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Bangladesh Military prepares for a WAR against Myanmar

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BANGLADESH ARMY deployed on Myanmar border

Various English and Bangla newspapers have reported that the Bangladesh Army has been deployed on the Bangladesh-Myanmar border after Myanmar Army troops started pouring in reinforcements.

Army deployed its troops on Myanmar border on Sunday afternoon following the ongoing tense between the two neighbouring countries over intrusion of Bangladesh maritime boundary by Myanmar navy for oil and gas exploration.

An unknown number of troops, equipped with heavy firearms, has taken position along with Myanmar border at Narikel Bariya Barack under Ramu Upazila of Cox's Bazar.

Earlier, Myanmar started reinforcing its border troops at Mongu of Arakan State on Cox's Bazar border from Saturday.

Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) also issued red alert in Bandarban and Cox's Bazar districts following the Myanmar measurers.

According to BDR sources, the paramilitary forces have been put on alert in Rezu, Chakdhala, Asadtali, Fultali, Lebuchhari, Dhumdhum, Amtali, Tamru and Ukhia borders in the two districts.

Local sources said BDR also alerted people living in the border areas apprehending untoward incidents. A number of schools in the areas were vacated and BDR troops took positions there.
BANGLADESH ARMY deployed on Myanmar border

Various English and Bangla newspapers have reported that the Bangladesh Army has been deployed on the Bangladesh-Myanmar border after Myanmar Army troops started pouring in reinforcements.

Army deployed its troops on Myanmar border on Sunday afternoon following the ongoing tense between the two neighbouring countries over intrusion of Bangladesh maritime boundary by Myanmar navy for oil and gas exploration.

An unknown number of troops, equipped with heavy firearms, has taken position along with Myanmar border at Narikel Bariya Barack under Ramu Upazila of Cox's Bazar.

Earlier, Myanmar started reinforcing its border troops at Mongu of Arakan State on Cox's Bazar border from Saturday.

Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) also issued red alert in Bandarban and Cox's Bazar districts following the Myanmar measurers.

According to BDR sources, the paramilitary forces have been put on alert in Rezu, Chakdhala, Asadtali, Fultali, Lebuchhari, Dhumdhum, Amtali, Tamru and Ukhia borders in the two districts.

Local sources said BDR also alerted people living in the border areas apprehending untoward incidents. A number of schools in the areas were vacated and BDR troops took positions there.

now Myanmar has to pay for the advantage they took over our Military...:guns::sniper::guns:
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there is some serius war or just show time i think war will never happen there
I agree. There is little chance of a war.

And its just as well. The last thing the poor countries of South Asia need is war.
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Well at least a stand off until the Myanmar delegation comes to Bangladesh on 16-17 November to discuss the boundary issue.
Bangladesh is entitled to claim 200nm of sea area as its EEZ and all living and non-living resources within these areas are exclusively the property of Bangladesh.

India has mapped out a line up to Andaman incorporating Bangladeshi EEZ and CS waters.

Andaman is not 200nm from India or BD.

Do u have specific neutral sources indicating India is incorporating BD's EEZ into its own EEZ. This sounds like typical Journalist BS to me.

As for CS, it has still not been defined for India, BD and Myanmar. So where is the question of treading into BD waters by both countries. The claims for CS is not valid until it is approved by UN bodies, which is 2011. Until then war over CS waters is illegal.
So BD is expected to wait till 2011 and allow India and Myanmar to drill and set up permanent platforms and then when the boundaries are finalized in 4 years time we find all these structures within our CZ's and EEZ's. I don't think so. BD will not accept a fait accompli.
Tension lessens in Bay, mounts on border

Star Report

Bangladesh and Myanmar continue to mobilise troops along the border although the tension over Myanmar's attempt to explore oil and gas in Bangladesh waters in the Bay of Bengal seems to be dying down.

Meanwhile, Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the crisis in the Bay ended following the withdrawal of the fossil fuel exploration rig of Korean company Daewoo Saturday afternoon.

The negotiations over the issue resulted in a win-win situation for both Bangladesh and Myanmar, Foreign Adviser Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury told reporters at the ministry yesterday.

"Bangladesh has always wanted to establish close relations with Myanmar and our policy will be directed towards that end," he said.

reports that although Myanmar withdrew its warships and the rig from Bangladesh waters, it continued to mobilise its troops on the frontiers with Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) members along with army personnel are keeping round-the-clock vigil on the borders.

