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Bangladesh Navy

Recently i chit chat a (chittagong) Naval officer. this was just regulal talk but who knows may be some idea/requirment or dream whatever it is became reality. so i decided to share with you gyes My chit-chat with reaction........:pop:

1. Navy want there own Radar system which can look both Air and Sea at same time.......... :blink: (Which radar has this capability?)
2. we want our own Air defence system (Sam system).........:eek:
3. we want our own air wings..................:p: yeah we know that.:D
4. start serial production of friget in chittagong, every 2/3 years a new home built vassel. with the help of china and italy.............:flood:
5. they will not deploy all su-30 unit in chittagong, there is a possibility that total unit will devided in to half, half will deploy chittagong and other half will deploy some other location..........:undecided:
6. navy still don,t decided which costal system they will purchase...........:drag: always late in desition making.
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Recently i chit chat a (chittagong) Naval officer. this was just regulal talk but who knows may be some idea/requirment or dream whatever it is became reality. so i decided to share with you gyes My chit-chat with reaction........:pop:

1. Navy want there own Radar system which can look both Air and Sea at same time.......... :blink: (Which radar has this capability?)
2. we want our own Air defence system (Sam system).........:eek:
3. we want our own air wings..................:p: yeah we know that.:D
4. start serial production of friget in chittagong, every 2/3 years a new home built vassel. with the help of china and italy.............:flood:
5. they will not deploy all su-30 unit in chittagong, there is a possibility that total unit will devided in to half, half will deploy chittagong and other half will deploy some other location..........:undecided:
6. navy still don,t decided which costal system they will purchase...........:drag: always late in desition making.
So the sukhoi will be operated by navy pilots?
Own SAM system as in homemade?
So the sukhoi will be operated by navy pilots?
Own SAM system as in homemade?

don,t know abou pilot, but Navy want it,s full controll over Air wing/ they want to operat there own Operation without dependent of BAF. if so then it will be navy pilot......PROBABLE. :coffee:
who knows may be something like this..............:p:P:P

OWN SAM system means, BAF bought FM-90, ARMY bought FM-90 so Navy WANT IT TOO.........:pop:
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Recently i chit chat a (chittagong) Naval officer. this was just regulal talk but who knows may be some idea/requirment or dream whatever it is became reality. so i decided to share with you gyes My chit-chat with reaction........:pop:

1. Navy want there own Radar system which can look both Air and Sea at same time.......... :blink: (Which radar has this capability?)
2. we want our own Air defence system (Sam system).........:eek:
3. we want our own air wings..................:p: yeah we know that.:D
4. start serial production of friget in chittagong, every 2/3 years a new home built vassel. with the help of china and italy.............:flood:
5. they will not deploy all su-30 unit in chittagong, there is a possibility that total unit will devided in to half, half will deploy chittagong and other half will deploy some other location..........:undecided:
6. navy still don,t decided which costal system they will purchase...........:drag: always late in desition making.

Not at all surprised that some of the Su-30SMEs will be going to Navy. BN needs an aircraft like this to provide protection to it from other ships and also aircraft.

So the sukhoi will be operated by navy pilots?
Own SAM system as in homemade?

BD does not have the capability in either radar or propulsion at this moment to build it's own SAM system.
Not at all surprised that some of the Su-30SMEs will be going to Navy. BN needs an aircraft like this to provide protection to it from other ships and also aircraft.

BD does not have the capability in either radar or propulsion at this moment to build it's own SAM system.
Recently i chit chat a (chittagong) Naval officer. this was just regulal talk but who knows may be some idea/requirment or dream whatever it is became reality. so i decided to share with you gyes My chit-chat with reaction........:pop:

1. Navy want there own Radar system which can look both Air and Sea at same time.......... :blink: (Which radar has this capability?)
2. we want our own Air defence system (Sam system).........:eek:
3. we want our own air wings..................:p: yeah we know that.:D
4. start serial production of friget in chittagong, every 2/3 years a new home built vassel. with the help of china and italy.............:flood:
5. they will not deploy all su-30 unit in chittagong, there is a possibility that total unit will devided in to half, half will deploy chittagong and other half will deploy some other location..........:undecided:
6. navy still don,t decided which costal system they will purchase...........:drag: always late in desition making.
masud bhai, what happened to your fb page ? why not so active ?
Got them in myanmar defence forum




Govt should go for sonadia instead of this white elephant

Proposal to hike Payra project cost by 250pc

The Payra Port Authority spent Tk 3.94 billion in last one and half years on the project. - File photo
FE Report
Within less than two years, the Payra Port Authority has proposed to raise its project cost abnormally by 250 per cent due mainly to inclusion of foreign consultants and increased land prices, officials said Monday.

