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Ballistic missile Nasr: A bigger threat from Pakistan

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I think if nukes tip NASR is used against Indian forces, India would respond with a massive strike package of Conventional and Nuke weapons on all the known and unknown Military and Missile facilities of Pakistan. The aim would be to wipe out the armed forces of Pakistan's ability to launch another missile at India. The civilians would not be attacked in response to NASR.

The world would support India fully as Pakistan would be the first to use Nukes.
Has anyone given thought to the range of this "missile". I mean India has rockets with similar range...
What is the practicality of using such short range nuclear delivery system when it can be easily destroyed by rockets on the ground and by A2G missiles from aircrafts? I mean to destroy an invading army formation, it will have to come within 60 km range!
Any thoughts on this?

The idea here is to blend in the launch vehicle with the normal battlefield ones (MBRLs/Transport Trucks) therefore it would be difficult to spot the launch vehicle. Pakistan could've modified a few Ghaznavis with low-yield warheads for the same role (as they are pretty much accurate too), but a MAZ-543 vehicle is too easy to spot for satellites. Moreover, the true meaning of the message i.e. possession and potential use of tactical nuclear weapon could not have been conveyed by merely stating that Ghaznavis have this capability.
Nasr is Pakistan's attempt of preventing conflict escalation at the battlefield level.
The idea here is to blend in the launch vehicle with the normal battlefield ones (MBRLs/Transport Trucks) therefore it would be difficult to spot the launch vehicle. Pakistan could've modified a few Ghaznavis with low-yield warheads for the same role (as they are pretty much accurate too), but a MAZ-543 vehicle is too easy to spot for satellites. Moreover, the true meaning of the message i.e. possession and potential use of tactical nuclear weapon could not have been conveyed by merely stating that Ghaznavis have this capability.
Nasr is Pakistan's attempt of preventing conflict escalation at the battlefield level.

it wont work that way.

The use of nuke would NECESSITATE a strike from India. 20000 or 30000 Indian troops killed in a Nuke strike? Do you think India would or could afford to not respond? So let me say without doubt that yes India would respond to use of NASR. Now the question is what kind of strike it would be. I think India would not attack the civilian cities but India would launch preemptive strikes (both conventional and nuclear depending upon requirement) against all PA/PAF/PN bases and missile facilities. After this India would again send forces to invade Pakistan fully.

In-fact there would be a world wide concerted effort in that case to snatch or disable or eliminate all the Missiles and Nukes of Pakistan. It is also possible that US, Russia may also attack Pakistan from their subs and precision weapons/missiles to eliminate Pakistan missiles and Nukes forever.

The out come of NASR would leave no choice but to force IA and world to invade Pakistan. NASR would not result in protection of Pakistan but would force India and world to invade Paksitan and ensure that in future there is never a possibility of any nuke being launched from Pakistan soil. So instead of saving Pakisan, NASR could and most probably would have the opposite effect and lead to the invasion of complete Pakistan by US, India, Russia and others.

The world doesn't like the idea of a country which has nukes and is ready to use them at short notice. So it is a real possibility that Pakistan Missiles and Nukes would be taken out and Pakistan would be invaded if it used Nukes in any form against India.

So before NASR is used, IA may not invade complete Pakistan and also its missiles and nukes may remain intact. but the use of NASR would ensure and necessitate that

1) Pakistan is indeed invaded completely
2) All the missiles and nukes of Pakistan are disabled/destroyed/captured
3) Pakistan is never able to use a Nuke or Missile against any nation again

But at least one thing is clear, that if Pakistan attacks India troops with Nukes and kills 20000 to 30000 of India troops there would definately be a response from India.

