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Bangladesh and Pakistan Comparison in 2012

I was hoping that a pakistani will reply my post since it only concerns Pakistanis. I know the type of gov ruling my country and I know the type of terrorist they are. Pakistanis also knows the same about their country. Why the hell is an Indian shedding crocodile tears for BD.:hitwall:
This shows the kind of love affair Indians have with awami fagots.

P.S: A zardari led PPP type gov will be trillion types better than the type of dacoit gov we have. But inshallah we won't be any dacoit, but a pro-BD BNP/JI lead 18 party alliance next time. Inshallah if Allah wills. :cheers:


Oh bhai..we've got the most corrupt Government in the history of Pakistan ! Zardari is the kind of person who'd bribe his own father if he had the chance ! Your Government can't be half as bad as ours.
silly comparison. In 1971 pakistan was one of the world power, and Bangladesh started from 0, without any reserve, no infrastructure.... However, The blog writer failed to understand that people don't compare between present state of the two countries. the comparison is between the paths they are heading!!!
Yet the comparison fails to put smile on the face of majority people.

In BD, a few years ago media created a hype about aflatoxin found in poultry products. Many people stopped eating chicken and eggs. Then our poultry farmers' association published a rebuttal on the newspapers. It said "Even President Clinton eats farm chicken".
I was hoping that a pakistani will reply my post since it only concerns Pakistanis. I know the type of gov ruling my country and I know the type of terrorist they are. Pakistanis also knows the same about their country. Why the hell is an Indian shedding crocodile tears for BD.:hitwall:
This shows the kind of love affair Indians have with awami fagots.

P.S: A zardari led PPP type gov will be trillion types better than the type of dacoit gov we have. But inshallah we won't be any dacoit, but a pro-BD BNP/JI lead 18 party alliance next time. Inshallah if Allah wills. :cheers:

This article is also showing wrong stats of India, if you are anti Awami league then why should we have to shed crocodile tears.

He is just showing his "concern". He believes that the current "secular" BAL exttemist ruling BD, that has already given in lots to India, is good for us. He is lecturing me about my country. Doesn't take rocket science to know the kind of love they have for us. :)

Whether it is Awami league or any other party that is internal problem, deal with that and don't bring India into this.
I was hoping that a pakistani will reply my post since it only concerns Pakistanis. I know the type of gov ruling my country and I know the type of terrorist they are. Pakistanis also knows the same about their country. Why the hell is an Indian shedding crocodile tears for BD.:hitwall:
This shows the kind of love affair Indians have with awami fagots.

P.S: A zardari led PPP type gov will be trillion types better than the type of dacoit gov we have. But inshallah we won't be any dacoit, but a pro-BD BNP/JI lead 18 party alliance next time. Inshallah if Allah wills. :cheers:

BNP has regret their anti India stand now. Now they are also with India...:chilli:

Oh bhai..we've got the most corrupt Government in the history of Pakistan ! Zardari is the kind of person who'd bribe his own father if he had the chance ! Your Government can't be half as bad as ours.

Well i was just trying to express how bad & extreme BAL is. I will just mention 1 point. See if U can find similar situation in PAK.

93 opposition leaders and activist were abducted in the month of Nov alone. Now count the total no. of this whole year. And this doesn't include the unidentified bodies everyday.

Now how many people did PPP abduct this month? :)

P.S: though i believe we both have been cursed with Bad gov and the blame partly lies with the people. People always get the rulers they deserve. Have patients & belief in Allah and hope for the best, that's should be the moto of a muslim.
Well i was just trying to express how bad & extreme BAL is. I will just mention 1 point. See if U can find similar situation in PAK.

93 opposition leaders and activist were abducted in the month of Nov alone. Now count the total no. of this whole year. And this doesn't include the unidentified bodies everyday.

Now how many people did PPP abduct this month? :)

P.S: though i believe we both have been cursed with Bad gov and the blame partly lies with the people. People always get the rulers they deserve. Have patients & belief in Allah and hope for the best, that's should be the moto of a muslim.

In Karachi, the Supreme Court of Pakistan, has ruled that every Political Party (the dominant being MQM & PPP) have militants & people are dying there at around 5-10 every day for months at a stretch because of their political feuds.

The PPP might not kill elsewhere like that because oppositions in Pakistan also do have muscle but they & their allies have managed to convert every successful Government Institution (Pakistan Railways, PIA etc.) from being once fairly successful to being on the brink of insolvency. They, through their income support programs for the poor & what not, have managed to embezzle billions of rupees worth of funds. They've managed to deal a crippling blow to Pakistan's Balance of Payment by setup up Rental Power Units which are laced with corruption & many are owed by the MPAs & the MNAs themselves. They've managed to accumulate such monstrously high levels of debt that a lion's share of our budget (literally) goes towards debt servicing & whats worst we're accumulating more debt just to pay off the 'interest' accumulated on the debts we already have.
Our textile units are either closed or closing up & our once thriving small-scale & cottage industrial base is almost dead. The law & order situation during their tenure is so bad that a Pakistani's blood is cheaper than a loaf of bread, with dozens of our citizens dying every week whether its sectarian violence, militancy or at the hands of criminals. The situation in Balochistan is so bad that the Supreme Court had to step in & say that the Provincial Government there has failed because if the Baloch Separatists aren't killing innocent Pashtun, Punjabis & Baloch alike than the Taliban & LeT are killing the Shia Hazara minority !

