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Ballistic missile Nasr: A bigger threat from Pakistan

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Er...when did thar happen?
You dont have air and sea launch capability yet..
Sukhois are yet to be modified for Brahmos and K-15 was fired from pontoon not submarine..

Hence completing not completed.
As for air launch , the M2K with drop bombs are in service.

Delusional...arent we?

Most pakistanis commenting here sure are ....
From our end, its settled.. Get used to it..
Then take out that 500000 army with an armed soldier for every three unarmed kashmiri men and they will tell you how much it is settled....
No it isnt..
Kashmir itself never settled with india,thars why so much insurgency.

Insurgency from pakistan .....Not J&K .

Then take out that 500000 army with an armed soldier for every three unarmed kashmiri men and they will tell you how much it is settled....

Settled ......So our country ....We keep our soldiers where we like.

He said "completing" not completed.

Thats what I was saying.
No it isnt..
Kashmir itself never settled with india,thars why so much insurgency.

anyhow this is not thread to discuss Kashmir. lets not go off topic. Discussing Kasmir will kill this thread in few pages only and you also know it.

back to topic,

can you tell whats the use of NASR? Will Pakistan wait for Indian response after using NASR?

or will Pakistan launch 80-100 Nukes on India after using NASR (as said by Albatross)? but then NASR has no use isnt it ?
SSBN ensures that your nukes doesnot get washed away in a first strike.

As for kashmir talks ......Sure , we are always ready for talks with the condition that you should eliminate all terrorist camps in pakistan aimed at India. But the only outcome acceptable to both parties will be making LOC as IB.

How can you hold a place with 97% muslims population ????
Any moral or just ground????
Pak -india were divided on religious lines so kashmir is ours and we will make sure that it happens lets just wait till 2014 and thats even when kayani before going doesnt decide to give india a peace of his mind especially our army circles are feeling bad after this recent fiasco of kargil talk and just wanna do something as taliban of all origins have given their yes to go to kashmir and deal indians.....For us it would be a win win situation with our both enemies fighting each other but this coward zardari is hesitant coz of elections but lets see you guys will come to know in a couple of weeks...Why you think we started it all in the start of this year at Loc there is an extensive planning and this time its gonna be do or die ....:pakistan:

How can you hold a place with 97% muslims population ????
Any moral or just ground????
Pak -india were divided on religious lines so kashmir is ours and we will make sure that it happens lets just wait till 2014 and thats even when kayani before going doesnt decide to give india a peace of his mind especially our army circles are feeling bad after this recent fiasco of kargil talk and just wanna do something as taliban of all origins have given their yes to go to kashmir and deal indians.....For us it would be a win win situation with our both enemies fighting each other but this coward zardari is hesitant coz of elections but lets see you guys will come to know in a couple of weeks...Why you think we started it all in the start of this year at Loc there is an extensive planning and this time its gonna be do or die ....:pakistan:

wait nothing is happening. the IA is there. So dont think there is any change to enter Indian Kashmir. Most probably a fight at border and then ceasefire. How you think you would be able to enter Indian Kashmir when there is such heavy presence of IA and the high conventional superiority of India? Zero chance.

All that is happening is Pakistan is loosing focus of its economy and also the Taliban is disturbing the internal peace of Pakistan. So in all India is not loosing anything but it is only affecting Pakistan. Also Pakistan is getting bad image because of such Taliban elements and support from them within Pakistan. Seriously Taliban is damaging Pakistan only and has negligible affect on India.
wait nothing is happening. the IA is there. So dont think there is any change to enter Indian Kashmir. Most probably a fight at border and then ceasefire. How you think you would be able to enter Indian Kashmir when there is such heavy presence of IA and the high conventional superiority of India? Zero chance.
Thats the only reason we are stockpiling so many nukes what do you think we like to waste our money????
I feel most indians live in the fake belief that Pak will never attack you with nukes but thats wrong and is even mentioned in that article at start...
For us its like kill and get killed as even if every inch of india and pak is destroyed we will win as there would still be more than a billion muslims in world while on the other hand only a few thousand hindus of other countries would be left ...And saudi arabia is gonna take control of sub-continents ashes and a new muslim race will start living here and the flag of that nation would be :pakistan: and i guess now you indian trollers would understand why PDF doesnt have an indian flag as its gonne be off the world map soon...:agree:
Thats the only reason we are stockpiling so many nukes what do you think we like to waste our money????
I feel most indians live in the fake belief that Pak will never attack you with nukes but thats wrong and is even mentioned in that article at start...
For us its like kill and get killed as even if every inch of india and pak is destroyed we will win as there would still be more than a billion muslims in world while on the other hand only a few thousand hindus of other countries would be left ...And saudi arabia is gonna take control of sub-continents ashes and a new muslim race will start living here and the flag of that nation would be :pakistan: and i guess now you indian trollers would understand why PDF doesnt have an indian flag as its gonne be off the world map soon...:agree:

how will Saudi come and capture India? How will they come on Camels?
how will Saudi come and capture India? How will they come on Camels?

