedoes and missiles are stored and carried in the six forward torpedo tubes. The small hull size of the submarine does not accommodate torpedoes and missiles for reload.

Special forces
The Andrasta submarines, which can carry two passengers plus a team of six divers, can be deployed for special forces missions which gives the Andrasta an enhanced attack capability comparable to larger submarines. The submarine is fitted with a lock-out / lock-in chamber for combat swimmers.
Does building so many small to medium sized surface fleet necessary for Bangladesh? Wouldn't it be better to buy/build more submarine and frigate instead considering the potential hostile navy engagement? Seems like BN is thinking purely about defence not on defensive offense.

We would only be able to maintain a small fleet of expensive ships. Having lots surely maximises survivability of our fleet.

The primary aim is probably to ensure complete surveillance coverage over our territories and also to build up critical mass of assets to prevent a blockade.

In terms of what you have asked I do believe ours is a defensive posture primarily. However subs are a completely offensive platforms and judging from indias response to the mings.. they have proved more than enough bang for the buck. Don't believe everything you read.... our neighbours can not track our subs.

By seeing the pictures I could not understand how the big guns are fired. Is it by a computerized system?
We would only be able to maintain a small fleet of expensive ships. Having lots surely maximises survivability of our fleet.

The primary aim is probably to ensure complete surveillance coverage over our territories and also to build up critical mass of assets to prevent a blockade.

In terms of what you have asked I do believe ours is a defensive posture primarily. However subs are a completely offensive platforms and judging from indias response to the mings.. they have proved more than enough bang for the buck. Don't believe everything you read.... our neighbours can not track our subs.

I believe we should increase our sub fleet (Song class as discussed - or maybe the new Lada class) to numbering about four in addition to the two training mings....

Does building so many small to medium sized surface fleet necessary for Bangladesh? Wouldn't it be better to buy/build more submarine and frigate instead considering the potential hostile navy engagement? Seems like BN is thinking purely about defence not on defensive offense.

Yes building this many small to medium sized surface fleet is necessary right now for strategic reasons, as others have pointed out. I will write a detailed post later on why this is necessary...
What do you think of it? Looks damn sexy ....@BDforever

View attachment 434625View attachment 434626

19 crew, plus 2 passengers and 6 divers
Overall Length
Surfaced Displacement
Diving Depth
Over 200m

The 19-crew, 855t displacement, Andrasta submarine, announced by DCNS in September 2008, has been optimised for littoral operations in coastal waters, but remains a formidable adversary in blue (deep) water environments.

The submarine is named after Andrasta, the Celtic goddess of war whose name means victorious or invincible. The prime contractor, DCNS, considers that the Andrasta has no equivalent for littoral missions in terms of manoeuvrability and stealth.

Andrasta submarine design
The submarine design draws heavily on the proven configuration and systems adopted for the Scorpene family and has about 70% commonality with the Scorpene. The Andrasta surfaced displacement is 855t compared to the 1,790t to 2,010t displacement of the Scorpene. The submarine incorporates the same level of safety, stealth signatures and systems integration as the Scorpene.

"The SSK Andrasta submarine has been optimised for littoral operations in coastal waters."
The Andrasta can lurk on the seabed in coastal waters where the water depth is typically less than 100m. At a speed of 4kt the range is more than 3,000nm and more than 1,800nm at 8kt.

Andrasta is being presented to world markets at about half the cost of attack submarines such as the Scorpene. The Andrasta design can incorporate extra performance options which are not mandatory for littoral missions but which customer countries may require, without degrading the submarine’s efficiency.

For specials operations, the Andrasta has a deployment airlock for combat swimmers, electronic warfare and intelligence gathering systems.

Andrasta missions
The submarine missions cover anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, intelligence gathering, special operations, offensive mine mooring, covert tracking of illegal activities, single ship operations and cooperative operations with other ships or maritime assets. The Andrasta is equipped to communicate easily with other assets and command centres.

Hull design
The double-hull structure gives good survivability and surfaced sea keeping characteristics. An X-configuration rudder has independently operated surfaces for a high level of manoeuvrability including a small turning radius.

The small hull helps contribute to the submarine’s stealth characteristics. The submarine has a diving depth to 200m and a submerged endurance of five days. It also has a very low acoustic and visual signature.

Command and control
The Andrasta is equipped with the DCNS SUBTICS submarine tactical integrated combat system. SUBTICS systems are in operation aboard Scorpene submarines of the Chilean Navy and Agosta 90B submarines for the Pakistan Navy

The combat management system is integrated with the sonar and other sensors (optical, optronic, electronic support measures, radar) and carries out the location and identification of vessels, target tracking, tactical analysis, decision making, action management, exchange of tactical data via datalinks, the control of weapons systems and engagement of targets.

"Andrasta’s double-hull structure gives good survivability and surfaced sea keeping characteristics."
The submarine is equipped with high-precision navigation and surveillance systems for operation in littoral waters. Surveillance missions can be successfully carried out while the submarine is at rest on the seabed.

The Andrasta can accommodate new-generation heavyweight torpedoes such as the Black Shark, anti-ship missiles such as the Exocet SM-39 and a mine-laying system. The torpedoes and missiles are stored and carried in the six forward torpedo tubes. The small hull size of the submarine does not accommodate torpedoes and missiles for reload.

Special forces
The Andrasta submarines, which can carry two passengers plus a team of six divers, can be deployed for special forces missions which gives the Andrasta an enhanced attack capability comparable to larger submarines. The submarine is fitted with a lock-out / lock-in chamber for combat swimmers.
it is a luxury system for special force + it lacks speed+low endurance days.
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