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Bangladesh:Gunfight at BDR headquarters

Bangladesh mutiny: India moves more troops to WB

NEW DELHI: India has airlifted "elements'' of its para-brigade based in Agra to Kalaikunda in West Bengal to deal with any contingency which
arises due to the internal turmoil in Bangladesh.

Sources said over a battalion strength (over 1,000 soldiers) of the 50 Independent Parachute Brigade was moved on Sunday from Agra to Kalaikunda, which has a large IAF base.
Bangladesh mutiny: India moves more troops to WB-India-The Times of India
If this report is true,this should be great news for you guys. A lot of my friends of DB in this forum want to see this. BD army taking over BDR posts. So BSF will be replaced by Indian Army and may be with some light and heavy artillery guns. Lets the situation escalate by someones mistake at the border, either by BD Army/Indian Army and we will have a lot of fire works after that.
I think time has finally arrive that we should take bold step and declare India as enemy state. No other country desire a weak bd military than India and clearly this so called BDR revolt point all the finger toward Indian involvement. Their main motive was to create massive disorder in the country, take over our security and disable our military.
Mr. Al-zakir Please ask your Govt to call our ambassador to your foreign office ask him to leave BD within 24 hours and declare India as a enemy country. India will never mind. We don't need you at all it is the other way around.
I think time has finally arrive that we should take bold step and declare India as enemy state. No other country desire a weak bd military than India and clearly this so called BDR revolt point all the finger toward Indian involvement. Their main motive was to create massive disorder in the country, take over our security and disable our military.

Takeover BD and then do what? Disable the military? For what?
BD army taking over BDR posts.

That's the propaganda BSF and indian agents propagated to BDR by SMS and other means. So that BDR leave their post and BSF carried out nefarious activity. Then Indian govt created excuse to send it's troops to Bangladesh.
And India is still wish to deceive people that they were not behind this massacre??? Only in twisted indian psyche...
I think we are straying from the topic.

We don't need you at all it is the other way around.
its either we need each other or we don't need each other.In fact BD economy has grown without much Indian help FYI.You really haven't done much for our nation apart from '71 afaik.

I don't know why the Indians keep mentioning HUJI.It's the JMB over here,no?

Indian media is confusing.Total BS about army taking over BDR Posts.It were police first and then BDR officers and personnel returning to their BOPs.
And for that we would take up governing your nation. Thats a very sick tradeoff.

To keep your country together you need transit and access to Chittagong Port and a weak and subservient Bangladesh. That has been India's goal since 1971.
What are the benefits of accessing Chittagong port?
Why will someone try to destabilize an entire nation for a Port?
Is the port so priced?
What are the benefits of accessing Chittagong port?
Why will someone try to destabilize an entire nation for a Port?
Is the port so priced?

If you do not know DON'T come here to argue. Learn first and then come, this is not kindergarten.

To BD members, its obvious indians are trying to hijack this thread and answering their stupid question we would just fall for it.
That's the propaganda BSF and indian agents propagated to BDR by SMS and other means. So that BDR leave their post and BSF carried out nefarious activity. Then Indian govt created excuse to send it's troops to Bangladesh.
And India is still wish to deceive people that they were not behind this massacre??? Only in twisted indian psyche...

Mr Idune I hope BD Govt/BD Army/BD Inteligence will not be deceived by so called India Propaganda and will came out with evidence of India involvement. Your RAB/Army had arrested some muniters. I hope they will release their confession statement.
I think we are straying from the topic.
its either we need each other or we don't need each other.In fact BD economy has grown without much Indian help FYI.You really haven't done much for our nation apart from '71 afaik.
I don't know why the Indians keep mentioning HUJI.It's the JMB over here,no?
Indian media is confusing.Total BS about army taking over BDR Posts.It were police first and then BDR officers and personnel returning to their BOPs.

Mr HK-47 it is great that BD economy had grown without Indian help. Wish you guys all the best and i hope in future you also don't need us. Indian Media is not confusing. There are certain sections of Indian media who are not reliable even in India (like IndiaTV)..but there are some great ones like NDTV,TimesNow,CNNIBN..and lot more.
Mr HK-47 it is great that BD economy had grown without Indian help. Wish you guys all the best and i hope in future you also don't need us. Indian Media is not confusing. There are certain sections of Indian media who are not reliable even in India (like IndiaTV)..but there are some great ones like NDTV,TimesNow,CNNIBN..and lot more.

Oh Please,will you stop there.

NDTV was among those who reported that ISI is involved on the very first day when everyone was thinking about the extent of damage.That shows its professionalism,it followed other news channels too.

CNN-IBN,if they fail to prove SAQA chowdhury was behind the attacks and had ISI link,then they will have to pay 100 million dollars to him.As he sued the channel for defamation.

NDTV,CNN-IBN,Star news and Zee news all are of same category.
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