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Bangladesh allows transit for foodgrains for northeast India

I just dont understand some of this people. I really dont. They blindly believe in whatever their parties do and that goes for some BNP supporters too. Your country should always come before your party alliegance. But look at some of them.

It's worst and painful time for proud people. I stop watching Bd's programs. It's no longer identify Bd as Muslim nation. Full of Hindu Bengali rituals. Total absence of Muslim rooted cultures like salam, dua, tehzeeb, toopi(kufi), hijab/pardah whereas if you watch Indian programs(drama, news) then you will see it's full of Hindu cultures and practices because they are proud of their culture and identity. My respect to Indian. :tup:

Pakistan is proud Muslim nation. I feel a lot more comfortable watching Pak programs(like minded) now a days than Bd's non-sense because if I want to enjoy some Hinduaani programs then I rather watch original(Indian) then some wanabe fake hindu Bengali losers. Jahanum jai begairt charal der ghusti. :guns:

Bangladesh is one of this F'up nation that some how feel shame to portrait it self is a Muslim majority nation in the name of Bengali culture and sentiment. Lanat on me for being connected to F'up land. I hate myself now a days. :hitwall:

Today is birthday of Kazi Nazrool but no commemoration yet mega commemoration take place on Tagore birthday/death day. Abbey why? :undecided:

Bd is a F'up nation with F'up people. Ghost of 71 and worthless pride hunting us down. You talk about Indian aggression, criticize Mujib/Awami or taking side with Islam earn you "Razakaar" certification whereas makes you a patriot by leaking Bhartis boots. Laathi mari ai shob dalal 71 er sentimental der.

I heard people stop wearing Toopi(kufi) on the way to Masjid to avoid being called "Razakaar". Is the reason why our forefather chose separate nation in 47?
It's worst and painful time for proud people. I stop watching Bd's programs. It's no longer identify Bd as Muslim nation. Full of Hindu Bengali rituals. Total absence of Muslim rooted cultures like salam, dua, tehzeeb, toopi(kufi), hijab/pardah whereas if you watch Indian programs(drama, news) then you will see it's full of Hindu cultures and practices because they are proud of their culture and identity. My respect to Indian. :tup:

Pakistan is proud Muslim nation. I feel a lot more comfortable watching Pak programs(like minded) now a days than Bd's non-sense because if I want to enjoy some Hinduaani programs then I rather watch original(Indian) then some wanabe fake hindu Bengali losers. Jahanum jai begairt charal der ghusti. :guns:

Bangladesh is one of this F'up nation that some how feel shame to portrait it self is a Muslim majority nation in the name of Bengali culture and sentiment. Lanat on me for being connected to F'up land. I hate myself now a days. :hitwall:

Today is birthday of Kazi Nazrool but no commemoration yet mega commemoration take place on Tagore birthday/death day. Abbey why? :undecided:

Bd is a F'up nation with F'up people. Ghost of 71 and worthless pride hunting us down. You talk about Indian aggression, criticize Mujib/Awami or taking side with Islam earn you "Razakaar" certification whereas makes you a patriot by leaking Bhartis boots. Laathi mari ai shob dalal 71 er sentimental der.

I heard people stop wearing Toopi(kufi) on the way to Masjid to avoid being called "Razakaar". Is the reason why our forefather chose separation nation in 47?

I do not know about the topi part. But it is well recorded that folks with beards were stopped by police for questioning. At times even harassed.
I do not know about the topi part. But it is well recorded that folks with beards were stopped by police for questioning. At times even harassed.

It is true. Wearing tupi is soon to be made into some extremist thing as the situation looks.
Good one on changing your flags by the way, i don't think i should keep it anymore either with country being infested with dalals and chapatis :hitwall:
since when zia become a raja***? can you give me a list of all the raja***s so that I can revisualise the whole events of 71?
Just see the way they are calling President Zia a traitor when he of all the sector commanders gave the Pak Army the hardest time. Just like they have branded Kader Siddique also a traitor.
So it runs in the family...:girl_wacko:...what happened to the british mullas? He should've probably invested that in his education, atleast this would've saved us from the shame of intellectuals like him ruining our image on international forums. @Loki something seems to be wrong wiht this forum, I was quoting animelive but it seems I also quted banglar bagh which was not my intentions please look into this problem, it happened to me twice today

We are speaking about a guy who calls Zia, a traitor. I don't think any education in the world can work on chapatis. They are immune to knowledge :hang2:
I did get the notification but no quotes
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Just see the way they are calling President Zia a traitor when he of all the sector commanders gave the Pak Army the hardest time. Just like they have branded Kader Siddique also a traitor.

