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Ballistic missile Nasr: A bigger threat from Pakistan

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Thats the only reason we are stockpiling so many nukes what do you think we like to waste our money????
I feel most indians live in the fake belief that Pak will never attack you with nukes but thats wrong and is even mentioned in that article at start...
For us its like kill and get killed as even if every inch of india and pak is destroyed we will win as there would still be more than a billion muslims in world while on the other hand only a few thousand hindus of other countries would be left ...And saudi arabia is gonna take control of sub-continents ashes and a new muslim race will start living here and the flag of that nation would be :pakistan: and i guess now you indian trollers would understand why PDF doesnt have an indian flag as its gonne be off the world map soon...:agree:

:D:rofl: This is Funny
Obviously i wont know.
But the guess is that,not everything can be pre planned,it depends on the situation at the time and forces commanders decision.
But both countries can sit and wait for opponent's response after they have inevirably used a tactical nuke or two.
Total destruction of all nucleae assets in one attack is impossible.
Both countries will scatter their nuclear strike capability so that if one gets hit,another can fire back.
Firing all or most nukes in one wave...may not be a good idea.

so firing just NASR and waiting is a bad idea. What if India launches a big strike and takes down substantial portion of Pak nukes. Neither would the world object to this Indian response and India would also be right as per its stated nuclear policy that it will retaliate with Nukes if its forces are attacked with Nukes ANYWHERE.

So the Indian retaliatory strike could severely cripple the Pakistan ability to strike back India.

this whole belief that NASR would stop or prevent India from pressing ahead is useless. The only way NASR could work is by making India not to cross the IB (but in that case NASR is never required to be used!) But if India do cross the IB, use of NASR would only invite furthur Indian response as opposed to preventing India from pressing ahead.
Thats the only reason we are stockpiling so many nukes what do you think we like to waste our money????
I feel most indians live in the fake belief that Pak will never attack you with nukes but thats wrong and is even mentioned in that article at start...
For us its like kill and get killed as even if every inch of india and pak is destroyed we will win as there would still be more than a billion muslims in world while on the other hand only a few thousand hindus of other countries would be left ...And saudi arabia is gonna take control of sub-continents ashes and a new muslim race will start living here and the flag of that nation would be :pakistan: and i guess now you indian trollers would understand why PDF doesnt have an indian flag as its gonne be off the world map soon...:agree:

You will make a good suicide bomber:rofl::rofl::rofl:.No wonder Pakistan has so many of those.
Yes, it depends on the country to be attacked.
But what about the aggressor? Does India possess thousands of nuclear weapons with a few hundred survivable ones?
If Pakistan does not have a huge amount of nukes and survivable delivery systems, India too does not have the means to attempt a decapitation strike. Pakistan does have deeply buried secured facilities for enhanced protection.

1) Those days are gone when submarine commanders had absolute authority and could launch at will. This is the age of real-time authenticated execution of orders. Just like a B-52 bomber cannot launch nuclear weapons at the crew's will, the soldiers in the battlefield can also not launch without authentication. Permissive Action Links is the keyword here.

2) Yes, you cannot. You are fearful of the enemy's response because it has hundreds of nuclear weapons at nearly ready-to-launch status at all times.
But can the same be said about India and Pakistan? I don't think so.

Again, India and Pakistan do not have that many nukes to ensure maximum survivability.
The only thing hampering the development of SLBMs by Pakistan is limited resources. But as far as land based weapons are concerned, they are survivable to some extent.

India and Pakistan have similar number of nuclear weapons and delivery systems , but what Indian does have and Pakistan does not, is 4 times bigger land area to disperse its present nuclear weapons.
And will very soon have all the worlds oceans to disperse considerable more number

Yes Indian and Pakistani weapons are dismantled kept separately to ward of accidental launch.But that scenario will also be changing soon..because in SSBN ...nukes are always in ready to fire mode.

A number of factors coupled with a certain scenario(as presented here).. exponentially increases chances of India surviving a nuclear war with Pakistan.

The factors are.

1) India has 4 times the land area and 7 times higher population..SO Pakistan will need launch atleast 4 times higher number of nuclear weapons to cause similar damage to India, as India need to destroy Pakistan.

2) All the Pakistani nuclear weapons are land based, Indian nuclear weapons are also land based but are dispersed over many times larger area ..hence much more difficult to eliminate in first strike.

3)Soon Indian weapons will sea based too, which will give India a assured second strike capability, where as Pakistan still very far from developing such a capability.

4) India will soon be deploying Missile defense systems covering major cities and military installations, which can take of atleast some of Pakistani launches.

The scenario:

Scenario as being discussed here previously. India send in its army into Pakistan, in response to a Pakistani terror strike or Kargil type misadventure in Indian and Pakistan responds by firing a tactical nuke or two on Indian IBGs.
Now as per Indian doctrine, India reserves a right to give a massive and puntive, retaliation against Pakistan.
Indian launches missile from SSBNs of Pakistani coast(giving Pakistani absolutely no warning at all) to take out known Pakistani launch sites, weapons site and command centers.

There is a possibility considerable number of Pakistani weapons and delivery systems will be taken out in such a pre-emptive nuclear strikes.

However for sure certain number of Pakistani weapons and missile will survive.

Some of which will take out by Indian missile defense batteries if launched ..some might leak through but ..damage to India, will nearly not be as severe, as to Pakistan.

