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Bangladesh Air Force

Insulted Other Member/Nationality
Here you show your ignorance again....
JF-17 design is borrowed from Russia mig-29 and Its engine is RD-93 which is also a Russian The programming language is C++ which is a universal one not specific Chinese programming languages which is used in their aircrafts....The Avionics are not chinese also i.e Aselsan Pod
The assurance for the delivery of jft to Nigeria is given By the Pak Govt to the Nigerian Govt not Chinese.

JF-17 is just a start we are building 5th gen Stealth jet under project AZM on our own....
JF-17 is Totally made in Pakistan PAF.Our air force is the only air force which has thousands of hours of flying it in this world but who I am telling this???? A Bangladeshi Citizen Whom country didn't have have any proper 4th gen plane l

Your only try is to spit on Moon and Star of Pakistan but Whenever a person tries to spit on moon and star, Spit falls on nothing except on its own Face.... So please don't act like a coward !

Dumbàss you don't understand how expensive it is to make a stealth fighter and how much experienced engineers you need to make on.

The F-35 program costed 400 billion dollars which is bigger than Pakistans whole GDP.

And no I don't have to respect Pakistan since they have not contributed to any modern inventions nor any big idea.

You shît on us , which is ironic cûnt cause everyone calls you guys terrorists which they don't call us.

You are proud of a shîtty nation who is the number 1 country for terriosm and the same country who hid Osama Bin Laden

Keep shîtting on us , at least we aren't in debt to both America and China while having a Stone Age mentality people who kills others for not being Muslim.

The British Empire has actual bragging rights , not Pakistan

Just because we don't have a stupid 4th gen fighter doesn't make us backward like you

We have a better and bigger economy than Pakistan which is ironic cause they are a bigger nation.

You guys lost in 71 and lost your whole nation to America and China

Here's your L inferior man

Last time I checked America has a flag on the moon while Pakistan has a moon on their flag

Clearly shows which nation is backward
Dumbàss you don't understand how expensive it is to make a stealth fighter and how much experienced engineers you need to make on.

The F-35 program costed 400 billion dollars which is bigger than Pakistans whole GDP.

And no I don't have to respect Pakistan since they have not contributed to any modern inventions nor any big idea.

You shît on us , which is ironic cûnt cause everyone calls you guys terrorists which they don't call us.

You are proud of a shîtty nation who is the number 1 country for terriosm and the same country who hid Osama Bin Laden

Keep shîtting on us , at least we aren't in debt to both America and China while having a Stone Age mentality people who kills others for not being Muslim.

The British Empire has actual bragging rights , not Pakistan

Just because we don't have a stupid 4th gen fighter doesn't make us backward like you

We have a better and bigger economy than Pakistan which is ironic cause they are a bigger nation.

You guys lost in 71 and lost your whole nation to America and China

Here's your L inferior man

Last time I checked America has a flag on the moon while Pakistan has a moon on their flag

Clearly shows which nation is backward

Bhai, better to just ignore trolls.
Dumbàss you don't understand how expensive it is to make a stealth fighter and how much experienced engineers you need to make on.

The F-35 program costed 400 billion dollars which is bigger than Pakistans whole GDP.

And no I don't have to respect Pakistan since they have not contributed to any modern inventions nor any big idea.

You shît on us , which is ironic cûnt cause everyone calls you guys terrorists which they don't call us.

You are proud of a shîtty nation who is the number 1 country for terriosm and the same country who hid Osama Bin Laden

Keep shîtting on us , at least we aren't in debt to both America and China while having a Stone Age mentality people who kills others for not being Muslim.

The British Empire has actual bragging rights , not Pakistan

Just because we don't have a stupid 4th gen fighter doesn't make us backward like you

We have a better and bigger economy than Pakistan which is ironic cause they are a bigger nation.