I'm astounded that people like him exists, but I've come with the idea that almost 70% of our country is illiterate hence you can't ask them to give logical reasons the rest is educated but they'll either leave for west or stay back home and destroy its economy through corruption and this 2nd class of people are the reason our country has fallen into the hands of traitors in the first place. They've probably come from poor families, but suceeded later in life due to their good grades in school, now all they saw was power and money. These so called educated nut-wits were so arrogant due to their newly found treasure that they've been selling their less fortunate cousins for any amount they were given. When asked about their life they'll say how they came this far after all the hardships in their childhood, but their thick skulls don't understand that they are causing even more trouble to the poor that they suffered themselves. This is just a theory I developed from personal experience, so no need to be taken seriously but pondered upon:D
I'm astounded that people like him exists, but I've come with the idea that almost 70% of our country is illiterate hence you can't ask them to give logical reasons the rest is educated but they'll either leave for west or stay back home and destroy its economy through corruption and this 2nd class of people are the reason our country has fallen into the hands of traitors in the first place. They've probably come from poor families, but suceeded later in life due to their good grades in school, now all they saw was power and money. These so called educated nut-wits were so arrogant due to their newly found treasure that they've been selling their less fortunate cousins for any amount they were given. When asked about their life they'll say how they came this far after all the hardships in their childhood, but their thick skulls don't understand that they are causing even more trouble to the poor that they suffered themselves. This is just a theory I developed from personal experience, so no need to be taken seriously but pondered upon:D

Actually, literacy rate in BD now stands at 59.82%. Illiteracy rate is 40.18%.
Country's literacy rate 59.82 pc :: Financial Express :: Financial Newspaper of Bangladesh

Not that great, but it is an improvement.

But hey, Sohel Rana only studied up till class-VIII :meeting: His dad used to sell oil around the streets. They were nor are by no means "educated".

I get the kind of people you are referring to. And yes, they do exist. Misuse of power to divert history is a very scary thing my friend. They'll ultimately be at the receiving end of the fire in the end. The more damage they inflict, the more they'll receive.

And in case anyone is wondering, I respect both Zia and Mujib.
Actually, literacy rate in BD now stands at 59.82%. Illiteracy rate is 40.81%.
Country's literacy rate 59.82 pc :: Financial Express :: Financial Newspaper of Bangladesh

Not that great, but it is an improvement.

But hey, Sohel Rana only studied up till class-VIII :meeting: His dad used to sell oil around the streets. They were nor are by no means "educated".

I get the kind of people you are referring to. And yes, they do exist. Misuse of power to divert history is a very scary thing my friend. They'll ultimately be at the receiving end of the fire in the end. The more damage they inflict, they more they'll receive.

And in case anyone is wondering, I respect both Zia and Mujib.

I'm neutral on both zia and mujib, I became angry due to the fact that matrixx or what the heck he changed his name into started name calling on the basis that Zia was a traitor without no proof to support his theory.

As for my above post I was just generalising where as to why our country is going the way its going. When you consider a whole machine its not just the overall design that make it efficient but also its minute details in bearings and parts that make the whole system also contributes in its O/P. Perhaps I went to technical on ya:azn: but at the moment I'm short of ideas
Just curious - being neutral is fine,but ethically arnt we supposed to point out if someone is wrong?be that Mujib or Zia.both started with patriotism and turned out to be autocratic murderers.what's wrong with saying a spade a spade?
Just curious - being neutral is fine,but ethically arnt we supposed to point out if someone is wrong?be that Mujib or Zia.both started with patriotism and turned out to be autocratic murderers.what's wrong with saying a spade a spade?

Probably they were murderers but bro neither you nor me was there to witness it, you see history anywhere is just twists of words to suit one's purpose in that era. So probably what you say is true or maybe false but that doesn't give me the right to be onesided and balme the others. We as muslims are told that our Holy book is so sacred that Allah Himself will protect this books validity, and He is doing so, but we were not promised any such promises in case of our history right? I believe let all educate ourselves obviously not that what is taught in school or colllege but educate in a sense that someone who wishes to divert our history through propaganda can't do so easily. Our uneducated people did this mistake and hence we are in this mess.
I'm neutral on both zia and mujib, I became angry due to the fact that matrixx or what the heck he changed his name into started name calling on the basis that Zia was a traitor without no proof to support his theory.

As for my above post I was just generalising where as to why our country is going the way its going. When you consider a whole machine its not just the overall design that make it efficient but also its minute details in bearings and parts that make the whole system also contributes in its O/P. Perhaps I went to technical on ya:azn: but at the moment I'm short of ideas

Well, you are not wrong. Every little thing counts :meeting:

Does anyone have any idea of how NORAD was built? Sheesh....they built a big-a$$ nuclear bunker inside a freaking mountain!
@Loki and @DauD0 guys stop changing your flags. Our national flag is our pride. Country is in a mess or getting bullied by a greedy neighbour shouldn't make us that upset to use other countries flags I suppose. And about Sk. Mujibur Rahman, he was a great leader but I'm afraid he wasn't a great adminstrator. On the other hand, Zia was a good adminstrator but I doubt he could have done anything similar to what Mujib did like uniting the whole nation in 1971. I become equally angry when people badmouth about Sk. Mujibur Rahman too.
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@Loki and @DauD0 guys stop changing your flags. Our national flag is our pride. Country is in a mess or getting bullied by a greedy neighbour shouldn't make us that upset to use other countries flags I suppose. And about Sk. Mujibur Rahman, he was a great leader but I'm afraid he wasn't a great adminstrator. On the other hand, Zia was a good adminstrator but I doubt he could have done anything similar to what Mujib did like uniting the whole nation in 1971. I become equally angry when people badmouth about Sk. Mujibur Rahman too.

People's Socialist Republic of Albania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
my valid reason is check this; Religion in Albania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. We are witnessing the same here in our country, so sarcastially I changed mine:angel:
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