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Baloch Generals of Pakistan

General Musa Khan for you

The Baloch Regiment played very significant role at the time of independence in 1947. A number of its battalions became famous for escorting refugee families safely to Pakistan. In Kashmir War of 1948 one of the Battalions of the Regiment captured the dominating height called "PANDU Feature" and evicted the Indians from there.

Quaid-e-Azam Inspecting The First Honour Guard Of The 7/10th Baloch Regiment At Karachi - August 1947

One of the battalions has the unique honour of presenting the first GUARD OF HONOUR to Quaid-i-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah immediately after Independence and in return being awarded the First Pakistani Flag by the Quaid-i-Azam personally.

The Bloch Centre moved to Abbottabad in the last week of December 1957 and there it has remained ever since. The Regimental Centre was last to arrive in Abbottabad. Today, it has added into the glories of Abbottabad. The Centre has magnificent buildings, which depict its history and culture. The Balochis, as painted by R D Mackenzie, a British artist of the late Nineteenth Century, are fierce looking, stern featured, eagle eyed, turbaned horsemen with long hair and flowing beards, all armed with guns.

Source:Pakistan Army website

Well we always had Balochs in our army. And recently, there was an initiative by COAS to recruit young Baloch and 4000 entered Pak army in 2010.
Why does 1 Pakistani hate the other? Because of these ethnic divisions, we must be Pakistani's first and then anything else.

off topic...

a few days back there was a thread where almost all pakistani members believed they are muslims first and then a pakistani...

may i get a lil clarification??...


as far as i have heard there are a large number of balochs in pak army ryt??
Why these Khans and Sardars of Baluchistan haven't done any thing for Bauchistan?what abt Mir Zafar Ullah Khan Jamali?they are not serious and others are part of the game against Pakistan?today is Bauchistan,tomorrow will be Sindh along with sindhu desh leberation army and qaum parast,then ANP with great pukhtunistan,then south punjab,gilgit baltistan is already an issue and one ghaddar lecture in american universities.what is this?enough is enough.why don't we shout?huh?its PAKISTAN.kisi ke baap ka maal nahin he.kal east Pakistan aur aaj yeh bukwas.we are very weak and fragile.can't we do any thing?huh?look at those Kashmiris living in occupied Kashmir.Pakistan has not given any thing but they say 'We are PAKISTANIS'. This is patriotism.
He was not Pakhtoon, he was Hazara from quetta, and its a news that pakhtoons hate baloch.

we have relations with Pashtons I didnt know they hated us so much that they have relations with us.

re Gen Musa, yes he was a Hazara and is burried in Marriabad. may his soul rest in peace.

as far as i have heard there are a large number of balochs in pak army ryt??


following is my class fellow Capt. Ali Magssi.
He died in Siachin (before Kargil war).



he was extremely witty and naughty guy. good in cricket and was left handed. we lost touch after we did our Fsc. I heard about his death from my cousin who is also serving in the Army and has just returned from Siachin.
Lt. Jahangir Marri Shaheed. Great soldier, brave boy.
I think all patriotic Balochs should be given high position jobs & the next govt(who ever win the election) put 80% of total development money in Balochistan(mostly in Gawadar).

-- edited the racist comments---

first: there shouldnt be any special treatment for Baloch people, they must prove themselves like the rest for any higher position
Second: you are so misinformed why are you making a racist statement? do you think all people of these tribes are terrorists?

not all of Bugtis or Menals and Marris have problem with center or the army, actualyl some of the sub tribes are very much thankful to army and FC, specially Musharraf for freeing them from bonded labour at mines of the Sardars and some for the tribal enmities.

do you know why blasts and killing still happens in Dera Bughti? because not not all people are with the terrorists and the BLA strikes fear and does revenge attacks on the tribesmen that are not with it.

by the way we have a Marri member here as well who is far more patriot than I am
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