I am talking about the scene when after nuclear holocaust ..Every thing would be dead ...who will come??? western and american nations are dooming with their own financial issues , bangladesh ,iran no other country has resouces to spend trillions of dollars to clean up the rumbles and build new cities so the only nation left is saudia with their trillions of dollars ...Plus we do have an understanding with them in this issue but the main point is world would be cleaned of hindu mess after that nuclear holocaust....
they are incorporated on mobile launchers which means they can be easily and swiftly mobilized to close border areas when the need arises ...nobody is asking to put all the missiles there but a limited number that are enough to full fill the purpose rest can be stationed a little far away place ...also these missiles will be accompanied by troops , choppers and fighting vehicles ...so in any case they cant be an easy target the way they might sound to you .....add to that the air defence cover they will have

and at retaliation part there is no doubt about it ...obviously these will be used in dire situation with an anticipation of retaliation .....do you think PA will go nuclear at the start of the war ...nuclear is and will always be a last solution ....

you don't need to launch lot's of nuke .... one nuke is enough to become rogue state to the world.. and then India will use all of it's chance to keep pak down...
You really need to read about effective radius of nuclear weapons and how small both india and Pakistan's stockpile is..
No its not the cyanide pill in pak ind scenarion..,

Of course the Indian and Pakistani nuclear stockpiles are small as are their mega-tonnage.

But considering the relative expanses of territory contained in Pakistan and India it is very clear; who will get hit to a greater extent.

Still "Tactical Nukes are a Failed Concept of Weaponry". Countries who have owned Nukes longer than us have already junked them.
And "Nukes are the Ultimate Cyanide Pill". I.E. Nukes in any form; "Strategic or Tactical". Today if a Country is constrained to use Nukes; it means that it is going down, its down and out. It is the Modern version of "Kamikaze or Hara-Kiri- when the Nukes get used".

Don't take my word for it.
Just ask @jaibi. Maybe he can explain it even more intelligently and intelligibly than I can.
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I am talking about the scene when after nuclear holocaust ..Every thing would be dead ...who will come??? western and american nations are dooming with their own financial issues , bangladesh ,iran no other country has resouces to spend trillions of dollars to clean up the rumbles and build new cities so the only nation left is saudia with their trillions of dollars ...Plus we do have an understanding with them in this issue but the main point is world would be cleaned of hindu mess after that nuclear holocaust....

and why would Saudi spend its trillion in a nuclear waste land.. :rofl: and investing money here doesnt mean Saudi would take control of Indian Landmass.

Even if each and every saudi came to India they wont be able to control the indian land mass. What is Saudi population? Just 25 million. India is 1000 millions. Surely 50-100 million evil hindus would still be alive.
anyhow this is not thread to discuss Kashmir. lets not go off topic. Discussing Kasmir will kill this thread in few pages only and you also know it.

back to topic,

can you tell whats the use of NASR? Will Pakistan wait for Indian response after using NASR?

or will Pakistan launch 80-100 Nukes on India after using NASR (as said by Albatross)? but then NASR has no use isnt it ?

Obviously i wont know.
But the guess is that,not everything can be pre planned,it depends on the situation at the time and forces commanders decision.
But both countries can sit and wait for opponent's response after they have inevirably used a tactical nuke or two.
Total destruction of all nucleae assets in one attack is impossible.
Both countries will scatter their nuclear strike capability so that if one gets hit,another can fire back.
Firing all or most nukes in one wave...may not be a good idea.
I am talking about the scene when after nuclear holocaust ..Every thing would be dead ...who will come??? western and american nations are dooming with their own financial issues , bangladesh ,iran no other country has resouces to spend trillions of dollars to clean up the rumbles and build new cities so the only nation left is saudia with their trillions of dollars ...Plus we do have an understanding with them in this issue but the main point is world would be cleaned of hindu mess after that nuclear holocaust....

LMAO :pdf: is :rofl:
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