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Bangladesh Hindu teacher sacked in Mohammed Prohpet dispute

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Poor man he should ask for a indian citizenship and come here rather than being killed

No, as he is a Bangladeshi citizen, they have to deal with the situation. I don't think India should be champions of Hindus world over. India has got enough population & problems of her own to worry about citizens of other country.
May God's curse be upon this rat from now until Qiyamat! This say's a great deal about the Bengali muslim community when a Hindu has the audacity to mock our most noble religious figure.
She committed a cardinal sin, anyway enjoy her company.

Last I heard, "majority" Indian were offended by her work so she moved to Sweden or something. Even Salman Rushide got hounded out of India by them "majority" Indians. :disagree:
Last I heard, "majority" Indian were offended by her work so she moved to Sweden or something. Even Salman Rushide got hounded out of
India by them "majority" Indians. :disagree:

Rushdie is a Brit. Tasleema is an idiot. She rants about, calling names. BTW none of these folks are dead, no religious riot. BD, the shining beacon of tolerance !!!!
for you the whole conversation between teacher and student in a simple manner:

teacher: you are a goat ( fool ). Student: a man cant be a goat. Teacher: both has beard. So both are goat. Student: was rabindranath tagore a goat?? Teacher: yes. And your prophet also.. (naujubillah)

I am trying to add a new dimension, understand that with text there are no emotions.
teacher: you are a goat ( fool ). Student (angry for being called goat): a man cant be a goat. Teacher(trying to defend his comment, jokingly): both has beard. So both are goat. Student(maybe called rabindranath's name because he knew it is going to hurt the teacher): was rabindranath tagore a goat?? Teacher:(reacting to student) yes. And your prophet also.. (naujubillah)

I think the teacher should have controlled him, maybe student being from majority community was trying to insult the person whom the teacher worships. But Teacher should be more tolerant.
I think the teacher should have controlled him,
maybe student being from majority community was trying to insult the person whom the teacher worships. But Teacher should be more tolerant.

hindus worship rabindranath tagore?:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Why the hell would the hindu teacher be insulted if the student mention tagore?

It was the hindu teacher that called the student a goat
When student demanded an explanation saying man can't be goat
The teacher replied yes man can be goat because both have beards:cheesy:

The student then rightly brought up Tagore
as he is widely visualized as a brilliant poet with a big white beard in BD


The student didn't even mention religion. Tagore isn't a religious figure.
It's entirely the hindu teachers fault for intentionally bringing religion in to the mix.
He deliberately tried to insult and hurt the religious sentiments of the muslim student.:tdown:
hindus worship rabindranath tagore?:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Why the hell would the hindu teacher be insulted if the student mention tagore?

It was the hindu teacher that called the student a goat
When student demanded an explanation saying man can't be goat
The teacher replied yes man can be goat because both have beards:cheesy:

The student then rightly brought up Tagore
as he is widely visualized as a brilliant poet with a big white beard in BD


The student didn't even mention religion. Tagore isn't a religious figure.
It's entirely the hindu teachers fault for intentionally bringing religion in to the mix.
He deliberately tried to insult and hurt the religious sentiments of the muslim student.:tdown:

The idiot teacher started this. The hindu teacher probably hated the Muslim boys. He provoked the kids for no reason at all. If some teacher called my little bro a goat, I would slap the crap out of that looser.
bangladesh should enact blasphemy law and death sentence for anyone who insults majority's faith. they are kind of mini pakistan anyways!!
hindus worship rabindranath tagore?:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Why the hell would the hindu teacher be insulted if the student mention tagore?

It was the hindu teacher that called the student a goat
When student demanded an explanation saying man can't be goat
The teacher replied yes man can be goat because both have beards:cheesy:

The student then rightly brought up Tagore
as he is widely visualized as a brilliant poet with a big white beard in BD


The student didn't even mention religion. Tagore isn't a religious figure.
It's entirely the hindu teachers fault for intentionally bringing religion in to the mix.
He deliberately tried to insult and hurt the religious sentiments of the muslim student.:tdown:

what prophet mohhamad to you tagore could be to someone else. what gives your prophet a higher ground than mine?
So far I know the hindu scum at large. Muslims are looking for his head. He might be hidding in La-Hasina's house but the scum will not be spare.
The idiot teacher started this. The hindu teacher probably hated the Muslim boys. He provoked the kids for no reason at all. If some teacher called my little bro a goat, I would slap the crap out of that looser.

One does not have to prove one is a goat and go butting on flimsy ground of being called a goat.

Would calling a a person a goat pass the test of law?

And I am not talking about kangaroo courts.

If not, if some one slaps then it is battery!

The slapper would go to jail and not the person who called one a goat.
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