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Bangladesh:Gunfight at BDR headquarters

Leon and others,

Seems like the big chicken is divulding the truth after its SANAS have come home as roasts.. As I have always said that without MUA gang's sheer contribution, RAWAMY LEAGUERS couldn't have come to power, it just has been echoed by no one other than Bishwa Behaya Ershad. Is that a realization or frustration for not getting enough CHORER MAALS?


Murder of Army Officers – Wrong man chosen as IO

Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury

Following brutal murder of Army Officers inside Bangladesh Riffles [BDR] Headquarters during February 25 and 26, a case was lodged with Lalbagh Police Station by officer-in-charge Nabojyoti Khisha. Main accused in the case is one of the kingpins of the brutality, Towhidul Alam, former deputy assistant director of BDR.

It was naturally expected that after such tragic brutality in the history of Bangladesh, the ruling government might have shown minimum sincerity in at least investigating the case through neutral hands, so that perpetrators, belonging to any quarter, would be identified for trial. Abdul Kahhar Akhand, Assistant Superintendent of Police [ASP], who only couple of back got his job back, after Awami League government, came in power. Another officer who has been made the ‘comrade’ of Kahhar Akhand is ASP Bazlur Rahman. Both are with Criminal Investigation Department [CID].

It is learnt from a number of dependable sources that, Abdul Kahhar Akhand and Bazlur Rahman are Awami League loyalists and extreme critic of Bangladesh Army. “They are amongst the very few police officers, who were always using abusive words about Bangladesh Army, especially while referring to 2-year interim government role”, said the source.
Although an ASP in designation, Kahhar Akhand keeps direct contact with the Prime Minister and Home Minister. As soon as he joined CID after getting back job, government became busy in arranging a new luxurious jeep for him along with all other facilities to let others in CID realize that, he [Kahhar] belongs to Awami League. It may be mentioned here that, during 1996-2001, Awami League government could not find a more trusted man than Kahhar Akhand to entrust with the investigation of Bangabandhu murder case and jail killing case.
Trial into the jail killing case was completed in 282 working days.. Three junior officers were given death sentence for the crime while 11 of the 12 absconding accused officers were given life sentence. It is significant that all the 11 have already been sentenced to death for killing Mujibur Rahman and his family. While pronouncing the verdict, Justice Motiur Rahman, blamed the Investigating Officer [Abdul Kahhar Akhand] for faulty investigation and said all the killers of the four national leaders could not be awarded capital punishment due to IO’s negligence. The original charge sheet could not be traced. Jail officers and security personnel who were on duty during the killings were not charge-sheeted.

Due to the inordinate delay another key witness and second investigation officer Saifuddin Ahmed suffered from paralysis and could not depose before the court. Commenting on Abdul Kahhar Akhand’s role as the investigation officer, Dhaka’s influential newspaper The Daily Star said, “Investigation officer [IO] Abdul Kahar Akhand blackened the profession of the police by committing crucial and dangerous flaws in the investigation. All killers in the case could not be tried due to his farcical investigation into the incident.The IO did not conduct any investigation into the role of a couple of accomplices of Muslemuddin [who led the killing squad], the judge said.

He said the identity of all the killers could be learnt and the court might have awarded them the highest punishment had the IO conducted a proper investigation.Akhand did not present any such evidence to the court that would have revealed and proved the identities of the nine killers.According to the statement of a jail guard, who saw nine army personnel entering the prison, the jail authorities had indirectly taken part in the killings by assisting the nine who killed the four leaders.But the IO did not investigate into this matter. According to the jail guard, security personnel stood inactive as the brutal murder and macabre took place.

The judgment said the IO failed to produce the real killers on the dock and did not investigate into the role of those whom he produced.He did not bring to book the people who opened the jail gate for the killers and helped in gathering the four leaders in a cell and killing them.” Now, again, the very controversial and questioned police officer like Abdul Kahhar Akhand, who had already been questioned of his efficiency and expertise by the higher judiciary of Bangladesh, has been appointed as the Investigation Officer [IO] of the very sensitive and important BDR Massacre case. From the first hour of being appointed as the investigation officer of BDR Massacre Case, both Abdul Kahhar Akhand and Bazlur Rahman are constantly contacting the Home Minister and other leaders of Awami League, for their guidance on the investigation.

It may be further mentioned here that, Akhand is awaiting another promotion in weeks, so the new case has become an important tool for him in constantly contacting various high ups in the government and pursue his promotion instead of investigation.

