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Bangladesh:Gunfight at BDR headquarters

He posted the article from weekly blitz,which during copying probably got tangled.

In fact it is from American chronicle which is like a sister concern to weekly blitz.

I am having trouble to understand why a "pro-Israeli" newspaper is so against a "pro-India" govt.?This really is a big puzzle.

Nothing to be puzzled. Recently RAW and Mossad did have differences in BD.

The agents of both the agencies had been at each others' throats in BD.
Extremely vulgar comment by any standard;not needed and totally uncalled for.You exposed your level of education and culture.
Ditching bees without having thick skin is also uncalled for. And meeting vulgerism with over waited similarity falls in 'Learn from cradle to grave' credo.

Off topic.not related with BDR mutiny.
'Off topic' or being in 'off the hook'?

I assume, u thought that i am a supporter of AL.Totally wrong.AL is too weak.It could not arrange trial of all Razakars (we needed our own Nuremberg trial). It is not secular enough.Its' leaders are not educated enough as well as corrupt.For developing a modern Bangladesh,we need something better than that.I am pretty sure,gradually our society will become more educated and will evolve over time.Bengalis are capable to do so.
Alien's solution brought us here today. 'Bangladesh model' that was created through experimenting us by IMF, WB and Military elites took the country back to the guessing of who we were.

I did not do any personal attack against u.So,i don't deserve a nasty attack from a spoiled brat like u.My root is in BD.My family spilled blood for my country's liberation.I don't have answer to anybody who is not Bengali enough and now wants to pose himself as a champion of BD cause.I know,if there is a war against India,these type of people will be Razakar again.
Your family spilled blood on liberation war and I lost my Dada whose son was commander of the different sectors or he claimed like that. His brother was blind folded by the morphed Muktijuddahs of today and thrown in river near at Kashba. Muktijuddah or the worst opportunist-bastards known to my conscious heart can't sell their 'Banijjik scheme' by emotional hodge podge or concocted stories at least to me since I haved crossed the barrier of their deception. And if that puts in ambiguity about my 'schooling level' in your mind then don't expect another response from me. And regardless of the personal loss, you could never provoke me unless your mediocrity reached to the nadir of a 'Brain-washed' mind.
That is an excellent comment. Considering that Bangladesh is only 38 years old and still fighting over our identity that is quite a pertinent point. Once we know and realize who we are and who we are not then Bangladesh can achieve some level of maturity. The unfortunate part is that there are some people who are trying to confuse us and are in the pay of our enemies.

All these are excuses. What identity are you talking about? You mean the basic constituional structure, well then you are late , very late. You got 38 years and which by no mean is less time to deicde on the course you want to take.
hehe dude you have no idea where our divisions are.You would laugh man simply laugh.

I think I voted for Hasina because she had a Bachelor's while the other(K madam) didn't and food prices were rising and I thought the Girl on Fire could calm those down.Maybe Sajib should go to the US army,The Marine corps or the Air Force first and see how many religious personnel are there because he is a true American citizen.
Islam in BD aren't only found in madrassahs.Moron.

I just lost you there !!!
Does not PM of BAL Govt. deserve fair appreciation ?

I think she should---if such case arises. It will be erroneously stingy not to use charitable remarks if one deserves so.

Md. Ali Akbar---a Deputy Secretary in BAL Govt.---thinks that she really does. That prompted him to present an article on The Daily Star Does the PM deserve uncharitable remarks? :The Daily Star: Internet Edition

The major points he raised are 3 (in blue color):

1.…..The rebels did not give any inkling of the grisly murders committed. Shrewdly, they suppressed everything all through until arms surrender upon the prime minister's stern warning to lay down arms. At those critical hours, the prime concern was to secure release of the army officers and their wives and children under custody of the mutineers. That objective must have impelled her to a political resolution.

Is Mr. Ali correct: (1) in assuming that ‘political resolution’---which was executed as only available solution ?; (2) Everyone including PM and her Govt. machine were totally blank until arms surrender ?

In the light of many reports and, particularly, the article :Mutiny, bloodshed at BDR HQ, the 25th Feb edition of The Daily Star: Shaheed DG, BDR called PM around 9:30 am, the 25th Feb. Cell phone of Shaheed Col Gulzar Uddin Ahmed went dead by late morning, the 25th. Bodies of---Col Mujibul Huq and Lt Col Enayetul Haq -- were recovered from a sewage system early after-noon, the 25th Feb The so-called ‘Arms Surrender’ (by not really surrendering though) happened at 2:30 am the 26th–the next day.

