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Punjabis and Urdu speakers must give up some rights so that other provinces can benefit. We need to first recognize that we are in a better position economically than the rest. This will be the first step to solving the problem. Balochistan produces most of the gas for Pakistan yet only Quetta receives it. The electricity is also not provided with households having it for only a few hours a day while cities like Lahore and Islamabad are much better off.
1-Its sindh which produces the most gas for the country (~70%)
2-The gas is a priority resource for the province producing it. So you see the CNG stations, Industrial units and power houses in Punjab running on LNG rather than domestically produced gas while the same gas is being rather filled in vehicles as CNG. All three provinces are gas surplus provinces (i.e. production is higher than consumption) Punjab is the only Gas deficient province and has to rather use LNG than domestic natural gas.
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Urdu speakers can give up as much rights as they want. Not sure what are you asking from people of punjab? I mean punjab its not only Lahore, many areas are as poor as any other part of Pakistan. Punjab already sacrificed share in NFC for Balochistan back in 2009. But now looks like other provinces are not ready to give away their share for FATA 3%.

You are quite ignorant in general. Sindh produces 70% of Pakistan gas and they keep it most of it for themselves before selling it to punjab at higher rate. 2nd is KPK, again they keep most of it for themselves. Nothing comes for free in Pakistan, wake up.
Though sindh is the largest producer of gas most of Balochistans gas is being supplied outside. Also the figures are questionable as Akbar Bugti and some others have claimed most gas is produced in Balochistan. Punjab only produces 5% of the gas.

Regardless the problem is chauvinists from our urdu speaking and punjabi backgrounds are not willing to accept as a fact their elevated position in Pakistan. Other ethnicities barely have any influence in Pakistan. Pakistan is a federation and it should be inclusive. All ethnic groups should benefit.
Its not a question of IQ but perception. They have been sold a promise of development, what they haven't been told it is not going to happen overnight. Someone needs to sit down and explain in detail the projects, the timescales and opportunities that are going to arise and the human skills and development required to help materialise it. The more educated the local kids are the more local manufacturing industries will be and less that will be imported to meet the requirements of the CPEC projects. But it's good to see tough questions being thrown , shows democracy and freedom of expression is flourishing and people of position are accessible and held to account. Well done to the Chief minister for hosting such a meeting and the kids for expressing their views and concerns.

It's not the first time students from quetta met SS, we've been doing it hundred times . Our teachers , professors also met punjab cm. It's an honour I believe , we've no complain for punjab .
We meet him to increase the relation between punjab and balochistan.
Well, I do agree that we balochistan students are much backward and lack complete grasp on political aspects but there's no need to call us brainwashed or close minded . I agree that the questions asked from SS were not based on complete information and I understand my quetta people that they're a bit backward in political issues . To be honest I'm astonished that balochistan university was chosen for this as I would recommend IT university or iqra university of quetta to move forward for an enlightened dialogue on cpec .
You dont see such questions from students of Quetta, Quetta still has good universities (BUITMS,UoB) its the rest of the province which is in complete shambles. And to add fuel to the fire, the non-baloch teachers in universities were murdered in cold blood, effectively cleansing Balochistan and Quetta in general of any other ethnic population.
Any source for this outrageous claim?

Sui gas in Balochistan

Balochistan is the backbone of Pakistan, as Balochistan is full of natural resources. Natural gas is also giving many advantages to the citizens of the Pakistan. Natural gas was discovered at Sui gas field in 1952 and by 1955 and being supplied in different cities of the country. Today Sui gas is the backbone of Pakistan’s economy, located in Dera Bugti. Unfortunately Balochistan is the most backward province and Dera Bugti is the most undeveloped part of the province.

The saddening news is that still many places of Balochistan are without Sui gas. The first provinces were Punjab and Sindh, who were being supplied Sui gas. After 60 years only 14 towns of Balochistan are enjoying supply from this gas to date. Otherwise the town Sui, itself does not have gas, which is only 4 miles away from the gas discovery city. The people are compel to use wood and coal as fuel and facing many problems.

Even though the capital Quetta, received gas supply as late as 1970. Then in 1990, Hub also got gas supply because it is full of industries. But the most cities of Balochistan are deprived from Sui gas and no one is interested to provide it to the areas of Balochistan and allow the citizens to enjoy Sui gas.

The Balochistan Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources, Mr Jam Kamaal announced to provide Sui gas to Iran and other countries for some beneficial things. But first they should provide Sui gas to whole the country, especially in Balochistan. The half of Balochistan population is living below poverty and deprived from their basic needs. The rich people can manage themselves, by not having Sui gas. Unfortunately the poor can not afford to eat three times of food, how they can manage themselves. With the passage of time, the poverty line is increasing and creating more trouble for the citizens. It is unfortunate that provincial government is not focusing to ensure more widespread gas supply in Balochistan.

