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Bangladesh Military Thread

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BTW, i was wondering do we have helos capable of anti-submarine warfare....??

Any ideas....

As with all such threads, does anyone even know what the envisaged force structure for the BAF really is? Has the BAF command ever talked about how many sqns they require and of what capabilities?

Its always nice to throw numbers of all sorts of aircraft here and there, realistically, most air forces look for a mix of inventory to offset cost and other limitations.

Why would BAF want to go for Su-30 variants? Does BAF really require such aircraft with such extended endurance that comes along with a fairly expensive and tedious logistic issues? Maybe they do, however I do not see anyone talking about the posture. The discussion around the posture of the BAF should bring about the discussion of inventory. When you talk about a certain type, what role is it to fulfil?

Just a few thoughts!
As with all such threads, does anyone even know what the envisaged force structure for the BAF really is? Has the BAF command ever talked about how many sqns they require and of what capabilities?

Well sir, not really...our BAF command have not been vocal ANYTIME about how many squadrons they require and of what capabilities....

Its always nice to throw numbers of all sorts of aircraft here and there, realistically, most air forces look for a mix of inventory to offset cost and other limitations.

You must be well aware of the fact that our command or the government does not talk much about any sort of procurement...and even if they do....they do not disclose much information regarding its price, quantity, when will it be bought and other miscellaneous information....

And our inventory is not fertile as of IAF and PAF....all we have is F-7, F-7 BG (upgraded locally), L-39 light attack, Mig-29...and for transport AN-32 and C-130....so its not much of a mixture....mainly all russian and chinese built.....

Why would BAF want to go for Su-30 variants? Does BAF really require such aircraft with such extended endurance that comes along with a fairly expensive and tedious logistic issues? Maybe they do, however I do not see anyone talking about the posture. The discussion around the posture of the BAF should bring about the discussion of inventory. When you talk about a certain type, what role is it to fulfil?

That is a sad thing you have pointed out correctly Sir....most of our members spend more of their time in topics of politics and economy rather than defence....you are a moderator and you can see everything that is going on in the section....

However, the fact remains that sooner or later BAF has to go for costly and good planes....and our economy is doing good ALhamdullillah....i guess SU-30 and its varients could be a good prospect, partly because we have experience flying russian fighters and partly to counter Burma's move of 20 new Mig-29s....as Bangladesh has a small airspace and considering the fact that we need to provide air cover for our expanding navy....Sukhois could be a good option....

Annual BAF exercise begins today

A two-day long 'LIVEX', the main part of the annual exercise of Bangladesh Air Force titled 'Wintex-2010', will start today.
On this occasion, different types of BAF helicopters, fighter and transport aircrafts will fly in the airspace of the country specially over Dhaka, Chittagong, Jessore and adjacent areas from sunrise to sunset today and tomorrow, said an ISPR press release.
In this context, people have been requested to be conscious during BAF exercise.

:: The Daily Independent Bangladesh :.. Internet Edition
An old video....but still posting it....enjoy!!!

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BN received the Reobuck Hydrographic Ship....posting some close-in pics of it....was of when it was in service with the Royal navy....





Scorpion Electronic CounterMeasures (ECM) system, Naval active and passive countermeasures systems and defensive aids suites (DAS) - Bangladesh Navy


Shipborne noise and deception jamming system.


The baseline 7.5 to 18 GHz band Scorpion radar jammer is designed to counter both long-range search target acquisition and missile seeker radars (operating in search and lock-on modes) and is claimed to be able to counter salvos of sea-skimming missiles over a 'wide' angle and a 'wide' frequency range. The system is lightweight, high power and uses 'state-of-the-art' jamming techniques. It has undergone trials on board ships in the Baltic and North Sea and has shown itself capable of dealing with multiple targets and 'highly sophisticated' airborne radars. It can be integrated with Thales' Cutlass and Cutlass 242 Electronic Support (ES) systems together with ES equipments from other suppliers. When teamed with the Cutlass ES system, the latter's library can incorporate customer defined jamming response codes for each known threat. Detected threats are prioritised and segregated from the general signals environment by baseline Scorpion's integral pulse repetition interval tracking circuitry. Here, received pulse trains are de-interleaved to establish time-of-arrival data for use in the system's pulse prediction circuits. The data are then fed through a techniques generator to a fast tuning voltage controlled oscillator, whose output is fed to a high-power amplifier for transmission. Baseline Scorpion can generate 10 types of jamming modulation including continuous and burst noise, cover pulse noise, synchronised railing and false targets. The system can handle multiple threats simultaneously, with each target being treated to a time domain managed mix of the 10 jamming modulations.

