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Bangladesh Army should give Arms support to Rohingya Muslims.

Sorry excuse me ? NO Geography was not my major, that was minor. BTW.

1 ans is here-

2-So what is the dame playing to save Bihar? Bangladesh is floating?
3- So what ? So why do you try to save Assam by water contract with China?
4-Hmm. That water is in violation of international law and into Bangladesh. Why?
5-So, by taking Farakka open by saving Assam, Bangladesh's plan to douse the plans of the Government of India as a pilot project?

The post is okay. Someone might want to give a counter. I can give 101 rreasons. But the shortage of time

Also perhaps a shortage of brains. Farakka still has nothing to do with Assam. Look at your own map. And then look at the painfully detailed explanation for the simple-minded that I posted.

As for your fatuous questions:
  1. The answer is indeed in the map shown, and it makes confetti of your original remark.
  2. Whether 'the dame' was trying to save Bihar or not, it had nothing to do with Assam.
  3. So it has nothing to do with Assam. And why should not India try to save Assam through a contract over the release of water into Assam? In what way does it affect Bangladesh, or Bangladeshi interests?
  4. There is no violation of international law. Please read the original documentation.
  5. So nothing, leaving Farakka open has nothing to do with saving Assam. Your remark is utterly meaningless. Since Farakka clearly is not connected to Assam, there is no sense in the question that you have posed in such incomprehensible language.
As for giving 101 reasons, I doubt that you can give one. It was incorrect, and was geographically completely meaningless, and none of your hot air can make it look intelligent.
And India should increase arms support to myanmar against rohingha terrorists
typical Hindu statement. I wish mughals should have forced you people to become humans. Even after 200 hundred years still the same bs mind set.
You have not seen the videos circulating on net what Mayanmar army is doing to kids and civilian.
Any good human being would have not said what you just said.
You piece of s.. ..
Also perhaps a shortage of brains. Farakka still has nothing to do with Assam. Look at your own map. And then look at the painfully detailed explanation for the simple-minded that I posted.

As for your fatuous questions:
  1. The answer is indeed in the map shown, and it makes confetti of your original remark.
  2. Whether 'the dame' was trying to save Bihar or not, it had nothing to do with Assam.
  3. So it has nothing to do with Assam. And why should not India try to save Assam through a contract over the release of water into Assam? In what way does it affect Bangladesh, or Bangladeshi interests?
  4. There is no violation of international law. Please read the original documentation.
  5. So nothing, leaving Farakka open has nothing to do with saving Assam. Your remark is utterly meaningless. Since Farakka clearly is not connected to Assam, there is no sense in the question that you have posed in such incomprehensible language.
As for giving 101 reasons, I doubt that you can give one. It was incorrect, and was geographically completely meaningless, and none of your hot air can make it look intelligent.

May be you didn't read the whole p[ost carefully . I am not telling that farakka and assam is in the same line but water flow comes via assam to Bangladesh. its simple equation. BTW-

1- Seeing the map is very important to understand what it is.
2-The source of all the rivers is the same, the Brahmaputra - that is why Assam is associated with the water of Bihar why whole India is involved. There is no way to deny.
3- You said why india should not save Assam. Thanks for accepting the truth. Of course it is against of BD interest. no doubt about that .
4- Excuse me . India last few years is violating international law by force and that is why in the same case with china they act like a cat .
5- So why Farakka dam is established?

BD has a professional army while Myanmar
is rag-tag one.

Maynamar has Army ? or monkey ?

Okay--- When we talk about Bangladesh and Myanmar or the Rohingya issue, our Indian friends are in the fire?
holy shit.!! torching people , burning home is called self-defence. ? @Nilgiri see..!! this is bagali logic.. their killing people and burning home is called self-defence meanwhile we rescue the local people and just start search and raid the terrorists to maintain the region stability called ' genocide '. what a crap.

View attachment 422763
Planting IED in public street.
View attachment 422764 View attachment 422765

they are arrested by peaceful rohingya and handed over police.
View attachment 422766
they did this.
View attachment 422767
luckily she is alive and she told everything about them.
this is still called self-defence.? there are many report of worse pic with graphic violence due to attack of rohingya terrorist.

lol this is all about terrorism against local people. attacking police camps and local people and burning house is the crimes what they commit.

Thanks again. There is of course no point reasoning and trying to debate with the BD roaches gathered here...just point out the facts of the matter for passer-bys to make their own opinion (e.g. just need to sit back and expose how even the so called moderate BD people are supporting ARSA and co here...and of course what ARSA doing on the ground in first place).

