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Bangladesh: Both America and India are creating pressure on Awami League

Unless we stop importing things from India, they won't stop controlling our markets, especially those of agricultural goods.

The way to stop their influence in our market is do tit-for-tat duty/tariff level elevation, which they impose on our exports to India. Yes even imposing non-tariff barriers on Bangladeshi imports to India on no basis or flimsy basis.

Indian customs people complain that we export Chinese products to India labeling them "Made in Bangladesh". Horrible liars, the whole bunch. Indian customs wanted to come to Bangladesh to "inspect" and get paid off at the factories. :lol:

Thek dia poisha nai.

Our exports to their market is not an even-keel situation. We import $50 Billion from India while they import $2 Billion from us.
take your illegal bangladeshis back .

No one's looking for love this isn't a bollywood film.
Bilal and saif think so , they want love from pakistan .
Unless we stop importing things from India, they won't stop controlling our markets, especially those of agricultural goods.

The way to stop their influence in our market is do tit-for-tat duty/tariff level elevation, which they impose on our exports to India. Yes even imposing non-tariff barriers on Bangladeshi imports to India on no basis or flimsy basis.

Indian customs people complain that we export Chinese products to India labeling them "Made in Bangladesh". Horrible liars, the whole bunch. Indian customs wanted to come to Bangladesh to "inspect" and get paid off at the factories. :lol:

Thek dia poisha nai.

Our exports to their market is not an even-keel situation. We import $50 Billion from India while they import $2 Billion from us.
Another idiotic post from you when people are suffering from high prices of goods.

Why do you think Indian goods are bad for BD? On the other hand, you propose our Matarbari do not serve India.

Your most proposals have no merits except to initiate Indiaphobis. Are you living in a 600 AD world ruled by ignorant and non-intelligent and uneducated people?

You seem to have very low intelligence that you want to make up by spewing unnecessary Indiaphobia in every thread. You are a horrendous person unfit in a discussion forum.
take your illegal bangladeshis back .
We will take illegal Bangladeshis back, if there is any, only after your take back 1 million illegal Indians working in our textile industry as labors.
Bilal and saif think so , they want love from pakistan .
I don't know about @Bilal9 bhai, but I want love from China.:china:
I am neither a fan of Tareq, or his mother.

Tareq's wife however is way more qualified than any of the two hags leading or opposing.

President Zia ur Rahman was probably the least corrupt of all the Presidents or Prime Ministers that have ruled Bangladesh.

And unlike Bangabandhu, he had far better control of his underlings and party hacks.

Mujib and Zia were both personally non corrupt. Both died without much personal wealth.

Both were also extremely patriotic albeit in their own blinkered way. Mujib favouring secularism and Zia islamism. Am not a fan of either extremes!!!!

But neither had much control over their underlings.

And tolerated corruption from close associates and family members.

Both extremely flawed and far too ambitious. And both paid for their flaws - ultimate price.

Muslim countries are not blessed with George Washington figures.

Instead they have abundance of self proclaimed saviours.

Ultimately, Mujib cannot be forgiven for the socialist claptrap he unleashed that set the country back by a decade. And Zia cannot be forgiven for the Islamist crap he unleashed that plagues the country to this day.
Mujib and Zia were both personally non corrupt. Both died without much personal wealth.

Both were also extremely patriotic albeit in their own blinkered way. Mujib favouring secularism and Zia islamism. Am not a fan of either extremes!!!!

But neither had much control over their underlings.

And tolerated corruption from close associates and family members.

Both extremely flawed and far too ambitious. And both paid for their flaws - ultimate price.

Muslim countries are not blessed with George Washington figures.

Instead they have abundance of self proclaimed saviours.

Ultimately, Mujib cannot be forgiven for the socialist claptrap he unleashed that set the country back by a decade. And Zia cannot be forgiven for the Islamist crap he unleashed that plagues the country to this day.
I did not know Zia was the founder of Jamaat-e-Islami and Nezam-e-Islami.

Are you sane?
Zia gave mulla and maulvis power to rule pakistan and make pakistanis muslims more muslim .
You are making a big mistake. President Ziaul Haq of Pakistan favored Mullahism in his country.