How well trained is the Army of Bangladesh? What about the Navy and Air Force? I know that we do not exactly have the newest and shiniest toys, but given the resources we have, how are our armed forces? Anyone have an idea? :)
How well trained is the Army of Bangladesh? What about the Navy and Air Force? I know that we do not exactly have the newest and shiniest toys, but given the resources we have, how are our armed forces? Anyone have an idea? :)

I think, since we have peace keepers in UN missions so our army is well trained. And there is no doubt that our air, navy and army personnels are very talent and have well reputation.

Why not trying wiki for the most basic infos and the external links from those pages. :

Bangladesh Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bangladesh Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bangladesh Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Official site of Air Force: [ Bangladesh Air Force ]

Official site of Navy: ::Bangladesh Navy::

Official site of Army: Bangladesh Army
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How well trained is the Army of Bangladesh? What about the Navy and Air Force? I know that we do not exactly have the newest and shiniest toys, but given the resources we have, how are our armed forces? Anyone have an idea? :)

No doubt our armed forces are very well trained and maintain a very strong professionalism....

Our army is the largest branch...followed by navy and then air force....you must have noticed the recent procurements by the government for the navy, clearly expressing the intent that GoB has to develop the navy into a deterrent force....i also have been posting some related news, you can follow them at your will....moreover, apart from practicing conventional form of warfare, our army also trains on unconventional method with logistical support....hence surely they are skilled....

Air force, however, requires new and better birds....nothing recently has been expressed about the air force....so we need to wait and watch....

PM renews commitment to modernize armed forces

Dhaka, Jul 5: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Monday renewed her government’s commitment to ensure higher training for members of the armed forces and procure modern weapons and equipments for their modernizations.

Addressing a function at the Headquarters of the President Guard Regiment (PGR) marking its 35th founding anniversary, Hasina said all steps will be taken so that Bangladesh can send more troops to the UN peace keeping missions.

PGR Commandant Brig Gen Humayun Khaled also spoke on the occasion attended by Ministers, MPs and chiefs of the three services.

Praising performances of the PGR members, the Prime Minister called upon the PGR members to continue their training and acquire professional excellence with high skill, discipline and loyalty.

She recalled with deep gratitude the PGR members who in the past sacrificed their lives while performing their duties. She also assured the armed forces’ members of taking necessary measures to remove their housing problems.

About her government’s vision to turn Bangladesh into a modern digital one, the Prime Minister vowed to serve the people’s interests at any cost.

“By voting us to power, the people have reposed a great responsibility on us. They have kept faith and trust on us. We will have to honor their trust at any cost,” Hasina said.

She said the government started its journey with the ‘charter of change’ for the wellbeing of the people and the nation.

Hasina recalled that when the present government took the office, the country was facing severe power crisis, high price of essentials and impacts of global economic recession.

The Prime Minister listed several programs of her previous government including introducing rice instead of bread in day-time meal for soldiers and treatment facilities for their parents and family members irrespective of their ranks.

She also mentioned her government’s initiatives to build a 500-bed hospital along with the Armed Forces Medical College to ensure medical facilities for family members of the armed forces.

Hasina said although the hospital was not established afterwards, now the government is determined to build the hospital.

The Prime Minister said the present government has implemented various programs like equalizing ration for the Army with the Air Force and the Navy and increasing daily allowance of the JCOs and other ranks for their temporary duties.

Besides, she said the government has increased daily allowance of the army to Tk 20 from Tk nine for their duty of civil power as well as LPR duration and financial benefit from four months to six months for the JCO and other ranks.

