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Bahrain National Guard to recruit former soldiers from Pakistan

Because most of the Indian,American and Brit ex-soldiers are not Sunni Muslims who when naturalized can skew the demography of Bahrain.

Well actually there are some naturalised Indian Bahrainins and most Indian muslims are sunnis too. But they are usually involved in trade and govt. jobs, not in the security establishment and would tend to keep a low profile.

Although there are some Indians working as contracters for Bahrainin security forces too, but only as trainers. The one Indian who was killed recently, Stephen Abraham, was ex-Indian Army was working as a security trainer. But still they are in very small numbers
Friends, we have been warning that the leadership of the Pakistan Fauj will soon be "persuaded" to side with the Kings, Princes, and Wahabi sect leadership - we have warned that these degenerates seek to plunge the Muslim world into what the prime Minister of Iraq has called a regional sectarian war and which the Prime Minister of Turkiye has called the second Karbala, this even as Pakistan is the world second largest Shi'ah Muslim nation.

While the so called West has used the UN against some like Gadafi, and soon possibly Assad, a blind eye is turned to Bahrain, the seat of the US Navy's 5th Fleet, and the defenseless citizens of the Najd and the Yemen.

Our forum readers have read the recent criticisms of the Pakistan Fauj's role and decisions, in cases such as the Raymond Davis fiasco, the suugestions that the Fauj is exceptionally close to Arabian funded sectarian elements who on a average kill 10 Pakistanis a day, now the Pakistan Fauj's leadership has made another truly disastrous decision, it has publicly allied itself with the Wahabi Kings and Princes, and against the Muslim peoples who only to have the rights of citizenship -- Once again, the Pakistan Fauj has proved itself a Mercenary army, a army that cannot see further than immediate interests, an Army loyal only to her own interests -- the impications of the use of the Pakistan army against persons who are not the enemies of Pakistan and in a provocative manner may lead to events that future generations will call Karbala II --- We encourage readers to consider and to make their voices heard, don't be silent against this devilish mischief, tell the Pakistan Fauj that it should consider the interests of Pakistan and these interests are not Oil nor money, but always doing the right thing :

Unrest in the Arab world: Islamabad assures Riyadh of support
By Qaiser Butt
Published: March 28, 2011


In the backdrop of the current political uprisings in the Arab world, Pakistan has decided to play a significant role in the region by supporting Saudi Arabia, sources told The Express Tribune.

The decision came following a string of meetings that Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz, special emissary of the Saudi king, had with the Pakistani leadership over the weekend.

The Saudi royal family scion met the top political and military leaders, among them President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani, Interior Minister Rehman Malik and Army chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

Prince Bandar’s whirlwind tour came as mass protests are sweeping across most of the Gulf and Middle Eastern countries. Though there is no immediate threat of an uprising against the Saudi rulers, the situation in neighbouring Bahrain is a cause for serious concern.

In his interaction with Premier Gilani, the Saudi prince indicated that the oil-rich kingdom would extend meaningful support to Pakistan to improve its ailing economy, sources told The Express Tribune on Sunday.

Cash-strapped Islamabad has been asking Riyadh for oil on deferred payment for quite some time now.

Prince Bandar is said to have assured Islamabad of its help to address its immediate oil needs. He also reaffirmed that the kingdom would always stand by Pakistan to confront any challenge and support any initiative to expand bilateral ties.

According to sources in the Foreign Office, the Saudi move to seek help from Pakistan had a tacit endorsement from the United States whose forces are stationed in Bahrain. The US 5th fleet is stationed in Bahrain under an agreement reached between the two countries 15 years ago.

“The United States does not consider Saudi security forces’ entry into Bahrain as an invasion,” the White House said on Monday

Riyadh sent about 1,000 troops into Bahrain to protect government facilities after protesters overran police and blocked roads.

Premier Gilani told Prince Bandar, who is also secretary-general of the Saudi National Security Council, that his country supports the Saudi stance in the Gulf and the Middle East and would stand by Riyadh for regional peace.

The prince briefed the prime minister on the Saudi perception of the situation in the Gulf and the Middle East.

Sources said that the main purpose of Prince Bandar’s visit was to evaluate Islamabad’s viewpoint on the rapidly changing political situation in the Arab world, particularly on the alarming situation in Bahrain, which borders Saudi Arabia.

In 1991, Riyadh was disappointed by Pakistan’s attitude towards the Gulf War when the then army chief Gen Aslam Beg had publicly opposed the then prime minister Nawaz Sharif’s decision of sending army and air force units to Saudi Arabia on the call of the kingdom.

