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Bangladesh Navy indigenous Frigate development program.

BD DEFINITELY has a requirement for around 12 4,000 tonne VLS missile frigates. It needs huge conventional forces to safeguard it's sovereignty in a tough neighbourhood.

I am sceptical that BD can start construction by next year as the largest military ships that it has built so far is the 648 tonne Durjoy class patrol craft. However, BD has a thriving civilian shipbuilding industry that can build ships up to around 10,000 tonnes. So it may seem a stretch, with massive Chinese technical assistance, maybe it can be done by 2018.

Whether construction starts next year or a little later, this is inevitable as "Forces Goal 2030" aims for large and modern conventional forces to build a military that can safeguard the interests of around 200 million people.

@Chinese-Dragon ; @ChineseTiger1986 ; @wanglaokan and any other Chinese input would be most appreciated.
Bruh, if the Burmese could do it, why can't we? :D
Bruh, if the Burmese could do it, why can't we? :D
By competing with each other you folks are putting India under even more pressure!!! I think the Indians want to keep a 3 to 1 advantage over her smaller neighbors. Even BD folks were complaining that if they put one battalion at the border, Indians put 3!!! The way BD and Burma are arming themselves, and that too under the Chinese patronage, I don't know how India can keep up with the math!??!!?? By the by, the Burmese army is their deep state with extensive economic strongholds and the Chinese connections!!!
BD Navy building a VLS guided frigate is like crying for moon . I don't think BD will even buy guided frigates from china for pretty much amount of time let alone producing them at home that too from 2018 .
Why it is crying for moon? All the symptoms show BD will build the guided missile frigates in its own land with Chinese assistance to design the body and getting all the technical goods.
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This will be great if true.

However, BD is yet to buid even corvette sized warships and so it may be too much to jump to frigates by next year.

You have a point however that did not stop Pakistan to build F-22P Zulfiquar class frigate with hardly any other recent large local builds except PN Azmat Class (~500 tons) which was smaller than Bangladesh Navy LPC Durgam/Nishan Class (~650 tons) built locally. PN Azmat class missile boat was of course a lot smaller than a corvette (our BN C13B corvette is ~1350 tons).

Our private sector routinely builds modern export vessels with digital orbital controls as well as water-jet drives, some as large as 8000 tons plus. Building a frigate would be a new project locally - but hardly revolutionary for our shipbuilders, even govt. ones.

I believe F-22P Zulfiquar class frigate was a build conducted with 'help' from China as well. Though help of what extent we know not.

Maybe someone with knowledge of Pakistan Navy operations will elaborate in brief without giving away too much.

BN: Shipyards by size

KSY-2: 200 acres

KSY: 69 acres

CDDL: 48 acres

DEW: 22 acres courtesy : bdmilitary .

interesting thing is we are going to use CDDL facility for our indigenous Frigate instead of largest facility of KSY .

There are plans for other additional LPC and auxiliary builds at KSY, there is a reason for the huge land acquisition at KSY-2. There may be export builds attempted there as well.

we think also same . even our ship building industry ( we have license build agosta , F22 , numerous missile boats ,fleet tanker) is more mature then you and we are also facing a bigger threat . But what have we got , Old Perry Frigates , VLS less F22 and most probably going to get VLS less Ada . Lol , systems are not procured and made in nights . BD Navy building a VLS guided frigate is like crying for moon . I don't think BD will even buy guided frigates from china for pretty much amount of time let alone producing them at home that too from 2018 .

With all due respect brother - you need to learn about our capability. With the exception of submarine builds, Bangladesh has completed more builds in its own yards, both in numbers and quality than 99% of nations its size and development stage.

East Pakistan was supposed to be the shipbuilding hub of Pakistan - we have a huge number of yards. This is not a bad thing for Pakistan. As a brotherly Muslim country, you should be congratulating us. :-)
we think also same . even our ship building industry ( we have license build agosta , F22 , numerous missile boats ,fleet tanker) is more mature then you and we are also facing a bigger threat . But what have we got , Old Perry Frigates , VLS less F22 and most probably going to get VLS less Ada . Lol , systems are not procured and made in nights . BD Navy building a VLS guided frigate is like crying for moon . I don't think BD will even buy guided frigates from china for pretty much amount of time let alone producing them at home that too from 2018 .

BD Navy building a VLS guided frigate is like crying for moon . I don't think BD will even buy guided frigates from china for pretty much amount of time let alone producing them at home that too from 2018 .
Lemme inform U that CTG Dry dock and Khulna Shipyard had been built during Ayub era that had top-notch Naval Architect even in 80s and by now BN and BD's Ship building capacity have grown by many folds. So, yes with Chinese help, BN can build VLS guided frigate like BDeshis are building more complex Padma Bridge right now. Infect, complexity in VLS is miniscule compare to building a bridge like Padma's one.
View attachment 403450 Bangladesh navy has taken initiative to build indigenous frigate with support from China. First frigate construction will start from 2018 . Navy has plan to have at least 12 guided missile frigate the figure could rise to 16 . This frigate will equiped with 32 VLS for medium range LY-80N Sam C-803 cruise missile and other modern equipment.