Is Mr.Ali is citing the truth while he is out begging charity for PM ?

2...The mutineers in statements to TV channels blamed the army officers in command for severe maltreatment towards them. They attributed the act to their pent up resentment for redressing some long pending grievances. It was but natural to think that the rebelling troops might have held the officers captive as bargaining chips for meeting their demands. It occurred to no one that they might have brutally killed so many officers in the meantime. Even the media did not try to elicit information about the officers' fate at that time.

Dose that indicate that responsible people---including PM and her advisors & staff---running the country have at least required level of vision, intelligence, talent to look after Bangladesh ? Yes, perhaps it is ‘natural’ for a Dy Secretary & bearucrats---otherwise why Bangladesh will remain so behind after 2+ decades of independence ? But not yet to show charity to PM.

3... In that stage, the prime minister, after consultation with her cabinet, AL presidium members, mohajote leaders, and the armed forces chiefs, decided to neutralize the armed rebels through negotiations rather than armed intervention……

Does it again reflect any special virtue of PM that she summoned (in most congested traffic hours in the morning) and discussed (surely in usual very slack manner) and wasted precious time in (1) Realizing the issue in proper perspective; and (2) Taking the correct decision.

A ‘political solution’ can always be merged with a ‘military one’.

Who is trying to say that the length of list of persons a PM discusses on a national security issue indicates the magnitude of his/her talent to run a country ? Yet I am ready to praise PM that she did not include other members of her family including Sk. Helal & their house staff, and all other Golden Boys of BAL’s student & youth wings---and thus did not make the list longer.

But where is your points---- in this issue of BDR Mutiny---Mr Ali Akbar that should encourage us to be charitable to PM ?

Why a Dy Secretary has to ask charity for PM on wrong ground, then, anyway ?
Differences or line of division in Bangladesh is largely cosmetic one and fundamentally instigated and nurtured by India and Indian funded socio–political group, namely Awami League, Indian funded/sponsored media and “personalities”.

How can you say its cosmetic difference when there has been so many violent incidents.

Indian design was to paint aspiration of Bangladeshi nationalism as fundamentalism while portrayed and propped Awami League against aspiration of majority of Bangladeshis.

Nationalism and fundementalism can be easily identified.

But Indians and their Bangladeshi surrogates Awami League had been creating artificial division among people by propagating that Bangladeshi nationalism and influence of Islam in our way of life making Bangladesh a fundamentalist country hence need to adapt secularism.

Did AL come to power on the promise of introducing secularism?

Not only that since Bangladesh armed forces stand in the way of Indo-Awami design of divides and conquer they started labeling our armed forces a fundamentalist force.

Where did you learn that?

And Indians who are discovering the division should know it’s by their (GOI) own instigation.

I will still blame you only. How can a foreign government fool such a vast majority for 38 years? It happens only in B'desh.
This is the pattern Awami League is following. Remember Indian FM official label Bangladesh as "buffer state" and Awami foreign minister silently supported that. .

No i dont remember, please qoute it.

She claimed Awami League won 87% of popular vote so it could not be people vs people. Is Hasina threatening Bangladesh armed forces of civil war on be half of India?? .

How can she saying 'she won 87% vote' mean being on behalf of India.

According to article of her son and advisor Awami league had been planning for Bangladesh armed forces demise for some time.

Which article?
It is appreciable but you know it is also suspicious at the same time.I guess his "appointment" with RAB taught him few good things.

I agree with you. We should remain alert on all sides till truth is revealed, and appropraite action taken.

Would you throw more light on the "appointment" event ?
I just lost you there !!!
The latter part I was replying to the post of somebody else,please note.

Not only Faruk but everyone of us should wait for the probe's results to come out.
question,again.What did that guy mean by a buffer state?
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Nothing to be puzzled. Recently RAW and Mossad did have differences in BD.

The agents of both the agencies had been at each others' throats in BD.