Our correspondent from Bandarban reports: BDR Director General Maj Gen Sakil Ahamed visited various border outposts in Naikkhangchhari of Bandarban yesterday. Later, he also held a meeting with security officials.

Meanwhile, BDR on Sunday evening held three Myanmar citizens at Reju of Naikkhangchhari upazilla for intruding into Bangladesh territory.

The detainees are Moung Buk Yee, 26, U Ching Ku, 25 and Moung Ching, 23. They were handed over to the police.

Local people also held two Myanmar citizens -- Azizul Haque and Nur Mohammed -- at Amtoli on Friday. They were produced before a court that sent them to jail.

Our Cox's Bazar correspondent reports: Myanmar has mobilised its forces along the border with Bangladesh.

However, referring to various official sources, Superintendent of Police of Cox's Bazar Imam Hossain, said they received information that Myanmar started withdrawing its troops from the frontier at about 12:00noon yesterday.

Meanwhile, it has been reported in Myanmarese media that Myanmar withdrew its warships, exploration rig and vessels as the South Korean company conducting the exploration work had completed its seismic survey and shifted to another place, reports Bloomberg.

"The necessary survey was completed," the state-run newspaper New Light of Myanmar said yesterday.

"Continued tasks will be undertaken according to the work programme," the daily said.

Bangladesh and Myanmar has so far held three rounds of talks to settle the maritime boundary dispute while the fourth round of talks is expected to be held in Dhaka next week, foreign ministry officials said.

Meanwhile, BDR in a report based on press publications said India has signed an agreement with Myanmar on a project to build a multi-modal transit- cum- transport system in the coastal region of Myanmar.

Under the India-funded Rs-548 crore project, two roads and a seaport in the estuary of Kaladan river about 250 kilometres off India's Mizoram province will be built within three years.

India is also interested to explore oil and gas in these areas. But some of the exploration blocks may overlap with Bangladesh's maritime economic zone.

The demarcation of maritime boundary through mutual discussion with Myanmar needs to be completed to avert dispute.

The report recommended that Bangladesh Navy and Coast Guard should stay alert so that no 'Indian oil company' could enter Bangladesh's economic zone for oil and gas exploration.

As suspected, another Kautliyan offensive by the Republic of India.
that's too bad, I was hoping for two new faces in south asia to be the ones to go to war, besides the same old pakistan and india.
Bangladeshi forces repulse Myanmar armed forces without firing a single shot

The Bangladesh Armed Forces have proven their strength once again at the hour of need by repulsing intruding Myanmar forces without firing a single shot. Combined with the frantic efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Myanmar was pressured in to retreating from Bangladesh's sovereign territorial waters.

•Four Myanmar nationals arrested by Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) border protection force.
•BDR Chif visits Myanmar border area as tension eases
•Bangladesh Foreign Advisor terms Myanmar withdrawal a 'win-win' outcome
•Turbulence in the Bay (Highly recommended article)
There is no limits for imaginations.

India has neighborly relations with Bangladesh and Myanmar. Even India is against Aung San Suu Kyi put behind Bars, India is for Civilian rule in neighbor countries.

Few days back I read road to be constructed Linking Bangladesh with China
what happened to that ?
Bangladesh military should keep an eye on the border with Myanmar and prepare all-out for a possible war in order to defend our territory as its no surprising they could do it again...
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Bangladesh, Myanmar hold talks to defuse sea row

DHAKA (Reuters) - Bangladesh and Myanmar foreign ministers held talks in the Indian capital of New Delhi on Wednesday to solve a territorial dispute in the Bay of Bengal.

Tension between the two countries was sparked last month when Yangon started exploring for gas and oil in the disputed sea stretch. Both countries continue to keep their troops along their common border.

A Bangladesh foreign ministry statement said the country's Foreign Adviser (minister) Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury and Myanmar Foreign Minister U. Nyan Win met on the sidelines of a foreign ministers conference in New Delhi.

"We agreed to continue high-level contacts including a meeting between the two heads of the governments," the statement quoted Chowdhury as saying.

Bangladesh pulled back naval ships from the disputed water after Myanmar stopped the exploration, following intense diplomatic efforts by Dhaka.

Myanmar started the exploration early this month, defying protests by Bangladesh, in a sea zone that both countries claim.

Both the countries share a 320 km (200 mile) border, partly demarcated by the river Naf.

Officials said the dispute would also be discussed when technical delegations from both sides meet in Dhaka on Nov. 16 and 17. The two neighbours have been discussing this for years but without reaching an agreement.

Bangladesh, Myanmar hold talks to defuse sea row | Top News | Reuters
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