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And yet all resources will be deployed in Punjab province and we are told who has stopped other provinces to develop!
Only if other provinces also strike the balance between infrastructure, security and education. After 4 years now the work has started on infrastructure in Karachi. Outside Punjab, its only Federal government which is delivering mega projects. Where is the money received by these provinces over the last 4 years?
Those Baluchistan students must have completed their Education from some brainwashing madarsah. So close minded man. Seems like majority of people in Pakistan still don't anything about 18th amendment.
Typical Punjabi attitude. Whoever raises voice against beloved Punjab must be brainwashed.
Punjabis and Urdu speakers must give up some rights so that other provinces can benefit. We need to first recognize that we are in a better position economically than the rest. This will be the first step to solving the problem. Balochistan produces most of the gas for Pakistan yet only Quetta receives it. The electricity is also not provided with households having it for only a few hours a day while cities like Lahore and Islamabad are much better off.

CM has only focused on Punjab.
Punjabis and Urdu speakers must give up some rights so that other provinces can benefit. We need to first recognize that we are in a better position economically than the rest. This will be the first step to solving the problem. Balochistan produces most of the gas for Pakistan yet only Quetta receives it. The electricity is also not provided with households having it for only a few hours a day while cities like Lahore and Islamabad are much better off.

CM has only focused on Punjab.

Urdu speakers can give up as much rights as they want. Not sure what are you asking from people of punjab? I mean punjab its not only Lahore, many areas are as poor as any other part of Pakistan. Punjab already sacrificed share in NFC for Balochistan back in 2009. But now looks like other provinces are not ready to give away their share for FATA 3%.

You are quite ignorant in general. Sindh produces 70% of Pakistan gas and they keep it most of it for themselves before selling it to punjab at higher rate. 2nd is KPK, again they keep most of it for themselves. Nothing comes for free in Pakistan, wake up.
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He asked him why there was no development taking place in Gwadar but Metro Bus schemes were being built in Lahore?

What is the IQ level of such students at first place ?

Its not a question of IQ but perception. They have been sold a promise of development, what they haven't been told it is not going to happen overnight. Someone needs to sit down and explain in detail the projects, the timescales and opportunities that are going to arise and the human skills and development required to help materialise it. The more educated the local kids are the more local manufacturing industries will be and less that will be imported to meet the requirements of the CPEC projects. But it's good to see tough questions being thrown , shows democracy and freedom of expression is flourishing and people of position are accessible and held to account. Well done to the Chief minister for hosting such a meeting and the kids for expressing their views and concerns.
Do you know about 18 Amendment,if no, first go read it and then come back...
He only knows one thing that his Imran abu is the greatest & he should become PM of Pakistan before the Armageddon.
Those Baluchistan students must have completed their Education from some brainwashing madarsah. So close minded man. Seems like majority of people in Pakistan still don't anything about 18th amendment.

Well, I do agree that we balochistan students are much backward and lack complete grasp on political aspects but there's no need to call us brainwashed or close minded . I agree that the questions asked from SS were not based on complete information and I understand my quetta people that they're a bit backward in political issues . To be honest I'm astonished that balochistan university was chosen for this as I would recommend IT university or iqra university of quetta to move forward for an enlightened dialogue on cpec .

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