Faced with the threat of a direct attack from Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussien’s forces, the Saudi authorities were further disappointed when Gen Beg agreed to send only 5,000 troops after a long delay and that too under strict conditions.

It took Islamabad several years to win back the trust of Riyadh.

The Saudis kept referring to this ‘betrayal’ during their talks with Islamabad on all forums, a former diplomat, who has served in Riyadh, told The Express Tribune.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 28th, 2011.
Since they want shia-killers, might as well have hired Sipah-e-Sahaba.

The baloch mercenaries employed in Bahrain and Oman are shameful for us but this is beyond horrific. If you don't like Blackwater, be angry over Pakwater as well - since this is what we're providing.

Are you out of senses?
How could you draw parallel between black water and security guards?
If Bahrain or any other arab state hire other nationals you have no problem!
Yet, I failed to see your condemnation of black water which has killed thousands in Iraq, Afghanistan & Pakistan.

On a side not clearly Iran is arming rebel groups in all arab states which shall be tackled and Pakistan shall play the role of NATO in the region.
Every state have the right to prepare for its security.
Foreign states forming rebels in arab states has to be tackled with all the force possible.
If not than we'll be seeing an all out arab iran war as predicted in Islam.

Why are you spreading this false information about Iran -- Do you not understand that once Pakistan takes sides in a sectarian war that this conflict will spread to Pakistan?? Perhaps this is the calculation you and others who are spreading lies, are seeking.

Pakistan screwed herself by supporting Taliban who are essentially a salafist Pashtun outfit against other ethnicities and sects of Afghanistan, today it is Pakistan that is burning from the fire -- you want more of the same??

Why are you spreading this false information about Iran -- Do you not understand that once Pakistan takes sides in a sectarian war that this conflict will spread to Pakistan?? Perhaps this is the calculation you and others who are spreading lies, are seeking.

Pakistan screwed herself by supporting Taliban who are essentially a salafist Pashtun outfit against other ethnicities and sects of Afghanistan, today it is Pakistan that is burning from the fire -- you want more of the same??

Forget discussing Taliban... if you are not clear about the concept.
TTP is a fake taliban and simple as that.

You telling me about the misinformation??? who himself, lead anti arab propaganda just before the armed rebilion in all arab states.
I was the only one telling..... 'careful' don't go with the flow, some thing is being cooked against arabs.

Iran is not only supplying weapons to rebels in arab states but also to rebels in Baluchistan and your beloved TTP as well.
If members remember, there was a leaked cable about indo-iran co-operation in terrorism of Baluchistan.
Every day gas pipe lines and electric towers are being blown in Baluchistan by the co.operation of Iran & Indian.

No one talk about Pakistan's/Baluchistan but have more love for the bloody Iran.

I can give you more examples from Iraq and their death squads... but i save my self from repeating the history.

Don't you see how indians react when we only speak about implementing UN resolutions.

What is wrong if Bahrain decide to hire guards to prevent foreign arms coming ot their state?

Don't give us about war.... we are already in war and if you don't realize it by now than ask the girl child who survived in Rawalpind westridge mosque.
She will tell you the level of hate... filled in the hearts of TTP bastards.... against Pakistan army and children of this nation.

I want to think that there is actually something other than hate, motivating you, but I cannot discern what it is -- some of the people who insist they are on Pakistan's side, take greater pleasure in being anti India, instead of being pro-Pakistan, they want to take the side of these Johnny come Lately Arabis disregarding the fact that Pakistan is the second largest Shi'ah Muslim nation in the world (and of course all events are CONSPIRACY ) ---- Do you even understand the implications of getting involved on the side of the Wahabi princes??? The conflict will not be limited to Bahrain, How do you think those awful indians will be thinking about UN resolution then?? What will be left of Pakistan?

Oh, yes, TTP, fake Taliban, etc; etc; -- please think, do you people never tire of your lies, just wake up.
Nuri Al-Maliki, Prime Minister of Iraq, with regard to the Wahabi intervention in Bahrain , has said that this intervention can lead to a regional sectarian war, respected Prime Minister of brother Turkiye has said that the Wahabi intervention will lead to events future generations will recall as the second Karbala -- now the prince Bandar has come to Pakistan to bind the leadsership of the Pakistan army, and through it the Pakistan army, in a genocidal sectarian war -- no effort should be spared to reject the Wahabi bribes - Pakistan must never act against the people in support of murderous, rapacious Wahabi kings, chalifs, princes or whatever.