If approved the cost of the Payra port development project will be enhanced to Tk 39.48 billion from its preliminary estimate of Tk 11.28 billion.

"The port authority has sought revision of the project increasing the cost by 250 per cent. It has also appealed for extending the execution timeline by one more year up to June 2019," said a Shipping Ministry official.

He said the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) had endorsed the 'Infrastructure and other facility development for operating Payra Port activities' at Tk 11.28 billion in September 2015.

The Payra Port Authority spent Tk 3.94 billion in last one and half years on the project.

In a bid to establish a full-fledged port at Payra in the coastal district of Patuakhali, the government approved the development project proposal (DPP) to make the under-construction port operational.

The authority will mainly construct port administrative buildings, a 5.60 kilometre 4-lane port-connecting road, and conduct dredging of the port channel up to the Bay of Bengal under the project.

A senior Ministry of Shipping (MoS) official said the port authority has sought Tk 5.00 billion for foreign consultants and Tk 16.00 million for local consultants in the revised development project proposal (DPP) instead of the original estimation of Tk 20 million fund for local consultants only.

Besides, the port authority has raised the 6,069.19 acre land acquisition cost abnormally to Tk 11.30 billion in the revised DPP. In the initial estimate the cost was estimated at Tk 2.84 billion.

The port authority has also sought double amount of money for purchasing two tug boats instead of its estimated price for one boat in the original project proposal, a senior official said.

The authority has also hiked the cost of constructing the 5.6 km 4-lane port-connecting road by 33 per cent to Tk 3.40 billion from its original estimate of Tk 2.55 billion in the original DPP.

A Planning Commission (PC) official said they are scrutinising the revised cost of the Payra Port development project as it has gone up manifold in the revised DPP.

"Immediately after the beginning of the project work, swelling of the project cost by 250 per cent is not justified. We are scrutinising the revised DPP seriously," he added.

The cost might have been enhanced as the project was undertaken without a proper feasibility study, the PC official added.Payra will be the third seaport of Bangladesh. The government has decided to build the port for easing pressure on Bangladesh's major port of Chittagong.

Chittagong seaport handles more than 70 per cent of the total foreign trades of Bangladesh every year.

something is brewing up ....