President Ziaur Rahman was from BD. He did not create Mullaism in BD. He was a secular person,
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Price will be high if we stoped importing from India , no doubt about it! But we can diversity our import and then cost won't be as high when India completely stopped importing to us!

This article has a calculation of onion price when India stopped exporting onion and onion price became sky high!

Copy paste of a part of this article!

/// বাংলাদেশ ৩০০ টন পেঁয়াজের যে ক্রয়- আদেশ পাঠিয়েছে তা চট্টগ্রাম বন্দর পর্যন্ত পৌঁছাতে খরচ পড়বে কেজি প্রতি ৫৫-৫৭ টাকা। টন প্রতি ৬০০ ডলার হিসাবে। এটা পাকিস্তানের ব্যবসায়ী ও এক্সপোর্টারদের হিসাব। বাংলাদেশে কূটনীতিক যার অর্থনৈতিক কূটনীতি বাস্তবায়নের সঙ্গে যুক্ত তাদের হিসাবে এটি আরও কমে আসবে যখন বাল্ক কেনা হবে। সেটি পাকিস্তান বলে নয়, সব দেশেই বাল্কে বাড়তি সুবিধা রয়েছে। তাদের মতে, পেঁয়াজ বিদেশ থেকে কম দামে কেনা হলেও চট্টগ্রাম থেকে ঢাকায় পৌঁছাতেই এটি দ্বিগুন হয়ে যায় রহস্যজনকভাবে। ///

Do you know BD tried multiple time. Last try was from Hasina regime.
But you failed miserably.

No sane person will give an absurd suggestion like this.
Price will be high if we stoped importing from India , no doubt about it! But we can diversity our import and then cost won't be as high when India completely stopped importing to us!

This article has a calculation of onion price when India stopped exporting onion and onion price became sky high!

Copy paste of a part of this article!

/// বাংলাদেশ ৩০০ টন পেঁয়াজের যে ক্রয়- আদেশ পাঠিয়েছে তা চট্টগ্রাম বন্দর পর্যন্ত পৌঁছাতে খরচ পড়বে কেজি প্রতি ৫৫-৫৭ টাকা। টন প্রতি ৬০০ ডলার হিসাবে। এটা পাকিস্তানের ব্যবসায়ী ও এক্সপোর্টারদের হিসাব। বাংলাদেশে কূটনীতিক যার অর্থনৈতিক কূটনীতি বাস্তবায়নের সঙ্গে যুক্ত তাদের হিসাবে এটি আরও কমে আসবে যখন বাল্ক কেনা হবে। সেটি পাকিস্তান বলে নয়, সব দেশেই বাল্কে বাড়তি সুবিধা রয়েছে। তাদের মতে, পেঁয়াজ বিদেশ থেকে কম দামে কেনা হলেও চট্টগ্রাম থেকে ঢাকায় পৌঁছাতেই এটি দ্বিগুন হয়ে যায় রহস্যজনকভাবে। ///

Not talking about Indian import that you say it’s SHIPPING cost is 55 Taka. Only yesterday I read a Manabzamin report that onion price per kg in BD has shot up to 55 Taka only.

Please check what you write. 1 kg onion will be taxed and transported internally causing the price to rise more.

take your illegal bangladeshis back .

Bilal and saif think so , they want love from pakistan .
Both @Bilal9 and @saif are fond of ISIS. I am not sure how this @Saiful Islam likes ISIS. But he writes like a big Maulana.

take your illegal bangladeshis back .

Bilal and saif think so , they want love from pakistan .
Both @Bilal9 and @saif are fond of ISIS. I am not sure how this @Saiful Islam likes ISIS. But he writes like a big Maulana.
Now I am a supporter of ISIS.

Eto ratey jai koi. :rofl:
I did not know Zia was the founder of Jamaat-e-Islami and Nezam-e-Islami.

Are you sane?

Zia gave Jamatis and Nizami and other war criminals the kiss of life.

Using that freedom and power to import Wahhabi claptrap and destroying Bangladesh’s moderate Sufi characteristics.

A country dominated by Sufi shrines for centuries - suddenly found those shrines under attack!!!
There is one abu bakar bagdadi in every jamati .

What Jamati posts pictures of supermodels in threads?

I had a thread like this for ages. Other posters here know.

Not that I need to prove anything to you.

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