Please be aware, do not allow yourself to be counted among those who did not raise their voice against the Wahabi bribes to the Pakistan army to kill Muslims.

Yes we should raise our voices over the Wahabi intervention in Bahrain, but on the contrary stay quiet over the shia regime which is the puppet of Iran Killing Sunnis in Syria. I have always believed in unity between the Shia and the Sunnis. But when I see many of you supporting the Iranians with out looking at the facts, then I am forced to change my mind as well. I mentioned it before and will say it again, this whole thing is not as transparent as most of you are taking it to be. Why did Hassan Nasrallah had to poke his nose in the matter. And what does many of you have to say about the involvement of Iranians in the whole issue.

I want to think that there is actually something other than hate, motivating you, but I cannot discern what it is -- some of the people who insist they are on Pakistan's side, take greater pleasure in being anti India, instead of being pro-Pakistan, they want to take the side of these Johnny come Lately Arabis disregarding the fact that Pakistan is the second largest Shi'ah Muslim nation in the world (and of course all events are CONSPIRACY ) ---- Do you even understand the implications of getting involved on the side of the Wahabi princes??? The conflict will not be limited to Bahrain, How do you think those awful indians will be thinking about UN resolution then?? What will be left of Pakistan?

Oh, yes, TTP, fake Taliban, etc; etc; -- please think, do you people never tire of your lies, just wake up.

All what you wrote apply to you.
I can bring more un-waranted anti arab posts from you and that to just before the armed rebilion, suggest a lot about you.
You can't bring a single post from me supporting any sect.

There is enough prof of indo-Iran-US nexus against Pakistan but if you want to keep your eyes close than have fun.

P.S.: I don't like getting personal.
So your beef is personal, you are not concerned about the thread but about me, is that right? OK, I can live with that and I will make myself accountable, you say I am anti-arab -- How do I plead? Not guilty. I tell the truth, something that upsets a good many people -- Wahabi, if you know anything about their history, are murderous in their zealotry, it's just the truth and that hurts those with a slave mentality - See Batman, we are Muslims, whereas we don't know what your Wahabi are, and we don't care so long as they do not propagate their hate filled ideas - but see, propagating their hate filled ideas is what the Wahabi are determined to do and in doing so they will countered - so you can claim "foul" you can claim "hate", reality is that your claims are hollow to anybody who has experience of the arbi and the Wahabi.

But please don't let me stand in the way of your ability to reason, to tell right from wrong - because preventing a genocidal sectarian war should be your prime concern, it is the prime concern of Muslims, you should partner with Muslims and not Wahabi princes, good for Pakistan, good for the world to see an end to the oppression at the hands of the Wahabi and freedom for the peoples who live in Arabia, surely you can agree with that.
one more news i listen today in bahrain so many more then 85 thousand pakistani and we dont know how much other countries sunni still hide in bahrain and bahrain king said to kill shia protestor but u may still see police and army still try to calm down this u see so many videos police fired first on ground and then on sky we first try to give them a signal but they also use weapons and some idk glass petrol bombs using on police snd then police use eye tear gass or smoke gernades also i swear i never soot any civilain and never use my weapon on then still trying to cool them down but i got a shoot on my hand and after the operation now me feel fine idk why they that but i think iran want a free oil from bahrain and iran using bahraini shia peoples and they are mads they dont know what they doing but now i m thinking i think what police do its true bcz protestors not left any choice for us may be its another thing but if we see when sunni have a goverment when shia havnt anny problam they have everything which goverment give to sunni people we give them everything to feel we are one and we are muslims brothers but what ever they doing smash everything killed muslims brothers why is they are muslims no they are animals and someone said when animal is gonna mad its better to try to treat them if u feel they are mad and when u see they try to kill peoples then its better for every one to kill these animals shia are mad and only one man make them mad who we dont know what he want bcz when shia is sunni same there is one thing may be now he want to be a king and want to enjoy his life and thats why he using shia peoples now its ur dision what is wrong and what is true but for me i never kill any one and they try to kill me
Don't really want to be in a position of telling you what to do - but do not have the blood of Muslims on your hand and do not allow your blood on theirs -- do remember that this is struggle between princes and Muslims and you are among the Muslims.

When you refer to "Wahabbi" interventions, which just a political balance ofpower game between Arabs and Iranians, you are infact becoming one of those who you denounce. Those who look at everything as a secretarian matter.

