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Bangladesh Hindu teacher sacked in Mohammed Prohpet dispute

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Did your teacher justfy calling students donkey by saying since donkey has dk and you also has one so thats why a male human can be a donkey.?? just imagine if the teacher a Muslim and if he had remarked against Hindu god Hunuman being incarnation of monkey or even used the word then i am dead sure it would have been made a case of "Islamic bigotary"

Yes this the main point which i am arguing because just see if the hindu teacher is so senstive about a common person like Rabindirnath who is not a god neither a sacred person then why cant one of the biggest religion Islam's followers be offended over insult to our Last Prophet.

All I am saying is that the student was wrong in the first place to talk back to the teacher, which is not considered a good thing in my part of the world. If the student had any objection of teacher calling him 'goat', he should have reported the matter to principal or talked to the concerned teacher in private instead of embarrassing him in front of other students.

As far as Rabindranath Tagore is concerned, he may not be a God or sacred for you but you can't say that for the teacher. I saw one interview of the everpopular Zaid Hamid in which he was enraged because other guest refered Allama Iqbal as just an ordinary man. According to him Allama Iqbal was nothing short of a miracle worker who gives his daily dose of inspiration.
Did your teacher justfy calling students donkey by saying since donkey has dk and you also has one so thats why a male human can be a donkey.?? just imagine if the teacher a Muslim and if he had remarked against Hindu god Hunuman being incarnation of monkey or even used the word then i am dead sure it would have been made a case of "Islamic bigotary"

Yes this the main point which i am arguing because just see if the hindu teacher is so senstive about a common person like Rabindirnath who is not a god neither a sacred person then why cant one of the biggest religion Islam's followers be offended over insult to our Last Prophet.

for people like me he is more respectable than any god(s) or sacred person. like i said before what gives your prophet a higher ground than mime?

anyway both the teacher and student seem to be stupid of highest order; fortunately we dont have these kinds in my part of world !!
for people like me he is more respectable than any god(s) or sacred person. like i said before what gives your prophet a higher ground than mime?

lolzzz so if an ordinary person is more sacred to you then FYI our Last Prophet (PBUH) is the most sacared person for us Muslims even sacared than our parents so any idiot insulting our Prophet, is not worth anything.

anyway both the teacher and student seem to be stupid of highest order; fortunately we dont have these kinds in my part of world !!

tall claim. and any teachers calling his students donkey, monkey, goats and so on does not deserve to be a teacher and now its time students in our part of the world should start question teachers over use of such slurs.
All I am saying is that the student was wrong in the first place to talk back to the teacher, which is not considered a good thing in my part of the world. If the student had any objection of teacher calling him 'goat', he should have reported the matter to principal or talked to the concerned teacher in private instead of embarrassing him in front of other students.

As far as Rabindranath Tagore is concerned, he may not be a God or sacred for you but you can't say that for the teacher. I saw one interview of the everpopular Zaid Hamid in which he was enraged because other guest refered Allama Iqbal as just an ordinary man. According to him Allama Iqbal was nothing short of a miracle worker who gives his daily dose of inspiration.

what a funny comparison you are giving here i am amused really. calling someone an ordinary person is one thing and insulting the most respected figure of Islam is altogether different thing.

Allama was NOT a prophet so its not issue if someone calls him ordinary or special
lolzzz so if an ordinary person is more sacred to you then FYI our Last Prophet (PBUH) is the most sacared person for us Muslims even sacared than our parents so any idiot insulting our Prophet, is not worth anything.

tall claim. and any teachers calling his students donkey, monkey, goats and so on does not deserve to be a teacher and now its time students in our part of the world should start question teachers over use of such slurs.

If I don't have any right to insult your prophet, then you don't have any right to insult my prophet either. It cuts both ways, doesn't it? Doesn't matter if I consider senior Mallya as my prophet!

Well atleast in my place noone gives two hoots about idiots.
what a funny comparison you are giving here i am amused really. calling someone an ordinary person is one thing and insulting the most respected figure of Islam is altogether different thing.

Allama was NOT a prophet so its not issue if someone calls him ordinary or special

It may not be an issue for you, but was for Mr. Zaid Hamid.

Same way may be Tagore was for the teacher what Prophet was for Muslims. The student insulted Tagore and teacher insulted Prophet back.
You may argue that Tagore is not sacred, but so is Mao or Stalin. You got to China and insult Mao and say to Chinese that Mao is not God and can be insulted. The response of Chinese may not be favorable for you.
If I don't have any right to insult your prophet, then you don't have any right to insult my prophet either. It cuts both ways, doesn't it? Doesn't matter if I consider senior Mallya as my prophet!

