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Bangladesh Air Force

There is no hope lol @Destranator @Michael Corleone @DalalErMaNodi @The Ronin @Atlas @UKBengali @Homo Sapiens @Bilal9 @Avicenna

AIR SHOW 2022 Postponed

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Bangladesh Air Show 2022 (bas2022.gov.bd)

Notice “After months of detailed planning, coordination and encouraging preparation, we are deeply saddened to inform that we are postponing the ‘Bangladesh Air Show-2022’ due to COVID-19 pandemic situation. We would like to thank and pay our humble gratitude to each and every single one of you for your profound support. New date will be intimated in due course of time. Please wear mask, maintain social distancing, stay home and stay safe.

cant even make a proper notice with seal.

@PoondolotoPandalum proven right

I'm not suprised.

But these fools need to de-link MRCA with this.

WTF does a pie in the sky air show have to do with MRCA?

For 16 units?

Come on get real.

Get to work BAF and make the deal already.

You are WAY behind Burma.

Have some shame, especially after 2017.

It's like complete imbeciles are in charge.
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I'm actually pretty pissed right now.

If they fookin delay progress on this deal when do you actually expect to have IOC with these new birds?

I mean what the hell happens if the people next door decide some other misadventure with Bangladesh?

Did you people not learn from the humiliation in 2017?

Bangladesh has no deterrence.

BAF will be completely outgunned in any conflict with Myanmar.

Good luck with your 6 single seat Mig-29s.

And your WVR IR armed F-7 "stop gaps"

Myanmar already has its Grob 120s from years ago.

It has taken the security of its air space seriously.

What has the BAF done?

Bought many trainers. (Which is of course needed)

Talked about an aerobatics team.

And now has planned and postponed an air show.

Make the deal and get on with it.

10 squadrons by 2030 Forces Goal my a33.

What is wrong with you people?
I'm actually pretty pissed right now.

If they fookin delay progress on this deal when do you actually expect to have IOC with these new birds?

I mean what the hell happens if the people next door decide some other misadventure with Bangladesh?

Did you people not learn from the humiliation in 2017?

Bangladesh has no deterrence.

BAF will be completely outgunned in any conflict with Myanmar.

Good luck with your 6 single seat Mig-29s.

And your WVR IR armed F-7 "stop gaps"

Myanmar already has its Grob 120s from years ago.

It has taken the security of its air space seriously.

What has the BAF done?

Bought many trainers. (Which is of course needed)

Talked about an aerobatics team.

And now has planned and postponed an air show.

Make the deal and get on with it.

10 squadrons by 2030 Forces Goal my a33.

What is wrong with you people?
its a tragic (cannot find a stronger word) that a nation born out of war fails to understand the importance of the military and national security priorities.
I know , i know ----the economy is a priority
How long will they keep flying those Migs and F-7s that are obsolete ?
its a tragic (cannot find a stronger word) that a nation born out of war fails to understand the importance of the military and national security priorities.

I mean it seems there is lack of urgency, a lack of political will, a lack of vision and a lack of competency.

I as an American of Bangladeshi origin am ashamed quite frankly.

My security is ensured by the US military.

But for Bangladeshis, this is a travesty.

Bangladesh has NO deterrence.

And when Bangladesh was b*itch slapped by Myanmar in 2017, how humiliating was that?

Not to mention the tangible burden placed on the country housing these hundreds of thousands of people.

All of it was avoidable if BAF was a strong entity.

Now linking a stupid air show with a needed program?

Come on guys.

I get it you wanna show off your Golden Bangla to the world.

But lets face it, no one cares.

Sign the damn deal and get on with it.

And actually do things that matter.
I as an American of Bangladeshi origin am ashamed quite frankly.
The previous generations gave their all to carve out a state for us (47, 71)
views might be differ but I believe , We'll always be considered ''immigrants'' in our host nations because of our religion and culture.

The armed forces are there to safeguard our territory and the economy.
We need to have a well equipped air force, to complement the other services. Without an air force , the other two services will be exposed to threats and will not be able to carry out their tasks. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

Fighters are not some luxury thing , its a necessity

And when Bangladesh was b*itch slapped by Myanmar in 2017, how humiliating was that?
Mym did the same thing in 80s and 90s but in the end , the Rohingya went back to their homes because BD military was in a stronger position.
well at least the civil war in burma is showing no sign of ending.
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The previous generations gave their all to carve out a state for us (47, 71)
(your views might be different) We'll always be considered ''immigrants'' in our host nations because of our religion and culture.

