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Bangladesh is getting closer to Eurofighter Typhoon

The Ronin

Mar 24, 2017
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Following the need for the modernization of Bangladesh's armed forces, Dhaka is preparing to finalize some of the most interesting defense contracts in recent years. The main one concerns the purchase of a new multi-role combat aircraft (MRCA) to replace (or initially integrate) the old F-7 and MiG-29 jets of the Bangladesh Air Force (BAF).

Under the 'Forces Goal 2030' program, in 2017 the Bangladesh Directorate General Defense Purchase (DGDP) launched the tender for the procurement of eight fighter aircraft (plus option for an additional four), which was subsequently increased to 16 jets.

BAF is looking for a newly built fighter powered by two engines with at least 5,500 kg of dry thrust and over 8,000 kg with afterburner each and with at least eight weapon attachment points and a minimum payload of 5,000 kg.

The government demands that the fighter be equipped with an electronically-scanned radar array with an air-to-air range of 150 km and an air-to-surface range of 50 km. The aircraft will also have to include an Integrated Electronic Warfare (EW) and Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) suite; Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system with a target tracking range of at least 50 km; helmet mounted display and viewfinder system (HMD/S) with cueing; head-up display (HUD) and modern glass cockpit.

BAF is looking for a complete package that includes aircraft, maintenance and training, and a range of air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons. It must also provide for the opening of a Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) facility in the country.

When the teder was launched, the main contenders were Russian UAC's Su-35, MiG-35 and Su-30SM fighters, however in the last couple of years, the nation has started targeting mostly Western aircraft (westernization plan).

A source close to the Bangladeshi Defense told Blog Before Flight that at the top of the list is the Eurofighter Typhoon, offered to the nation by the Italian aerospace firm Leonardo. In addition, Dhaka could also select other 'Made in Italy' systems such as the AW101 medium-lift/multirole helicopter and the C-27J Spartan transport aircraft, the latter to replace the old An-32 fleet.

Leonardo boasts well-established commercial relations with Bangladesh, especially in the rotary wing sector. BAF already operates AW119 and AW139 helicopters, while the Bangladeshi Navy fleet includes the AW109M. In 2019, BAF also ordered Leonardo's KRONOS LAND air surveillance radar.

BAF's modernization plan also includes procurement of Boeing Apache attack helicopters, TAI Hurkus basic trainer/ground attack aircraft and TAI Anka armed drones.

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This is going to come across as rude and it is not meant to be, but BAF has a long way to go till it can successfuly integrate a fighter like Typhoon into it's air force. The training, infrastructure and skills needed are immense.
This is going to come across as rude and it is not meant to be, but BAF has a long way to go till it can successfuly integrate a fighter like Typhoon into it's air force. The training, infrastructure and skills needed are immense.
IMO F16 Block 70 is best suited for BAF's needs. US has no problems with BD...it has very nice specs...and offers the range BD would need to neutralize/engage a large majority of targets.
IMO F16 Block 70 is best suited for BAF's needs. US has no problems with BD...it has very nice specs...and offers the range BD would need to neutralize/engage a large majority of targets.

If you look at BD's size and neighbours then you will realise expensive BVR twin engined jets are simply impractical. Best get a layer of medium/high altitude SAMs. Simply make it very very expensive for any aggressor to attack. The small size of the country means BD will have minutes (maybe even just seconds) of advance warning.
Why will BD want to purchase such expensive jets? BD doesn't have any significant external threats. India won't attack BD, no questions about that. There is Myanmar, which I don't think is also going to attack another country. Maybe the money will be better spent on HRD.
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Why will BD want to purchase such expensive jets? BD doesn't have any significant external threats. India won't attack BD, no questions about that. There is Myanmar, which I don't think is also going to attack another country. Maybe the money will be better spent on HRD.

Maybe only to totally outgun JF-17 of Burma in just one stroke. I am only guessing, not sure though. BTW those defense blogs are not reliable run by enthusiasts from BD are not reliable. Previously news came in newspapers the jets are western origin. Government never confirmed from which country or which jets. So western origin is the credible bit because it comes from government.
Why will BD want to purchase such expensive jets? BD doesn't have any significant external threats. India won't attack BD, no questions about that. There is Myanmar, which I don't think is also going to attack another country. Maybe the money will be better spent on HRD.

Oh you're hilarious :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: you should be a comedian

Nope India's government is a threat to us
This is going to come across as rude and it is not meant to be, but BAF has a long way to go till it can successfuly integrate a fighter like Typhoon into it's air force. The training, infrastructure and skills needed are immense.

I agree , but again it's the Bangladesh Air Force who's leadership is in shambles sadly. Also SAMs are up to the Army to buy and idk if we will go Turkish or Chinese.

Best option was Gripen but again it has strings to it due to American engines
there would be Too many strings attached.
Plus , it would require us to sign various Treaties with US (one in particular involves logistics support for US assets in the area). We don't want to antagonise PRC.
Well if not F16 then J10C...
...the point I'm making is...that BD will be better off with single engine fighter jets(like F16, Gripen, J10, etc). Expensive twin engines jets would be overkill given ur geography/geopolitical scenario(taking into account ur adversaries). EFT will also have a higher cost per flight hour...and would cost more to maintain. All of this would drain the budget available...and it means less number of twin engine jets acquired...as opposed to acquiring more of single engine ones.

P.S. practically all defense purchases come with some level of strings attached...can't really escape that unless u start making everything urself.
If you look at BD's size and neighbours then you will realise expensive BVR twin engined jets are simply impractical. Best get a layer of medium/high altitude SAMs. Simply make it very very expensive for any aggressor to attack. The small size of the country means BD will have minutes (maybe even just seconds) of advance warning.
Air defense alone wouldn't be effective. They need layered air defense...with a lean but effective air force...a few AWACS...and a network of radars to monitor every inch of it's territory. It's gonna require quite some time to build all that...but given their small territorial size...I think they can get the whole thing operational(complete with tactics and training) within 10 years.
Well if not F16 then J10C...
...the point I'm making is...that BD will be better off with single engine fighter jets(like F16, Gripen, J10, etc). Expensive twin engines jets would be overkill given ur geography/geopolitical scenario(taking into account ur adversaries). EFT will also have a higher cost per flight hour...and would cost more to maintain. All of this would drain the budget available...and it means less number of twin engine jets acquired...as opposed to acquiring more of single engine ones.

P.S. practically all defense purchases come with some level of strings attached...can't really escape that unless u start making everything urself.

True but again no matter what we says the Bangladesh Air Force will still probably buy the EFT
True but again no matter what we says the Bangladesh Air Force will still probably buy the EFT
A foolish way to spend money IMO. Countries that aren't super rich like BD(or Pak) need to be shrewd with their defense budgets...and stretch every dollar to get the most bang for their buck. This doesn't always mean getting the most expensive shiny toy...
...it's about the capability gained(and sustained) overall

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