Weekly Blitz l Most Influential Newspaper in Bangladesh
It is learnt from a number of dependable sources that, Abdul Kahhar Akhand and Bazlur Rahman are Awami League loyalists and extreme critic of Bangladesh Army. “They are amongst the very few police officers, who were always using abusive words about Bangladesh Army, especially while referring to 2-year interim government role”, said the source.
Although an ASP in designation, Kahhar Akhand keeps direct contact with the Prime Minister and Home Minister. As soon as he joined CID after getting back job, government became busy in arranging a new luxurious jeep for him along with all other facilities to let others in CID realize that, he [Kahhar] belongs to Awami League.

As per this report he is loyal to the PM Hasina as per the report
The judgment said the IO failed to produce the real killers on the dock and did not investigate into the role of those whom he produced.He did not bring to book the people who opened the jail gate for the killers and helped in gathering the four leaders in a cell and killing them.” Now, again, the very controversial and questioned police officer like Abdul Kahhar Akhand, who had already been questioned of his efficiency and expertise by the higher judiciary of Bangladesh, has been appointed as the Investigation Officer [IO] of the very sensitive and important BDR Massacre case. From the first hour of being appointed as the investigation officer of BDR Massacre Case, both Abdul Kahhar Akhand and Bazlur Rahman are constantly contacting the Home Minister and other leaders of Awami League, for their guidance on the investigation.
Weekly Blitz l Most Influential Newspaper in Bangladesh
And still persons responsible for death of PM Hasina's father got away (As per the judgment not what I am saying). And still PM is trusting her.

In gist, IO is trusted by PM, she assign her some work which is very personal to her and the IO goofs up. Still he is trusted by PM.

I guess writer need to first clear in his mind who he is targeting and accusation he want to make.

Leon and others,

Seems like the big chicken is divulding the truth after its SANAS have come home as roasts.. As I have always said that without MUA gang's sheer contribution, RAWAMY LEAGUERS couldn't have come to power, it just has been echoed by no one other than Bishwa Behaya Ershad. Is that a realization or frustration for not getting enough CHORER MAALS?


It is right because if the election would be under previous caretaker govt. and flawed voter list,then they would not come to power.
Ershad's nephew was also killed.His name probably Col.Elahy.Even Ershad wanted military action to be taken at that time.
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Did anyone hear about state minister for home affairs Sohel Taj otherwise known as pizza Taj? Apparently, Bangladesh mission in US could not find his whereabouts and Awami league govt is mum about it.

For those who does not know, Sohel Taj is son of late Awami league leader Tajuddin Ahmed who once conspired with India to sideline Sheikh Mujub. From Mujib close circle who are familiar with the conspiracy, told that Mujib came to know about the Tajuddin-Indian conspiracy after Chinese had tipped him off. What an irony, now Tajuddin son is doing his father line of work with Indians and conspiring again after 35 years.

It is very suspicious that we have not seen him for once during this whole episode.Normally he would be anywhere at any time with the Home minister,but he was no where to be found.
I just wonder why the media not questioning about it.
It is right because if the election would be under previous caretaker govt. and flawed voter list,then they would not come to power.
Ershad's nephew was also killed.His name probably Col.Elahy.Even Ershad wanted military action to be taken at that time.
You see, IGP Nur Mohammad is mourning because his So-In-Law has been killed similarly behaya Ershad is raising his voice because his nephew has been murdered but to them entire nation's peril and other finest sons
(Mujahid, Shipon etc murder by AL goons in OCT.28th 2006) mother's cries aren't valuable at all since none of the RAWAMY killers have been nabbed. On OCT.28th entire security force stayed mum and facilitated the murder of those finest sons of BD but now the consequence came back to hunt the heads of deshi collaborators of the international schemers. It is like what goes around that comes around or God works in a mysterious way. Self-centered people like Ershad, Nur Mohammad, Hasina of BD; Mush, Zardari, Altaf Hussein of PAK; Mubarak, Abbas etc of Middle East are similar in nature and for them the entire Muslim world is in peril. That is what I've been trying to expose over the years, thanks.
Murder of Army Officers – Wrong man chosen as IO

It is learnt from a number of dependable sources that, Abdul Kahhar Akhand and Bazlur Rahman are Awami League loyalists and extreme critic of Bangladesh Army. “They are amongst the very few police officers, who were always using abusive words about Bangladesh Army, especially while referring to 2-year interim government role”, said the source.
Although an ASP in designation, Kahhar Akhand keeps direct contact with the Prime Minister and Home Minister. As soon as he joined CID after getting back job, government became busy in arranging a new luxurious jeep for him along with all other facilities to let others in CID realize that, he [Kahhar] belongs to Awami League. It may be mentioned here that, during 1996-2001, Awami League government could not find a more trusted man than Kahhar Akhand to entrust with the investigation of Bangabandhu murder case and jail killing case.

