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Bangladesh is getting closer to Eurofighter Typhoon

Well if not F16 then J10C...
...the point I'm making is...that BD will be better off with single engine fighter jets(like F16, Gripen, J10, etc). Expensive twin engines jets would be overkill given ur geography/geopolitical scenario(taking into account ur adversaries). EFT will also have a higher cost per flight hour...and would cost more to maintain. All of this would drain the budget available...and it means less number of twin engine jets acquired...as opposed to acquiring more of single engine ones.

P.S. practically all defense purchases come with some level of strings attached...can't really escape that unless u start making everything urself.
i would guess twin engined typhoon could be purchased (nothing has been confirmed) with maritime strike and longer range in mind.
The F-7s will need replacement , so a there is a possibility of a single engine fighter for the interceptor role. The J-10CE will be most likely candidate for F-7 replacement. I am not sure if J-10C can carry air launched anti-ship missile.
P.S. practically all defense purchases come with some level of strings attached...can't really escape that unless u start making everything urself.
Don't want to face embargoes when our relationship with America's newest GF deteriorates
It's about reaction time. A solid ground radar network and S-400/PAC-3 would give BD ability to "look" into Indian/Myanmar air space, track any hostile coming in and react within seconds. Jets would need at least 3 mins to get airborne. That is a hell of a lot of time for a country as small as BD. All you need fighters for is air policing (unidentified planes, escort etc), you can pretty much do that with the YAK-130s and MIG-29s.
It's about reaction time. A solid ground radar network and S-400/PAC-3 would give BD ability to "look" into Indian/Myanmar air space, track any hostile coming in and react within seconds. Jets would need at least 3 mins to get airborne. That is a hell of a lot of time for a country as small as BD. All you need fighters for is air policing (unidentified planes, escort etc), you can pretty much do that with the YAK-130s and MIG-29s.
As far as I've read(from various sources including actual events where air defense systems shot down a fighter jet or vice versa)...a standalone air defense system...with no potent air force to back it up...is gonna be way less effective. Not facing a credible air force...would give a massive advantage to enemy's wild weasel types of jets. IMO it's best to have both(an effective air force and an effective air defense system) work in tandem.
As far as I've read(from various sources including actual events where air defense systems shot down a fighter jet or vice versa)...a standalone air defense system...with no potent air force to back it up...is gonna be way less effective. Not facing a credible air force...would give a massive advantage to enemy's wild weasel types of jets. IMO it's best to have both(an effective air force and an effective air defense system) work in tandem.

Bangladesh should have gotten (if one platform only) the Jas-39 Gripens

1-2 sqd of Gripens
1-2 sqd of J-10Cs as back bone
2+ AWACS from Sweden or Airbus
1-2 EWs

AA Guns
More Short range SAMs
Medium range SAMs
It's about reaction time. A solid ground radar network and S-400/PAC-3 would give BD ability to "look" into Indian/Myanmar air space, track any hostile coming in and react within seconds. Jets would need at least 3 mins to get airborne. That is a hell of a lot of time for a country as small as BD. All you need fighters for is air policing (unidentified planes, escort etc), you can pretty much do that with the YAK-130s and MIG-29s.

The crazy thing is that we probably would have gotten a better air defense or a better military in general if we didn't have Indian influence
Well if not F16 then J10C...
...the point I'm making is...that BD will be better off with single engine fighter jets(like F16, Gripen, J10, etc). Expensive twin engines jets would be overkill given ur geography/geopolitical scenario(taking into account ur adversaries). EFT will also have a higher cost per flight hour...and would cost more to maintain. All of this would drain the budget available...and it means less number of twin engine jets acquired...as opposed to acquiring more of single engine ones.

P.S. practically all defense purchases come with some level of strings attached...can't really escape that unless u start making everything urself.

Air defense alone wouldn't be effective. They need layered air defense...with a lean but effective air force...a few AWACS...and a network of radars to monitor every inch of it's territory. It's gonna require quite some time to build all that...but given their small territorial size...I think they can get the whole thing operational(complete with tactics and training) within 10 years.
EFT is not Bad if BAF trying to scare off burma. To deal with IAF requiere a lot of preperation. Will requiere atleast 10 years preparation.

