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Bangladesh: Coup??

Bangladesh army says coup by 'fanatic officers' foiled

The Bangladesh army says it has foiled a coup planned against the government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

Military spokesman Masud Razzaq said in a statement that the attempt had been thwarted by the "whole-hearted efforts of army soldiers".

He said the officers planning the coup were in active military service and had "extreme religious views".

Bangladesh has a history of military governments, with the army running the country for 15 years until 1990.

Sheikh Hasina took over power from a military-backed caretaker government in early 2009. Officials say she has since faced threats from Islamists and other radical groups.

'Heinous conspiracy'

"A band of fanatic officers had been trying to oust the politically established government. Their attempt has been foiled," Brig Gen Razzaq said.

He said that "specific information has been unearthed" that some officers in military service - who had been identified - were involved in the December conspiracy.

He said that a group of up to 16 hardline Islamic military officers - including at least two retired officers - were involved.

Some had been detained, he said, and would be presented before a military court.

Brig Gen Razzaq said that the "heinous conspiracy" was instigated by Bangladeshi conspirators living abroad.

In 2009, Bangladeshi paramilitary forces staged a revolt soon after Sheikh Hasina took office. It began in Dhaka and spread to other cities.

More than 70 people were killed, including 51 army officers, before it was crushed.

BBC News - Bangladesh army says coup by 'fanatic officers' foiled
সূত্র জানায়, মেজর জিয়া ওই সেনা কর্মকর্তাদের অস্ত্র সংগ্রহ করে অভিযান শুরু করতে বলেন এবং কাদের হত্যা করতে হবে সে নির্দেশনা দেন।ওই দিন এ বিষয়ে তিনি প্রায় ৯ ঘণ্টা টেলিফোনে বিভিন্ন জনের সঙ্গে কথা বলেন ।একটি গোয়েন্দা সংস্থা মেজর জিয়ার ফোনকলগুলো পরীক্ষা করে কাদের কাছে তিনি টেলিফোন করেছেন এবং কী ধরনের সংলাপ বিনিময় হয়েছে তা জানতে পারে। এরপর কুমিল্লার ৩৩ পদাতিক ডিভিশনের জিওসি মেজর জেনারেল কামরুজ্জামানকে বদলি করে ঢাকায় আনার ঘটনা ঘটে। ১৩ জানুয়ারি এমন গুজবও ছড়িয়ে পড়ে যে, কুমিল্লা সেনানিবাসে সংঘর্ষ এবং হতাহতের ঘটনা ঘটেছে। সূত্রমতে, তা ছিল শুধুই গুজব।

Pilkhana anyone?
So its true that the army is frustrated and that means its also true that raw & pro-india thugs are abducting our patriotic
officers as said by Kaleda zia in the previous road march. One thing I don't understand that why doesn't the BNP and Jamat
utilize the vulnerabilities of this awami goons. Its obvious that they are trying to keep power till the last bullet and in that if the country goes up in inferno these dalal awami bigots don't care.
At some time during December last year, this Major Zia was found out by army intelligence to be a fundamentalist Jihadi trying to set up a group of like minded fundamentalists to topple the elected govt. This group is certainly linked to Jamaat or fundamentalists in the country. This Zia then evaded an arrest, left his house and went underground.

He then started sending letters to his friends here and there, including the famous night dreamer MBI Munshi. Zia's claim that he was interrogated by joint DGFI and RAW was a ploy only to arouse military/public sentiment against the elected govt and then instigate a coup. This is how he also wanted to save his own neck as well.

I think, the stupid SH is responsible for all these things. This stupid woman changed Constitution to fulfill the Indian wish. This woman also went after a horse which is dead for a long 40 years, it is the trial of so-called war criminals. Yes, they deserve trial, but Sk. Mujib had already decided not to inflict pain any more to the country about 39 years ago. But, her daughter remains still a baby whose mind was nurtured by the Indians when she was in india after her family was killed in 1975.

