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Bahrain National Guard to recruit former soldiers from Pakistan


And look you claim the Iranian are supporting this -- exactly what are they supporting? Basic civil liberties? And that is bad? And Pakistan and India and others should oppose this?? Because it promotes a better, more just and therefore a more Islamic society??
An open mind is instrumental to an open debate and after reading the above lines from you, I have come to a conclusion that its better to let you carry on with your ill informed rants (shall I call them that). You should have gone through their track record in Sistan Baluchistan before coming to that conclusion. Or those evil Balochi Sunnis dont deserve to be a part of the so called better Islamic society, with basic civil liberties.
You should have gone through their track record in Sistan Baluchistan before coming to that conclusion. Or those evil Balochi Sunnis dont deserve to be a part of the so called better Islamic society, with basic civil liberties.

There is just some kind of misunderstanding - no one is arguing that the Iranian mullah is good --- The argument is that the majority population wants basic civil rights in BAHRAIN -- get it?? It's happening in Bahrain, where Pakistanis have been lynched -- do you understand that?? and Wahabi princes want the Pak Fauj to be their dog -- and the end result... ??

You want Sistan/Balouchistan to have the same rights as in Bahrain? Yes, indeed, of course -- see, you can't ague, at least reasonably and persuasively, that one wrong justifies another - 2 wrongs really don't make a right, isn't that so?
@ Muse

Let me ask you a question. how mcuh and what exactly is your knowledge of the whole issue in the ME. Forget about looking at it from the spectrum of Shia or Sunni. Forget about the Wahabi and non Wahabis. Lets just talk about the issues on the ground, what do you know?
Perhaps we can do that on a separate thread or by PM - we don't want the thread to be about personalities -- but be assured that I have lived and worked and am a professional student of the aspects/facets of the Middle East realities and perspectives.
Perhaps we can do that on a separate thread or by PM - we don't want the thread to be about personalities -- but be assured that I have lived and worked and am a professional student of the aspects/facets of the Middle East realities and perspectives.

I dont see a reason why we cant talk about it as the it is related to the whole debate. Secondly when I mentioned the Iranian Balochistan, it was not to show that they are evil and the others are not. But to make a point that the Iranians cant be trusted. Time and time again they have backstabbed the Pakistanis, and or tried to. Heck they even facilitate our biggest enemy in our backyard. Economic reasons or not, the animosity that naturally comes towards us is due to the Shia Sunni divide. And they facilitate this divide more then any one else. Why are they so worried about the whole thing in Bahrain when they have been suppressing their own people who have demanded change in Tehran, and in other cities. Who gives them and Hassan Nasrallah the moral right to interfere in the internal matter of Bahrain, if they do that then we have all the right to do it on behalf of our allies, and for the safety and security of thousands of Pakistanis who live there.

Now on to the point of the Pakistani army looking like the dogs of the Arabs and giving the Shias of Bahrain a good enough excuse to kill the Pakistanis, seriously. If that was the point and the way it looks like one can make an argument for the TTP scums as they make the same point that the PA (May Allah give them strength and courage) are acting as the dogs for the americans. But can that be used as a justification, dont think so. The targeting of Pakistanis of whom many are naturalized citizens of Bahrain and are not there for a just a few years but have been contributing to the growth of Bahrain for generations, which include some of my family as well, is and should be condemned no matter what. And shouldn't be excused that because they are Pakistanis so they are targeted because of the actions of the PA.
I thought you actually had some back ground but your post give sme cause to reconsider:

Iranians cant be trusted. Time and time again they have backstabbed the Pakistanis, and or tried to. Heck they even facilitate our biggest enemy in our backyard. Economic reasons or not, the animosity that naturally comes towards us is due to the Shia Sunni divide.

Indeed, Iran was the first nation ot recognize Pakistan, Pakistan had a very long political and military relationship with Iran --- So what changed? Zia ul Haq happened, Saudi $$ flowed and Pakistan army altered the strategic outllook of Pakistan without realizing the long term implications of this on a complex society such as Pakistan -- Every Manner of Sunni extremist group got funding from Wahabi princes and private persons, the so called religious parties also got their share of Wahabi $$.

Things did not go south overnight -- and it's not that it was only Pakistan that botched this up - so did the Mullahs of Iran, in their anti-US obession, they though that Pakistan would tolerate the creation of militias such as hebzullah.

Iranian can't be trusted? When and where did I say they can be or ought to be?? I love, love reading well argued and more importantly fairly argued positions, I think them persuasive - I encourage you to follow that route, you don't have to win me over, you just have to make reasoned persuasive arguments.

TTP the dogs if the US -- possibly -- OK, how about the dogs of India, Israel and the Martians?? OK, possibly -- again, to be persuasive you have ot be reasonable

just take a look for this video we aren't try to killed them and also we have the permission to kill them but we cant bcz we are Muslims and we know this is a fight in between kind and shia protesters and ya u must see this video my one of friend take this video
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Pakistanis have served in the GCC Countires Armed Forces for close to 5 decades now. Good for both countires.
Pakistanis should joined the bahrain's national guards.
then we will decide how to control it for peace and safety of the region.
but first take your positions.
guys all such movements are funded by CIA.
plz dont think it as a revolution.
its a deception leading to choas, destabilising the region, provide hegemony to Iran for the time being and then supports Arabs to kick Iran for arabs and then controls the region.
Its like saanp bhi mar jaye or lathi bhi na toote.
guys all such movements are funded by CIA.
plz dont think it as a revolution.

It took a long time for someone to get to this "explanation"! Seven pages! Congratulations, mikkix, you win muse's prize for the most "reasoned" argument/revelation of the thread.
Pakistanis have served in the GCC Countires Armed Forces for close to 5 decades now. Good for both countires.

pretty damn ridiculous actually. I can't imagine my country men serving other countries lmao
There are some hungry people on this earth, but they don't pick up guns and go become merceneries!
heard the same in UAE

can any body tell me how can i apply for their this pakistani recuitment program

i also heard that they will give you a gud pay and nationality too
heard the same in UAE

can any body tell me how can i apply for their this pakistani recuitment program

i also heard that they will give you a gud pay and nationality too

brother u lose ur chance to go there bcz selection is complete already and our visa with passport is also gone there and we haven't listen anything but kernal sadaj have all passports and he is already back to Bahrain when he came back i also told u and post that here well may be upcoming 5 days we got any latest new about that
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