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Bangladesh Navy got new warship ‘Surma’ - Made in Bangladesh.

you know last time you argued with me, i shut your mouth. do study on these issues before say something

Buddy, you did not shut me. I slammed a door to your face by admitting my mistake and gave a source that I was wrong on something. But, you on the other-hand did not even realize that you had a door slammed to your face....:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
Thanks for the list with no source information. So far, good sources were found for many items on the list. However, there are items which no source was found except for Fanboy things. For example: No source were found for F-22B, Hydrographic Survey ship (Indigenous), LCU, Salvage ship (Indigenous), 12x Patrol boats (Indigenous), 3x Z-9C, 2x Type 056 corvette, 3x guided missile frigates in addition to the couple ordered from (China / South Korea), New generation of light and heavy Torpedoes (EU + China).

This is a follow-on post

I have found some source confirming or rumoring or mentioning some of the items in your list:

2x Jianghu-III guided missile frigate (China):

Dhaka to talk frigate purchase with Beijing
China Defense Blog: Jianghu class FFG535 Huangshi and 536 Wuhu decommissioned today.

2x 600 ton large patrol craft/missile corvette (China):

UNBconnect... - China-built

1x Hydrographic Survey ship (UK):
Former officer's warning as three more of our Navy ships are sold off | This is Devon

1x Fleet Replenishment Oil Tanker (Indigenous):


5x Patrol boats (Indigenous):


2x Submarine (Turkey / Germany / South Korea / China):

Bangladesh Navy to buy its first submarines: PM | AAJ News

Bangladesh Navy plans to procure two submarines - Naval Technology

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - China set to build for Bangladesh large patrol craft with modern missiles
Congratulations to Bangladesh :tup:

By the way the name SURMA , reminds me of an Bollywood Macho character SURMA BHOPALI ;)

In case of BD, Surma is the name of a river in our NE. Padma is also the same. I think, river names will be used for the remaining other FACs, too.
actually total 12, 5 patrol vessel and 7 corvette according to the project.

AMI International report says of a total of 25 units of Patrol Boats. You can check the link below, perhaps you have not read it properly when it was discussed in Bangladesh Navy thread. Thing is, why some expert (not you) should think that BN will stop at building only a TINY number of 5 units of very small-size PBs whereas the number of frigates will top one dozen, corvettes almost the same. Then there are good number of OPVs. So, why only the PBs should be five?

Some people really lacks imagination and frequently ask for links. Any Navy inducts more number of smaller and easy to operate PBs and FACs than the bigger ships which are used only during a real war, and sometimes in exercises.

It is obvious that BN's immediate target is to build 5 units and to build a total of 25 or more PBs in the near future. I ask these negative-minded people what is so wrong with this assumption? Of course, I cannot supply him a link for my assumption, sorry.

AMI International report says of a total of 25 units of FACs. You can check the link below, perhaps you have not read it properly when it was discussed in Bangladesh Navy thread. Thing is, why some expert (not you) should think that BN will stop at building only a TINY number of 5 units of very small-size FACs whereas the number of frigates will top one dozen, corvettes almost the same. Then there are good number of OPVs. So, why only the FACS should be five?

Some people really lacks imagination and frequently ask for links. Any Navy inducts more number of smaller and easy to operate FACs than the bigger ships which are used only during a real war, and sometimes in exercises.

It is obvious that BN's immediate target is to build 5 units and to build a total of 25 FACs or more in the near future. I ask these negative-minded people what is so wrong with this assumption? Of course, I cannot supply him a link for my assumption, sorry.


i have the pdf file , dam i did not notice it :D
Yeah! like you are the Admiral of Bangladesh navy and you know what is the plan....:omghaha::omghaha:

By the tone of your writing it seems the GoB has recently appointed you the Admiral of BN. Do not insult others, you have no right. You are a good contributor, but you like to showcase yourself with arrogant words. Note, it is only a discussion forum.

BN, the GoB do not provide information the same as done in India or Pakistan. Many people get information from their private sources in the military. You have to understand that. You are not a teacher here to scold any one at ease, because no one is your pupil here. So, stay within the limit of good manner.
By the tone of your writing it seems the GoB has recently appointed you the Admiral of BN. Do not insult others, you have no right. You are a good contributor, but you like to showcase yourself with arrogant words. Note, it is only a discussion forum. BN, the GoB do not provide information same as done in India or Pakistan.

Many people get information from their private sources in the military. You have to understand that. You are not a teacher here to scold any one at ease because no one is your pupil here. So, stay within the limit of good manner.

those stupids do not learn, while he was arguing with me about those purchases, he would simple write in google 'bangladesh navy modernization program' and would get most of those info.
Here is what AMI International says about the present and future procurement of BN. A person can get quite an elaborate information on BN procurement program here in this link. No need to refer to some unreliable Swedish source and talking bla bla.

I do not think BN will suddenly change its course and go for weapons listed by the Swedish. However, like other two military organs of BD, BN is also very secretive. So, we have to depend upon reliable foreign sources.


Hot News
March 2013
Naval Market Forecast Newsletter

Fleet Renewal in Full Swing

As of mid-March 2013, AMI continues to receive information in regards to the Bangladesh Navy (BN) modernization efforts. These developments fulfill the requirements for a three dimensional naval force consisting of air, surface and subsurface units that was announced by the Minister of Defense in 2009.

Continuing and new projects are as follows:

A) Type 056 Corvette: Source indicates that Wuchan Shipyard in China began construction on the first two units on 08 January 2013. Additional units (at least two) will be built in Bangladesh's Khulna Shipyard (KSY).

B) South Korean Corvette: Source indicates that that the BN ordered two South Korean corvettes with delivery scheduled for 2013. These corvettes could be additional Ulsan I class frigates of which one was built for the BN in 2000. (A second possibility is) it could also be a scaled down version of the Incheon (FFX) class being built for the Republic of Korea Navy (ROKN).

A third possibility is that these vessels could be used Ulsan class frigates or Pohang class corvettes that will be retiring from the ROKN over the next several years as the Incheon class begin entering service. AMI is attempting to verify this information and will update this article as appropriate.

C) 64-Meter Fast Attack Craft (FAC): The first two 64-Meter FAC built at Wuchang Shipyard in China were commissioned into the BN as the BNS Durjoy (P811) and BNS Nirmul (P812). Source indicates that six additional units will be built in the country at KSY.

Information received on 17 September 2012 indicated that the BN increased 64-Meter FAC program from four hulls to eight. The first unit of the additional four hulls is expected to be ordered by the end of 2013.

D) 50-Meter Patrol Boat: On 22 January 2013, the first 50-Meter patrol boat built at KSY, BNS Padma (P312), was commissioned. AMI estimates that 24 additional units of the Chinese designed patrol vessel will be built at KSY through the end of the decade.

E) Used Vessel Transactions: The BN is expected to take delivery of two used Chinese Type 053H2 frigates that were offered in late 2012. These will supplement the BN's aging surface force until Type 056 corvettes are delivered.

F) F22P Frigates: The BN may also order the larger F22P frigates in the next decade following completion of the Type 056 program and the 62-Meter FAC program.

G) Song Class Submarines: Sources continue to state that the BN will procure diesel-electric attack submarines (SSK) from China. The latest information suggests that up to US$1B has been provided for the program. AMI believes that two used Chinese Song class SSKs could be the candidates for this program.

Bangladesh is reportedly training submarine crews in Turkey. Assuming that the US$1B funding figure is correct, this could entail the purchase of two used Song class followed by two new construction submarines after 2020, possibly the Yuan class.
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