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Bangladesh:Gunfight at BDR headquarters

JMB alone did not commit Pilkhana carnage: Faruk

Many others were involved in the Pilkhana carnage apart from the Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB), chief coordinator of the probe committee Faruk Khan said today.

A vested quarter is trying to help the criminals involved in the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) bloodsheds held on February 25-26 in its headquarters, he told reporters at his secretariat.

The investigation committee is finding a lot of evidences in this connection, Faruk, also the commerce minister, said.

The committee is collecting information about them, Faruk added.
Nice to note that the bright Commerce Minister of BAL---recently appointed Chief Co-ordinator of Probe Teams by Sk. Hasina--- is again talking, in a little improved manner though.

The other person so far confessed to Taskforce Interrogation Cell is former-BDR Subedar and now a mid-level BAL leader Mr. Torab Ali---the proud father of top-terror ‘Leather’ Liton, the former VP of City Chhatra League---the student wing of BAL.

The 2 persons---observers noted to have warm relationship with arrested BDR DAD Tawhid & Co---are : Nanaok and Ajam---MP and Whip of BAL.

What chemical effinity could bring BAL elements so intimately to JMBs (as claimed by Faruk) ? How it caused them to interact so well that left behind the entire BAL Govt. look like a dumb fool (because of a fake drama of surrender with arms), 57 Army officers dead----that too in a single stroke---while the perptretors vanished in thin air along with numerous BDR arms ?

Is not the truth still away from the mouth of Chief Co-ordinator?
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I can't and don't believe that JMB can do this.Reasons are simple,just earlier in February we saw constant vigilant operations by RAB,who arrested many JMB members.
Now an organisation under a microscope can execute such massive operation is really hard to digest.

If they would say Huji-B,then at least it would have been believable.But JMB,something does not add up.I just hope the military investigation is made public.Don't want some silent killings to happen because they should be executed in public.
I can't and don't believe that JMB can do this.Reasons are simple,just earlier in February we saw constant vigilant operations by RAB,who arrested many JMB members.
Now an organisation under a microscope can execute such massive operation is really hard to digest.

If they would say Huji-B,then at least it would have been believable.But JMB,something does not add up.I just hope the military investigation is made public.Don't want some silent killings to happen because they should be executed in public.

In addition, bothers me a couple of questions:

Q 1: After the people of Bangladesh gave BAL such an overwhelming mandate—which even caused BNP and JI activists to become so perplexed & meek—JMB activists (already pulped by RAB, no significant connection and already rejected by majority citizens much earlier), how do they execute such a massive plan—that involves meeting with PM/HM and MPs and Whip, and then they vanish in thin air ? That sure points finger to another Group—more capable & hands-on experience, more confident, having more connection & support.

Q 2: People of Bangladesh and Army were fooled by mandating BAL so overwhelmingly—realized after 50 days, and BAL Govt. was fooled by mutiny Master-minds—realized after 33 hours. Will our Probe Teams be able to fool Master-minds in less than 33 days ?
Commentary: Don’t help others to paint Bangladesh as a terrorist country

Commerce Minister Col (retd) Faruq Khan who has been working as the coordinator of the inquiry into the February 25-26 carnage at the BDR headquarters has stated that outlawed militant outfit Jamiyatul Mujahidin Bangladesh (JMB) had links to the same.

The statement made by Col Faruq, who is otherwise considered moderate on Thursday was ahead of completion of investigation by the government appointed committee, the one by the criminal investigation department (CID) and another by the army. Many have termed the statement premature.

Not only that, many others complained that he was trying to influence the investigation along a political line. It is possible that he did not mean that.

Faruq Khan's suggestion came a couple of days after the CID, as per press reports, dismissed the possibility of any militant links to the mutiny that apparently was designed to cripple the 70,000-strong force that guarded more than 4000 kilometres of Bangladesh borders.

Another investigation conducted by the military has so far also reportedly not found any links to the involvement of the militant organisation that made its presence felt by setting off synchronised blasts at 63 of 64 district towns on 17 August 2005. Its kingpins have since been hauled up and executed through the due process of law.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has told The New York Times that grenades and bullets were chasing her ever since the August 21 grenade attack on her rally at Bangabandhu Avenue in 2004.

"Hasina called the mutiny "a big conspiracy" against her agenda to establish a secular democracy in this Muslim-majority nation of 150 million. She struck a note of defiant resolve.

"She said she was keen to hunt down and punish those responsible for the mutiny. She suggested that several factions unhappy with her agenda could have been responsible, including Islamist militants, whom she has vowed to crush.

"There are many elements," she said in her first extensive interview since the Feb. 25 siege. "These terrorist groups are very much active. This incident gives us a lesson. It can happen again," The New York Times reported.

