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Bangladesh Army

i posted from army site, most of the location is srilanka under training period. but can,t sure all pic is acurate. any way i deleted some of them...........:D
Its not a multimedia thread. Dont just post randon picture without any literature.
It becoming more like kids playground here.
it,s not posibble to identify every single person or pic. if any mistek happed then it,s wise to correct them. if some person don,t look like bd army that does not mean he is not................don,t be so sure about that. :coffee:
It is pointless to post only picture regardless.
Dont post pictures only content, post them in multimedia section. We are not here to see Army modeling competition.
It is pointless to post only picture regardless.
Dont post pictures only content, post them in multimedia section. We are not here to see Army modeling competition.
Those gyes are not model they are the first contingent of black eagle sniper, trained in srilanka.
SINCE many have objection i delet all my photos..........View attachment 405858 now enjoy.

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