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Bangladesh begins construction of two large warships

Looks more like a Coast Guard Patrol boat, than a 'Large Warship'.
In the prior posts, you would have found them described as "two patrol craft" and "two large patrol craft (LPC), the largest warship construction project in Bangladesh", not as 'large warships' (although the title of the first article of post 1 does - incorrectly - state "large warships", but hey not all journalist actually know something about what they write about ;-).

Shant ho jao bhai and this is for everyone.

No need for jhagda or nasty words please.

If the ship design does suck then please explain in technical terms and not proctological terms....

@Khan saheb Does this have chaff launchers and CIWS at all. The Pakistani equivalent may have it. Maybe @Penguin sahab can shed light on this. They appear on the C-28A for Algeria, atop the hangar (rather than the more common position forward of the main gun).

For Anti-air warfare a fighting ship needs three layer defense.
  1. anti-air missile
  2. Chaff launcher
  3. mini CIWS or equivalent
However the role for the Durjoy class may not include the AAW part.

Durjoy-class LPC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sensors and processing systems:
JRCSS combat management system (CMS) with at least three multifunction consoles is also fitted in the ships

I see no indication of dedicated chaff launchers, but there is mention in sources of 'decoys', which tend to be rocket launched. The EDS-25A rocket launchers for ASW could possibly be capable of also launching chaff and decoy rockets.

There is no CIWS in the sense comparable to Phalanx, Goalkeeper, Palma or even AK630. There are two twin light cannon mounts (probable 25mm). The 76mm could have some CIWS potential just as the Oto Melara 76mm has.

Any manpads would be handheld as there do not appear to be special mounts for them
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Did anyone ask for your opinion? No?
Go Fuk Yourself

awww,what about this temper tantrums.hit a nerve??

@Khan saheb Does this have chaff launchers and CIWS at all. The Pakistani equivalent may have it. Maybe @Penguin sahab can shed light on this.

For Anti-air warfare a fighting ship needs three layer defense.
  1. anti-air missile
  2. Chaff launcher
  3. mini CIWS or equivalent
However the role for the Durjoy class may not include the AAW part.
yes it has CIWS.But i am not sure about what kind of chaff launchers it deploys.The official release only says it has it.
AAW isn't one of it's duties.It has has AA guns only to defend itself against low flying enemy aircraft.
awww,what about this temper tantrums.hit a nerve??
View attachment 254797

yes it has CIWS.But i am not sure about what kind of chaff launchers it deploys.The official release only says it has it.
AAW isn't one of it's duties.It has has AA guns only to defend itself against low flying enemy aircraft.
In the prior posts, you would have found them described as "two patrol craft" and "two large patrol craft (LPC), the largest warship construction project in Bangladesh", not as 'large warships' (although the title of the first article of post 1 does - incorrectly - state "large warships", but hey not all journalist actually know something about what they write about ;-).

Durjoy-class LPC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

JRCSS combat management system (CMS) with at least three multifunction consoles is also fitted in the ships

I see no indication of dedicated chaff launchers, but there is mention in sources of 'decoys', which tend to be rocket launched. The EDS-25A rocket launchers for ASW could possibly be capable of also launching chaff and decoy rockets.

There is no CIWS in the sense comparable to Phalanx, Goalkeeper, Palma or even AK630. There are two twin light cannon mounts (probable 25mm). The 76mm could have some CIWS potential just as the Oto Melara 76mm has.

Any manpads would be handheld as there do not appear to be special mounts for them

Thanks for your valuable opinion!

I believe they should incorporate CIWS systems to protect the ships in this class. Without CIWS (which is the third and last system of defense in the defense triad in any ship) - the ship is a sitting duck for missiles launched from aircraft.

I like the complement of the PNS Azmat class much better (eight C-802) plus CIWS plus the 23mm automatic gun instead of the 76mm cannon and its shells which are heavy. Is weight savings the reason why PN went that route?
I think the Azmat class may even be smaller and lighter than the Durjoy class (500 tons vs. 650 tons) yet it boasts a more serious weapons fit as well as a RHIB launcher in the back. I don't think Durjoy class incorporates facilities to launch RHIBs which it should.

