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Bangladesh is Purchasing Two more Submarines

Sure, we can build our own SSBNs & SSNs meanwhile
You mean the fake SSN that cant move? :lol:

You even need to import conventional sub like Scorpene and lease Russian SSN. Indian build SSN is a sham to fool the rest of the world that Indian can produced SSN. As I say, even NK is better than India. :lol:
The biggest success story is the sinking of the surface combatants. The missile boats fired the Styx at Karachi knowing that it would lock on to something, but they didn't knew where.

nice.... you still consider the sinking of surface ships as the biggest success..... I got the answer I was looking for....

with a thinking as shallow as this, you'll only target decoys for sure.... strategic talk requires a minimum level of understanding about strategic matters.... I'm not even mentioning geostrategic or geopolitical stuff, which would be way above this....

plz take my advice.... do some study....
No one can be as stupid as the Chinese. INS Arihant is now inducted & Aridhaman is in sea trials. Can't move ? What a joke. :lol:
Inducted? :lol: leaking radioactive and killing Indian sailors. IN has no regards for human lies. I pity the your poor sailors. Your INS Arihant is nothing but scam to fool Indian can make SSN. I bet it cant even cross 10knots. WHo can be believe a country produced SSN while cant produced conventional submarine or even need to lease another country SSN? Only fool will believe Indian has a real SSN. :enjoy:
nice.... you still consider the sinking of surface ships as the biggest success..... I got the answer I was looking for....

with a thinking as shallow as this, you'll only target decoys for sure.... strategic talk requires a minimum level of understanding about strategic matters.... I'm not even mentioning geostrategic or geopolitical stuff, which would be way above this....

plz take my advice.... do some study....

:blah: :blah: Read the official history of the Indian navy first.

Inducted? :lol: leaking radioactive and killing Indian sailors. IN has no regards for human lies. I pity the your poor sailors.

More idiotic claims by a Chicom troll. I wouldn't be surprised if he even claims that he went inside the arihant with a geiger counter to measure the radiation...:lol:

Or are you talking about your own history...http://thediplomat.com/2011/07/china-nuclear-sub-accident/

Your INS Arihant is nothing but scam to fool Indian can make SSN. I bet it cant even cross 10knots.

Says a Chinese troll who is only good at brainfarts...keep crying though.
:blah: :blah: Read the official history of the Indian navy first.

plz don't say your official Indian historians are as shallow as you are....
come on!!.... is this what we have to counter??..... is this the best "Mother India" can come up with??
come on!!.... give me a break!! :hitwall:
plz don't say your official Indian historians are as shallow as you are....
come on!!.... is this what we have to counter??..... is this the best "Mother India" can come up with??
come on!!.... give me a break!! :hitwall:

Transition to Triumph, Vice Admiral GM Hiranandani. Read it, it is available for free now.
Transition to Triumph, Vice Admiral GM Hiranandani. Read it, it is available for free now.

let me give you a lesson......

take a look at the above discussions.... this should give you an idea about how it feels like fighting on three fronts.... if this is not a strategic lesson for you, I would be very very disappointed that I have to encounter a very shallow enemy!!
:blah: :blah: Read the official history of the Indian navy first.

More idiotic claims by a Chicom troll. I wouldn't be surprised if he even claims that he went inside the arihant with a geiger counter to measure the radiation...:lol:

Or are you talking about your own history...http://thediplomat.com/2011/07/china-nuclear-sub-accident/

Says a Chinese troll who is only good at brainfarts...keep crying though.

Fancy you quick a source from blogger? How desperate to spread fake lies. :enjoy:

A nuclear submarine in the port of Dalian in northern China has suffered an accident and is leaking radiation, according to a story that appears to have originally been carried on the Boxun.com site, and then picked up by a former Japanese fighter pilot-turned-blogger.

You see I search google and cant find even a decent real photo of INS Arihant commission. Contradicted to always Indian high profile showcase. MOre or less show this sham Indian produced SSN cos it cant face the world as it has no working capabilities :enjoy:
take a look at the above discussions.... this should give you an idea about how it feels like fighting on three fronts.... if this is not a strategic lesson for you, I would be very very disappointed that I have to encounter a very shallow enemy!!

Wow, you are an amazing military strategist, comparing trolls to an actual war. :lol:

You see I search google and cant find even a decent real photo of INS Arihant commission. Contradicted to always Indian high profile showcase. MOre or less show this sham Indian produced SSN cos it cant face the world as it has no working capabilities :enjoy:

Usual BS. We are secretive about our SSBN & SLBM programs- it will stay so until we have continuous station keeping capability. You can ask your all weather friends on what we told them while we were testing our SLBMs...

The information about commissioning was given in the official annual report of the department of atomic energy.
Wow, you are an amazing military strategists :lol:

well, laughing doesn't hide your disabilities....
this is what a human being does when he finds himself embarrassed and trying to find a way out....

the point is, your ego is preventing you even from learning.... though this helps us, but I would rather like to see a more competitive opponent... not an outright defeatist...
well, laughing doesn't hide your disabilities....
this is what a human being does when he finds himself embarrassed and trying to find a way out....

the point is, your ego is preventing you even from learning.... though this helps us, but I would rather like to see a more competitive opponent... not an outright defeatist...

Yawn... says the troll who claims that 'putting multiple weapons/sensors on the same platform reflects low confidence on their readiness'.

Fancy you quick a source from blogger? How desperate to spread fake lies. :enjoy:

At least I have a source, unlike your BS.
Yawn... says the troll who claims that 'putting multiple weapons/sensors on the same platform reflects low confidence on their readiness'.

you again bring up your disabilities and present those as your asset....
and again, it disappoints me that I have to oppose a shallow opponent....
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