You guys lost in 71 and lost your whole nation to America and China

Here's your L inferior man

Last time I checked America has a flag on the moon while Pakistan has a moon on their flag

Clearly shows which nation is backward
Please don't act like a goon .... We have already MashaaAllah successfully developed the nuclear warheads....Already tested 5 of them........People like you were also saying that it is impossible....Even the creation of Pakistan was impossible according to some people like you.... We are not a terrorist state even we defeated terrorism.... It is just a false propagandas labelled against Pakistan and the Muslims....Cz who wants the muslim with the nuclear weapons....You were saying about Science and technology....1969 When USA was hosting flag over Moon Look what we were doing? we were fighting with Mukti Bahini Terrorists in Forests Millions of Dollars which were wasted ....many Dollars to be used on progress were wasted to fight a civil war with you....After that we were involved in Cold War....And after 9/11 we were engaged in The War on terror....At least we are not an Indian Colony like you.... Regarding 5th gen plane I can assure you it well be done soon with the help of Allah Almighty....like in the case of becoming the Nuclear power....Wait Sometime we will tell What an economy looks like....But until then keep burning.
It's alright Bhai , looks like they haven't learned from 71

Why can't we ban his àss from this thread , no one likes him here
Please don't cry by using WORDS like *** dumazz fkin I can use them too but not doing it due to some decorum....Afterall you are So a called Muslim too
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Please don't act like a goon .... We have already MashaaAllah successfully developed the nuclear warheads....Already tested 5 of them........People like you were also saying that it is impossible....Even the creation of Pakistan was impossible according to some people like you.... We are not a terrorist state even we defeated terrorism.... It is just a false propagandas labelled against Pakistan and the Muslims....Cz who wants the muslim with the nuclear weapons....You were saying about Science and technology....1969 When USA was hosting flag over Moon Look what we were doing? we were fighting with Mukti Bahini Terrorists in Forests Millions of Dollars which were wasted ....many Dollars to be used on progress were wasted to fight a civil war with you....After that we were involved in Cold War....And after 9/11 we were engaged in The War on terror....At least we are not an Indian Colony like you.... Regarding 5th gen plane I can assure you it well be done soon with the help of Allah Almighty....like in the case of becoming the Nuclear power....Wait Sometime we will tell What an economy looks like....But until then keep burning.

Please don't cry by using WORDS like *** dumazz fkin I can use them too but not doing it due to some decorum....Afterall you are So a called Muslim too

Shouldn't haven't oppressed us if you guys couldn't fight to win the war

We aren't an Indian colony cause we are moving away from them as you see

War isn't an excuse to be not advanced , North Korea has nukes so it isn't impressive.

India fought in 71 too , and they a probe around Mars while Pakistan gave up a long time ago.

It clearly shows which nations are progressive

And again Bangaldesh is secular
Almighty PAC headed by @JohnWick invented JFT and have been generous enough to share the technology with CAC.
If PAC wished, they could have produced J-10C back in 2008.
China should be grateful for PAC's contribution towards developing the Chinese Aviation industry.
I do not think thats entirely fair. PAF has something that PLAN do not. Pilots who had taken active part in wars.... primarily arab israeli....they have also had experience againt russians.

These knowledge went into JF17.

Whilst technically PAF may not have had significant input it would be silly not to recognise PAF input or to put JF17 down. These endless back and forth does not help advance conversation.
Dumbàss you don't understand how expensive it is to make a stealth fighter and how much experienced engineers you need to make on.

The F-35 program costed 400 billion dollars which is bigger than Pakistans whole GDP.

And no I don't have to respect Pakistan since they have not contributed to any modern inventions nor any big idea.

You shît on us , which is ironic cûnt cause everyone calls you guys terrorists which they don't call us.

You are proud of a shîtty nation who is the number 1 country for terriosm and the same country who hid Osama Bin Laden

Keep shîtting on us , at least we aren't in debt to both America and China while having a Stone Age mentality people who kills others for not being Muslim.

