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Bangladesh:Gunfight at BDR headquarters

Stop running probe commentary, please

An investigation starts and before it reaches halfway to filing of its report, people know from the horse's mouth what it is gunning for. Yes, we are talking about the probe in the recent BDR massacre and what its chief coordinator has been dishing out on a daily basis, almost like a running commentary.

Any probe is supposed to be a discreet affair. It has to be done in a way so that one hand of the investigator does not know what the other hand is groping for. And then all information has to be pieced together--like in a jigsaw puzzle--to find out the broader picture. If everybody knows what strings the investigators are touching on, what new shapes the information are taking, then there is every chance that the probe may be blown off-course.

Sadly though, Commerce Minister Faruk Khan, saddled with the task of coordinating the probe into the February 25-26 BDR carnage, has been doing exactly the same since getting his new status. Everyday he has been talking to reporters at every possible function about what the probe finds are. It is from him that we have come to know that Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) militants are "involved" in the carnage. The next day, the probe even proceeded further to include "others" along with the JMB in the bloodbath.

Put what the CID and Rab investigators are saying, albeit anonymously. And remember when people talk anonymously they tend to get a bit of a free rein, they tend to brag and amplify things. Yet, as far as our correspondents have gathered from them, they said they still could not identify any link to the masterminds or "conspirators". They have been able to identify the killers who were involved in the murders. Cautious and measured information they give out, indeed.

As it looks now, the commerce minister has been trying to play to the gallery, or he has been trying to act foolishly to alert those who were "behind" the carnage, or he has been trying to etch out political mileage out of the probe.

His comments may influence the probe and investigators may feel constrained to toe his line. His comments can be premature as what seems like evident now may take for a different turn a little up the line. His statements may give the perpetrators time to hide.

For example, look at this comment he made in parliament on March 2: "We know who sent SMS [text message] to BDR members asking them not to surrender arms. We know who brought out procession encouraging the BDR butchers."

On March 13, he said: "We have gathered that a number of BDR jawans arrested in the mutiny case were involved in JMB somehow or other. I will not give more details as that might alert others having links to the mass killings."

On March 17, he observed: "Some people are trying to assist those who were directly involved in the mutiny."

Faruk, and some other ministers, had already come to a conclusion about the motive of the carnage--to destabilise the country and make it a "failed state".

Analysis and guess are one thing and probe outcomes are another. If one sets what to find for the investigators, the outcome becomes dubious. Let the facts talk, let the information reveal what the motive of the massacre was.

Incidentally, saner heads in the government have been holding their tongue. Law Minister Shafique Ahmed has said nobody should be specifically accused of having links with the conspiracy of the Pilkhana carnage before the enquiry reports are published.

The Daily Star - Details News
To M_saint(what an oxymoron)

And Nizami impregnated NANAK's mother and JMB leader Abdur Rahman's wife
was a step sister of Mirza Azam. Efforts for Hog washneeded to be perfected.

Extremely vulgar comment by any standard;not needed and totally uncalled for.You exposed your level of education and culture.

Why 103 floors of WTC burned to ashes but so-called hijacker's ID remained intact? Why attackers of Sri Lankan team left their Rucshaks and guns in crucial intersections then ran toward Pathan colony? Why IND denied AZMAL KASAB's request to make him public? Ever heard the word DECEPTION

Off topic.not related with BDR mutiny.

Definition of cultured is Iaizza, Aizza, Kothakar Zia and Hasina's lying- frothing-Mouth. Perhaps Motiur Rahman Rentu could tell you what Hasina's CHOLI KA PACHE KIA HAY as he has heard her singing Jindegi, Jindegi after Rauful Bosunia's death was assured. Perhaps cultured Mujib could teach you how to kill speaker in parliament as he did in 1958. Perhaps RAWAMY leaders could show you how to be cultured by making century in raping.

I assume, u thought that i am a supporter of AL.Totally wrong.AL is too weak.It could not arrange trial of all Razakars(we needed our own Nuremberg trial).It is not secular enough.Its' leaders are not educated enough as well as corrupt.For developing a modern Bangladesh,we need something better than that.I am pretty sure,gradually our society will become more educated and will evolve over time.Bengalis are capable to do so.

Angels tried to prohibit Almighty not to create human beings because they would be ungateful. May be they meant the like of yours. Did you realize that you were in Pakistani forum? Check this out in Bharat-rakshak and see if Ram comes to save Laxman like you.

