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Featured Ballistic missile submarine Arighat in final stages of trials, to be commissioned early 2021


Nov 2, 2015
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Once Arighat is commissioned, India will have two operational SSBNs that are equipped with the 750-KM range K-15 missile, designed for retaliatory nuclear strikes.

New Delhi: Arighat, the second of the indigenous Arihant class nuclear-powered ballistic missile carrying submarine (SSBN), is in the final stages of sea trials and will be commissioned early next year, ThePrint has learnt.

Sources in the defence and security establishment said the submarine has performed well during the sea trials so far, and added that the commissioning of the vessel was delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

“It should be done (commissioned) early next year,” a source said.

The Arighat was quietly launched in November 2017 by the then Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.

With Arighat in, India will be operating two SSBNs that are equipped with the 750 KM range K-15 submarine-launched ballistic missile, meant for punitive retaliatory strikes in case of a nuclear attack.

Both INS Arihant, which is on operational deployment, and the Arighat have the capacity to carry four missiles each.

India’s submarine plan
While the original plan was to have four Arihant class submarines, it was changed by the UPA government, sources in the know said.

Now, the two Arihant class submarines will have a displacement of 6,000 tonnes while two other SSBNs will be of a larger size (7,000 tonnes displacement).

A key differentiating factor will be that the two larger vessels under construction — S4 and S4* at the Ship Building Centre in Visakhapatnam — will have eight missile tubes instead of four.
India currently also operates a nuclear-powered attack submarine (SSN) INS Chakra II, which is under lease from Russia.

It was in March last year that India and Russia signed a US$3 billion deal for the lease of a third SSN — Chakra III — that is likely to be in Indian waters by 2025 at the earliest.

Russian submarines are being leased to train crews for India’s own fleet of SSBNs.

In 2015, the Narendra Modi government gave the green light to build six indigenous SSNs. About two years later, in 2017, then Navy chief Admiral Sunil Lanba had confirmed that work on the SSNs had started.
Pakistan needs to up the game and respond accordingly.
Once Arighat is commissioned, India will have two operational SSBNs that are equipped with the 750-KM range K-15 missile, designed for retaliatory nuclear strikes.

New Delhi: Arighat, the second of the indigenous Arihant class nuclear-powered ballistic missile carrying submarine (SSBN), is in the final stages of sea trials and will be commissioned early next year, ThePrint has learnt.

Sources in the defence and security establishment said the submarine has performed well during the sea trials so far, and added that the commissioning of the vessel was delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

“It should be done (commissioned) early next year,” a source said.

The Arighat was quietly launched in November 2017 by the then Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.

With Arighat in, India will be operating two SSBNs that are equipped with the 750 KM range K-15 submarine-launched ballistic missile, meant for punitive retaliatory strikes in case of a nuclear attack.

Both INS Arihant, which is on operational deployment, and the Arighat have the capacity to carry four missiles each.

India’s submarine plan
While the original plan was to have four Arihant class submarines, it was changed by the UPA government, sources in the know said.

Now, the two Arihant class submarines will have a displacement of 6,000 tonnes while two other SSBNs will be of a larger size (7,000 tonnes displacement).

A key differentiating factor will be that the two larger vessels under construction — S4 and S4* at the Ship Building Centre in Visakhapatnam — will have eight missile tubes instead of four.
India currently also operates a nuclear-powered attack submarine (SSN) INS Chakra II, which is under lease from Russia.

It was in March last year that India and Russia signed a US$3 billion deal for the lease of a third SSN — Chakra III — that is likely to be in Indian waters by 2025 at the earliest.

Russian submarines are being leased to train crews for India’s own fleet of SSBNs.

In 2015, the Narendra Modi government gave the green light to build six indigenous SSNs. About two years later, in 2017, then Navy chief Admiral Sunil Lanba had confirmed that work on the SSNs had started.

Wonderful news.....another nuclear beast joining early 2021.... I'm so excited.....
Pakistan needs to up the game and respond accordingly.
You just can't . India is becoming a global firepower just wait and watch
You just can't . India is becoming a global firepower just wait and watch
What good is this submarine and many others like this, what good is you being a global firepower when you cant even dare to confront your 6 times small neighbor.
Even you know it what we are capable of 😜 .
You just can't . India is becoming a global firepower just wait and watch
Even you know it what we are capable of 😜 .
If only you knew what I was saying. Lemme put it in simple words. What good is all this billions worth of equipment when you cant even out gun 50year old mirages, lightweight jf-17s and F-16s, if you cant kick china out while having the backing of quad. If you weren't able to do this with what you have now, you wont be able to do it with your brand new nuclear subs which will never be used anyways. Cheers mate!!
You just can't . India is becoming a global firepower just wait and watch

"global"??? :lol: :lol::rofl::rofl::rofl::lol::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

indian self-masturbations are sad. They literally use words like "global" or "civilizational" to feel cozy and good about themselves. In real world, india isn't even the sole regional superpower, let alone anything beyond that.

Hell, even Turkey dwarfs india in military industry and actual military achievements beyond its borders....meanwhile india is this:

ALL neutral sources confirm no target hit.png
Business Insider on India's Embarrassing Failure.jpg
India lost dogfight to Pak.png
Indian Wing Commander Bloodied and Captured.jpg
Mig-21 Downed.jpg
NY Times saying Pak Humiliated India.jpg

Avrage Pajeets in real life:

Average Hindu.png

India will have two operational SSBNs that are equipped with the declared 750-KM range K-15 missile, designed for retaliatory nuclear strikes.
This will also soon be integrated.

You just can't . India is becoming a global firepower just wait and watch
Even you know it what we are capable of 😜 .
Yeah we have seen indian firepower and how long it took india to make Tejas and Arjun to show their air power 🤣
And hopefully this time you dont leave the hatch opened :rofl:

And we know capability of india
Respective to Pakistan, we don't need actually SSBM submarines because landbase missiles are enough but we should be looking to Chinese and induct bigger submarines with k4 and k5 missile with range min 5000 km.
Respective to Pakistan, we don't need actually SSBM submarines because landbase missiles are enough but we should be looking to Chinese and induct bigger submarines with k4 and k5 missile with range min 5000 km.

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