Steps have also been taken to provide collateral-free loan to the soldiers from the Trust Bank so that they can refurbish their houses during their two months annual leave, she added.

Pointing to poor housing condition of the soldiers, Hasina said the government is contemplating to increase housing facilities for them within the cantonment area.

The Prime Minister said the government has also introduced low-cost and free telephone facilities for the Bangladeshi UN peacekeepers so they can easily talk to their family members from abroad.

Mentioning the difficulties faced by the Bangladesh Army with the foreign forces for their ranks of colonial era like ‘Nayek’ and ‘Hawildar’ Hasina said this had also been worked out to overcome the problems.

Hasina recalled with gratitude Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who established the PGR.

She, however, regretted that Bangabandhu could not see formal functions of the PGR for the tragic incident of August 15, 1975.

Hasina advised the PGR in particular to continue their training programs, saying that there is no alternative to this for acquiring knowledge and enhancing proficiency.

She expressed the hope that the PGR would continue their endeavor in the future for ensuring foolproof security to the heads of state and government with their sincerity and devotion.

Earlier, the Prime Minister inspected the Quarter Guard and took salute from the smartly turned out contingent of the PGR at the PGR Headquarter.

She met with relatives of the martyred soldiers who laid down their lives while on duty in the past and distributed gifts among them.

Source:UNB/July 5,2010

:: The Daily Independent Bangladesh :.. Internet Edition
President for increasing strength of PGR

DHAKA, Jul 5: President Zillur Rahman today said he has a plan to further increase the strength of his elite 'President Guard Regiment (PGR)' considering the importance and extent of their duty.

He said while addressing the Darbar of PGR at Shaheed Captain Hafiz Hall at PGR Headquarters in Dhaka Cantonment to mark its 35 founding anniversary.

PGR members are discharging their duties by providing physical security to the heads of the state and government of the country, and heads of the state and government of other countries while they visit Bangladesh and also any VIP declared by the government.

During the Darbar, President Zillur Rahman asked the members of PGR to continue their duties showing highest skill of professionalism and firm confidence.

"I hope you will perform your duties showing firm loyalty to the leadership," he said.

The President said that he was impressed to see the integrity, devotion and above all sense of discipline and professional efficiency of all PGR members while discharging their duties by risking their lives.

Terming the duties of PGR as prestigious but risky, the President said range and arena of duties of PGR have increased against the demand of time and the manpower of regiment has been increased accordingly.

"Besides, I have a plan to further increase the strength of the regiment," he said.

President Zillur Rahman also recalled with deep respect to the greatest Bengalee of all times Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who established PGR this day in 1975 by recruiting smart officers and soldiers from Bangladesh Army.

The President hoped that PGR would continue the standard of this prestigious regiment in future and also participated in nation building activities along with their regular duties," he said.

Chief of three services, PGR Commandant, high military and civil officials were also present on the occasion.

Source:BSS/July 5,2010

:: The Daily Independent Bangladesh :.. Internet Edition
It is a news of January 2010....I am posting it as i believe members can find some new information regarding our defence....

I am just posting the main part
....for full story, visit the link....


Dynamics of China-Bangladesh relations

The growing military relations between China and Bangladesh have regional security implications, says the anaylist

....Whatever are the political ifs and buts, Hasina government cannot gloss over the reality that Bangladesh armed forces are dependent on China’s military hardware. The Army is equipped with Chinese tanks, the Navy with Chinese frigates and missile boats, and the Air Force with Chinese fighter jets. Both countries have a defence cooperation agreement in place since 2002. It covers military training and defence production also.

In 2006, China supplied 65 artillery guns and 114 missile and related systems. Most of the tanks (T-59, T-62, T-69 and T-79), armoured personnel carriers (APCs), artillery pieces, small arms and personal weapons in the Bangladesh army are of Chinese origin. Plans are afoot to acquire 155mm PLZ-45/Type -88 (including transfer of technology) and 122mm Type-96 as well as MBRLS from China by 2011.