Syed Ashraful Islam, the Awami League party spokesman, on the other hand, told journalists that the government would not make any comment that might influence the inquiries that are now on. He sounds reasonable.

Even if links to JMB or any other militant organisation were found through the three inquiries, the people concerned should have been well advised to refrain from making any disclosure before the investigations were over or do so only if the investigations gave conclusive proofs of such involvement.

But the statement about JMB involvement which has been repeated by the commerce minister has the potential to serve two serious blows to the country's interests : 1) Give the security forces a bad name that might undermine their international reputation and consequently, lead to the closure of the door of the UN Peacekeeping Forces for them; and 2) give Bangladesh's enemies a weapon to use at will for branding it as a terrorist nation and isolate it for badly needed foreign investment.

The second part of the statement of Col (retd) Faruq Khan that those involved in the mutiny were recruited during the rule of the BNP-led government may be well understood as a move to give part of the blame to the political opposition. But first part of the statement, if not supported by evidence, would only cause serious harm from which it would be difficult for the country to recover.

The ministry of home affairs yesterday presented a report on 12 militant organisations to the Cabinet, Tanzim Ahmed Sohel Taj, state minister of the ministry, told newsmen. Some of these organisations are still operating the report indicated, he said.

The state minister said that the government would examine if these organisations have international or political links and also where from their funding support comes. Needless to say, this is a good initiative. But cheap statements would lead investigations to nowhere.

At this hour of national crisis when the foundation of the vital security forces have been shaken and the entire nation is in a state of uncertainty, important functionaries of the government should better use their judgement and not party politics and avoid the creation of misgivings that can only do harm to the nation.

We have foreign financed NGOs which have been too busy to project Bangladesh as a terrorist-infested country. Even a failed state. In any view of the matter JMB is not a big terrorist outfit to pose a threat for the country's security forces. There are more vicious left-oriented terrorist forces which are more powerful and these forces must not be overlooked just because there are some who are too eager to find Islamist terrorists in Bangladesh.

The New Nation - Internet Edition

I feel that all of you want to continue active participation in this thread, yet sometimes you are disappointed by some postings---which appear to you awkward or irrational or devoid of fact/logic etc.

If it is from any Bangladeshi----then you must understand that (1) We are all under heavy emotional stress; yet we are aware of many facts & figures and are naturally capable of stating some truth---even after missing a link or two inbetween--by virtue of intuition and past-experince developed over years right on the spot of occurrence, and because most issues and persons are all within our home-boundary and known to us for years. (2) Any irrational comment may come from you too by mistake---not willingly--because human error is still there.

I would like to invite you cordially, and encourage you sincerely to continue to present your vesrions of "Possible Motives, Indentities, Placement of the event in broad perspectivre of possible General Plan etc." I promise you that to all theories/hypothesis advanced, I will supply---in context to your posting---available facts---that will throw more lights on those submitted thoughts for jointly accepting / rejecting any on mutual understanding.

Truth is expected to come out anyway---though many are apprehensive of BAL Govt.'s sincerety.

But, Bangladesh being a monolithic state of closely intermingled people, nothing remains here secret too long a time. Even before introduction of mobile phones, anything that happened in Teknaf near Myanmar at night would be known to Tetulia on the north-tip by the next mid-morning.

It is common to find 3 brothers under one roof has 3 seperate political loyalty, and yet they are living happily together---ofcourse with occassional disagreement---verbally so violent that you will expect a murder case within 24 hours, but you will find them---after 24 hours---smoking together with every one having other brother's child on the lap---yes, till another round of match happens as per any invisible fixure.

So, let us continue this analytical intercourse---even under limitations of facts and hard information, and against the rough sea of emotional waves---till the truth comes out, and we can compare later how smart/fool are we. Truth does not depend on our participation or shrinkage from this forum. This is an intellectual sport for our own benefit.

Yes, some of us might have pre-judice, interfering loyalty, ego, and zeal to influence other's judgment or even the truth. Well, that too are parts of the game.

Don't lose your heart or patience like a school boy. This forum and our active participation--right or wrong--will not cause the doom's day. But remaining aloof---to avert the rough sea and unwanted ships around---will not make us the sailor of the day.

Only Good remain away from the bad(s), but the Best mingles happily with them & all.
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JMB alone did not commit Pilkhana carnage: Faruk

Many others were involved in the Pilkhana carnage apart from the Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB), chief coordinator of the probe committee Faruk Khan said today.