The British Empire has actual bragging rights , not Pakistan

Just because we don't have a stupid 4th gen fighter doesn't make us backward like you

We have a better and bigger economy than Pakistan which is ironic cause they are a bigger nation.

You guys lost in 71 and lost your whole nation to America and China

Here's your L inferior man

Last time I checked America has a flag on the moon while Pakistan has a moon on their flag

Clearly shows which nation is backward

Osama in Pak is the same as WMD's in Iraq. As for the economy Bangladesh is slightly
ahead of Pak but you are acting like you have over taken America. Lol.

You talk about Pak being number 1 country for terrorism, I think you watch Indian
media abit too much.
Osama in Pak is the same as WMD's in Iraq. As for the economy Bangladesh is slightly
ahead of Pak but you are acting like you have over taken America. Lol.

You talk about Pak being number 1 country for terrorism, I think you watch Indian
media abit too much.

No , even slightly ahead is still better cause we're talking about a smaller country vs a bigger one. And no I am not acting like I have over taken America cause all you're doing to defend yourself is put words in my mouth.

And no I won't watch shîtty Indian media cause all you guys can do is scream " American or Indian propaganda "

Shouldn't haven't worked with the Americans then

Pakistani nationalism is not logical as Japanese or British nationalism

Cause the other two has something to be proud of or many
No , even slightly ahead is still better cause we're talking about a smaller country vs a bigger one. And no I am not acting like I have over taken America cause all you're doing to defend yourself is put words in my mouth.

And no I won't watch shîtty Indian media cause all you guys can do is scream " American or Indian propaganda "

Shouldn't haven't worked with the Americans then

Pakistani nationalism is not logical as Japanese or British nationalism

Cause the other two has something to be proud of or many

Who the hell are the Americans to call others terrorists when they have killed
millions themselves. How many wars have they caused?

Yes Bangladesh is smaller than Pak but that does not mean Bangladesh will
lead Pak forever in economy. We will see in the next 5 years the rise of Pakistan
@SpaceMan18 not every 5th gen fighter program is like f-35 costly

SU-57 fgfa program cost - 8 to10 bn$
j-20 FGFA program cost - 4.4bn$
j-31 FGFA program cost - 3.5bn$

b-2 bomber program cost 44bn$
even F-22 raptor program cost was 67bn$

f-35 went too far as resources was not only wasted but multi countries involvement make it too expensive VOTL also make it too much expensive .
@SpaceMan18 not every 5th gen fighter program is like f-35 costly

SU-57 fgfa program cost - 8 to10 bn$
j-20 FGFA program cost - 4.4bn$
j-31 FGFA program cost - 3.5bn$

b-2 bomber program cost 44bn$
even F-22 raptor program cost was 67bn$

f-35 went too far as resources was not only wasted but multi countries involvement make it too expensive VOTL also make it too much expensive .
But @SpaceMan18 only knows about 3rd gen junk which his air force flies....
Who the hell are the Americans to call others terrorists when they have killed
millions themselves. How many wars have they caused?

Yes Bangladesh is smaller than Pak but that does not mean Bangladesh will
lead Pak forever in economy. We will see in the next 5 years the rise of Pakistan
Bangladesh will be left far behind Cz when CPEC will start in 2027....our one week trade will be far greater than the whole month trade of BD.... Obviously all the exports of China to the middle east will be going by this route....But let @SpaceMan18 enjoy few more years.
Bangladesh will be left far behind Cz when CPEC will start in 2027....our one week trade will be far greater than the whole month trade of BD.... Obviously all the exports of China to the middle east will be going by this route....But let @SpaceMan18 enjoy few more years.

The only reason Bangladesh overtook Pak is because Us/Nato plus India and Israel have
been waging a war against Pak since 2005, then we had the earthquake (2005) and floods (2010)
which hit the economy.

Alhamdulillah we have got through this phase and now with new leadership Pak is on the rise.

There is a reason why US/Nato are trying to wage proxy wars and trying to bring down Pak, Turkey
and Iran.
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