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Bangladesh is Purchasing Two more Submarines

Surely, Bangladeshis are way more sensible when they dream of having 160 fourth gen fighters in 2030 & invading India with their Ansar force. :lol:
Oh really! What's wrong with dreaming to have 160 fighter jet by 2030? o_O

And who claimed that we are going to invade India with ansar force? Already 1billion Bangladeshis living in India. You guys are doomed. :devil:

BTW, talking about Indian sensibility. India is already a self claimed supapawa since 2012... :lol:
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And you may not quite understand it but you guys overestimate your abilities by a large margin. And it is also not a good news for any country.

I can see who is overestimating whose capabilities. :)
LOL, this coming from an Indian who keeps on harping on Brahmos this and that.:lol:

Brahmos LACM is a dedicated variant of the Brahmos, it has been operational since 2007.

We haven't used an ASCM on Land Attack role ever since 1971.
These are actually comes from acute nervousness on part of Indian.If you follow Indian media than you will see, they are very anxious whether Bangladesh is turning into another Pakistan like headache for them? They know very well, if Bangladesh become a formidable military power than it will have the capabilities to kick in the most vulnerable underbelly of India. That's why they always follow anxiously every move of our armed forces and try to gauze whether Bangladesh is turning anti- India.If you ask any neutral observer, they will say, Bangladesh have far more capability to destabilize India than Pakistan if it choose to.Bangladesh as a hostile military power is very scary for Indian establishment, and if you add Chinese military presence in Bangladesh in the equation than it is an absolute nightmare for them.These low quality trolling by Indian members here are one type of manifestation of that deep seated fear.Remember, nobody kicks a dead dog.
Of course they are nervous, look at the trolling Indians here, if this report is confirmed, there are now 4 Chinese submarines, not comparable to the latest KIlos, but the electronics are modernized, enough to cause some headache to IN while the real force comes in. Look at the current pathetic conditions of the Indian submarine force, they can't even build a decent conventional submarine.

Brahmos LACM is a dedicated variant of the Brahmos, it has been operational since 2007.

We haven't used an ASCM on Land Attack role ever since 1971.
:D Ooops I just stepped on someones tail.
Look at the current pathetic conditions of the Indian submarine force, they can't even build a decent conventional submarine.

Sure, so pathetic- they are rolling out 2 Scorpenes per year now with the SSNs already underway.

Thing is, your capacity to copying is also very limited. So, please do not try it.

We don't usually copy, but it is never difficult for us.
I think the game is little different here!!! Instead of India's
absolute control over her smaller neighbors, it's like the Chinese attempt for the encirclement of India through the very same neighbors!!!!! Of course the question is - are those neighbors also smelling some end games????

Hmm, I think that is not true. I see it as pure trade. Maybe my view will be biased but It is India who already have absolute control over its smaller neighbor Nepal and Bhutan, have too much control over Bangladesh and mild control over Sri-lanka. This is true China is after geo-politics but their way is different from that of Indians, they're forming partnerships not occupations. China even doesn't see India as threat in long run. China keeps ignoring any India aggression because they're not up for fight yet, however, they do foresee India doing some stupid move. Depending on terrain and adjacent border areas, they don't want to take fight to India itself if it ever occurred. This is just a counter offensive strategy, not preparation for occupation.

If Bangladesh is running for Chinese arms despite being encircled by India from all around, there must be some reason. To me, it looks like they want to rise their head now but they are capable of doing that, they want someone else to ensure their survival - they're used to it and in this case they want China to do that. China is giving them favor, and in return China will get economic and geopolitical benefits. To me, it sounds fair enough.
Can we get back to the submarines? So is this news confirmed?

If so, I have to say I'm impressed. Hopefully, its something new-build and similar to what the Thai Navy recently bought.
Hmm, I think that is not true. I see it as pure trade. Maybe my view will be biased but It is India who already have absolute control over its smaller neighbor Nepal and Bhutan, have too much control over Bangladesh and mild control over Sri-lanka. This is true China is after geo-politics but their way is different from that of Indians, they're forming partnerships not occupations. China even doesn't see India as threat in long run. China keeps ignoring any India aggression because they're not up for fight yet, however, they do foresee India doing some stupid move. Depending on terrain and adjacent border areas, they don't want to take fight to India itself if it ever occurred. This is just a counter offensive strategy, not preparation for occupation.

If Bangladesh is running for Chinese arms despite being encircled by India from all around, there must be some reason. To me, it looks like they want to rise their head now but they are capable of doing that, they want someone else to ensure their survival - they're used to it and in this case they want China to do that. China is giving them favor, and in return China will get economic and geopolitical benefits. To me, it sounds fair enough.
I believe your analysis is correct. They want a Chinese security guarantee, Sri Lanka did it once already, even the new Pro-Indian PM is not that stupid, they are playing a balancing game, we did help them destroy the LTTE afterall.
Can we get back to the submarines? So is this news confirmed?

If so, I have to say I'm impressed. Hopefully, its something new-build and similar to what the Thai Navy recently bought.

I don't think so. Most probably the older songs in refurbished state. Basic 039 precisely!!
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