Weekly Blitz l Most Influential Newspaper in Bangladesh

By appointing home minister as head of investigation Awami league made it clear they do not want to real truth to come out. Now with IO it os clear that Hasina herself might me involved in whole plot.
Whom are B'deshi members grieving against. They cried out loud it was India, when absolutly no evidence was there. Now when they know its not going to be India, they are finding fault with the system, the guy who is investigating, the govt and all.
Whom are B'deshi members grieving against. They cried out loud it was India, when absolutly no evidence was there. Now when they know its not going to be India, they are finding fault with the system, the guy who is investigating, the govt and all.

India is still suspected behind the incident mate... RAW of course is not an angel!! :coffee:
It is very suspicious that we have not seen him for once during this whole episode.Normally he would be anywhere at any time with the Home minister,but he was no where to be found.
I just wonder why the media not questioning about it.

He is in USA chilling with his wife and kids. He probably made enough dough to last him another 100 years.
He is in USA chilling with his wife and kids. He probably made enough dough to last him another 100 years.

The timing is suspicious,anyways its just my thought.He might turn out to be innocent.

If he would have been in Bangladesh,then he would had to go inside the BDR HQ carrying white flag instead of Nanak.
Mutineers give sensational information in remand: police

UNB, Savar

Two detained Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) soldiers, who were placed on a seven-day remand in connection with the Pilkhana carnage, today disclosed some sensational information about the massacre.

Ashulia police chief Rafiqul Alam said the suspects-- Jewel Mia and Khairul Islam-- on the first day of their remand, gave some important information about the killing of the army officers during the BDR mutiny.

Alam, however, refused to disclose the information divulged by the mutineers for the sake of the on-going investigation.

He said that full details might be made public on completion of their remand.

Jewel and Khairul were among the 72 BDR jawans arrested in Savar as they tried to flee from Pilkhana BDR headquarters following February 25-26 revolt and massacre where more than 60 army officers were brutally killed and humiliated.

After their arrest, Ashulia police produced them in court on Wednesday seeking a 10-day remand. But the court granted seven-day remand for each of them.

The Daily Star - Details News
2 Hijbut Tahrir men held in Comilla
UNB, Comilla

Detective Branch (DB) of police today (Thursday) arrested two suspected members of Hijbut Tahrir in Dharmasagar Paschimpar area in the Comilla town for distributing leaflets on the BDR mutiny.

The arrested were identified as Abul Kashem, 27, of Madhabpur upazila of Habiganj district and Solaiman Ahmed Shipu, 24, of Burichang upazila of the district.

Police seized 50 leaflets from their possession.

The Daily Star - Details News

Here is the leaflet,which is blaming "Indian conspiracy".Note that HT is not banned in Bangladesh.

He is in USA chilling with his wife and kids. He probably made enough dough to last him another 100 years.

I guess his pizza delivery days are over then. RAW is his new employer now.
2 Hijbut Tahrir men held in Comilla
UNB, Comilla

Detective Branch (DB) of police today (Thursday) arrested two suspected members of Hijbut Tahrir in Dharmasagar Paschimpar area in the Comilla town for distributing leaflets on the BDR mutiny.

The arrested were identified as Abul Kashem, 27, of Madhabpur upazila of Habiganj district and Solaiman Ahmed Shipu, 24, of Burichang upazila of the district.

Police seized 50 leaflets from their possession.

The Daily Star - Details News

Here is the leaflet,which is blaming "Indian conspiracy".Note that HT is not banned in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh: Another RAW Commando Operation To Destabilize Country & Create Civil War
An act of revenge or a foreign-inspired ‘commando operation’:

"As the extent of mayhem perpetrated on the army officers in the confines of BDR headquarters at Peelkhana grounds is being revealed, the whole nation is terribly shocked and scared of its potential consequences. While it is still too early to get a complete picture of what actually happened there on February 25-26, it is quite clear that large numbers of armed BDR solders not only rebelled against their lawful commanding officers (deputed from the army) but they also carried out a most gruesome murder campaign in cold blood. According to a press report as many as 135 army officers were killed or missing in the two-day mayhem (PM holds lengthy talks with officers :: Bangladesh :: bdnews24.com ::, March 1, 2009). We condemn these acts of barbarity in strongest terms and convey our wholehearted sympathy to the family and friends of the victims..."