I did not do any personal attack against u.So,i don't deserve a nasty attack from a spoiled brat like u.My root is in BD.My family spilled blood for my country's liberation.I don't have answer to anybody who is not Bengali enough and now wants to pose himself as a champion of BD cause.I know,if there is a war against India,these type of people will be Razakar again.

They were supporting mutiniers because of cultured Bibi's meeting with mutiniers and making their voices heard in Medias loud enough. Who was to be seen in the meeting? Certainly SQC didn't look like NANAK dada or Khaleda wasn't less Arza than your Hasina Bibi.

You just lost your sanity.In Medicine,we use a term 'overactive disorder associated with mental retardation and stereyotyped movement'.It's a kind of pervasive disorder(PDD).You might qualify for that.

Next time,i won't reply to your answer.I don't want to stoop myself to your level.Thanks.
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Awami League govt is playing good cop bad cop game. They used one of their minister Faruk Khan to repeat India originated baseless accusation and defame Bangladesh armed forces and then they send their law minister with wise word. But if we have not realized yet damage is already done.

This is the pattern Awami League is following. Remember Indian FM official label Bangladesh as "buffer state" and Awami foreign minister silently supported that. Then came LGRD minister with spin that Dipu Moni did not understand.

Hasina indirectly and constantly implying that militant has something to do with it and talking about threat of civil war. Yet she failed to tell the nation how and from where threat of civil was came???? And civil war between whom?

She claimed Awami League won 87% of popular vote so it could not be people vs people. Is Hasina threatening Bangladesh armed forces of civil war on be half of India?? According to article of her son and advisor Awami league had been planning for Bangladesh armed forces demise for some time.
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You are wrong.People initially supported the BDR mutiny because the media portrayed them as heroes.People supported the cause not their action.So,point to be noted is why media portrayed the mutineers as heroes?Was it lack of professionalism or some outside force?

It proves that we have not matured yet as a nation.We follow our heart,not our brain.I am also no exception to this rule.
It proves that we have not matured yet as a nation.We follow our heart,not our brain.I am also no exception to this rule.

That is an excellent comment. Considering that Bangladesh is only 38 years old and still fighting over our identity that is quite a pertinent point. Once we know and realize who we are and who we are not then Bangladesh can achieve some level of maturity. The unfortunate part is that there are some people who are trying to confuse us and are in the pay of our enemies.
2nd FBI team arrives

Another team of the Federal Bureau of Investigation short-named FBI arrived in Dhaka today, said Commerce Minister Faruk Khan, who is also the head of the coordination committee on the BDR mutiny probe.

Speaking to reporters at his office at the Secretariat, Khan said the government sought help of the FBI of the United States to find out whether there was any international connection to the BDR massacre.

"The BDR mutiny was staged to damage the economy, armed forces and national solidarity," he said after a meeting with Sri Lanka high commissioner in Dhaka.

"We are not hiding anything. Everything is being done transparently. We will disclose everything by making the investigation report public," Khan added.

He said he would have a meeting with the FBI team tomorrow.

A two-member FBI delegation had earlier visited Bangladesh. A team of the Scotland Yard of the United Kingdom also came to Bangladesh to help probe into the last month's BDR carnage.

The Daily Star - Details News

Task Force Interrogation Cell or CID has not yet found any proof or dependable clue indicating involvement of Islamic Militants including JMB in BDR mutiny----not to speak of JMB being Leader behind-----as reported in Bangla daily ITTEFAQ on 18.3.09—quoting sources in Interrogation cell.
Please see link for details The Daily Ittefaq - March 18, 2009

Does that indiacte any sinister motive behind BAL Commerce Minister’s continuous blabbering about JMB or Islamic Militants behind BDR mutiny----despite repeated criticism from people & media ?

We must uncover what it is that he is so obsessed to cover up by diverting attention of people to wrong direction? Is he feeling uncomfortable that Torab Ali---the arrested mid level BAL leader now under examination by TFI cell---is going to tell few more BAL names ?


It was asked in another report in Bangla daily ITTEFAQ. The report explained how this is tarnishing our image abroad and how our national interest will be hampered by this suicidal acts of PM and BAL Govt. Please see link for details : The Daily Ittefaq - March 18, 2009

Many expressed serious apprehension that such propaganda by PM and BAL Govt. itself will close the door of UN Peacekeeping appointments for Bangladesh Army sooner to infuriate and destabilize the Army---a target that failed BDR mutiny could not achieve.