Well atleast in my place noone gives two hoots about idiots.

Wasn't it in India where some artist got kicked out based on a few drawings? Religious injustice is far more prevalent in India than it has ever been in Bangladesh. Although we have our share of problems, in general we have been able to avoid any sorts of major riots or massacres since the birth of our country.
And off course it cuts both ways, I don't expect to make fun of a religion, where the majority practice that faith and not expect an outburst. In India, can I slaughter a cow in front of a Mandir? Using your logic, what if chicken is to me what cow is to you? then would you ban slaughtering chickens too?
Wasn't it in India where some artist got kicked out based on a few drawings? Religious injustice is far more prevalent in India than it has ever been in Bangladesh.
MF Hussain went into self exile as he did not want to face indian Courts.

Although we have our share of problems, in general we have been able to avoid any sorts of major riots or massacres since the birth of our country.
Your country successfully reduced Hindu population from 15% in 1971 to 10%

And off course it cuts both ways, I don't expect to make fun of a religion, where the majority practice that faith and not expect an outburst. In India, can I slaughter a cow in front of a Mandir? Using your logic, what if chicken is to me what cow is to you? then would you ban slaughtering chickens too?

In BD, can anyone slaughter a pig infront of masjid. if not your theory hold no ground.
It may not be an issue for you, but was for Mr. Zaid Hamid.

Same way may be Tagore was for the teacher what Prophet was for Muslims. The student insulted Tagore and teacher insulted Prophet back.
You may argue that Tagore is not sacred, but so is Mao or Stalin. You got to China and insult Mao and say to Chinese that Mao is not God and can be insulted. The response of Chinese may not be favorable for you.

Wrong comparison again. tagore may be revered by inviduals but he was NOT a prophet neither a saint. whereas Muhammad (PBUH) is the Prophet of Muslims all around the world.

i see your argument is weak and just wrongly supporting insult to Prophet of Islam.
If I don't have any right to insult your prophet, then you don't have any right to insult my prophet either. It cuts both ways, doesn't it? Doesn't matter if I consider senior Mallya as my prophet!

Well atleast in my place noone gives two hoots about idiots.

That was a good one.
If I don't have any right to insult your prophet, then you don't have any right to insult my prophet either. It cuts both ways, doesn't it? Doesn't matter if I consider senior Mallya as my prophet!

Well atleast in my place noone gives two hoots about idiots.

very right if i insult your bhagwan then you are justified to treat me the smae way. since you dont have concept of Prophethood so its funny that you are coming up with such notions about tagor in the first place. secondly if i respect an invidual at personal level then you are not bound to respect him as well its just a personal matter of respect but comapring a Prophet of Islam with an individual who has no such following or stature is altogether wrong.

this idiot teacher deserve to be kicked out of teaching profession since he is unfit for it and he himself is worst than illiterates
very right if i insult your bhagwan then you are justified to treat me the smae way. since you dont have concept of Prophethood so its funny that you are coming up with such notions about tagor in the first place. secondly if i respect an invidual at personal level then you are not bound to respect him as well its just a personal matter of respect but comapring a Prophet of Islam with an individual who has no such following or stature is altogether wrong.

this idiot teacher deserve to be kicked out of teaching profession since he is unfit for it and he himself is worst than illiterates

I invented the concept of Hindu prophet two minutes ago.

Narendra Modi is my first prophet.

If you say anything about my first prophet, I'll consider it blasphemy and you will be Wajib-Ul-Katl.

Now do whatever you want to.
I invented the concept of Hindu prophet two minutes ago.

Narendra Modi is my first prophet.

If you say anything about my first prophet, I'll consider it blasphemy and you will be Wajib-Ul-Katl.

Now do whatever you want to.

When mr killer modi got the mass following as a hindu awtar then do tell me iwill think over your claim so till then your claim is such bs
When mr killer modi got the mass following as a hindu awtar then do tell me iwill think over your claim so till then your claim is such bs

Why do you need mass following to consider somebody a prophet?

Are you telling me that Muhammad never had just one follower.

By your logic, Muhammad was not a prophet until he did not have a mass following.

Well, that's what you said.
When mr killer modi got the mass following as a hindu awtar then do tell me iwill think over your claim so till then your claim is such bs

Please tell me Mohammad never killed anyone! Oh and of course , modi has 60 million follwers in Gujarat and 1 at least from Tamil nadu (me)
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