The Chinese wares with the Bangladesh Navy are truly wide-ranging. These raise questions on the scope, direction and intentions of Bangladesh navy. The Chinese platforms in its possession include the 053-H1 Jianghu I class frigates with 4x HY2 missiles, Huang Feng Class missile boats, Type-024 missile boats, Huchuan and P-4 class torpedo boats, Hainan class sub chasers, Shanghai class gun boats and Yuchin class LCUs.

The BNS Khalid Bin Walid has been retrofitted with HQ-7 SAM from China. Admiral Zhang Lianzhong, former Commander of PLA Navy had promised during a one-on-one meeting with his Bangladesh counterpart full cooperation in the sophisticated naval management.

In so far the Air Force is concerned, it has been getting steady supplies from 1977 – the year Bangladesh-China relations graduated from a state of total negation into which the ties were pushed as a result of China siding with Pakistan during the ‘Liberation War’ in 1971 and using veto to block the new nation’s entry into the UN. It has thus far received 16 F-7BGs, F7 and Q 5 fighters and PT 6 trainers.

Bangladesh set up a missile launch pad near the Chittagong Port with assistance from China. The maiden test was carried out on May 12, 2008 with active participation of Chinese experts. Land attack anti-ship cruise missile C-802A was test fired shortly afterwards from the frigate, BNS Osman near Kutubdia island in the Bay of Bengal. This missile is said to have a strike range of 120kms.

What strikes the test is the Chinese signature. BNS Osman (commissioned 1989) is a 1500-ton Chinese built Jianghu class warship. The C-802A missile is a modified version of Chinese Ying Ji-802 (western version SACCADE). The weight was reduced from 815kg to 715 kg to increase the strike range.....

Policy Research Group - Dynamics of China-Bangladesh relations

For full story....check the link....

No doubt our armed forces are very well trained and maintain a very strong professionalism....

Our army is the largest branch...followed by navy and then air force....you must have noticed the recent procurements by the government for the navy, clearly expressing the intent that GoB has to develop the navy into a deterrent force....i also have been posting some related news, you can follow them at your will....moreover, apart from practicing conventional form of warfare, our army also trains on unconventional method with logistical support....hence surely they are skilled....

Air force, however, requires new and better birds....nothing recently has been expressed about the air force....so we need to wait and watch....


Well, it's great to know that our armed forces are well-trained. But how do our forces (all three) compare on the international scale when it comes to training and skill? Specifically to UK, USA, India and Pakistan. Is the training that our forces receive rigorous and harder than most countries? I'm interested in knowing this because we do not have the shiniest toys that other militaries have, so I would like to know how we would do against another country in war, hypothetically of course.
Well, it's great to know that our armed forces are well-trained. But how do our forces (all three) compare on the international scale when it comes to training and skill? Specifically to UK, USA, India and Pakistan. Is the training that our forces receive rigorous and harder than most countries? I'm interested in knowing this because we do not have the shiniest toys that other militaries have, so I would like to know how we would do against another country in war, hypothetically of course.

Well, it might not be right to compare the army's training and skill with those countries you mentioned here....mainly because you dont know how they run their stuffs....hence making a false assumption would not be practical either....

However, there are certain indicative factors that we may take into consideration....i have heard from many people that the training our armed forces undergo is very rigorous and perspiring....one day, here in Dubai, i met a military officer of the UAE Army at a party....while talking to him about his profession, he came to know that i am from Bangladesh....then what he told me was that, he and some other officers from the UAE Army were in Bangladesh for training as they regularly visit there for courses and exercises....and he was very amazed by the level of rigorous training our armies have and said it was a very hard-work for them....they do not have such level of exercises and trainings here in UAE and it was totally a fruitful tour....

I think that can give you some help....

Coming on to Air force and Navy....you must have noticed that our navy is regularly having joint exercises with the US Navy....six-seven have already been done this year...and one is going on (Ex Tiger Shark 3)....they are mainly for combat improvement, damage control, tactics innovation and off course, training our special force SWADs....as a matter of fact, our SWADs are also train with South Korean SEALs....so you can guess the level of exposure/skills our forces get....Our pilots are well trained too and they take part in all the exercises along with the navy....just that we lack some good birds....inshAllah that problem will soon be solved....

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