The discovered natural resources, must first benefits the province, where it has been discovered. It is totally inverse, as other are getting full advantages of it. And many urban and rural areas of Balochistan are failed to get Sui gas. The remote areas of Punjab have been getting Sui gas, since the discovery of it. The provincial government of Balochistan has never seen to ensure Sui gas supply in the urban and rural areas of Balochistan.

Not only that, only 10 percent population of Balochistan is enjoying gas supply, while the rest of the province is deprived from this beneficial thing. These days many promises are being made for the development of Gwadar. The saddening news is that Gwadar is facing many problems including clean water and Sui gas. Due to not having supply of Sui gas the people are forced to buy wood, coal and petrol to meet their fuel needs. The people of Gwadar have also expressed the sadness about the supply of gas.

The Pakistan most developing project (CPEC) is also present in Gwadar. Our leaders have promised that CPEC is full of advantage for Gwadar and Pakistan. It will bring a vital change for the people of Gwadar. But we have not seen anything or any changes occurring in Gwadar, still people lives are totally disturbed. If government want the beneficial of Gwadar so Gwadar must be provided Sui gas, which is a huge problem occurring in Gwadar.

Today Balochistan is going toward backwardness because Balochistan is not getting any benefits from its own natural resources.
It is the responsible of government and concern authorities to give equal rights to the poor people of Balochistan. The concern authorities should provide supply of gas and other facilities in whole over Balochistan that the people could get full advantages and live calm and peacefully.
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Bravo Baluchi student should come in open.....
Asking the CM of Punjab why he is developing his province and not Balochistan makes no sense. But I suppose as long as Pakistani nationals are expressing their concerns and our politicians are having to answer them it can only be a good thing.
Pakistan is rich in resources especially balochistan province, get your act together govt of Pakistan and save your people.
For God's sake.
The corrupt people have no love for the country or people, they just loot as much as they can then run out of the country with their loot. Thiefs!!
What do you mean by this? :rolleyes1:
This dumb CM got the message from Baluchi girl. Literally hate CM laugh, She raised a serious question. He was not expected this question from Baluchi girl and failed to answer.
CPEC Baluchistan ma or tarqi Punjab ma....................remarkable comment...
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Pakistan is rich in resources especially balochistan province, get your act together govt of Pakistan and save your people.
For God's sake.
The corrupt people have no love for the country or people, they just loot as much as they can then run out of the country with their loot. Thiefs!!
These thieves are the people justifying CM Sharif's actions. They have no honor and will always defend this corrupt government. Their own immoral interests are tied to them.
Also the figures are questionable as Akbar Bugti and some others have claimed most gas is produced in Balochistan. .

wtf,. Urdu speakers need to get their own rights from PPP sindhi waderas before thinking of anything else, stop blaming punjab.
Today Sui gas is the backbone of Pakistan’s economy,
Sui gas field accounts for 6% of Pakistan's gas production.

Well, I do agree that we balochistan students are much backward and lack complete grasp on political aspects but there's no need to call us brainwashed or close minded . I agree that the questions asked from SS were not based on complete information and I understand my quetta people that they're a bit backward in political issues . To be honest I'm astonished that balochistan university was chosen for this as I would recommend IT university or iqra university of quetta to move forward for an enlightened dialogue on cpec .
Sorry sister, don't take it personal please. My comment was directed at one group of students. You misunderstood.


You smell like an Indian troll.
When youthians loose an argument...
Though sindh is the largest producer of gas most of Balochistans gas is being supplied outside. Also the figures are questionable as Akbar Bugti and some others have claimed most gas is produced in Balochistan. Punjab only produces 5% of the gas.

Regardless the problem is chauvinists from our urdu speaking and punjabi backgrounds are not willing to accept as a fact their elevated position in Pakistan. Other ethnicities barely have any influence in Pakistan. Pakistan is a federation and it should be inclusive. All ethnic groups should benefit.

Provided that this form is dedicated to discuss defense matters, lack of understanding to basic economic principles and information is quite apparent.
Baluchistan was largest producers of Gas; so what happend, who benefited the most; Akber Bugti and his cohorts benefited the most;...... Hundreds of vehicles belonging to SNGPL & SSGPL were at the disposal of Bugti Clan; their favorites got jobs (not high ranking) at these companies at hefty salaries; a driver got many fold more salary than prevalent rate.... this was about 20-25 year ago, that I got to know....................
And what province and general populace of Baluchistan got... nothing.. not even a primary school in Dera Bugti then.
I once asked a person then residing in the vicinity of Dera Bugti, who was all accolads for Nawab Akber, that why were no schools, or dispenciers or any amenities were not provided by Sardars, answer was simple that Sardars would not let this happen..... their sardaris will affected and control will be lost.

What was situation common in Punjab and Baluchistan, say, a 100-150 years ago has greatly changed in Punjab through a lot of struggles and sacrifices of its people, but the situation in Baluchistan is almost the same.

Punjab produces 5% of gas but pays for 100% of gas it uses, and you seem to infer (rather indirectly and very softly) that someone is ripping off Baluchistan.
No one is ripping off Baluchistan, but different parts of Pakistan are at different levels of social evolution.

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