Burma is the immeadiate threat so that they cant pull of what they did in 2017.

Imagine if BD had subs and EFT in 2017.
Burma would have thought 2wice before pushing in rohingya into BD.

Its all about ensuring the return of Rohingya to Burma.

Take back the Rohingya or BD will liberate the arakan. This threat will seem credible if BD has EFT, subs and in general a strong military. BD lacked this teeth in 2017, hence the rohingya deblace.

The first priority for BD is to ensure the safe return of Rohingya to Burma, failing that liberate the arakan and make it part of BD.

IAF is the main threat, but it is not the immediate threat for BD
EFT is not Bad if BAF trying to scare off burma. To deal with IAF requiere a lot of preperation. Will requiere atleast 10 years preparation.

Burma is the immeadiate threat so that they cant pull of what they did in 2017.

Imagine if BD had subs and EFT in 2017.
Burma would have thought 2wice before pushing in rohingya into BD.

Its all about ensuring the return of Rohingya to Burma.

Take back the Rohingya or BD will liberate the arakan. This threat will seem credible if BD has EFT, subs and in general a strong military. BD lacked this teeth in 2017, hence the rohingya deblace.

The first priority for BD is to ensure the safe return of Rohingya to Burma, failing that liberate the arakan and make it part of BD.

IAF is the main threat, but it is not the immediate threat for BD

Not practical, cos if rohingya stay for another 10 years they will have to get BD citizenship. As much as awamileague wants the Rohingya will never vote for awami league in an election or support awami league in the street. They will always support the anti awami league faction sadly.

And the rohingya are too much trouble.

The only solution is that Burma takes them back or BD has to back the liberation of arakan. Sad but true.

Hopefully Burma sees sense and takes back the rohingya and both parties avoid war.

Otherwise BD with chijese diplomatic support should extend the borders of chittagong to arakan and till the chinese border at kunming, which will help BD china trade even more. And lets face it, china needs BD more than they need burma. The only stumbling block Between a BD china alliance is the Awami league
Oh you're hilarious :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: you should be a comedian

Nope India's government is a threat to us
Threat? What will India realistically gain by attacking Bd? The world will condemn the action and levy sanctions, India will have to deal with a huge population that will turn 100% anti-India in one day with armed Insurgencies springing up. BD doesn't have any such strategic, geo political importance to it that will make us attack, nothing we can't get done by friendly relations with the government in power.
As far as I've read(from various sources including actual events where air defense systems shot down a fighter jet or vice versa)...a standalone air defense system...with no potent air force to back it up...is gonna be way less effective. Not facing a credible air force...would give a massive advantage to enemy's wild weasel types of jets. IMO it's best to have both(an effective air force and an effective air defense system) work in tandem.

The North Vietnamese showed what you can do with a well motivated army that knows it's terrain and a good SAM/AAA network. BD simply will get blown out of the sky with just 16 jets, no matter how good they are.

Better make it very hard for IAF to try and locate and hunt down well hidden SAMs in the jungle, will be immensely more expensive for them. Plans on a tarmac are just easy Brahmos targets.....
Threat? What will India realistically gain by attacking Bd? The world will condemn the action and levy sanctions, India will have to deal with a huge population that will turn 100% anti-India in one day with armed Insurgencies springing up. BD doesn't have any such strategic, geo political importance to it that will make us attack, nothing we can't get done by friendly relations with the government in power.

Pakistan, China, Myanmar and Nepal have all had Indian troops on their territory without invitation, every country has a right to self defence.
BD doesn't have any such strategic, geo political importance to it that will make us attack
Chicken's neck. Siliguri corridor could be threatened by PLA artillery and proxies in the event of a conflict.
Indian could ''ask'' BD to allow passage of forces through Rajshahi Rangpur to supply and reinforce assets in Arunachal Pradesh and other States with insurgencies. This is likely to get denied by military and populace.