Image of PNS Dehshat (2nd Azmat Class) below. What is amazing is that it has the same number of C802s as the much larger F22P in spite of being one fourth the size.


Compared to the Azmat class our Durjoy class is so lightly (and traditionally) armed and the four C704's don't have a lot of range (and maybe inferior sensor as well) compared to the C802/803. You can't really have just MANPADs (although made locally) as a solution to every air threat. And can MANPADs really substitute CIWS systems?

Ulla Bhaisaab mentioned and illustrated MANPAD launching platforms in the Azmat thread. Does not look that involved to incorporate but could be some space (real estate) constraint on such small ships.

PNS Azmat Class - Fast Attack Missile Craft | Updates & Discussions. | Page 41

PNS Azmat Class - Fast Attack Missile Craft | Updates & Discussions. | Page 37

Pakistan Navy I think standardized only on C802's and most of our vessels (053 class as well as the Shadhinota/C18/056 class) are standardized on them (or successor C803) as well.

I believe the second batch of future Durjoy vessels should standardize on

1. the C802/803 and
2. incorporate a CIWS (maybe AK630) as well as,
3. A RHIB or go-fast marine craft launcher

In the previous pages I made mention for lots of small GFRP go-fast marine platforms being developed and made locally.

Here are more images of the Azmat. RHIB launcher and foldable crane in the back can be seen with launch door. Plus AK630 CIWS on the roof. Looks compact enough....

not impossible, US Frigate and other western Frigates can easily be considered as Destroyer for India too
Not really
Our frigates on the other hand are comparable to destroyers of some countries

Even our patrol vessels are now coming with around 2500 displacement....with correct weaponry u can call it a corvette or even a frigate
I am going to take back what I said about RHIB launcher. Durjoy class has a larger go-fast boat and a larger crane (much larger than the one on the PNS Azmat class). However the crane is also used to hoist and put the go-fast on the water as well as lift it out of the water. In the Azmat it's more efficient, where you launch the RHIB through the rear door immediately, saving precious minutes.

I don't get the wasted space where they put the C704's lengthwise instead of sideways like in the Azmat. This needs to be revised in the next batch.


Not really
Our frigates on the other hand are comparable to destroyers of some countries

Even our patrol vessels are now coming with around 2500 displacement....with correct weaponry u can call it a corvette or even a frigate

This is heavily off topic for this thread. Why do we have to bring in India in every Bangladeshi thread? It's a troll-bait situation and Bangladeshis here be aware - don't bite.

We are discussing the Durjoy LPC. Please contribute constructively - otherwise don't flood the thread with irrelevant posts...
I am going to take back what I said about RHIB launcher. Durjoy class has a larger go-fast boat and a larger crane (much larger than the one on the PNS Azmat class). However the crane is also used to hoist and put the go-fast on the water as well as lift it out of the water. In the Azmat it's more efficient, where you launch the RHIB through the rear door immediately, saving precious minutes.

I don't get the wasted space where they put the C704's lengthwise instead of sideways like in the Azmat. This needs to be revised in the next batch.


This is heavily off topic for this thread. Why do we have to bring in India in every Bangladeshi thread? It's a troll-bait situation and Bangladeshis here be aware - don't bite.

We are discussing the Durjoy LPC. Please contribute constructively - otherwise don't flood the thread with irrelevant posts...
What Bd4ever wrote was wrong hence I quoted him.....there is no intention to troll or flame bait,you guys can continue your discussion on the LPC
What Bd4ever wrote was wrong hence I quoted him.....there is no intention to troll or flame bait,you guys can continue your discussion on the LPC
I was right but i don't want to extend it due to off topic :enjoy:
I was right but i don't want to extend it due to off topic :enjoy:
No u r not...
Start a thread or come to whatever.... I will give you links n we can compare.....

Lets keep this thread clean
Why on earth BD need large warships.
Do they really want to go on world(ocean) war with Bay of Bengal fish. :o:
More trolling...and useless off-topic comments...:rolleyes1:

Sometimes I wonder what the average age of the new PDF'ers are....
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