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Bal Thackeray, Hindu leader and Shiv Sena founder, dies

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To be honest I have even read youtube comments from south Indians for his tough stance against the arrogant BIMARU/Hindustanis and their ways, who seemed to think they were the ruling class of India and that Hindi must be spoken by all with disregard to all other languages.

He was not entirely against Hindi...he just did not want it to be forced on people..He never asked non-marathi people in maharashtra to forget their mother tongue but he wanted them to learn marathi too..
His newspaper also has hindi version...dopahar ka samana..
1.If he was killed by LeT just imagine what would have happened in mumbra,kurla,jogeshwari.So whatever he did was the smartest decision to save millions(yes millions) of lives.

2.He was against migration of non-maharashtrians in Maharashtra because it puts lots of stress on resources which definitely are not property of maharashtra alone, but no one likes to travel in a train which is packed with 4000 people and which is actually made only for 1000 people..so everyone supported him directly or indirectly.

The Two points said by you are So weak that i don't wanna give my rebuttal to it . Anyways Best of luck . I am out . This will not be an Intellectual Debate .
2/3 front line leaders and 20/25 second line leaders all will scheme plot and try to grab control wait and see till the party splinters! no one powerful figure that can take total control and respect!

His Son - UDHAV is already in command.
And common man I live in Maharshtra. I definatly know better than you :D
This will bring a huge sigh of relief on the other side of border .. on the lines of retiring of Mig-25 from IAF :lol: :lol:
I am getting the feeling that now MNS will merge in Shiv Sena & Raj Thackerey will be running the party before the next general elections, since if they fight elections separately, it will be only the congress that will have advantage while both of them will be losing out, Raj Thackeray has that persona that Bal Thackeray used to have, so this will be the deal worked out to make a win-win situation for both party (MNS & Shiv Sena)
I am getting the feeling that now MNS will merge in Shiv Sena & Raj Thackerey will be running the party before the next general elections, since if they fight elections separately, it will be only the congress that will have advantage while both of them will be losing out, Raj Thackeray has that persona that Bal Thackeray used to have, so this will be the deal worked out to make a win-win situation for both party (MNS & Shiv Sena)

uddhav will be party leader but Raj will be CM.. sounds like a done deal !!
I am getting the feeling that now MNS will merge in Shiv Sena & Raj Thackerey will be running the party before the next general elections, since if they fight elections separately, it will be only the congress that will have advantage while both of them will be losing out, Raj Thackeray has that persona that Bal Thackeray used to have, so this will be the deal worked out to make a win-win situation for both party (MNS & Shiv Sena)

Every buddy is praying for that. And I think Sena leaders are wise enough to bring back Raj. Hopefully we will get rid of CONG and NCP in next elections. I am sick of them
marathi nationalism? what is that?

Jai Hind!!
Jai Maharashtra!!

The preservation of Marathi culture in the biggest city of Maharashtra.

Forcing MPs to take parliamentary oaths in Marathi and not Hindi.

Threatening to call Biharis infiltrators and kicking them out of Maharashtra (as Raj did 2 months ago).

Going to war over comments by Jaya Bachan and then launching attacks on Biharis and other BIMARU folk.

Bal starting off his career with anti-South Indian hatred etc.

If the MNS are not Marathi nationalists what are they?

It is like me saying the ANP of Pakistan are not Pashtun nationalists.
The preservation of Marathi culture in the biggest city of Maharashtra.

Forcing MPs to take parliamentary oaths in Marathi and not Hindi.

Threatening to call Biharis infiltrators and kicking them out of Maharashtra (as Raj did 2 months ago).

Going to war over comments by Jaya Bachan and then launching attacks on Biharis and other BIMARU folk.

Bal starting off his career with anti-South Indian hatred etc.

If the MNS are not Marathi nationalists what are they?

It is like me saying the ANP of Pakistan are not Pashtun nationalists.

Balasaheb or Maharashtrians do not want marathi nation..so it is not marathi nationalism..as simple as that..
So hindu hriday samrat bala sahib thakrey is dead,the one who talked about hindutva yet divided hindus on lines of marathi-non marathi.Spoke openly with courage on many controversial issues yet went in hiding when LeT was planing to attack him(rumor?!)carried shivsena on his shoulders yet almost destroyed it for the love of his son, "conflict personified" the best way I can describe him.His death brings the end of an era in Indian specially hindutva or hindu identity politics.A man you can love you can hate but cant ignore.

SS did not give priority to the Marathi-non Marathi issue. It was Hindu Muslim. Actually even that is complex. I have seen plenty muslim Shiv Sena members. Nothing is in black and white.

The guy had balls and political correctness be damned. These two factors are enough to respect him. As you said, he was hated with a passion and loved with a devotion. Thats the way life should be lived.
1970s - aginst south indians for stealing local jobs
1980s - against trade unioin workers and leaders like datta samant - i agree with thackeray on this
1990s - against muslims and pakistan in particular for causing bombay blasts of 1993
2000s - against north indians and biharis..
So he needed to have this SS against someone to keep going. but shiv sena was an important party in the great spectrum of india.
I do hope this is the end of his horrid party of THUGS. The fact that the ENTIRE Mumbai police force and the CRPF's RAF had to be deployed on the streets just goes to show what kind of scum makes up this party-nothing but despicable THUGS. And the fact that these scoundrals even went around telling shopkeepers to shut their shops-WHO THE EFF DO THESE FOOLS THINK THEY ARE? Mumbai is a multi-cultural city now and these guys are living in the stone age-they have no place in 21st centuary India.
Are you a Punjabi?:D
I do hope this is the end of his horrid party of THUGS. The fact that the ENTIRE Mumbai police force and the CRPF's RAF had to be deployed on the streets just goes to show what kind of scum makes up this party-nothing but despicable THUGS. And the fact that these scoundrals even went around telling shopkeepers to shut their shops-WHO THE EFF DO THESE FOOLS THINK THEY ARE? Mumbai is a multi-cultural city now and these guys are living in the stone age-they have no place in 21st centuary India.

Everyone in mumbai police has devotional respect for balasaheb thackrey...ask any mumbaikar..
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