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Bahrain recognizes the State of Israel and its right to self-defense


Dec 12, 2008
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"As long as Iran has renounced the situation in the region and the countries have invaded its forces and missiles, any country in the region, including Israel, has the right to defend itself by destroying the sources of danger."

- Sheikh Khalid al-Khalifa, Bahrain's Foreign Minister (link)

Probably the first time a country has been recognized via Twitter. Another landmark of this day and age.
Bravo @Bahrain.

Those tribal monarchies... Complete... Whatever :D
I said many times . all arabs one by one will accept israel to save their kingdoms.

They have two option :

1:Run country with democracy with sole supreme ruler just like UK has kingdom as well as democracy.

2:accept israel to be safe from civil war.
I said many times . all arabs one by one will accept israel to save their kingdoms.

They have two option :

1:Run country with democracy with sole supreme ruler just like UK has kingdom as well as democracy.

2:accept israel to be safe from civil war.

This is what happens when Muslims start concerning themselves with strictly worldly matters. It all starts on social level, introduce unIslamic norms to people. Which will make them fascinated with these norms and suddenly everyone has crazy ego and forget obligations of Islam. So know majority of people just focused on being popular, having many social media followers, getting education and high income, taking pride in their country, enjoying pleasures of this life, etc.... So then their mindset is changed to just thinking of prosperity and prestige. A lot of people in Arab world are becoming this way. Keep mind this is same in Iran or Turkey or elsewhere. All this region is dominated by majority that think that way. They all have minority which doesn't but they are ignored, belittled or persecuted.

It's indeed a sad state of affairs. Only solution is returning to God. And people wonder why God made limit on world pleasures...because he understands human nature and how it will corrupt us.
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