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Banaz a Love Story - honor killing


Aug 15, 2009
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DEEYAH film about honor killings Emmy-nominated

The shocking film about honor killings Banaz (17) is now nominated for prestigious Emmy award. For Norwegian-Pakistani Deeyah film has helped to accelerate on her own career as a filmmaker.

I am touched and overwhelmed. I had never dreamed that the film would reach out to a vast international audience and become a commercial success.

It says Norwegian-Pakistani Deeyah. Now, her documentary about honor killings reached so far produced a TV movie can now - at a prestigious Emmy Award nomination. The film is nominated in the category for best international current affairs / documentary.

The documentary can be viewed in its entirely on Youtube.

- The commercial success has come as a shock to me. I have been totally unprepared for the enormous interest and attention the film has received. I wanted to focus on a shocking theme - honor killings and honor-related violence against young girls. History of Banaz is really a horror movie, but I wanted to tell it as a love story, tells Deeyah told Aftenposten.

"Banaz - A Love Story" rocked the British when it was shown on TV channel ITV in October 2012.

It's about Kurdish Banaz, who came with his family to Britain when she was 10. 17 years old, she married a man ten years older.

He was illiterate and raised as far away from liberal and multicultural London it is possible to get. It did not take many months before the relationship ailing. Banaz tried to be a good wife, but nothing was good enough. Violence and harassment increased. He began raping her when she refused to have sex.

She ran away from home to your family, but where she received no support or understanding. They sent her back to her husband. Insisted that she had become "a better wife." In 2005 she left her husband for good. Was in love with a man who loved her.

Banaz had humiliated the family is strongly recommended. There was only one solution. His father, uncle and two cousins ​​let murder plan. After several attempted murder "successful" family. She was kicked, beaten and strangled. The body they put in a suitcase and carried it to an abandoned house in Birmingham. Here she was found.

The film is also about the policewoman who investigated the case, and who developed a close relationship with a young woman she had never met-but that she strongly felt with.
Rave reviews

The film has received critical acclaim wherever it has been shown. The film is produced by DEEYAH own little independent film and music company, Fuuse. Fuuse is a Norwegian company, and it was production support from Norwegian Freedom of Expression that once made ​​it possible to produce the critically acclaimed film.

The film was first shown at the Raindance Film Festival in London in 2012. Then hijacked ITV rights. Last year, the film was nominated for Best Documentary at the British Royal Television Society Awards. Earlier this year, won a Peabody Award for best documentary, and now it's also nominated for an Emmy.

- Of course I am thrilled for the attention the film has created internationally, because it benefits the matter. But more important than prices: I am most proud that the film is now being used in education, training and training of police and health professionals in connection with the killings issues, says Deeyah.

The film was also recently shown for the civil service in the British Ministry of Justice, and is shown to politicians in the British Parliament later this fall.
Have taken by

Deeyah (35), better known as the artist Deepika and sister of Adil Khan, born and raised in Norway. She fled from Norway as a teenager, after prolonged harassment - including from the Pakistani community in Norway.

She eventually gave up artistkarrièren. But she refused to give up what she believed. Now she works as a music producer, film director and human rights activist in London.

Banaz movie has been her big break as a filmmaker, and deals are in the line. This fall she will include producing and directing a television documentary about forced marriages among young people in the UK television channel ITV. She will also do a number of interviews, and will be pivotal in front and behind the camera.

In addition, she started with three other documentary projects through his own company Fuuse.

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This Movie really seems amazing and storyline is based on strong dialoges,facts and observayion.
This Movie really deserved nomination……:tup:
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