The armed forces are there to safeguard our territory and the economy.
We need to have a well equipped air force, to complement the other services. Without an air force , the other two services will be exposed to threats and will not be able to carry out their tasks. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

Fighters are not some luxury thing , its a necessity

Mym did the same thing in 80s and 90s but in the end , the Rohingya went back to their homes because BD military was in a stronger position.
well at least the civil war in burma is showing no sign of ending.

"(your views might be different) We'll always be considered ''immigrants'' in our host nations because of our religion and culture."

I agree with this actually.

But it is also natural.

The last time I was in Bangladesh was in the early 90's.

I remember sitting at the Biman gate at Heathrow waiting for our flight to Dhaka. (I loved those DC-10s)

Even though I am on the outside completely Americanized, I felt a sense of familiarity and strangely fondness for my fellow Bengalis waiting there with me.

It was a similar thing when I met Bengalis in Kuwait when I went there to visit.

And in Bangladesh itself, I loved it.

To visit of course, not to live.

The point is, I have an affinity for Bangladesh and wish well for the nation.

And seeing this sort of nonsense makes me angry. (Planning to have an air show to make an announcement for 16 units)

At least as an outsider working with what ever public information we have.

I hope they just make the contract official now and make an announcement before this planned air show and NOT delay it.
I would say if BAF is serious, then they should take this opportunity and make the MRCA announcement sooner than Feb 2022.

COVID is gonna be around indefinitely.

No need to wait for an air show to address needs that are required now.

Also, go scour the nation and find young, intelligent men and recruit these kids to fly these and other things.

Improve the people in your organization.

It's a shame because there is no much potential in Bangladesh.

It just appears there is a lack of will or an inability to execute.
Only two options
Western f16/gripen
Eastern j10/jf17

Third option: why does even bengaldesh needs an airforce when it has india to protect it
Why does Pakistan have an air force when there is your Iron bro ready to protect Pakistan.

Do you see how stupid your last post is now?
China never helped us in 1971 or 1998
USA bailed out
Otherwise i would have agreed we dont need airforce
China never helped us in 1971 or 1998
USA bailed out
Otherwise i would have agreed we dont need airforce

You need to count your blessings that China improved their aerospace industry and the Russians released the RD-93.

Otherwise Pakistan would have been SCREWED.

I'm tired of the same crap coming from some of you guys....why does Bangladesh need an air force? Won't India protect you? You guys are traitors! etc etc etc

You have your problems.

We have ours.

Lets at least not bring each other down.

For each insult you throw our way, we can throw right back.

It's not gonna lead to any good.

Keep this in mind in the future.
I'm not suprised.

But these fools need to de-link MRCA with this.

WTF does a pie in the sky air show have to do with MRCA?

For 16 units?

Come on get real.

Get to work BAF and make the deal already.

You are WAY behind Burma.

Have some shame, especially after 2017.

It's like complete imbeciles are in charge.
This is what I have been screaming about. BAF expects the likes of Boeing, LM, Leonardo etc. to come and beg for attention only to be able to sell 16 units as BAF does not have the spine to get the govt to commit to more at this stage.
Stay safe ? lol isn't BAF supposed to keep the airspace safe ?

No the motto is to "Keep the Skies of Bengal Free (of fighter jets)".
You need to count your blessings that China improved their aerospace industry and the Russians released the RD-93.

Otherwise Pakistan would have been SCREWED.

I'm tired of the same crap coming from some of you guys....why does Bangladesh need an air force? Won't India protect you? You guys are traitors! etc etc etc

You have your problems.

We have ours.

Lets at least not bring each other down.

For each insult you throw our way, we can throw right back.

It's not gonna lead to any good.

Keep this in mind in the future.
Look bengaldeshi are not traitors they love their country
Bengaldesh like most of world is also not focused on wars as its neighbour(on ALL sides, bar small area of myanmar) is india which is very friendly with bengaldesh

So bengladesh doesnt need an airforce hence you will see nothing happening

China russia usa sweden france..we have brought stuff from all of them recently..so dont know what screwed means..pakistan would have probably bought f16, typhoon if china had nothing to offer ..both available for now..india is growing..one day it will big enough for it to block acess of weapons to pakistan (may be china will still be open) ..same is true for bengladesh..india will likley block weapons..bar china ...

But point is bengladesh and india are strong allies and bengladesh hence doesnt need weapons therefore has the lowest gdp spending on defense
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