Is above all is a part of the effort to justify acceptance of all assistance that India so kindly had already offered to BAL Govt. at Dhaka : [Ref : The Hindustan Times @ March 2, 2009] : The Armed Forces of India remain stand by for what they said 'humanitarian intervention' inside Bangladesh. The paper further claimed : Since the day of the BDR mutiny, Indian Air Force (IAF) transport bases---equipped with IL-76 heavy-lift and AN-32 medium-lift aircrafts----were asked to stay prepared to assist the Bangladesh government, if requested.


Is it caused by the wisdom gathered from ‘The Fox and the Hen’ story---available in any children story book---that any literate Bangladeshi reads in his early life ?

May I advise that Sajeeb Joy suggest---in his article in Herald Tribune Review--- to remove that Fox & Hen story entirely from all children's books here, in addition to his proposed 6 Action Items for rectification of Bangladesh Armed Forces and Status of Islam in Bangladesh.
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Bangladesh government influencing report of BDR Massacre
Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury One of the most influential members of the ruling party as well as Commerce Minister in Bangladesh, Lieutenant Colonel [Retired] Faruk Khan told reporters on Thursday that there were hands of banned Islamist militancy group named Jamaatul Mujahedin Bangladesh [JMB] behind the massacre, that took place inside the headquarters of Bangladesh Riffles [BDR] on February 25 & 26.

He said some of the border troops rounded up for alleged role in the bloody mutiny are found to have connections with JMB, the banned Islamist outfit responsible for terrorist attacks including the near-simultaneous countrywide blasts in 2005.

Faruk, who has lately been tasked with coordinating the probes into February 25-26 bloodbath at Pilkhana, was talking to reporters at his secretariat office around noon."We have gathered that a number of BDR jawans arrested in the mutiny case were involved in JMB somehow or other."

This comment from the top figure who has been assigned by the government to coordinate the investigation process is very significant. But at the same time, this comment will surely influence the investigation report, especially of those non-army bodies and more precisely of Criminal Investigation Department [which is controlled by the Home Ministry] in exclusively alleging JMB behind the entire massacre, thus excluding many of the potential culprits who belong to the ruling party as well the opposition quearters.

Now, let us also examine some of the comments by the Commerce Minister, Lt. Colonel [Retired] Faruk Khan on the massacre:He said, "Some links of Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh [to the rebellion] have been found, it will be cleared once the investigation is completed."

Here is the question! If the matter is still under investigation, why the minister belonging to the ruling party felt extra-zealed in disclosing portional facts of the investigation? Just to give an impression that his party had no hands behind this notorious murders and brutalities?

Why Jahangir Kabir Nanak, Mirza Azam and the Home Minister Sahara Khatun should not be interrogated by the army investigation team as to why they allowed the 14-member team of the killers to enter the residence of the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for a close-door meeting without registering their names and designations in the register book? Who helped these men in keeping their identities suppressed?

Why the government sent Jahangir Kabir Nanak and Mirza Azam to handle this extremely important case, while they had many other senior leaders like Tofael Ahmed, Suranjit Sen Gupta or even Syed Ashraful Islam? There are evidences that Jahangir Kabir Nanak and Azam were active during October 2006 broad-day-light murder of people on the streets of Dhaka in the name of political agitation. Some of the government leaders try to justify saying both Nanak and Azam were ´courageous peope´ and ´experienced in tacking such situation´. What kind of experience do they have? Experience to instigate and provoke?

The entire nation is willing to see a very neutral investigation into the murders and brutalities inside the BDR headquarters during February 25 and 26. Killers and conspirators, whoever they may be, should be brought into book and accorded stern punishment. Any influenced investigation will bring virtually no result in this case. Members of each of the investigation teams should remember this point for the sake of their own image and credibility. There is no room for anyone to show minimum sympathy to the killers and their instigators and patrons.

There is another bad news already by now centering the BDR massacre. A leader of the ruling party has already been arrested for his involvement behind this massacre. It is learnt that a significant volume of arms, ammunitions and grenades were already smuggled out of the BDR headquarters by the fleeing jawans of the Bangladesh Riffles. It is even reported that, some of the pro-ruling party terrorists are already possessing such arms, ammunitions and grenades and even some of them are already trading in such looted items. Investigators should also keep close-eyes on this matter.

And, finally a small scoop. A Captain of Bangladesh Army was murdered inside a residential hotel owned by an Awami League leader in the city. This murder mystery is yet to be unearthed by the members of the law enforcing agencies. Since February 25, 2009, we are witnessing death of several army officers in Bangladesh from BDR massacre to hotel murder to helicopter mystery. Each of the incidents should be properly investigated for the sake of independence and sovereignty of this nation. No one should be accorded minimum opportunity of playing foul with the patriotic members of our armed forces. This is a noble responsibility to each of the patriotic citizen of Bangladesh.