This Faruk guy is talking too much... Does anybody know how he ended his carrier as a Colonel. Was he forced retired or could not pass the Exam in Military?????? :hitwall:
Many big shots involved in BDR carnage: Minister

News Report

Commerce minister Faruq Khan said many powerful persons, including militants, were involved in the 25-26 February BDR mutiny and that they are now trying to save the BDR men directly involved in the killings and looting.
During the 33-hour bloody mutiny, at least 72 army officers and three civilians were killed and score others injured at Peelkhana BDR headquarters.
Khan, also coordinator of all inquiry committees formed in connection with BDR mutiny, while talking to journalists on Monday said that some people were trying to hide others directly involved in the mutiny to save themselves.
Last week, the army officer-turned minister said evidence of link of militant outfit JMB to the mutiny had been found.

Replying to a question, Khan said link of the powerful persons and JMB to the mutiny came out after confessional statements of the arrested BDR troops.
"Investigation is ongoing. Some BDR members are still fugitive… Some got away with arms and grenades. They are a threat to the country, nation and society unless being caught," he said.

The commerce minister called on the fugitive border guards to return to barracks and surrender the looted arms and ammunition. He also urged the innocent BDR men to join their duties. "No innocent BDR soldier would be punished or harassed," he added.

In this regard, he said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina very clearly said those, who are not involved in the BDR carnage, would not be harmed. UNB adds: Khan expressed the hope that the investigation in this regard would be completed soon.

"We are confident that the truth about the BDR massacre will be revealed through the investigation," he said.

The minister said evidences have been collected from Peelkhana and investigations are going on.

"Two foreign intelligence agencies have helped us to probe the BDR massacre," Khan said adding that they will come again to provide further help in this regard.

Replying to a question about the latest position of the border guards, he said the situation of the BDR is becoming normal quickly and the border is secured, he said.

The News Today
BKA condemns minister Faruk Khan’s statement

Press Release

International Affairs Secretary of Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon [BKA], Kazi Azizul Huq in a statement has condemned the recent remarks of Bangladeshi minister Lieutenant Colonel [Retired] Faruk Khan on the Massacre issue.

BKA said, “We are worried that Lt. Col. [Retired] Faruk Khan, the ruling government’s Commerce Minister and Chief Coordinator of investigations of the carnage in BDR Head Quarter, is continuing to give senseless statements which are getting wide media coverage at home and abroad. His statements on the one hand raising questions about the role of the investigators, and on the other hand the suspicion about the ruling party’s complicity in the carnage is deepening. Moreover his statements are threatening future of Bangladesh military’s participation in UN Peacekeeping missions abroad.”

It further said, “Ruling party Minister Faruk Khan has palliated the absconding fugitive BDR men. In another statement he openly said that some BDR men had JMB complicity. During investigation such statements are indicative of motive to misguide the investigation. It may be noted that the list of suspects of Carnage in BDR Headquarter, reported in local and foreign media includes names of leading personality of the ruling party. Moreover the appointment of an anti-military pro-Awami League ex-police officer as the Investigation Office is being counted as efforts to intentionally misguide the investigation.”

Bangladesh Khelafat Andolon has demanded high level intelligence analysis of the statements and role of ruling party minister Faruk Khan.

It said, “This is required to ensure severe punishment to the actual perpetrators and to keep the image of our military as an institution aligned with our Freedom and Sovereignty.”

Weekly Blitz l Most Influential Newspaper in Bangladesh
Points to consider:

1. BDR mutiniers were recruited during BNP-JAMATa period.Jamat's connection with Pak establishments are well known.

2.Some of the mutiners were JMB caders.

3.Col.Gujar's (the RAB officer credited with successful anti-JMB operations)deadbody was burned to ashes,Why somebody was so much furious against him that they didn't want to keep trace of his body?

4.Grand godfather Tariq Zia's mom,the uncultured lady was not at her cantonment residence on 25th,Why?

5.What Pakistani Razakar Saka was doing on that week? He needs to be taken into custody.If he is grilled properly,he will lead to answer of all these questions.

6.Why on this forum,initially people were supporting BDR mutiners?What was their expectation?
JMB alone did not commit Pilkhana carnage: Faruk
By now we know that Medias, Mouth pieces of so-called WOT and secularistic elements of BD have established JMB as a monster but a question of why any of the so-called JMB guys haven't been made public by recently or foreseable past or why its leader Abdur Rahman/Bangla Bhai's similar plea haven't been heard by MUA/FUA gangs before hanging them still remain mysterious. Doesn't it show similar HUSH ! HUSH ! like none of the so-called AQ planners aren't being allowed to talk to public. Furthermore, mask militants of HAMAS, HEZBULLAH giving ISRO excuses to decimate GAZA and Southern Lebanon by firing few Katusia, Qassam rockets and TTP bringing war against PAK territories seem flatly fall in the catagory of 'INTELLIGENT INFILTRATION in enemy camp from inside to implode it' scheme, which had been an art of expansionist-BRITS. Now, isn't U.S an extention of British empire and hadn't ISRO also been conceived by BRIT Zionists? So, is it far-fetched of imagination or a conspiracy theory to see JMB is actually a creation of expansionist force to discredit real grevience of Muslims like AQ's one. Even Nizami of JI denied its existence and went mum after 300 + bomb blasts but could it be a road-block not to ask if JMB was really a monster as it was made or the brain child of infamous DGFI that was infiltrated by agent provoceurs?
Points to consider:

1. BDR mutiniers were recruited during BNP-JAMATa period.Jamat's connection with Pak establishments are well known
Royal B.S is what it is called and seems like Faruk's spins are reaching RAWAMY JAYALA camps very quickly.

2.Some of the mutiners were JMB caders
And Nizami impregnated NANAK's mother and JMB leader Abdur Rahman's wife
was a step sister of Mirza Azam. Efforts for Hog wash needed to be perfected.

3.Col.Gujar's (the RAB officer credited with successful anti-JMB operations)deadbody was burned to ashes,Why somebody was so much furious against him that they didn't want to keep trace of his body?
Why 103 floors of WTC burned to ashes but so-called hijacker's ID remained intact? Why attackers of Sri Lankan team left their Rucshaks and guns in crucial intersections then ran toward Pathan colony? Why IND denied AZMAL KASAB's request to make him public? Ever heard the word DECEPTION?

4.Grand godfather Tariq Zia's mom,the uncultured lady was not at her cantonment residence on 25th,Why??
Definition of cultured is Iaizza, Aizza, Kothakar Zia and Hasina's lying- frothing-Mouth. Perhaps Motiur Rahman Rentu could tell you what Hasina's CHOLI KA PACHE KIA HAY as he has heard her singing Jindegi, Jindegi after Rauful Bosunia's death was assured. Perhaps cultured Mujib could teach you how to kill speaker in parliament as he did in 1958. Perhaps RAWAMY leaders could show you how to be cultured by making century in raping.

5.What Pakistani Razakar Saka was doing on that week? He needs to be taken into custody.If he is grilled properly,he will lead to answer of all these questions.?
Angels tried to prohibit Almighty not to create human beings because they would be ungateful. May be they meant the like of yours. Did you realize that you were in Pakistani forum? Check this out in Bharat-rakshak and see if Ram comes to save Laxman like you.

6.Why on this forum,initially people were supporting BDR mutiners?What was their expectation?
They were supporting mutiniers because of cultured Bibi's meeting with mutiniers and making their voices heard in Medias loud enough. Who was to be seen in the meeting? Certainly SQC didn't look like NANAK dada or Khaleda wasn't less Arza than your Hasina Bibi.
Awami commerce minister Faruq Khan should be taken into custody and interrogated. Because when RAB already said there is no JMB involvement found so far, Faruq Khan keep uttering synchronized Indian propaganda and giving Bangladesh defense forces fundamentalist label. This is not only unbecoming of a minister but also gravely seditious act. But this is not the first time Awami leaders label Bangladesh armed forces as fundamentalist one. I am afraid there is a pattern Awami League leaders playing good cop bad cop to push Indian interest and became Indian mouth piece.

Sajeeb Wazed Joy, son of Prime Minister Hasina and claimed advisor recently written an article in Harvard review “Stemming the Rise of Islamic Extremism in Bangladesh”. In that article Hasina’s son accused that 35% Bangladesh armed forces recruit come from religious school and therefore armed forces increasingly became an extremist force. Eerie similarity between Awami League and Indian originated propaganda.

Harvard International Review

Anyone who lives in Bangladesh and REALLY know about Bangladesh armed forces would contradict the manufactured statistics written by none other than PM own son, Sajeeb Wazed Joy.
Stemming the Rise of Islamic Extremism in Bangladesh

by Sajeeb Wazed, Carl Ciovacco


Islamic extremism is also on the rise in Bangladesh because of the growing numbers of Islamists in the military. The Islamists cleverly began growing their numbers within the Army by training for the Army Entrance Exams at madrassas. This madrassa training was necessary because of the relative difficulty associated with passing these exams. The military is attractive because of both its respected status and its high employment opportunities in a country where unemployment ranges from 20 percent to 30 percent for younger males. High demand for military posts has resulted in an entrance exam designed to limit the number of recruits. Before this madrassa Entrance Exam campaign, only 5 percent of military recruits came from madrasses in 2001. By 2006, at the end of the BNP’s reign, madrassas supplied nearly 35 percent of the Army recruits. In a country that has seen four military coup d’états in its short 37 year history, the astronomical growth of Islamists in the military is troubling to say the least.

Full article:
Harvard International Review
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