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Bangladesh Coast Guard Seizes 900,000 units of Yaba from smugglers.

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The irony that the Tamils beat the crap out of the Bengalis in their only encounter :)

BD seem to have a monkey complex for some reason....is it because of the mirror?

Dude , ALL Tamils are pretty much pitch black.

You probably don't want to see my photo as I am far from the "typical" BD look as
some members here imagine us.

BD has some of the most genetic diversity in the world.
Dude , ALL Tamils are pretty much pitch black.

You probably don't want to see my photo as I am far from the "typical" BD look as
some members here imagine us.

BD has some of the most genetic diversity in the world.

How does skin tone (even going with your dumb argument) relate to looking like a monkey anyway?

Are Burmese also monkeys because they are pitch black?

BD logic....the foundation for the patent and RnD/science capital of the world!

@alaungphaya @Aung Zaya

Anyway have your monkey/chimp conversation among yourselves....I'm busy chuckling at the results of the "is BD really an independent country" poll.
How does skin tone (even going with your dumb argument) relate to looking like a monkey anyway?

Are Burmese also monkeys because they are pitch black?

BD logic....the foundation for the patent and RnD/science capital of the world!

@alaungphaya @Aung Zaya

Anyway have your monkey/chimp conversation among yourselves....I'm busy chuckling at the results of the "is BD really an independent country" poll.

Hit a raw nerve there obviously.:lol:

Enjoy being depressed looking in the mirror each time as that is the
gift your ancestors have given you.
How does skin tone (even going with your dumb argument) relate to looking like a monkey anyway?

Are Burmese also monkeys because they are pitch black?

BD logic....the foundation for the patent and RnD/science capital of the world!

@alaungphaya @Aung Zaya

Anyway have your monkey/chimp conversation among yourselves....I'm busy chuckling at the results of the "is BD really an independent country" poll.
ok.. tell me the final result of the poll after finished.. :D
Well, in other thread he confessed that he has been stalking @TopCat 's Facebook profile, (apparently it looks like TopCat is his secret crush, but this cruel fella is always harsh on that poor alaungphaya :D)

He also previously stated that he's living in the UK, I suspect he has sought asylum in the UK as LGBT laws in Myanmar are very strict.

Poor alaungmonkey

But mark my words,Monkey ( Myanmar ) is the most powerful nation on Earth!

This is Baalma-35 attack chopper of their air force,capable of carrying nuclear warheads and also the most capable aircraft in their inventory...

These are Thei Sen er Chamcha SEALS ( TSECS ),the BEST NAVY SEALS in the WHOLE WORLD...They can take out every single ship and submarine in the world WITHIN THIRTY SECONDS OF DEPLOYMENT..Also they can secretly transport Yaba to all over the world!

This is Myanmar ( monkey ) nuclear program..They detonated their warheads on the moon,and Russia,China and USA warned them to stop the Monkey Nuclear Program..But the monkey high president Thei Sein said "YOU DIRTY BLACK BEGGARS,DON'T YOU KNOW WE MONKEYS ARE SUPER POWERS AND WE MONKEYS CAN NUKE THE WHOLE SOLAR SYSTEM,YOUR TROOPS ARE THE MOST SKINNIEST,SO DON'T MESS WITH US MONKEYS!!!"


Myanmarnese army officer with one of their nuclear warheads

This is Myanmarnese most advanced nuclear destroyer...

This is Myanmarnese ( Monkey ) Air force jet Bandor Jet - 01 ( BJ-1 ) which has stealth capabilities

Two of them during take off

And another two are patrolling over the golden ( like human shit ) land of Myanmar/Burma or their actual name,Monkeymar/Poorma..
Poor alaungmonkey

But mark my words,Monkey ( Myanmar ) is the most powerful nation on Earth!

This is Baalma-35 attack chopper of their air force,capable of carrying nuclear warheads and also the most capable aircraft in their inventory...
View attachment 339931

These are Thei Sen er Chamcha SEALS ( TSECS ),the BEST NAVY SEALS in the WHOLE WORLD...They can take out every single ship and submarine in the world WITHIN THIRTY SECONDS OF DEPLOYMENT..Also they can secretly transport Yaba to all over the world!
View attachment 339933

This is Myanmar ( monkey ) nuclear program..They detonated their warheads on the moon,and Russia,China and USA warned them to stop the Monkey Nuclear Program..But the monkey high president Thei Sein said "YOU DIRTY BLACK BEGGARS,DON'T YOU KNOW WE MONKEYS ARE SUPER POWERS AND WE MONKEYS CAN NUKE THE WHOLE SOLAR SYSTEM,YOUR TROOPS ARE THE MOST SKINNIEST,SO DON'T MESS WITH US MONKEYS!!!"

View attachment 339934

Myanmarnese army officer with one of their nuclear warheads
View attachment 339943

This is Myanmarnese most advanced nuclear destroyer...
View attachment 339944

This is Myanmarnese ( Monkey ) Air force jet Bandor Jet - 01 ( BJ-1 ) which has stealth capabilities

Two of them during take off
View attachment 339955

And another two are patrolling over the golden ( like human shit ) land of Myanmar/Burma or their actual name,Monkeymar/Poorma..
View attachment 339956
You got too much free time kid :lol:
Poor alaungmonkey

But mark my words,Monkey ( Myanmar ) is the most powerful nation on Earth!

