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Bangladesh Air Force

Chinese will sell anything for money and J-10C is not the best aircraft they have. I don't believe they won't sell it to us.

Typhoon is a very good aircraft but too expensive procurement wise and operating cost wise. On the other hand Gripen has impressive capabilities and cost is far less and operating cost is about 4K USD per flight hour. If Gripen can be acquired I think we should go for that instead.

J-10CE is officially available for export as per public data.

But hard to say what the availability of it is for Bangladesh. Also, is it wise for Bangladesh to buy Chinese planes when they are time and time again failing to support the BD position on Rohingya.

We DO need China ultimately for India.

But until the Rohingya problem is settled or actually until there is a new government in Myanmar, that nation will be the main problem for Bangladesh.

That said, it may be wise to get into the Western fighter ecosystem.

Really I would be good with F-16, Typhoon or Gripen but so far only Typhoon has been linked to Bangladesh and even that is a very vague link officially and rumors unofficially.


In regards to the Typhoon all I can say is Inshallah!

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Bangladesh Defence & Security Analysis
7 hrs ·
The Bangladesh Armed Forces received a 10.4% increase in the budgetary allocation for FY2019-20 as compared to the previous year’s budget to BDT 32,101 crore.



Bangladesh defence budget increased over 10%, special allocations availed | Bangladesh Defence & Security Analysis
The Bangladesh Armed Forces received a…


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Bangladesh Defence & Security Analysis
13 hrs ·
The Bangladesh Air Force will sign the much awaited contract for the Eurofighter Typhoon Multi-Role Combat Aircraft shortly with the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence (MoD).



Bangladesh Air Force MRCA and MRSAM deals shortly | Bangladesh Defence & Security Analysis
The Bangladesh Air Force will sign the much awaited contract for the Eurofighter Typhoon Multi-Role Combat Aircraft shortly with the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence (MoD). Moreover the air force is also awarding a contract for LY-80 Medium Range Surface to Air Missile Systems (MRSAM) to Aer ....


Any truth to any of this?

Defseca or whatever it is, a copycat of bdmilitary.com. they produced mostly fake news.
Information is replaced by propaganda and misinformation. That's the job of ISPR. It helps them steal money. A sh$t load of money is stolen from defense budget in the name commercial projects. I have never seen a military that buy Dodger, Concrete Mixer, Earth Mover, Dump Truck in bulk quantities. These are used in commercial investment. They bought a number of equipment for Saudi Deployment.
You now understand why so much deception, misinformation and propaganda campaigns through many newspapers and fake websites registered in $1 crazy domains.
Bangladesh military is a organized white collar criminal.

Chinese will sell anything for money and J-10C is not the best aircraft they have. I don't believe they won't sell it to us.

Typhoon is a very good aircraft but too expensive procurement wise and operating cost wise. On the other hand Gripen has impressive capabilities and cost is far less and operating cost is about 4K USD per flight hour. If Gripen can be acquired I think we should go for that instead.
So far rational comments by you.

Myanmar is more important geopolitically than Bangladesh to China no doubt.We Bangladeshis understand this & don't have any bad feelings against China for it.
However, it's your wholehearted support for the savage junta that gave rise to anti China sentiments in BD.
China could have reined in Myanmar in the Rohingya issue.You have that influence.
That would have improved your image not just in BD & the Muslim world, but also all over the world.People would have looked to China as a mediator, a counter against imperialistic west led by US.

But you did nothing & instead supported a barbaric regime while they killed, raped & tortured their own countrymen.
There is no such thing Muslim brotherhood. Those are gone days. MBS publicly supported India on Kashmir Skirmish. Do you know why? India is one of the largest oil importer. Pakistan-Saudi fallout, Saudi-Qatar fallout, Saudi-Lebanon fallout. Saudi-Oman fallout, Saudi-Turkey fallout.

But look at relationships between Israel and Saudi, Israel and Oman Israel and UAE. These are great relationships. Pakistan and Bangladesh need to learn from Oman.

Thanks Ryan Smith.
Who is he? Is Ryan Smith the Father of Bangladeshi Nation.

Under current circumstances, Bangladesh can and able to buy military equipment from any country except North Korea and Iran.
American ambassador to Bangladesh sent a clear message to foreign Minister of Bangladesh that Trump administration will approve any request from Bangladesh for foreign military sale through state department.
But I believe Bangladeshi military leaders are incompetent and profiteer who are busy filling their pokets. They have no shame on admitting that they are loser and coward. In Indian subcontinent, Indian Air Force and Bangladesh Air Guard are loser because both rely on Vladimir Putin's genital.

Pakistani and Jordanian female pilots have big balls than any Bangladeshi General, Air Marshal or Admiral.
Bangladesh should hire Jordanian female pilots to train Bangladeshi pilots.

J-10CE is officially available for export as per public data.

But hard to say what the availability of it is for Bangladesh. Also, is it wise for Bangladesh to buy Chinese planes when they are time and time again failing to support the BD position on Rohingya.

We DO need China ultimately for India.

But until the Rohingya problem is settled or actually until there is a new government in Myanmar, that nation will be the main problem for Bangladesh.

That said, it may be wise to get into the Western fighter ecosystem.