Some religious people (I occasionally keep touch with for their views, too) was saying: “The main plot failed to materialize as Allah had intervened in BDR mutiny lately”. Yet I had been thinking, if they are right then what is the event(s) through which the divine intervention materialized ? It tried to imagine several alternatives---nothing fits.

Suddenly, I found that your bit of info does the best-fit in the slot. Would you elaborate?
Are you ready for charitable comment to Indian Foreign Minister Pranab for his kind offer for “Direct Intervention” into Bangladesh ?

It is reported in 'The Hidden Emirate Of Anarchistan’ by Oulook India: He (none less than Indian Foreign Minister Pranab) let out a hitherto unknown fact to the audience: "I had to go out of my way to issue a stern warning to those trying to destabilize the Sheikh Hasina government in Bangladesh that if they continued with their attempts, then India would not sit idle."
In other words---Outlook continues---New Delhi had conveyed it was willing to take counter-measures in the Great Game, including the possibility of direct intervention. See http://outlookindia.com/full.asp?fodname=20090316&fname=Cover+Story&sid=1&pn=2

I was otherwise almost ready but 2 issues impeded:

1. Why Pranab thinks that Bangladesh Armed Forces is not capable of looking after its Govt. by themselves ?
2. Great Game. That reminded me the story on frogs’ response to stone-hurling boys: What is game to you is death to us.

I changed my mind then. But are you ready ? If yes, why ? Would you care to explain ?
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Funny people. Inventing lot of conspiracy. No fact.

I am journalist for many year. You people do not know reality.
Funny people. Inventing lot of conspiracy. No fact.

I am journalist for many year. You people do not know reality.

Oh! welcome, Gulshan. That is why, in free-time, we are involved in this forum.

Many of us found that most journalists are the best in suprressing or distorting the truth, so we thought to work-out available facts so that the real truth surfaces.

Why not you throw some real light by now ? The Holiday, 13th March 09 reports as follows:


He maintains in his article BDR rebellion, probe and helicopter crash ….Sources tend to suggest that some recent deaths of armed forces officers should not be taken as mere coincidence.

He cites the following deaths:

1. The Army Captain : In Issa Khan Hotel (so far known to me otherwise; SurvivoR: Pls note)
2. BDR Subedar Mozammel : in a BDR building in Peelkhana under
3. 1 X Major General and 1 X Lt. Col. in helicopter crash
4. Pesh Imam of Peelkhana mosque, Imam Siddiqur Rahman, who died at Dhaka Medical College

Shahidul also mentioned 2 serious events in above article:

1. Having heard the audio of the PM's conversation with aggrieved army officer, a veteran national security analyst says on condition of anonymity, "The PM either does not get it, or she too is helpless." He did not elaborate.

2. It is alleged lately the military's own investigation team was denied from having access to converse with three particular ministers who had entered the BDR compound during the mutiny.

Issue #1 many Bangladeshis understand very well by now. Most troubling issue---to many others & me---is the last # 2. Because, if correct, truth will not see the light of the day in any official report under BAL Govt. What to do, then ? Will you (or any one) throw some light on any aspects of this or any above?
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Are you ready for charitable comment to Indian Foreign Minister Pranab for his kind offer for “Direct Intervention” into Bangladesh ?

It is reported in 'The Hidden Emirate Of Anarchistan’ by Oulook India: He (none less than Indian Foreign Minister Pranab) let out a hitherto unknown fact to the audience: "I had to go out of my way to issue a stern warning to those trying to destabilize the Sheikh Hasina government in Bangladesh that if they continued with their attempts, then India would not sit idle."
In other words---Outlook continues---New Delhi had conveyed it was willing to take counter-measures in the Great Game, including the possibility of direct intervention.

I was otherwise almost ready but 2 issues impeded:

1. Why Pranab thinks that Bangladesh Armed Forces is not capable of looking after its Govt. by themselves ?
2. Great Game. That reminded me the story on frogs’ response to stone-hurling boys: What is game to you is death to us.

I changed my mind then. But are you ready ? If yes, why ? Would you care to explain ?

If I am not wrong, this stmt of Pranab M. was bf4 25feb...I may be wrong here....also....don't u think he issue warning who r destablizing BD...he infact as FM of india want stable BD.

As for gr8 game...i guess there is nothing can be done...in todays world...2or3 superpowers are using other countries as pawn....And not India is not one of them

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