American Chronicle | Bangladesh government influencing report of BDR Massacre
Who India and Indian FM issued the threat to?
Did Hasina led Awami League govt outsourced its protection details to India?
What understanding India has with Hasina govt for its protection?
Under what mandate and jurisdiction India would intervene in Bangladesh?
Who in Bangladesh army Indian rendered advice of caution?

Obvious answer to these questions (already given by Indian FM) will lead further strengthening the fact there was and is great deal of Indian capital invested in installing Awami League govt in power.

Questionable election winning aside, Awami League “din bodol” slogan had been designed to dupe young population. This Indian threat and influencing Hasina’s (as PM of Bangladesh) decision on sensitive internal security matter should serve as another rude awakening to these voters that their trust for “din bodol” or change has been sold out to India. Unless they wake up and raise their voice their “din bodol” will live under the thumb of Indian wishes.

And for those who are in armed forces lost so much lately, can not be oblivion to the fact that since 1/11 of 2007 some of their top brass had sold out national and their own interest. As Indian diplomat indicated India had advised army and PM to act cautiously which led to prolong amnesty discussion and decision. As surviving army officers repeatedly stated delay and blanket amnesty was most damaging factor for loss of majority of those officers life. If there was early army action most of these officers massacred could have been saved.

Moeen U Ahmed, chief of Army was in meeting with PM at the time of these “cautious” amnesty discussions. Was that Moeen U Ahmed who received advice and threat from Indian foreign minister Pranab Mukherjee? Whose interest was and is important to Moeen U Ahmed and Hasina Wazed, PM of Bangladesh? Is it the fact Indian pressure of caution and amnesty was to create safe passage for Indian commandos who carried out the massacre as some news article published last week? From course of action Hasina had taken, it is obvious that Indian interest of keeping Awami League govt in power was more important than life of army officers and defense of Bangladesh.

Thanks for your above post. I feel that your this post is like dunes of sand--and each dune embeds lots of practical threads---that if clarified---may lead us to understand India's hidden agenda with BAL Govt., if any, and in that light, the roles of both---jointly or individually---in pre- and post-BDR mutiny stage. Would you dig up a little more, and elaboarte ?
This is an excellent article,especially because its from Daily star which is tilted towards AL govt.Hope our "wise" commerce minister reads this and control his flooding mouth.
true true.
BTW was it really an AL member who killed that captain?

Bangladesh government influencing report of BDR Massacre
Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury--------
And, finally a small scoop. A Captain of Bangladesh Army was murdered........

Points you raised look valid to many in Bangladesh---is evident from various blogs, forums, news reports we are coming accross.

Yet one point need to be reviewed:

1. That death case---as confirmed by family source---entails 'personal' issue.

Thanks for your input, SurvivoR.
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Yet 2 above points need to be reviewed:

1. Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury is editor of the weekly Blitz at Dhaka, nota ruling party memeber.
2. That death case---as confirmed by family source---entails 'personal' issue.

Thanks for your input, SurvivoR.

He posted the article from weekly blitz,which during copying probably got tangled.

In fact it is from American chronicle which is like a sister concern to weekly blitz.

I am having trouble to understand why a "pro-Israeli" newspaper is so against a "pro-India" govt.?This really is a big puzzle.
He posted the article from weekly blitz,which during copying probably got tangled.

In fact it is from American chronicle which is like a sister concern to weekly blitz.

I am having trouble to understand why a "pro-Israeli" newspaper is so against a "pro-India" govt.?This really is a big puzzle.

1. I realized that little later, and edited accordingly my earlier post. Thanks for the clarification.

2. Yes. Blitz is known to be so. But, in any case, the editor is a human being who has every right to remain 'Pro-Bangladesh'. He really came out with several timely informative articles in the past which deserve high appreciation from truth-seeking corner. Is it not ?
1. I realized that little later, and edited accordingly my earlier post. Thanks for the clarification.

2. Yes. Blitz is known to be so. But, in any case, the editor is a human being who has every right to remain 'Pro-Bangladesh'. He really came out with several timely informative articles in the past which deserve high appreciation from truth-seeking corner. Is it not ?

It is appreciable but you know it is also suspicious at the same time.I guess his "appointment" with RAB taught him few good things.
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