So my friend...BAL may or may not be Indian stooges but they're not half as bad as the d*cks running Pakistan right now !
@luffy500 @Armstrong

If you both dont like your current government, Why dont you guys exchange them.. Both will have first hand experience about how the other government work!! :woot:
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Here's an interesting Huffington Post piece by investment adviser Dan Solin:

Pakistan is often in the news and usually in unflattering terms. The relationship between the U.S. and Pakistan is troubled, characterized by deep mutual distrust and conflicting goals.

The economy of Pakistan is equally troubled. According to the Heritage Foundation, its economy has been plagued by "political instability and violence." Much needed economic reform has been stalled by bureaucratic delays and lack of political will. Property rights in Pakistan are "compromised." The rule of law is "fragile." Taxation is "poorly administered." Its public debt is over 50 percent of total domestic output. Foreign investment is declining. Its overall ranking on economic freedom is below the world and even regional averages, placing it in the category of "mostly unfree" economies. To put this in perspective, there is more economic freedom in Yemen, Senegal and Nigeria than in Pakistan. Its unemployment rate is a staggering 15 percent. Its inflation rate is 11.7 percent.

Does this country seem like a good place to invest to you?

Now for the shocker: Year-to-date returns for the stock market of Pakistan were 46.73 percent. That's not a typo. Year-to-date returns for the U.S. during the same period were 11.90 percent.

Here are some other interesting facts. The stock markets in Nigeria and Kenya
were 27.26 percent and 26.56 percent, respectively. What about the returns in fast-growing economies like Brazil and China? Brazil was an anemic 1.43 percent. China was a loss of 10.20 percent.

If you are a typical investor, you believe paying attention to the financial news is important to your investing success. You read the financial media. You watch CNBC and pay special attention to the fund managers who "explain" the stock markets to you and encourage you to follow their advice (often by investing with their firms). Maybe you follow the stock picks served up by Jim Cramer, who appears to have an encyclopedic knowledge of all things financial.

Let me ask you this question. Did any source of financial news advise you to invest in the stock markets of Pakistan, Nigeria or Kenya? Or Turkey, which topped the list with returns of 47.31 percent? How about your broker or financial adviser? They make it appear they have special insight into the financial markets. Did they advise you to invest in any of the countries reporting returns higher than the U.S.?

The average returns of the 77 countries is a positive return of 8.47 percent. In 2011, the average was a negative 14.15 percent and the list of top performers was markedly different, with Venezuela, Jamaica and Botswana turning in stellar results, along with Pakistan which came in second.

Trying to predict which country will perform best in 2013 is a crapshoot. So is trying to pick stocks that are mispriced, or betting on which asset class will outperform. Yet the securities industry continues to thrive by persuading you to pay its members fat fees for dispensing precisely this kind of "advice."

The next time your broker peers into his crystal ball and makes a recommendation, ask this question: Did you predict stellar returns in Pakistan, Nigeria or Kenya for 2012?

Dan Solin: What You Can Learn From Investors in Pakistan
Mr Haq. is the most dangerous of so called well wishers or what we know him to be a cheerleader with twisted and fudged stats for pakistan when he compares to any country. He actually fools you into to thinking other vs. the obvious or as we call it " hoodwinks" Pakistanis into a false sense of comfort.

Let's look at this small example :

Pakistan has continued to offer much greater upward economic and social mobility to its citizens than Bangladesh and India over the last two decades. Since 1990, Pakistan's middle class had expanded by 36.5%, India's by only 12.8% and Bangladesh's by just 8.3%, according to an ADB report titled "Asia's Emerging Middle Class: Past, Present And Future.

you see the subtle use of percentages when you know that " population" varies a lot between India and Pakistan. This is like saying the many small European nations median incomes being higher than US = them being more successful than the US as an entity. i.e selective stats

So when you look at any of his "claims" you have to keep in mind, he uses old stats a lot, he uses suspect ones and finally he uses them in way to fit his views. Now if you want to go by his meme, by all means do so- but you , like him , will be lone rangers in the world stage that buck reality. You know, he is similar to those in India that write articles of it being an impending super power...

To be objective, you have to but laugh at the comparison vs. Bangladesh. Bangladesh post 71, without having a benefactor of a country like US ( that pakistan enjoyed and benefited from inception)- Bangladesh is a self made country and at a higher trajectory/projection than Pakistan or even Sri lanka as the world stands now.
Helpful thing to do would be defining comparative advantage between Bangladesh and Pakistan and then try to complement each other. That is the way we can take full advantage in trade, industry, social and other areas.
Here's a comparison of South Asian nations on World Hunger Index 2012:



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