To invade BD, IA would have to redeploy armour and infantry from Pakistan and China front to take land from BD to establish corridors . These convoys could be harassed by ATGMs.
A situation like this is not likely to happen, but recent statement by senior politicians should cause concern in BD.
If you look at BD's size and neighbours then you will realise expensive BVR twin engined jets are simply impractical. Best get a layer of medium/high altitude SAMs. Simply make it very very expensive for any aggressor to attack. The small size of the country means BD will have minutes (maybe even just seconds) of advance warning.
Then tell me genius, why Austria operate Eurofighter Typhoon? why Kuwait and Qatar ordered them? These three countries are far smaller than Bangladesh in geographic size.

Regarding advanced warning, none of the Indian or Bumese air base hugging our border. They are located hundreds of km away. If an enemy fighter jet take-off from an airbase 100 km from our border and our radar detect it, it give us good 10 minutes time to react before it even enter our airspace. Fighter jet's cruising speed is much lower than maximum speed attainable which is around Mach 2.0.
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Chicken's neck. Siliguri corridor could be threatened by PLA artillery and proxies in the event of a conflict.
Indian could ''ask'' BD to allow passage of forces through Rajshahi Rangpur to supply and reinforce assets in Arunachal Pradesh and other States with insurgencies. This is likely to get denied by military and populace.

To invade BD, IA would have to redeploy armour and infantry from Pakistan and China front to take land from BD to establish corridors . These convoys could be harassed by ATGMs.
A situation like this is not likely to happen, but recent statement by senior politicians should cause concern in BD.
If in case breaks off with PLA then unless BD is siding with China, i see no reason why we would need to attack. We might already be fighting in two fronts we'll never want to open up a third one which we have always seen as friendly. We'll just use our soft power to get our forces where we want them, through unofficial channels if needed incase bd wants to show neutrality.
Why will BD want to purchase such expensive jets? BD doesn't have any significant external threats. India won't attack BD, no questions about that. There is Myanmar, which I don't think is also going to attack another country. Maybe the money will be better spent on HRD.
Can you give us any credible guarranty that India, in the next 100 years will never attack Bangladesh? You do not know what will happen in tomorrow, then how can you give any guarranty that India will never attack Bangladesh? Even if India never attack Bangladesh, why should it depends on the goodwill of it's neighbors? In todays world, defence force is not only about fighting war, it is the most potent tool of international diplomacy.

And as an Indian, you should not preach Bangladesh about ''money better spent on HRD'' when our per capita defence spending is only about half of India and it's defence spending as a percentage of GDP is among the lowest in Asia.
Why will BD want to purchase such expensive jets? BD doesn't have any significant external threats. India won't attack BD, no questions about that. There is Myanmar, which I don't think is also going to attack another country. Maybe the money will be better spent on HRD.

As hindutva poison spreads in India the threat us simply too great for all neighboring countries
Can you give us any credible guarranty that India, in the next 100 years will never attack Bangladesh? You do not know what will happen in tomorrow, then how can you give any guarranty that India will never attack Bangladesh? Even if India never attack Bangladesh, why should it depends on the goodwill of it's neighbors? In todays world, defence force is not only about fighting war, it is the most potent tool of international diplomacy.

And as an Indian, you should not preach Bangladesh about ''money better spent on HRD'' when our per capita defence spending is only about half of India and it's defence spending as a percentage of GDP is among the lowest in Asia.

India won't attack BD - what is the reason for India to attack BD unless you do so? If your defence spending per capita is much less, then you could spend more on border patrol and stop illegal activities on the border. It's a common knowledge that there is lot of cross-border stuff going on in Assam/Tripura etc., Get drones, erect barbed wire electrical fences, stop illegal border movement and business. Benefits both countries. Realistically when was last time BD was ever threatened by external military/air force (India/Myanmar) ?
As hindutva poison spreads in India the threat us simply too great for all neighboring countries

Nobody in India ever trusted Pak even before hiduvta started spreading. Dislike and distrust for Pak is not something new or related to hinduvta.
Hinduvta just makes it easier for jobless people to hate everything other than their own ideas, Pak issue is even older than hinduvta ideology.
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