I do not think, everything will stop here. There may be more news of attempted military coups in the near future. We have seen this chain reaction unfurled when General Zia was the President. SH should not have used her party's absolute majority to abolish Islam as the state religion of Bangladesh. This will be challenged by others in the future until it is reinstated in the Constitition. It means a destabilization of the political situation.
any idea why they announced it publicly which is rare??? There must be more officers in it. They are trying to demoralize them.... Most probably Comilla Cant is a valid news.
At some time during December last year, this Major Zia was found out by army intelligence to be a fundamentalist Jihadi trying to set up a group of like minded fundamentalists to topple the elected govt. This group is certainly linked to Jamaat or fundamentalists in the country. This Zia then evaded an arrest, left his house and went underground.

He then started sending letters to his friends here and there, including the famous night dreamer MBI Munshi. Zia's claim that he was interrogated by joint DGFI and RAW was a ploy only to arouse military/public sentiment against the elected govt and then instigate a coup. This is how he also wanted to save his own neck as well.

I think, the stupid SH is responsible for all these things. This stupid woman changed Constitution to fulfill the Indian wish. This woman also went after a horse which is dead for a long 40 years, it is the trial of so-called war criminals. Yes, they deserve trial, but Sk. Mujib had already decided not to inflict pain any more to the country about 39 years ago. But, her daughter remains still a baby whose mind was nurtured by the Indians when she was in india after her family was killed in 1975.

I do not think, everything will stop here. There may be more news of attempted military coups in the near future. We have seen this chain reaction unfurled when General Zia was the President. SH should not have used her party's absolute majority to abolish Islam as the state religion of Bangladesh. This will be challenged by others in the future until it is reinstated in the Constitition. It means a destabilization of the political situation.

Your Indian sympathies are clear. You are able to undermine the Bangladesh Army, opposition and the AL all in the same comment. Only a moron would not be able to see your double face. Without evidence you have declared the coup plotters as Jamaati sympathizers although there is nothing in the Army statement to indicate this. You are doing the propaganda work for the Indians.

You have even managed to implicate me in the conspiracy although I received a copy of the Zia email several days after everyone else and originally saw it on Facebook.
i have lost my sens after watching bsf brutality on Bangladeshi so not writing any thing about the coup . just want to say one thng we need to strong our democracy . any political problem should be solve through political means not by back door.
India has worst neighborhood in the world. One nuclear country under strong influence of extremists and Generals. One country named Bangladesh which is again under constant fear of military coup. And then there is China where people dont have any freedom of expression and without basic rights of voting. God save us.
Army foils bid to topple govt

Bangladesh army said Thursday it had foiled a coup attempt against the government planned by some mid-ranking army officials.

Two army officers--one of lieutenant colonel rank and the other ranked major--had been arrested in this regard, Brig Gen Muhammad Masud Razzaq said at a press conference at the Army Officers' Club in Dhaka.

“Instigated by some non-resident Bangladeshis, a band of fanatic retired and serving officers had led a failed attempt to thwart the democratic system of Bangladesh by creating anarchy in the army banking on others’ religious zeal,” he said.

A top army officer has been kept at log area and is under investigation, Razzaq said.

Another officer named Maj Syed Md Ziaul Haq, who was allegedly involved in the coup plot, has been absconding, he added.

A retired army officer of lieutenant colonel rank was arrested after he confided in an officer of major rank on December 13 last year his intent of toppling the government and provoked him to join the design. Briefed soon by the latter, the army authorities arrested the lieutenant colonel, according to the statement read out at the press briefing.

The other conspirator, Maj Ziaul, shared his plan with another army officer on December 22 in a bid to convince him to join them. But the latter notified the authorities, who cancelled Ziaul's leave and transfer order and directed him on December 23 to join the log area in Dhaka.

However, the absconding co-conspirator defied the orders and is actively carrying out ‘subversive’ activities against the army, the Brig Gen said.

Besides, a second major was arrested on December 31 based on specific information that he had instigated another officer to work against the government, he said.

Some retired and serving officers have already confessed their involvement in the anti-government conspiracy, said the statement.

From their confessions, specific information of the involvement of some army officers in the plot to overthrow the democratic government system has been found, read the official brief.

Its time to unleash the RAW brigade on BD. :P

Hasina needs some urgent help dealing with some nut jobs...
BD is waiting for a revolution which targets the sources of misrule, corruption, oligarchy and family rule.

That revolution has to be through a dependable system or else the same problems will continue.
Democracy works only if everyone participates responsibly. For that BD needs better education and awareness among the masses, not a coup that will take them back in time.
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