In mean time let the reality occur for these BD twerps lol....each day they wake up to see 10,000s more arrived in their overcrowded swamp...and staying permanently....and they wonder how to spice up their crying to better cover up their blatant inadequacies and failures that have accumulated over decades now.
Thanks again. There is of course no point reasoning and trying to debate with the BD roaches gathered here...just point out the facts of the matter for passer-bys to make their own opinion (e.g. just need to sit back and expose how even the so called moderate BD people are supporting ARSA and co here...and of course what ARSA doing on the ground in first place).

In mean time let the reality occur for these BD twerps lol....each day they wake up to see 10,000s more arrived in their overcrowded swamp...and staying permanently....and they wonder how to spice up their crying to better cover up their blatant inadequacies and failures that have accumulated over decades now.

Your pathetic.
May be you didn't read the whole p[ost carefully . I am not telling that farakka and assam is in the same line but water flow comes via assam to Bangladesh. its simple equation. BTW-

1- Seeing the map is very important to understand what it is.

It is. That is precisely why you should see it.

2-The source of all the rivers is the same, the Brahmaputra - that is why Assam is associated with the water of Bihar why whole India is involved. There is no way to deny.

The Brahmaputra is NOT the source for the Ganges.
The Brahmaputra is NOT the source for the Teesta.

What is there to deny about these facts, which are also crystal clear from the map?

3- You said why india should not save Assam. Thanks for accepting the truth. Of course it is against of BD interest. no doubt about that .


Asking the Chinese to restrict water flow in no way is against BD interest. It actually reduces the threat of flooding to Bangladesh.

4- Excuse me . India last few years is violating international law by force and that is why in the same case with china they act like a cat .

There has been no violation of international law. Can you cite which treaty and which clause has been violated, apart from making airy fairy statements? You can't; I have been asking you to do that for the past few posts, and you have no answers.

5- So why Farakka dam is established?

To control water flow, and check excessive water flow leading to flooding; to flush out the siltation on the lower Hooghly; to provide irrigation to the dry areas of West Bengal, from the pent up waters.


Maynamar has Army ? or monkey ?

Okay--- When we talk about Bangladesh and Myanmar or the Rohingya issue, our Indian friends are in the fire?

Your Indian friends are, in this case, in the fire only due to your total lack of knowledge of the riverine systems of Bangladesh and the earlier up-river countries. Try to learn the facts before striking postures and taking positions.
বিবিসি বাংলা - BBC Bangla

টেকনাফের বালুখালি এলাকায় একটি অস্থায়ী ক্যাম্পেই রোববার সকাল থেকে ৮০টি পরিবার এসে ঢুকেছে। সেখানে আশ্রয় নেওয়া জামাল হোসেন বিবিসিকে বলেন, পথে শত শত মানুষ সীমান্তের দিকে এগুচ্ছে।

একদিনেই ১৩০০০ রোহিঙ্গা, উপচে পড়ছে স্কুল-মাদ্রাসা - BBC বাংলা
বাংলাদেশে জাতিসংঘ শরণার্থী সংস্থা বলছে, এক রাতের ব্যবধানেই টেকনাফে তারা নতুন ১৩ হাজার রোহিঙ্গা শরণার্থীকে চিহ্নিত করেছে। অস্থায়ী আশ্রয়ের জন্য…
It is. That is precisely why you should see it.

The Brahmaputra is NOT the source for the Ganges.
The Brahmaputra is NOT the source for the Teesta.

What is there to deny about these facts, which are also crystal clear from the map?


Asking the Chinese to restrict water flow in no way is against BD interest. It actually reduces the threat of flooding to Bangladesh.

There has been no violation of international law. Can you cite which treaty and which clause has been violated, apart from making airy fairy statements? You can't; I have been asking you to do that for the past few posts, and you have no answers.

To control water flow, and check excessive water flow leading to flooding; to flush out the siltation on the lower Hooghly; to provide irrigation to the dry areas of West Bengal, from the pent up waters.


Your Indian friends are, in this case, in the fire only due to your total lack of knowledge of the riverine systems of Bangladesh and the earlier up-river countries. Try to learn the facts before striking postures and taking positions.

Don't you think it's now off topics?
BTW- I am really surprised that you have these knowledge about the water flow comes from where !!! Interesting !!! Do know know map reading ? If so how can u say its crystal clear that Brammaputra isn't mother of Ganga ? Requested to do study about the highlighted issue. And from Ganga water come to Tista. Its a root line. China will deal with India about water matter why Bangladesh will talk about china- India water or river dam? This is indian concern not BD s. In the rainy season for saving some land of india india, open all gate , and u say they don't violate international law? its really funny .
Don't you think it's now off topics?