The only uncertainty here is what kind of response would it be. But anyone thinking here that after the use of NASR India would not do any attack and stop the war is massively mistaken. There is only one certainty here and that is the use of NASR would invite a Indian response and not lead to the end of conflict as it is being thought. NASR would lead to prevent battlefield escalation is very wrong notion. This thinking is equivalent to the thinking that attacking India across LOC would never invite Indian retaliation across IB. that is basically such reasoning has no basis and if it has any basis one possibility could be based on some flawed and stupid concepts of peaceful or weak nature of Indian resolve

So let me conclude by saying, 1) that if threat of NASR is not able to prevent IA from entering across IB deep into Pakistan, the use of NASR would never lead to a stoppage or deescalation in war. 2) use of NASR (if used once India has crossed IB) would not prevent but necessitate and precipitate the invasion of Pakistan.

thats my sincere view of what NASR would result it. please others can differ.
it wont work that way.

The use of nuke would NECESSITATE a strike from India. 20000 or 30000 Indian troops killed in a Nuke strike? Do you think India would or could afford to not respond? So let me say without doubt that yes India would respond to use of NASR. Now the question is what kind of strike it would be. I think India would not attack the civilian cities but India would launch preemptive strikes (both conventional and nuclear depending upon requirement) against all PA/PAF/PN bases and missile facilities. After this India would again send forces to invade Pakistan fully.

In-fact there would be a world wide concerted effort in that case to snatch or disable or eliminate all the Missiles and Nukes of Pakistan. It is also possible that US, Russia may also attack Pakistan from their subs and precision weapons/missiles to eliminate Pakistan missiles and Nukes forever.

The out come of NASR would leave no choice but to force IA and world to invade Pakistan. NASR would not result in protection of Pakistan but would force India and world to invade Paksitan and ensure that in future there is never a possibility of any nuke being launched from Pakistan soil. So instead of saving Pakisan, NASR could and most probably would have the opposite effect and lead to the invasion of complete Pakistan by US, India, Russia and others.

So before NASR is used, IA may not invade complete Pakistan and also its missiles and nukes amy remain intact. but the use of NASR would ensure and necessitate that

1) Pakistan is indeed invaded completely
2) All the missiles and nukes of Pakistan are disabled/destroyed/captured
3) Pakistan is never able to use a Nuke or Missile against any nation again

First, anything like Nasr would hardly kill over a thousand soldiers (which depends on the number of weapons used and the situation, i.e. either it is used against dispersed invading forces or buildup over occupied territory). So your assumption is way too much exaggerated.

The world doesn't like the idea of a country which has nukes and is ready to use them at short notice. So it is a real possibility that Pakistan Missiles and Nukes would be taken out and Pakistan would be invaded if it used Nukes in any form against India.

Excuse me?? I guess then the "world" (Indians??) doesn't likes USA, Russia, France, UK and China too. As they don't have nukes which are ready to be used at a short notice :disagree:
Guess what! These countries make up most of the world!
^^ A kiloton or sub kiloton nuke killing 20-30,000 indians?
Is indian army comprised of midgets? :D

This type if nuke is besr used against a tank brigade or mechanized artillary divisions instead of being used against foot soldiers...
^^ A kiloton or sub kiloton nuke killing 20-30,000 indians?
Is indian army comprised of midgets? :D

This type if nuke is besr used against a tank brigade or mechanized artillary divisions instead of being used against foot soldiers...

Yes but Pakistan may use more then 1 NASR. say if 20000-30000 Indian troops enter across IB then Pakistan would be required to use Multiple NASRs?

India's thrust into Pakistan wont be stopped by loss of 1000 troops. In such a war across IB the casualties will be much bigger then this in the conventional conflict alone.
^^ A kiloton or sub kiloton nuke killing 20-30,000 indians?
Is indian army comprised of midgets? :D

This type if nuke is besr used against a tank brigade or mechanized artillary divisions instead of being used against foot soldiers...

we don't need 1000+ nukes to wipe out pakistan, pakistani is very small country..... fine, you can nuke our army... but you are forget the result will be massive. and there will be no country will come to help you...... unless your politicians shift there families to other countries and your top generals moved out from country there wont be any nuke war.....your cities are very close to each other... even the radiation left will curse your people for long... pakistan will become no man land.... stop dreaming about nuke war with India... it will curse both countries... and will leave nothing but ashes......
Yes but Pakistan may use more then 1 NASR. say if 20000-30000 Indian troops enter across IB then Pakistan would be required to use Multiple NASRs?