সোনাদিয়া গভীর সমুদ্রবন্দর হবে তিন ধাপে


নৌপরিবহন মন্ত্রী শাজাহান খান বলেছেন, কক্সবাজার জেলার সোনাদিয়ায় গভীর সমুদ্রবন্দর তিন ধাপে নির্মাণের প্রস্তাব দিয়েছে পরামর্শক প্রতিষ্ঠান পিসিআই। প্রথম পর্যায়ে লাগবে পাঁচ বছর। এ ছাড়া জাইকা মাতারবাড়িতে একটি গভীর সমুদ্রবন্দর স্থাপনের সম্ভাব্যতা সমীক্ষা করছে। স্পিকার ড. শিরীন শারমিন চৌধুরীর সভাপতিত্বে গতকাল সংসদের বাজেট অধিবেশনে টেবিলে উত্থাপিত প্রশ্নোত্তর পর্বে তিনি এ তথ্য জানান। কক্সবাজার-১ আসনের মোহাম্মদ ইলিয়াছের প্রশ্নে মন্ত্রী আরও বলেন, ‘২০০৯ সালে জাপানের প্যাসিফিক কনসালট্যান্ট ইন্টারন্যাশনাল (পিসিআই) সমীক্ষা করে প্রতিবেদন দেয়। এতে সোনাদিয়ায় বন্দর নির্মাণে দ্বিতীয় পর্যায় ২০৩৫ এবং তৃতীয় পর্যায়ের কাজ ২০৫৫ সালে শেষ করার পরিকল্পনার কথা বলা হয়েছে। গভীর সমুদ্রবন্দর সরকারের ফাস্ট ট্রাক প্রকল্পের অন্তর্ভুক্ত। ’ ফেনী-৩ আসনের রহিম উল্লাহর প্রশ্নে শাজাহান খান জানান, প্রতিটি লঞ্চে ভয়েজ ডিক্লারেশন বাধ্যতামূলক। কোনো লঞ্চ বা স্টিমারে জীবন রক্ষাকারী সরঞ্জাম পর্যাপ্ত না থাকলে ওই লঞ্চের যাত্রা স্থগিতসহ মামলা দায়ের করা যায়। মন্ত্রী আরও জানান, বর্তমানে বর্ষা মৌসুমে ৬ হাজার কিলোমিটার এবং শুষ্ক মৌসুমে ৪ হাজার ৫০০ কিলোমিটার নৌপথ আছে। নারায়ণগঞ্জ-১ আসনের গোলাম দস্তগীর গাজীর প্রশ্নের জবাবে নৌমন্ত্রী বলেন, ‘মৃতপ্রায় নদী পুনরুদ্ধারে প্রায় ১২ হাজার কোটি টাকা ব্যয়ে ৫৩টি নৌপথ খনন করা হবে। প্রথম পর্যায়ে ২৪টি নৌপথ খনন এবং ৫০৮ কোটি টাকা ব্যয়ে ১২টি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ নৌপথ খননের কাজ চলমান। বিশ্বব্যাংকের সহায়তায় প্রায় ৩ হাজার ২০০ কোটি টাকা ব্যয়ে নৌ-টার্মিনাল নির্মাণসহ চট্টগ্রাম-ঢাকা-আশুগঞ্জ ও সংযুক্ত ৯০০ কিলোমিটার নৌপথে ক্যাপিটাল ড্রেজিং করা হবে। এ ছাড়া ১৪টি ল্যান্ডিং স্টেশন উন্নয়ন, ৬টি ভেসেল সাইক্লোন শেল্টার, ৬টি প্যাসেঞ্জার টার্মিনাল, ২টি কার্গো টার্মিনাল এবং ৩০০ কিলোমিটার নেভিগেশনাল এইড স্থাপন করা হবে। ’
Patuakhali to get biggest naval base with aviation facilities.
After becoming a three-dimensional force, the Bangladesh Navy will set up a new, full-fledged naval base at Rabnabad in Patuakhali, the biggest of its kind in the country.
Not only will the new naval base have facilities for submarine berthing and aviation, it will bolster the fighting fleet. The Navy’s own air base, too, will be constructed there.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has already given her consent to set up the proposed full-fledged naval base, named ‘BNS Sher-E-Bangla’, near the Payra Seaport at Rabnabad area of Patuakhali, disclosed sources in the government.
The government is going to set up the proposed naval base at a time when a new cantonment is going to be set up for the Bangladesh Army at Lebukhali area in Patuakhali.
The proposed naval base at the area will help ensure the security of the country’s maritime areas, especially in the Bay of Bengal, for extracting sea resources and securing trade.
The proposed naval base is being set up by the Navy as part of its implementation of its ‘Force Goal 2030’.
The Navy has already prepared a master-plan to strengthen the force further with a view to ensuring the security of 1,18,813 sq. km of sea territory. Of the 1,18,813 sq. km of its sea territory, Bangladesh has got 70,000 sq. km from Myanmar and 19,000 sq. km from India, which comprise the territorial sea and an exclusive economic zone extending out to 200 nautical miles.
Under the master-plan, the Navy will purchase more warships and helicopters and set up more naval bases. In 2013, the Navy purchased two Dornier 228NG (new generation) patrol aircraft for surveillance at sea. It has carried out search operations in the deep sea using the aircraft..
old news
LPC Build images.....just keep mum about the whereabouts and details please....




@Nilgiri @Loafer I don't remember whom I had a discussion regarding modular construction of ships in bd after one of you were trashing bd's ship building techniques... and refused to believe when I said shipyards observe modular construction nowadays than keel laying traditional ones. Some pics here....
@Nilgiri @Loafer I don't remember whom I had a discussion regarding modular construction of ships in bd after one of you were trashing bd's ship building techniques... and refused to believe when I said shipyards observe modular construction nowadays than keel laying traditional ones. Some pics here....

These are smaller modules
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