This entire scenario is predicated on Pakistan launching small tactical nukes in their first strike and India following through with its current nuclear doctrine of massive nuclear retaliation in response to Pakistani using nuclear weapons against its forces.
Nuking Indian soldiers on foreign soil will also invoke Indian nuclear doctrine, which means India will then inflict unacceptable damage on the enemy.

Using nuclear Nasr on pakistani soil against Indian troops and dropping a nuclear device on any Indian city has been given the same weightage as per current Indian nuclear doctrine.
I am talking about the scene when after nuclear holocaust ..Every thing would be dead ...who will come??? western and american nations are dooming with their own financial issues , bangladesh ,iran no other country has resouces to spend trillions of dollars to clean up the rumbles and build new cities so the only nation left is saudia with their trillions of dollars ...Plus we do have an understanding with them in this issue but the main point is world would be cleaned of hindu mess after that nuclear holocaust....

Its not just the Hindus whole world will go back to dark ages by nuclear fallout.Who ever left in this world will either starve to death or have weird looking babies.Even Saudis can't survive this fate since after the war global economy will collapse and they will go back to riding camels and of course have three eyed babies.
Obviously i wont know.
But the guess is that,not everything can be pre planned,it depends on the situation at the time and forces commanders decision.
But both countries can sit and wait for opponent's response after they have inevirably used a tactical nuke or two.
Total destruction of all nucleae assets in one attack is impossible.
Both countries will scatter their nuclear strike capability so that if one gets hit,another can fire back.
Firing all or most nukes in one wave...may not be a good idea.

India does not subscribe to that "Tactical Nukes" BS.
For India, all Nukes are Strategic Weapons. Once a Nuke is used (ANY NUKE), the Indian retaliation will be Strategic.
That is why India has a "No First Strike" doctrine.
so firing just NASR and waiting is a bad idea. What if India launches a big strike and takes down substantial portion of Pak nukes. Neither would the world object to this Indian response and India would also be right as per its stated nuclear policy that it will retaliate with Nukes if its forces are attacked with Nukes ANYWHERE.

So the Indian retaliatory strike could severely cripple the Pakistan ability to strike back India.

Not really.
All Pakistani nuclear missiles are mobile and very hard to detect..
Not even CIA could suss out their location despite all their resources.
So there are credible chances that much of Pakistan's nuclear steike capability will remain intact even after a hypothetical 'all out' missile rain from India.
Indian military commanders know this and they are not fool enough to try this.
Same goes for Pakistan,taking out all indian strike capabiliry is impossible and no point in firing a big wave of nuclear missiles.
you don't need to launch lot's of nuke .... one nuke is enough to become rogue state to the world.. and then India will use all of it's chance to keep pak down...

as i said 1000 times nuclear weapon is the last way out ...it will be used as a last option only ..... and i dont wanna comment on the second part i dont wanna comment as it will result into a lot of trolling ...many people here are not for discussion but for finding a chance so they can troll their way in
India does not subscribe to that "Tactical Nukes" BS.
For India, all Nukes are Strategic Weapons. Once a Nuke is used (ANY NUKE), the Indian retaliation will be Strategic.
That is why India has a "No First Strike" doctrine.

So you are sure,india has 'megaton' range warheads?
Its not just the Hindus whole world will go back to dark ages by nuclear fallout.Who ever left in this world will either starve to death or have weird looking babies.Even Saudis can't survive this fate since after the war global economy will collapse and they will go back to riding camels and of course have three eyed babies.

You live in dreams after every war world economy improves as more work needs to be done...more buildings,roads to make ans thats how american economy is going along...Saudi's ofcourse will take good 2-3 decades to slowly settle things plus now with new tech aftre effects of nuke holocaust would be quickly taken care of...
world war 2 killed millions but offered more opportunities for progress afterwards thats gonna happen here too and the flag of new nation would be:pakistan:
Not really.
All Pakistani nuclear missiles are mobile and very hard to detect..
Not even CIA could suss out their location despite all their resources.
So there are credible chances that much of Pakistan's nuclear steike capability will remain intact even after a hypothetical 'all out' missile rain from India.
Indian military commanders know this and they are not fool enough to try this.
Same goes for Pakistan,taking out all indian strike capabiliry is impossible and no point in firing a big wave of nuclear missiles.

but by using NASR Pakistan is inviting and giving India the chance to lanch and take out Pak missiles and nukes in one big strike?

is this what Pak is planning for and is Pak ready to accept such strike from India? or Pakistan is just assuming and confident that India wont launch such a strike? If it is an assumption then it is not very different to the assumption of 65 that India wont strike across IB if Pakistan get into Kashmir. This is to say that this is a very weak assumption and a big risk to take. Yes if Pakistan is actually prepared to take such Indian strike after launch of NASR then its ok.

Surely your weapons may be left but its a huge risk and much favorable for India to be able to take first retaliatory shot at Pakistan, in case India decides to launch a big strike in response to NASR.

Response to NASR would come. What response would come Pakistan would have to wait and see. So that is why NASR is not a good idea from my view point.
So you are sure,india has 'megaton' range warheads?

Try to find out! :azn:
As I said; India views Nukes as Strategic Weapons. So a response to any Nuke (even a so called Tactical Nuke) will be Strategic.
Its not for nothing that India decided on a "No First Strike" doctrine...:D
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