It shall be very interesting to see with what sort of vessel BD come up with. If they can build that than it shall be truly remarkable. My best wishes.
Bangladesh Navy To Build 6 Guided Missile Frigates Indigenously

In line with Armed Forces Goal 2030 modernization program, the Bangladesh Navy has vowed to build its warships indigenously from its shipyards across the country, instead of completely relying on foreign ship builders.

Chittagong Dry Dock Limited, one of the three shipyards operated by the Bangladesh Navy, has taken up a project to build 6 guided missile frigates, which if as planned will be indigenously built, Bangladesh Military Forces website bdmilitary.com reported Friday.

Chittagong port is also expected to manufacture smaller patrol vessels for the country’s coast guard in technical cooperation with an Italian shipbuilding giant.

The other two Navy shipyards – Khulna shipyard and Dockyard & Engineering works will also be assigned unnamed projects.

The Bangladeshi Navy has a number of vessels and aircraft on order which ranges from old U.S. Coast Guard cutters and indigenously built patrol vessels, to Chinese built/refurbished corvettes and a budding new aviation wing comprising a handful of helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. The Navy also has two Chinese Ming-class submarines on order, due to be delivered by 2019 which will give the force some serious offensive firepower.
Bangladesh Navy To Build 6 Guided Missile Frigates Indigenously

In line with Armed Forces Goal 2030 modernization program, the Bangladesh Navy has vowed to build its warships indigenously from its shipyards across the country, instead of completely relying on foreign ship builders.

Chittagong Dry Dock Limited, one of the three shipyards operated by the Bangladesh Navy, has taken up a project to build 6 guided missile frigates, which if as planned will be indigenously built, Bangladesh Military Forces website bdmilitary.com reported Friday.

Chittagong port is also expected to manufacture smaller patrol vessels for the country’s coast guard in technical cooperation with an Italian shipbuilding giant.

The other two Navy shipyards – Khulna shipyard and Dockyard & Engineering works will also be assigned unnamed projects.

The Bangladeshi Navy has a number of vessels and aircraft on order which ranges from old U.S. Coast Guard cutters and indigenously built patrol vessels, to Chinese built/refurbished corvettes and a budding new aviation wing comprising a handful of helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. The Navy also has two Chinese Ming-class submarines on order, due to be delivered by 2019 which will give the force some serious offensive firepower.

What is that? BN ordered 2 more mings? not Song-class??!!! :o::o:
By competing with each other you folks are putting India under even more pressure!!! I think the Indians want to keep a 3 to 1 advantage over her smaller neighbors. Even BD folks were complaining that if they put one battalion at the border, Indians put 3!!! The way BD and Burma are arming themselves, and that too under the Chinese patronage, I don't know how India can keep up with the math!??!!?? By the by, the Burmese army is their deep state with extensive economic strongholds and the Chinese connections!!!

that's a good point you've noticed, brother....
there's even a competition existing in Bangladesh with Pakistan.... some Pakistanis challenge Bangladeshis regarding what Bangladesh has achieved by seceding from Pakistan..... that type of challenge makes Bangladeshis more determined to do better.... after all, you have to justify your million-man-loss war of independence.... from the economic and social standpoint, Bangladesh has achieved a lot, but from military industry perspective, it still is way behind Pakistan..... and that gap, some influential people here think should be plugged....
of course this puts India in tight corner, since India always wanted distance between Bangladesh and Pakistan.... now, even distance is creating trouble for them!! :taz:

Bangladesh Navy To Build 6 Guided Missile Frigates Indigenously
Our Bureau
03:43 PM, July 14, 2017


Bangladesh Navy To Build 6 Guided Missile Frigates Indigenously

In line with Armed Forces Goal 2030 modernization program, the Bangladesh Navy has vowed to build its warships indigenously from its shipyards across the country, instead of completely relying on foreign ship builders.

Chittagong Dry Dock Limited, one of the three shipyards operated by the Bangladesh Navy, has taken up a project to build 6 guided missile frigates, which if as planned will be indigenously built, Bangladesh Military Forces website bdmilitary.com reported Friday.

Chittagong port is also expected to manufacture smaller patrol vessels for the country’s coast guard in technical cooperation with an Italian shipbuilding giant.

The other two Navy shipyards – Khulna shipyard and Dockyard & Engineering works will also be assigned unnamed projects.

The Bangladeshi Navy has a number of vessels and aircraft on order which ranges from old U.S. Coast Guard cutters and indigenously built patrol vessels, to Chinese built/refurbished corvettes and a budding new aviation wing comprising a handful of helicopters and fixed wing aircraft.

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