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Bangladesh is also worried about Indian Muslims: Pakistani President Alvi

This is your delusion that no genocide happened. Even the article you shared mentioned Bangabandhu mistakenly said .3 million as 3 million. Even if we accept the later figure it is a mass genocide.

In 1970s US sided with Pakistan as it was doing the dirty works for master against the soviets. That’s the reason it’s not officially accepted. But even in USA it is well recognized as a genocide.

Here the whole narratives and chain of events are described what happened during and after the genocide at UN.


Another stupid post from another stupid bengali.

That .3 million is total casualty number. That includes bengali and non-bengali. There was no genocide or mass rape.

Your wikipedia article doesn't explain genocide acceptance from the world. Also , forget about US , why hasn't russia/ china/ eu / middle east accepted your narrative of genocide ? Clearly it is not only US but the whole world who refuses to accept India's and Bangladesh's narrative...

You all are bunch of liars... I am glad Hindu India is hammering you guys and your Ms. Hasina is licking their stinky assess.

I fail to understand that why you are entering into a futile discussion with BD posters, on establishment of BD. It has nothing to do with this thread, which pertains to an issue, that is between India and BD, and Pakistan has hardly any relevance in it.

Just setting the record straight...
Another stupid post from another stupid bengali.

That .3 million is total casualty number. That includes bengali and non-bengali. There was no genocide or mass rape.

Your wikipedia article doesn't explain genocide acceptance from the world. Also , forget about US , why hasn't russia/ china/ eu / middle east has accepted your narrative of genocide ? Clearly it is not only US but the whole world who refuses to accept India's and Bangladesh's narrative...

You all are bunch of liars... I am glad Hindu India is hammering you guys and your Ms. Hasina is licking their stinky assess.

That’s number of Bengalis and reflected in most of the genocide research which is carried by non Bangladeshis.

Due to genocide, rape and mass madder most of the people risen up against Pakistani occupational and genocidal force and joined liberation war movement.

The wiki is not about number but about politics that was revolving around Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Look at the video aired by US media during 1971. See what the reporter say why people are joining liberation war movement. It also covered one genocide that was carried out in the village where woman, man, children and infants were murdered and they were forced to see rape of their wife or mother before them. Even animals were murdered brutally. That was just tips of the iceberg of atrocities carried out by Pakistani genocidal army and its collaborators.

Even there are Pakistani reports on Bangladeshi genocide by its army.

Not only that even Imran Khan current Pakistani PM acknowledges the genocide and promised to apologize which is still due.
Gangu muslims can go to hell along with this alvi the lover of gangus, problem of gangus are not Pakistan's problems.
Another stupid post from another stupid bengali.

That .3 million is total casualty number. That includes bengali and non-bengali. There was no genocide or mass rape.

Your wikipedia article doesn't explain genocide acceptance from the world. Also , forget about US , why hasn't russia/ china/ eu / middle east accepted your narrative of genocide ? Clearly it is not only US but the whole world who refuses to accept India's and Bangladesh's narrative...

You all are bunch of liars... I am glad Hindu India is hammering you guys and your Ms. Hasina is licking their stinky assess.

Just setting the record straight...

Exactly, no one recognizes those figures except Bangladesh and India. They are ludicrous exaggerations, which is part of the culture of that region anyway. Never believe numerical values from these people. They always exaggerate.
Exactly, no one recognizes those figures except Bangladesh and India. They are ludicrous exaggerations, which is part of the culture of that region anyway. Never believe numerical values from these people. They always exaggerate.

You can always accept such figures, after dividing them with a factor of 100.:lol:
You can always accept such figures, after dividing them with a factor of 100.:lol:

1000s of such murder and rape happened during 1971 by Pakistani genocidal force and its collaborators like shown in the news.

Shame on you for making fun of the victims those who were murdered and rape by Pakistani occupational force.

indians should be more worried bcoz they should know their government is asking for trouble at home and ofcourse when people will be made stateless and they have good numbers on their side tyhen the state will invite trouble
1000s of such murder and rape happened during 1971 by Pakistani genocidal force and its collaborators like shown in the news.

Shame on you for making fun of the victims those who were murdered and rape by Pakistani occupational force.

I am not making fun of the victims of insurgents or counter insurgency forces; but of course, I am ridiculing the gross exaggerations, which you people have introduced, in this regard.
1000s of such murder and rape happened during 1971 by Pakistani genocidal force and its collaborators like shown in the news.

Shame on you for making fun of the victims those who were murdered and rape by Pakistani occupational force.

So now you went from

3 million to 0.3 million and now thousands.....

Lol.. What is next , Hundreds ?

Keep repeating the lies.. You and India belong in the same category. Both of you shot dead your so called founding fathers. Pathetic.
So now you went from

3 million to 0.3 million and now thousands.....

Lol.. What is next , Hundreds ?

Keep repeating the lies.. You and India belong in the same category. Both of you shot dead your so called founding fathers. Pathetic.