Really I would be good with F-16, Typhoon or Gripen but so far only Typhoon has been linked to Bangladesh and even that is a very vague link officially and rumors unofficially.


In regards to the Typhoon all I can say is Inshallah!

You dislike American Components in any fighter jet. European Fighter jet has American Components and cannot be replaced with European Components. Rafale has American Components. French took approval from US state department before exporting Rafale to India and Egypt. Whether you buy Rafale, Eurofighter, Gripen or Super Hornet, all need American approval for either armaments or for electronics. PERIOD.

Word is they will get MICA initially with second hand tranche 1 Typhoon and Meteor in five years. Seems BS to me.

Meteor is really difficult to believe.

Too capable a missile for it to be released to Bangladesh not to mention the cost.
Trance 1 EFT although will increase BAF capacity will be the final nail in the coffin for BAF.
Such a procurement is not a sign of long term planning but rather a knee jerk reaction that will tie BAFs hand for a long time.

BD can not afford second hand fighters.... whatever is purchased needs to have enough life in it to justify the investment.

I am all for EFT, but it needs to be tranche 3 and with meteor. I do not see any issue whatsoever with anyone objecting to BD having it.

Last chance saloon for BAF and its next choice is an existential one.

Personally as i have said before BD needs to concentrate on developing and offensive missile force. Its cheap and can be done indeginiously and literally will offer more bang for the buck.

Once this is done resurrect BAF with good fighters. It may take a decade but better to wait sometimes and do it correctly rather than keep something below par going.
There is no such thing Muslim brotherhood. Those are gone days. MBS publicly supported India on Kashmir Skirmish. Do you know why? India is one of the largest oil importer. Pakistan-Saudi fallout, Saudi-Qatar fallout, Saudi-Lebanon fallout. Saudi-Oman fallout, Saudi-Turkey fallout.
When did he said that?
China could protect it's interest AND rein in Myanmar.But refused to do so & was against BD in every step in this issue.

On BD, we have failed because of our ineptitude & idiotic views regarding foreign relations & will probably continue to fail if current trend continues.
BD needs to introspect hard & question the choices it made that led to it currently standing alone.

And may I just say what a bullshit philosophy "Friendship to all, malice to none" is in current world?
Instead it should be "Speak softly & carry a big stick."
"Friendship to all, malice to none" type of foreign policy was introduced by military dictator Ziaur Rahman who was also the founder of BNP. Don't blame PM Sheikh Hasina for this weird foreign policy.
Here is the evidence, the US State Department approved all requests for foreign military sale from Southeast Asia, South Asia (India and Pakistan), Middle East and Africa in the FY2019 fiscal year.

When did he said that?


"Friendship to all, malice to none" type of foreign policy was introduced by military dictator Ziaur Rahman who was also the founder of BNP. Don't blame PM Sheikh Hasina for this weird foreign policy.
Whatever gave you the idea that I was blaming the PM for this idiotic policy?
Whatever gave you the idea that I was blaming the PM for this idiotic policy?
I did not say you said it. I was generalising. Many Bangladeshi blames the entire failure of being not able to repatriate the rohingyas on BAL.
@Michael Corleone

Such language will not be tolerated!
So you don’t ban Pakistanis when they cross the line huh?

Defseca or whatever it is, a copycat of bdmilitary.com. they produced mostly fake news.
Information is replaced by propaganda and misinformation. That's the job of ISPR. It helps them steal money. A sh$t load of money is stolen from defense budget in the name commercial projects. I have never seen a military that buy Dodger, Concrete Mixer, Earth Mover, Dump Truck in bulk quantities. These are used in commercial investment. They bought a number of equipment for Saudi Deployment.
You now understand why so much deception, misinformation and propaganda campaigns through many newspapers and fake websites registered in $1 crazy domains.
Bangladesh military is a organized white collar criminal.
Okay Ryan smith
Going for EFT - T1 (old ones) is not a good idea , EFTs are expensive to operate and maintenance cost is also high , better to buy new Trench 3 (proper advance 4.5+ gen multirole) from UK . . . In this case Only buying cost will going to be higher then old ones , ..
So you don’t ban Pakistanis when they cross the line huh?
Report ....

We deal with reports

If you reply back you will be dealt as we see the reply...coz it is forum rules that whoever replies back will be dealt the same way as the one who initiated
So you don’t ban Pakistanis when they cross the line huh?

Okay Ryan smith
So you joined my cause or still believe in morons. Bdmilitary.com and defseca whatever runs propaganda, would not save your a$$. Myanmar will be the beneficiary of "counter China" policy whether that is moral or ethical things to do or not but we will be doing it.

Ryan Smith is the father of Bangladeshi nation.

Going for EFT - T1 (old ones) is not a good idea , EFTs are expensive to operate and maintenance cost is also high , better to buy new Trench 3 (proper advance 4.5+ gen multirole) from UK . . . In this case Only buying cost will going to be higher then old ones , ..
Come back when Bangladesh really placed an order of Eurofighter Typhoon. Stop spreading fake news from bdmilitary or defseca morons. You can't afford $60 million how are you going to buy $300 million dollar bird. You can fool Bangladeshi newspapers by publishing fake news like Bangladesh is the powerful military on the planet earth. North Korea does the same thing. North Korea spends money on CGI animated ballistic missile and guns. Bangladesh started doing the same thing.
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