India's thrust into Pakistan wont be stopped by loss of 1000 troops. In such a war across IB the casualties will be much bigger then this in the conventional conflict alone.

Like i said..killing foot soldiers with nuclear weapon wont be of any advantage..
It the high value targets which are too resource intensive and time consuming to destroy,those will be the targets.
Mechanized,artillary and armoured divisions will be the most probable targets..
A tank brigade of 500 tanks is advancing..Pakistan has lost air superiority and cannot target them with anti tank weaponery..
Then firing a few nasr with nuclear warheads will stop the onslaught..
You have Chinese and North Korean origin Missiles and everyone knows how that pans out.

BTW what's the origins of Nasr? the Iranians have one with the same name...right?

Prove that Nasr,Babar and RA,AD is chinese missiles
Pakistan Missile technology is far ahead of Indian missile technology
Both countries have 100-200 warheads and thats not a lot..
Every warhead will have to be used in the best possible way.
Hitting foot soldiers ir civilians is again not the best option when you can make better and more effective use of the warheads..
Like i said..killing foot soldiers with nuclear weapon wont be of any advantage..
It the high value targets which are too resource intensive and time consuming to destroy,those will be the targets.
Mechanized,artillary and armoured divisions will be the most probable targets..
A tank brigade of 500 tanks is advancing..Pakistan has lost air superiority and cannot target them with anti tank weaponery..
Then firing a few nasr with nuclear warheads will stop the onslaught..

so that will cause sufficient huge casualties and much more then 1000. This will invite Indian response as outlined in my post. Casualties on such large scale cannot be ignored. It wont result in stopping the war.

As if India did not respond after such a attack it would loose all its standing in the world community and most probably IA would revolt againts GOI and still go ahead with its strike against Pakistan even if GOI somehow (.0000000000000001% possibility which means not possible) ordered to stop conflict after such attack.

Yes you are right the use of NASRs would stop that PARTICLUAR onslaught as they would all be dead. but it will not lead to stopping the war and would invite guaranteed furthur Indian response. So NASR would not lead to end of war as thought.

Pakistan would have to wait and watch as to whats the Indian response to NASR but there would be a response. And in my post I outlined most sincerely as to what I think would be the response to NASR. The response to NASR could be different from what I think but a respone to NASR would definately be there.
HAHAHA so India is comparing Pakistan fire power to those handmade qasam rockets for which Iron dome is designed for and still it wasn't a complete success. Chanda Iron dome is ineffective in India as we have bombs of all types including deadliest anti-radiation capability we can disable Iron dome in one strike.

Yaar.. somebody give him a basic understanding of how these things work... kid's wasting time and bandwidth
so that will cause sufficient huge casualties and much more then 1000. This will invite Indian response as outlined in my post. Casualties on such large scale cannot be ignored.

You are talking as if India is cold war time soviet union with 10,000 megatons of nuclear stockpile?
India only got a few and vaporizing down town karachi will gave no effect on military onslaught.
Same for Pakistan...firing a nuke on Downtown Bombay is like losing a precious resource and wont have any effect on indian army.
You are talking as if India is cold war time soviet union with 10,000 megatons of nuclear stockpile?
India only got a few and vaporizing down town karachi will gave no effect on military onslaught.
Same for Pakistan...firing a nuke on Downtown Bombay is like losing a precious resource and wont have any effect on indian army.

No no. I didn't say India would attack Karachi. I said India would not attack civilian cities but would attack all the military targets with a mixed package of conventional and nukes strike. So its like they attacked out armed forces we will attack their armed forces.
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