Bangladesh Peelkhana massacre: Another RAW commando operation to destabilize country & create civil war? RUPEE NEWS: Recording History, Narrating Archives, Strategic Intellibrief Analysis: Noticias de Rupia | Nouvelles de Roupie | Rupiennachrichten
Intelligence failure caused BDR disaster

M. Shahidul Islam

Every crisis must traverse a slotted path to come to its end. The BDR mutiny of February 25 was just the beginning of a major crisis that has long way to cross the finishing line.

That is why the carnage and the genocide of February 25 have begun to alter the internal political dynamics of the country while the prospect of foreign military intervention remains as vibrant as it was on February 25.

Threat to sovereignty

The Hindustan Times reported on March 2 that the crisis in Bangladesh had put on alert the armed forces of India who remain stand by for what they said 'humanitarian intervention' inside Bangladesh.

The paper claimed, since the day of the BDR mutiny, Indian Air Force (IAF) transport bases - equipped with IL-76 heavy-lift and AN-32 medium-lift aircrafts- were asked to stay prepared to assist the Bangladesh government, if requested by Dhaka. Quoting an unnamed senior IAF officer, the paper claimed that the largest Indian airbase located in Jorhat, Assam, - which is also the closest one to Bangladesh- stands ready to conduct such a mission.

The Indian readiness to intervene was reinforced further by another statement made on March 4 in Hyderabad by the Director General of the BSF, M L Kumawat. "After this crisis in Bangladesh, we have given direction to all our troops and personnel deployed on Indo-Bangladesh border to remain on high alert," he said.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina also said on March 3 in a local seminar that the "Conspiracies against Bangladesh are not over yet...There is still a plot to foil the country's democracy, independence and sovereignty," she said, adding, "My own safety is at risk."

Yet, the squabbling between the government and the opposition continues in disregard to a host of impending internal and external threats to the country's stability and the sovereignty. The internal political ambiance has been sharply polarized since the Prime Minister pointed a finger of suspicion toward the opposition leaders for the BDR carnage in the parliament, resulting in the opposition leaders to be more aggressive in blaming the government for the tragedy and its handling.

Meanwhile, the victims - the military officers, their families, colleagues in the service and outside - kept blaming the higher command of the military for its failure to launch a rescue mission soon after the massacre began. The higher command, on the other hand, keeps making excuses that it had no order to intervene militarily to subdue the mutineers despite there being a quickly- organized- preparedness to do so.

Crisis mishandled

The pain is made more unbearable when certain facts are made known. For example, observers were awestruck at the PM's disclosure that the assassinated Director General (DG) of the BDR, Maj. Gen. Shakil Ahmed, had called her from his cell phone upon being shot at and requested for help. Although the PM had called the army chief instantly who is learnt to have said, "The military needs an hour and a half, or two, to launch an appropriate mission," no further instruction came from the political leadership to enter the BDR compound during the more than 30 hours long stand off in order to see where thousands of bullets were being fired, and, at who.

The military mission thus aborted, a visibly uncoordinated political mission kept the crisis prolonged for nearly 40 hours. During that time, none had the clue that one of the most heinous carnages of history had occurred within the Pilkhana BDR compound, at a time when the Prime Minister declared a general amnesty to the mutineers and sent her political colleagues to talk to the rebel soldiers inside the BDR head quarters without ensuring first the safety of the entrapped officers and their family members.

Consequently, serious uproars are being raised about the failure of the PM to order the launching of a rescue mission and the absence of pressure for the release of the hostages first, unharmed, as a precondition to the declared amnesty. Besides, the PM, as the country's defence minister, failed to gather enough intelligence to know the true extent of the killings that were going inside the BDR head quarters.

Also surprising is the fact that the PM allowed an MP of the ruling party to launch a publicity campaign to clear the three miles radius of the BDR headquarters, which has further facilitated the fleeing of the murderers from the spot.

Horrendous discovery

All that being part of history now, one wonders how it all happened, who did it, and why?

While that is precisely the undertaking of the investigators who will unearth the real intent of the carnage and identify the culprits, the incident demonstrates a serious lapse in military intelligence. The following facts, gathered from over a dozen of reliable sources, further corroborate that fact.

One: Investigators have learnt that a team of 25 trained foreign commandos entered Bangladesh illegally from India through various bordering areas on or within January 11, 2009. They were received and sheltered in Dhaka by individuals working under cover as diplomats.

Two: At the same time, a small group of 10-12 BDR members, including two Deputy Assistant Directors (DADs), were recruited as the internal moles and coordinators to provide precise information to the foreign team via three senior political leaders of the country until the hours of the carnage.