The GCC monarchies will do everything in their power to hold on and their enormous oil wealth will give them the ability to do so. Its a political power game and has nothing to do directly with an religious school of thought. So I don't understand why is their a need to bring that here.

I completely disagree with Saudi and UAE intervention in Bahrain and the unnecessary crackdown on peaceful protests. But Its a power struggle between the GCC monarchies and Iran in which Iran is not innocent either through its various proxies. I though you would be smart enough to see that and realise that "shia-sunni rivalry" is a convenient distraction by GCC as well as Iran to build up passions for their own political power games. And that only people ala Glen Beck would fall for that simple "shia-wahabbi" fighting each other explanation.

When you refer to "Wahabbi" interventions, which just a political balance ofpower game between Arabs and Iranians, you are infact becoming one of those who you denounce. Those who look at everything as a secretarian matter.

The GCC monarchies will do everything in their power to hold on and their enormous oil wealth will give them the ability to do so. Its a political power game and has nothing to do directly with an religious school of thought. So I don't understand why is their a need to bring that here.

I completely disagree with Saudi and UAE intervention in Bahrain and the unnecessary crackdown on peaceful protests. But Its a power struggle between the GCC monarchies and Iran in which Iran is not innocent either through its various proxies. I though you would be smart enough to see that and realise that "shia-sunni rivalry" is a convenient distraction by GCC as well as Iran to build up passions for their own political power games. And that only people ala Glen Beck would fall for that simple "shia-wahabbi" fighting each other explanation.

Agree with every thing that you had said, but also I would like to add to that is that there has been instances where the extreme elements mixed with the protesters and targeted people because they were Sunnis. Yesterday my cousin who is a Bahraini himself had told us about a Pakistani kid who was a muazin in a mosque got pocked up from outside the Masjid, and was brutally injured by the Shias who also cut off his tongue. So they need to look with in themselves at what they are doing, and taking dictations from Iran is not helping their case either.
Ejaz & Asian

When you refer to "Wahabbi" interventions, which just a political balance ofpower game between Arabs and Iranians, you are infact becoming one of those who you denounce. Those who look at everything as a secretarian matter.

OK, lets examine this criticism of the position --- Are these so called princes Wahabi? The answer is of course, yes, they are, so why is it not correct to refer to them as Wahabi princes? After all, they are Wahabi -- now I understand that some are uncomfortable with that Wahabi and sectarian blood lust are seen as fellow travelers, but surely that is for the Wahabi to correct, not for those who merely point out this relationship.

The GCC monarchies will do everything in their power to hold on and their enormous oil wealth will give them the ability to do so. Its a political power game and has nothing to do directly with an religious school of thought

You obfuscate, while it's absolutely correct that the Wahabi princes play power games, it's important to look at the content, the substance of those games, and clearly in their effort to project their sect and oppose the Iranian, reasonable observers, cannot but agree to the sectarian substance of this competition, for instance, Pakistanis are very well aware of this consequences of this "power game".

Look, Iranian Mullahs, Mad? OK, granted - but please don't tell non-truths, the reality is that this competition is about religious "truth" -- the primary consequences are dead Muslims and the promotion of violence in society.

Are Pakistanis being targeted? Of course they are, Why are Pakistanis being targeted? Because they are being seen, or projected as, the mercenaries of the Wahabi princes ---

And look you claim the Iranian are supporting this -- exactly what are they supporting? Basic civil liberties? And that is bad? And Pakistan and India and others should oppose this?? Because it promotes a better, more just and therefore a more Islamic society??

Keep your focus - Pakistanis are very sensitive to the "betrayal" line in foreign policy (it is the substance of their view of the US) - and to know have the Wahabi princes blackmail us emotionally and financially, to be their agent of oppression - well, I think we should think that over, especially for those wish to see each other as Muslims..
How should we see events in Bahrain and other places where this so called "spring" is occurring ??

For a related discussion, see:

The great debate | | DAWN.COM

DURING the mass movement against then president Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, concern was raised that radical and violent actors could try to exploit the situation in pursuit of their objectives. However, a smooth transition in Egypt has proven wrong apprehensions of violence by jihadist groups.

After the transition, it was claimed that Mubarak had crushed the jihadists in the 1990s and those that had remained were unable to mount a serious challenge. Some commentators have argued that mass movements are not the domain of jihadists. Many others have denied the presence of jihadist networks in Egypt. Further explanations have been given in this regard but a major element that has not really been factored in is the indepth debate that challenged the militant narrative in Egypt
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