You made it topical by raising the question.
Correcting stupid mistakes and correcting factual errors is never off topic.

BTW- I am really surprised that you have these knowledge about the water flow comes from where !!! Interesting !!!

That shows how utterly ignorant you are. What I have mentioned is common knowledge. The Ganges originates in the Garhwal/Kumaon region, joins with the Yamuna at Allahabad and moves down to Farakka, where one (minor) branch breaks away in the southern direction as the Hooghly.

The Teesta comes down from the Sikkim area, from the foothills of Kanchanjunga; nowhere do their waters meet until the Teesta flows into what was known as the Ganges in India, deep within Bangladesh.

The Brahmaputra originates in the vicinity of Manas Sarovar, although the two are in no way connected, and meanders right across the valleys and canyons of southern Tibet, on the opposite side of the watershed from either the Ganges or the Teesta, and then through the mountains of Arunachal to debouch into Assam. Again, it unites with the combined Ganga-Teesta stream deep within Bangladesh.

Your ignorance of these elementary facts truly astonishes me. How do you have the effrontery to voice opinions and make statements without even the elementary knowledge of what you are discussing?

Do know know map reading ?

Yes. Map reading was taught to us professionally, not map reading at this silly level, but map reading for orienting during military manoeuvres.

If so how can u say its crystal clear that Brammaputra isn't mother of Ganga ? Requested to do study about the highlighted issue.

Please at least LOOK at the map - your own map. The Ganges flows right through north India, and through Farakka before joining with the Brahmaputra; there is no connection before that. In short, the Ganges exists and flows far away from the Brahmaputra.

Requested to complete your education before coming on line.

And from Ganga water come to Tista. Its a root line.

Again, LOOK at your map; the Teesta flows without any connection to the Ganges right until the point that it merges with the Ganges. How can Ganges water come to Teesta when there is no join and when the Teesta exists before the join?

Think about it.

China will deal with India about water matter why Bangladesh will talk about china- India water or river dam?

Sure; it was you who raised the question.

This is indian concern not BD s. In the rainy season for saving some land of india india, open all gate , and u say they don't violate international law? its really funny .

Maybe it is funny, for someone like you who obviously knows nothing about law, let alone international law; an upstream country is restricted from withholding water from a downstream country. It is not restricted from releasing water.

It is sad that such ignorance is allowed; according to me, there should be tests of intelligence and knowledge before allowing new members to join. You would, of course, fail such tests, on all counts.
In some ways one can draw analogies between the situation around 1971 to what is going on right now in Myanmar. BD can take up an India like role and help the persecuted.
Thanks again. There is of course no point reasoning and trying to debate with the BD roaches gathered here...just point out the facts of the matter for passer-bys to make their own opinion (e.g. just need to sit back and expose how even the so called moderate BD people are supporting ARSA and co here...and of course what ARSA doing on the ground in first place).

In mean time let the reality occur for these BD twerps lol....each day they wake up to see 10,000s more arrived in their overcrowded swamp...and staying permanently....and they wonder how to spice up their crying to better cover up their blatant inadequacies and failures that have accumulated over decades now.
you people are worse than animals. Well, I guess can't blame you people either. You guys are still burring girls alive cause Hindus wants boys only, how would you have respect for situation as such.
you people are worse than animals. Well, I guess can't blame you people either. You guys are still burring girls alive cause Hindus wants boys only, how would you have respect for situation as such.

Want to know what the BD people call you Pakistanis to this day because of 1971....even on this very forum multiple times...and then compare it to what they perceive as going on in Pakistan currently? "Animals" is a very polite description in comparison. Are they right about you lot just because they state it here?

If not why should you be taken any more seriously than them...mr. "PAK my roots".

Your pathetic.

It is time for BD to get involved.

We will be forced to get involved if not today then in the near future.

BD can not avoid a fight against the monkeys.

Don't press your luck...Myanmar army is way superior than the midget Bangladesh army. Now before bringing in the Naf river war of 2000, do remember that this is 2018 and not 2000 nor the 1970s. Today's Myanmar army is no joke and Bangladesh army doesn't stand a chance against the Buddhist force of Myanmar. Also the Naf river war victory, which most muslims of Bangladesh feel proud of was fought between BDR and a small paramilitary force of the Tatmadaw who are lesser or equivalent to the BDR so the comparison is bullshit. Also one ore point that during the 1970s and 1980s, your army even couldnt fight our brothers in the hill tracts who had poor weapons and training, but you dream of fighting a full fledged army like Myanmar who is not only ranked 31 in the list of military power but also has a much superior air force, a bigger military budget and superior weaponry..
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