Three: The occasion for the operation was chosen carefully to ensure availability of all senior BDR officers who had gathered in Pilkhana for the annual BDR day celebration. Over 3,000 extra troops also came to Pilkhana for various administrative duties as well as to launch a tattoo show for which the BDR has been historically famous.

Four: The mutiny was slated for February 24, while the PM was in Pilkhana to take salute in the BDR day parade. In consideration of likely collateral harm to the political personalities and other dignitaries who accompanied the PM, the date was changed. However, final coordination and reconnaissance were done that day by some guests who attended the parade, masquerading as VIPs.

Five: Upon conclusion of final reconnaissance, at about 10.30 PM, on February 24, a segment of the foreign killing squad and over 25 BDR soldiers - plus three young - leading politicians of the country - met in a briefing in one of suburban Dhaka residences. The precise timing of the operation and the responsibilities of each small group were decided in that meeting.

Six: As per plan, one of the DADs ensured that members of the BDR cell would be posted on duty on gate number 4 that morning when the DG would sit for the slated Darbar in the Darbar hall.

Seven: On February 25, the D-day, the foreign commando team entered the Pilkhana compound through gate number 4, at 8.10 AM, using a BDR vehicle (Bedford) which the designated DAD had arranged to send for them about an hour ago. Dressed in sports gear (long camouflage trouser, vest, and PT shoe) - in order to be able to quickly change into civil clothes while fleeing after the massacre - the killers entered the Pilkhana compound undetected.

Eight: The BDR vehicle that carried the killers was followed by an ash-colour pick up van which carried initially used arms and ammunition from outside. In order to begin the massacre, one of the Bengali speaking commandos, armed, was ordered to enter the Darbar hall without permission to engage the DG into a provoking altercation.

Nine: Once the DG was shot, other officers, all unarmed, tried to obstruct the lone killer. Within seconds, the action group of the killer team entered the Darbar hall and started killing other officers while the cover up group cordoned the area.

Ten: In the following hours, part B of the mission began by inducting other troops into the team under gun point and the armoury - as well as the intelligence equipments - was looted. The foreign killers and their local henchmen used BDR soldiers on gunpoint to show the locations of other officers, their families, and the offices where vital national security documents remained preserved. Highly classified border security maps, troop deployment plan and initial action plan, etc. were taken away by the foreign commandos.

Eleven: Eyewitnesses say, two of the last foreign commandos - one male and one female - left the BDR compound in the afternoon on February 26, following the surrendering of arms by BDR members who knew nothing about the mutiny even a minute before. These two are presumed to be the leaders of the foreign commando team.

None of the above could have been materialized if the two main national intelligence outfits of the country (DGFI and NSI) have had prior clues about what was being conspired to destroy the armed forces of the country. The foreign commandos took control of BDR's own intelligence outfit, RSU, at the initial stage and used RSU equipments to communicate among themselves during the mutiny. The commanding officer of RSU too was assassinated during the carnage.

That aside, there were other intelligence lapses during the mutiny. In the more than 30 hours while the mutiny prolonged, neither the NSI, nor the DGFI, had any clue about who were being shot at and what exactly went on inside. They also ignored SMS messages from fellow officers, on ground that there was no order from the government to do anything.

In reality, these two agencies were too busy, as they often are, in ensuring security to the VVIPs and VIPs; not the country and its vital institutions that they are oath-bound and mandated to serve and protect.

Failure of security

This horrendous lack of intelligence also led to the absence of any special security being arranged at the venue of the DG's Darbar from where the carnage began and spread, despite Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) dictating military commanders to post armed sentry around any gathering of troops or officers, in peace and in war.

As such, the entire security of the day was as usual; the main gates manned by regimental guards, and, gate number four manned by soldiers from that tiny cell created by the two alleged DADs, indoctrinated to be part of a mutiny that tried to rid the BDR of its military command for ever.

Now that the threats to the nation's sovereignty has exacerbated following this tragedy, the wishes of the foreign powers and their henchmen must be thwarted at any cost.

In order to do that, the political leadership and the armed forces must ensure that innocent BDR members do not face any persecutions while the force itself may be renamed as Border Guards Regiment (BGR) and its command may be vested to a newly created Para-Military Division (PMD) within the Armed Forces Division (AFD) of the ministry of defence.

That having done, all eligible BGR members must be sent to the country's borders to uphold the nation's sovereignty at any cost, with a renewed sense of dedication and determination. It's time for the nation to prove: greater the challenge, more determined we are.

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