This is Baalma-35 attack chopper of their air force,capable of carrying nuclear warheads and also the most capable aircraft in their inventory...
View attachment 339931

These are Thei Sen er Chamcha SEALS ( TSECS ),the BEST NAVY SEALS in the WHOLE WORLD...They can take out every single ship and submarine in the world WITHIN THIRTY SECONDS OF DEPLOYMENT..Also they can secretly transport Yaba to all over the world!
View attachment 339933

This is Myanmar ( monkey ) nuclear program..They detonated their warheads on the moon,and Russia,China and USA warned them to stop the Monkey Nuclear Program..But the monkey high president Thei Sein said "YOU DIRTY BLACK BEGGARS,DON'T YOU KNOW WE MONKEYS ARE SUPER POWERS AND WE MONKEYS CAN NUKE THE WHOLE SOLAR SYSTEM,YOUR TROOPS ARE THE MOST SKINNIEST,SO DON'T MESS WITH US MONKEYS!!!"

View attachment 339934

Myanmarnese army officer with one of their nuclear warheads
View attachment 339943

This is Myanmarnese most advanced nuclear destroyer...
View attachment 339944

This is Myanmarnese ( Monkey ) Air force jet Bandor Jet - 01 ( BJ-1 ) which has stealth capabilities

Two of them during take off
View attachment 339955

And another two are patrolling over the golden ( like human shit ) land of Myanmar/Burma or their actual name,Monkeymar/Poorma..
View attachment 339956

Poor alaungmonkey

But mark my words,Monkey ( Myanmar ) is the most powerful nation on Earth!

This is Baalma-35 attack chopper of their air force,capable of carrying nuclear warheads and also the most capable aircraft in their inventory...
View attachment 339931

These are Thei Sen er Chamcha SEALS ( TSECS ),the BEST NAVY SEALS in the WHOLE WORLD...They can take out every single ship and submarine in the world WITHIN THIRTY SECONDS OF DEPLOYMENT..Also they can secretly transport Yaba to all over the world!
View attachment 339933

This is Myanmar ( monkey ) nuclear program..They detonated their warheads on the moon,and Russia,China and USA warned them to stop the Monkey Nuclear Program..But the monkey high president Thei Sein said "YOU DIRTY BLACK BEGGARS,DON'T YOU KNOW WE MONKEYS ARE SUPER POWERS AND WE MONKEYS CAN NUKE THE WHOLE SOLAR SYSTEM,YOUR TROOPS ARE THE MOST SKINNIEST,SO DON'T MESS WITH US MONKEYS!!!"

View attachment 339934

Myanmarnese army officer with one of their nuclear warheads
View attachment 339943

This is Myanmarnese most advanced nuclear destroyer...
View attachment 339944

This is Myanmarnese ( Monkey ) Air force jet Bandor Jet - 01 ( BJ-1 ) which has stealth capabilities

Two of them during take off
View attachment 339955

And another two are patrolling over the golden ( like human shit ) land of Myanmar/Burma or their actual name,Monkeymar/Poorma..
View attachment 339956
Glory to Monkey Land.

More great monkey projects to come! All hail monkeys!

Glory to Monkey Land.

Yes,the golden ( golden like shit ) land of YabaLand/MonkeyLand/PoorMa/MonkeyMar

You got too much free time kid :lol:

Apparently,its the opposite.I only have to call the supreme monkey president Thei Sein for these.

A squadron of Myanmar ( Monkey ) jets ( its Bandor Jet-02 or BJ-2 ) on the way to destroy Washington DC.Last week,superpower Myanmar ( Monkeymar ) warned the poorest country ever - United States of America to stop F-35 developement,but the poorest nation on Earth - United States of America igored them,so the high monkey president of the richest country on Earth ( Monkeymar or Myanmar ) , Thei Sein said " YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT WE CAN DO! WE HAVE THE CAPABILITY TO NUKE THE WHOLE UNIVERSE,NOW SUFFER,BEGGAR AMERICANS!"

Monkey Aeronautical Industries designed and are making this Bandor Jet-03 ( BJ-03 ) which is a totally classified aircraft.High monkey president Thei Sein said in a press release that it is a 7th generation aircraft which can carry a nuclear weapon as well as ~150 tons of Yaba...It has great stealth characteristics,super Myanmarnese ( Monkey ) radars could not detect it,even in 200m distance...USA and Russia asked for ToT of this aircraft but Myanmar said that they would not give this technology to black beggars...

Also these are newly intruduced Bandor Jet -04 ( BJ-04 ) which can carry 50000t nuclear warhead...

Last,if not the least,is the Myanmarnese strongest ever creation known as Thei Sein Chopper ( TSC-01 )
Well, I suppose humour is subjective to each culture. If my IQ was 70 I'd probably think all this was funny. Poor, little brown boys. :undecided:
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