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Bangladesh Military prepares for a WAR against Myanmar

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^^ Which is quite true.

But you know if there is an accident of the car and the bicycle, its always the carwallh that is accused. At least in India I have seen that.

Its the natural tendency of people to side with the weaker party.
^^ Which is quite true.

But you know if there is an accident of the car and the bicycle, its always the carwallh that is accused. At least in India I have seen that.

Its the natural tendency of people to side with the weaker party.

But it does not mean the carwalla is always innocent...
But he does need to be more careful on the road.

Remember, bigger the vehicle you drive, more you are responsible for the safety as much of yourself as of others.

As the bigger country, Bangladesh needs to act as the bigger brother and take measures to cool the situation down instead of escalating it.
No more rigs in our waters: Dhaka to Daewoo

Dhaka, Nov 9 (bdnews24.com)— The foreign ministry will request South Korea's Daewoo not to set up any further rigs in the Bay of Bengal waters claimed by Bangladesh, after the industrial giant said it would relocate to "other blocks".

Daewoo has assured Dhaka that the rig used in the recent oil and gas exploration activities in disputed Bay waters would be shifted to other Myanmar blocks, foreign secretary Md Touhid Hossain said at a press conference Sunday.

"Myanmar authorities would not have removed the rig had there no prompt diplomatic response from Dhaka," Touhid added.

"Daewoo has told us it would relocate the rig, removed from the disputed waters, to other blocks," Touhid told journalists at a press conference Sunday at foreign ministry.

"We will send Daewoo a letter along with charts of our sea boundary asking them not to carry out oil and gas exploration inside the line," he said.

The secretary also said Bangladesh would be able to demarcate its continental shelf by 2009, two years before the UN deadline.

Myanmar last week started oil and gas exploration in an area which Bangladesh claimed according to its sea boundary act 1974.

But Myanmar rejecting the act, has made counter-claim over the same waters.

Foreign ministry sources said Myanmar's ruling junta awarded Daewoo the contract secretly in 2005. There was no open bidding for the contract, they said.

"Daewoo says it did not know that the site was in the disputed waters. The company first came to know about it when Bangladesh protested the exploration," an official told bdnews24.com.

He said according to international practices, international companies do not go for exploration works in disputed waters.

Touhid Hossain said he met Myanmar's deputy minister Maung Myit, the key man in charge of sea boundary delimitation, during the secretary's recent diplomatic mission to yangon.

"He denied that they were exploring for oil and gas in the disputed waters. Myanmar also refused to remove the rig from the waters at the time," he said

Nevertheless, Daewoo removed the rig from the site around midday Sunday, said Touhid.

"Of course Myanmar did not wish to remove the rig, but our quick diplomatic initiative might have caused the withdrawal," the secretary added.

The foreign ministry earlier sent letters to Chinese and South Korean ambassadors to Dhaka informing them of Myanmar's exploration in the disputed waters in the Bay of Bengal.

Touhid Hossain ruled out media reports that Myanmar had withdrawn as they had already completed their exploration work.

"Myanmar's support vessels started moving into the disputed water in September.

"According to the experts, Daewoo would have been there for two to three more months to complete their oil and gas exploration activities," the secretary said.

The secretary said Bangladesh and Myanmar had talks on sea boundary demarcation as per the UN convention on laws of the seas (UNCLOS) which came into being in 1982.

"Our 1974 act is inconsistent with UNCLOS in some cases," he added.


<font color=red size=5>No more rigs in our waters: Dhaka to Daewoo</font> :: Bangladesh :: bdnews24.com ::
munshi je there is any order of waipens from bangladesh to chaina pak india or any one incase war will start soon ?
But he does need to be more careful on the road.

Remember, bigger the vehicle you drive, more you are responsible for the safety as much of yourself as of others.

As the bigger country, Bangladesh needs to act as the bigger brother and take measures to cool the situation down instead of escalating it.

It has nothing to do with who is bigger or smaller. Bangladesh is asserting its right and will defend its interests. The message on this occasion has been sent to Myanmar but it equally applies to the much bigger India who is trying to claim some exploration blocks that belong to BD.
It has nothing to do with who is bigger or smaller. Bangladesh is asserting its right and will defend its interests. The message on this occasion has been sent to Myanmar but it equally applies to the much bigger India who is trying to claim some exploration blocks that belong to BD.

While I have not heard of any such thing, what makes you certain that they belong to Bangladesh?

Just your own claims! Is that your basis for the dispute with Myanmar too?
^^ I hope all those spoiling for war actually go to the front lines and face the bullets.

Why do I get the feeling most of them are armchair warriors looking for cheap thrills when the people of their country will face all the difficulties!

Not Munshiji. His hands still stuck in the cookie jar.

Anyways, munshiji, do u really believe BD Navy can stand up to IN. This incident will blow over after some diplomatic settlement. Instead of moving troops to your border you should have just walked up to the UN for resolving it.

If BD has legitimate claims over those blocks, then Myanmar will have to answer to the international court of justice.
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Not Munshiji. His hands still stuck in the cookie jar.

Well other parts of the body can still be used if the intention is there.

At least one can waste a bullet of the enemy that would otherwise be used on a more useful member of the country.
I would like to share a quotation By Niccolò Machiavelli. He says;

"Wars begin when you will, but they do not end when you please."

So we should avoid wars.

Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS 1982) Bangladesh is entitled to claim 200nm of sea area as its EEZ and all living and non-living resources within these areas are exclusively the property of Bangladesh. Out of this, the first 12 miles are called Territorial Sea (TS) and the next 188 miles are its EEZ. Bangladesh must also claim another 150-mile or more from the limit of the EEZ based on the geo-physical characteristics of the seabed as the extended CS. However, to claim the CS, we have to complete various surveys as prescribed by the UN and submit our claim before 2011. India and Myanmar arbitrarily drew the maritime boundary under equidistance principle, which in effect is allowed only up to 12 miles of TS.

It is now evident that India and Myanmar have intentionally intruded into our EEZ and exploring oil/gas there by demanding an equidistant line, which is not supportable by the UNCLOS and Geneva Convention. India has mapped out a line up to Andaman incorporating Bangladeshi EEZ and CS waters. Similarly, the Myanmar line enters our sea area beside block 18 and allows her to grab vast offshore areas of Bangladesh.

This is very basically the background to the dispute.
While I have not heard of any such thing, what makes you certain that they belong to Bangladesh?

Just your own claims! Is that your basis for the dispute with Myanmar too?

Let me get this thing clear. Those places are ours according to UN maritime guideline (not our claim) and it became "disputed" when burma and india claimed a portion of it. Now india has made the same claims with every other neighbor (BD,China,Pakistan,Burma,Nepal,Bhutan) in the past and the idea of India is "we can make a try,if we can get those then it's better but if not then still ok" . Now Myanmar junta is trying to do the same but they won't be succeeded. US,westerns and allies already imposed tons of sanctions on Junta plus ASEAN already declared there is no support for Junta. Now if they still want to play balls with BD which may let others(westerns) a window of opportunity to attack Burma and take their oil & gas they already have, well it will benefit India too.

The problem is we south asians always hate each other and try to prove who is the best ally of westerns. We south asians are not united and this makes the others to have access in our system.

But you Indians should be proud that BD got independence from Pakistan otherwise there would be another war between Pakistan and India for sure.:sniper:
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If BD has legitimate claims over those blocks, then Myanmar will have to answer to the international court of justice.

Yes, we have been trying to bring Burmese Junta to UN for this matter but they are not cooperating. They just claim but stay out of UN.
Tense border situation appears to intensify

Dhaka, Nov 9 (bdnews24.com) – An already tense situation on the Bangladesh-Myanmar border appeared to deepen on Sunday evening with Bangladesh deploying additional security forces, according to officials and witnesses.

They said the situation flared suddenly, though it had been relatively "normal" earlier in the day despite Bangladesh Rifles being on alert in the Naikkhangchhari border area.

"The situation suddenly began to change in the evening," said Taslim Iqbal Chowdhury, Naikkhangchhari correspondent of Dainik Purbokon.

A number of witnesses also said they saw the Bangladesh Army take position at the border.

However, they could not estimate the number of army personnel.

At neighbouring Ramu upazila, in Cox's Bazar, UNO Nabab Asram Habib said he heard of extra security forces deployed in his area.

The UNO met with neighbouring upazila chairmen and members at the Naikkhangchhari BDR zone headquarters, causing speculation among locals.

But Asram said the agenda of meeting was local matters.

Tension flared between Bangladesh and its southwest neighbour last week over Yangon's oil and gas exploration activities in disputed waters of the Bay of Bengal, some 60 nautical miles south of Saint Martin's Island.

The area is claimed both by Bangladesh and military-ruled Myanmar.


Tense border situation appears to intensify :: Bangladesh :: bdnews24.com ::

* Delegations from both sides scheduled to meet in Dhaka on November 16 and 17 to discuss maritime boundary demarcation​

DHAKA: Bangladesh and Myanmar reinforced troops along the border between the two countries after talks over disputed waters in the Bay of Bengal failed in Yangon, officials said on Saturday.

The Bangladesh Rifles (BDR), a border force, said Myanmar had started reinforcing troops at strategic points along the 320 km border, partly demarcated by the Naf River.

“We have also taken appropriate measures and asked for reinforcement,” a senior BDR official told Reuters by telephone from Tumbru, a border point some 500 km southeast of the capital Dhaka.

BDR also alerted people living in the border area to leave their homes when the situation warranted.

The dispute surfaced after Myanmar started oil and gas exploration last week in a stretch of the sea both countries claim.

Bangladesh deployed naval ships to the area and simultaneously sent a diplomatic team to Yangon seeking to solve the issue through negotiations.

“The meeting ended without any resolution, but we have apprised our claim on the territory to the Myanmar authorities,” a foreign ministry official said on Saturday.

Earlier in the week Bangladesh said a Korean company hired by Myanmar to explore for oil and gas in the disputed waters was withdrawing.

Myanmar said it had paused in its exploration activities in the disputed waters, but would not give up its claim on the territory.

Dhaka has noted the issue to China, a friend of both, and China advised the countries to solve the issue amicably.

The head of Bangladesh’s army-backed interim government, Fakhruddin Ahmed, held a meeting on Thursday with the armed forces chiefs and foreign ministry officials to take stock of the situation.

Foreign Adviser Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury said the meeting underscored Bangladesh’s “strong resolve” to protect sovereign territory, including in the Bay.

Bangladesh and Myanmar have been holding talks for years trying to settle their claims in the Bay of Bengal.

Technical delegations from both sides were scheduled to meet in Dhaka on November 16 and 17 to discuss maritime boundary demarcation, officials said. reuters
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