Perhaps, they will never be able to get rid of these ridiculous narratives and exaggerated claims; since now it is part of their collective national psyche, duly indoctrinated.
So now you went from

3 million to 0.3 million and now thousands.....

Lol.. What is next , Hundreds ?

Keep repeating the lies.. You and India belong in the same category. Both of you shot dead your so called founding fathers. Pathetic.

I have not gone anywhere. I have just mentioned most of the neutral research on 1971 genocide has put the figure between 200k to 1.5 million where Bangladeshi government has put the figure 3 million and Pakistani propaganda put it 26000.

Even if we take the lower estimate of .3 million murder still it is a mass scale genocide by Pakistani occupational forces without counting million figure.

Murdering and raping country's own citizen just to remain on power is far worse than genocide.

All these 70 million people whole heatedly did not support mukti bahini for no reason against genocidal army.

When entire population goes against army there must be a reason for that.

This is report of 1971 genocide by Pakistani media.

Even your PM Imran Khan acknowledges such genocide.

I have not gone anywhere. I have just mentioned most of the neutral research on 1971 genocide has put the figure between 200k to 1.5 million where Bangladeshi government has put the figure 3 million and Pakistani propaganda put it 26000.

Even if we take the lower estimate of .3 million murder still it is a mass scale genocide by Pakistani occupational forces without counting million figure.

Murdering and raping country's own citizen just to remain on power is far worse than genocide.

All these 70 million people whole heatedly did not support mukti bahini for no reason against genocidal army.

When entire population goes against army there must be a reason for that.

This is report of 1971 genocide by Pakistani media.

Even your PM Imran Khan acknowledges such genocide.

There are no neutral source that claims bengali casualties were in millions. All fake and lies perpetuated by Bengalis and Indian sources and their cronies.

There was no mass rape. Mukhi bahini was actually involved in rape of Bihari people and terrorist attacks on army.

Btw, the video link posted by you does not represent official 1971 report. In fact , it is not even a report but a piss poor attempt by some bengali/indian to put together different clips together out of context to do propaganda. More over , the video contains numerous clips of Tarek Fateh who is a renowned bigot and Islam-hater. Just a quick google search of him will tell how that he is on RAW payroll. Check his twitter , you will like it.

Also , Imran never acknowledged bengal genocide because there was no genocide. You need to show me exact source where he said that he admits that bengal genocide happened.

Also , source me verifiable and academic references. Low-class , low count and low quality youtube videos will not help your case.

I am quoting you academic sources. Read it if you are interested in learning about the truth but my hunch is you are not interested. In fact , you will just believe the lies founded by your so called leader who was shot by his own people.

Academic sources:-

Dead Reckoning: Memories of the 1971 Bangladesh War by Shermalia bose ( A hindu Bengali author )
War and Secession: Pakistan, India and the Creation of Bangladesh (University of California Press, 1990)

For general overview https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2011/05/20115983958114219.html
I have not gone anywhere. I have just mentioned most of the neutral research on 1971 genocide has put the figure between 200k to 1.5 million where Bangladeshi government has put the figure 3 million and Pakistani propaganda put it 26000.

Even if we take the lower estimate of .3 million murder still it is a mass scale genocide by Pakistani occupational forces without counting million figure.

Murdering and raping country's own citizen just to remain on power is far worse than genocide.

All these 70 million people whole heatedly did not support mukti bahini for no reason against genocidal army.

When entire population goes against army there must be a reason for that.

This is report of 1971 genocide by Pakistani media.

Even your PM Imran Khan acknowledges such genocide.

Guys (especially Pakistani bhais/behens), who shot this movie?

This seems pretty legit to me...
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Perhaps, they will never be able to get rid of these ridiculous narratives and exaggerated claims; since now it is part of their collective national psyche, duly indoctrinated.
Actually brother, almost no one in Bangladesh pay attention to such exaggeration.
Online forums are different thing. Here people try to be more vocal. Forums are places for mudslinging. It never ever represent any nation and neither will ever be representative of a nation,you know that.

Yes a civil war happened and it was almost fifty years ago, and now other than some online warriors, why should anybody will remember it as there are more important things to do for them!

The life is becoming harder for people,and they prefer to work more and enjoy the life rather than paying attention to propaganda of politicians.

This nonsense divide and rule must end. We are moving towards unity & co-operation once again. 50 years of animosity cannot trump 1000 years of bonds between all Muslims of South Asia or Hindutva extremists will continue to infiltrate into BD and cause strife from within.
Unfortunately as long as online forum exists, the game of divide and rule will continue. Both Pakistani and Bangladeshi users are acting as pawn of the enemies who are trying to divide and rule.

The real problem is ego, Bangladeshi say we are utterly correct you are utterly wrong, Pakistani posters say Bengalis are utterly wrong and they are utterly right.

No one is in mood of compromising. And enemy laugh at us.

Forum host watch and enjoy such garbage and take no action unless condition is out of control.

I think forum host should ban any such discussions once and for all, it's the only way to stop the process in such forums at least.
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