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BAF jets, navy ships reportedly deployed near Myanmar border

Banglar Bir

Mar 19, 2006
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BAF jets, navy ships reportedly deployed near Myanmar border
Niloy Alam
Published at 02:13 PM September 02, 2017
Last updated at 02:14 PM September 02, 2017

Two MiG-29 aircraft of the Bangladesh Air Force bank during a maneuver Bangladesh Air Force

The deployment is a possible response to the border intrusions by Myanmar over the past few days
Various sources have reported that Bangladesh has deployed an air group and a navy group at Cox’s Bazar near the Myanmar border.

The deployment is a possible response to Myanmar armed forces crossing the border into Bangladesh on August 27, 28 and September 1. On Friday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a diplomatic note to the Myanmar embassy in Dhaka after helicopters crossed over into Bangladesh on three occasions throughout the day.

Sources claim the air group consists of four MiG-29s and possibly several F-7 jets. The navy group numbers seven to nine ships, including missile frigate BNS Bangabandhu – the most advanced ship in the Bangladesh Navy.

The Dhaka Tribune reached out to the Inter Services Public Relations Directorate on Sunday to inquire about the matter.

ISPR Chief Lt Col Rashedul Hasan denied any such military move. He claimed he did not know anything about navy ships being deployed, but confirmed a flight group near Cox’s Bazar.
Also Read- Bangladesh protests airspace violation by Myanmar helicopters
He said the flight group was on a routine air defence alert which the air force performs on every national holiday.

Another ISPR official, refusing to be named, confided that the air force and navy had been deployed in response to the border intrusions by Myanmar helicopters.

The official said the move is in no way provocative, but to establish alertness at the border to prevent the recent intrusions from recurring.

Myanmar armed forces have been involved in a fresh wave of conflict in the Rakhine state bordering Bangladesh. The conflict has seen hundreds die, even during attempts to flee to Bangladesh. Thousands have managed to escape to Bangladesh and are now living in destitute conditions as refugees while insurgent Rohingya forces have engaged Myanmar armed forces.
BAF jets, navy ships reportedly deployed near Myanmar border
Niloy Alam
Published at 02:13 PM September 02, 2017
Last updated at 02:14 PM September 02, 2017

Two MiG-29 aircraft of the Bangladesh Air Force bank during a maneuver Bangladesh Air Force

The deployment is a possible response to the border intrusions by Myanmar over the past few days
Various sources have reported that Bangladesh has deployed an air group and a navy group at Cox’s Bazar near the Myanmar border.

The deployment is a possible response to Myanmar armed forces crossing the border into Bangladesh on August 27, 28 and September 1. On Friday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a diplomatic note to the Myanmar embassy in Dhaka after helicopters crossed over into Bangladesh on three occasions throughout the day.

Sources claim the air group consists of four MiG-29s and possibly several F-7 jets. The navy group numbers seven to nine ships, including missile frigate BNS Bangabandhu – the most advanced ship in the Bangladesh Navy.

The Dhaka Tribune reached out to the Inter Services Public Relations Directorate on Sunday to inquire about the matter.

ISPR Chief Lt Col Rashedul Hasan denied any such military move. He claimed he did not know anything about navy ships being deployed, but confirmed a flight group near Cox’s Bazar.
Also Read- Bangladesh protests airspace violation by Myanmar helicopters
He said the flight group was on a routine air defence alert which the air force performs on every national holiday.

Another ISPR official, refusing to be named, confided that the air force and navy had been deployed in response to the border intrusions by Myanmar helicopters.

The official said the move is in no way provocative, but to establish alertness at the border to prevent the recent intrusions from recurring.

Myanmar armed forces have been involved in a fresh wave of conflict in the Rakhine state bordering Bangladesh. The conflict has seen hundreds die, even during attempts to flee to Bangladesh. Thousands have managed to escape to Bangladesh and are now living in destitute conditions as refugees while insurgent Rohingya forces have engaged Myanmar armed forces.
**** em up this time for good. They can **** with unarmed groups like rohyngas without the world batting an eye but not us.
Bangladesh should've done this much earlier.....

and this should be followed by some joint military exercises with Malaysia, Indonesia, China and possibly Turkey and Pakistan.....

some new and substantial defence acquisitions are also necessitated by the erratic behaviour of Myanmar.....
Bangladesh should've done this much earlier.....

and this should be followed by some joint military exercises with Malaysia, Indonesia, China and possibly Turkey and Pakistan.....

some new and substantial defence acquisitions are also necessitated by the erratic behaviour of Myanmar.....

Once those 12 SU-30SMEs arrive and the 8
Mig-29 are upgraded, BD military will be ready to
deal with Myanmar.
Once those 12 SU-30SMEs arrive and the 8
Mig-29 are upgraded, BD military will be ready to
deal with Myanmar.

I think current existing fleet is more than enough for Myanmar but Bangladesh needs to upgrade as well.very good decision to deploy migs towards border region.
I think current existing fleet is more than enough for Myanmar but Bangladesh needs to upgrade as well.very good decision to deploy migs towards border region.

Myanmar has 31 Mig-29 compared to 8 for BD.
BD has 16 F7-BGI and 16 Yak-130 as well that are
good at WVR but it needs those SU-30SMEs to
guarantee air superiority.

No offence to Pakistan but Myanmar has made a
big error in buying JF-17 as they will be target practice for the BAF Sukhois.
Bangladesh should've done this much earlier.....

and this should be followed by some joint military exercises with Malaysia, Indonesia, China and possibly Turkey and Pakistan.....

some new and substantial defence acquisitions are also necessitated by the erratic behaviour of Myanmar.....
I agree. Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia and Pakistan should be invited for joint military exercises in Bay of Bengal and kept alert so in case of any foul play by Myanmar

Myanmar has 31 Mig-29 compared to 8 for BD.
BD has 16 F7-BGI and 16 Yak-130 as well that are
good at WVR but it needs those SU-30SMEs to
guarantee air superiority.

No offence to Pakistan but Myanmar has made a
big error in buying JF-17 as they will be target practice for the BAF Sukhois.
They'll surely come to play with their new toys. We should keep our SAMs and a squadron deployed there.
They'll surely come to play with their new toys. We should keep our SAMs and a squadron deployed there.

Cox's Bazaar Airport is being upgraded.... but more expansions are required.... some permanent squadrons need to be based there in order to act as a deterrent against any unwanted behaviour by the Myanmar military.... for that to happen, we require more units in the BAF.... at least another 5-6 squadrons of fighters are required on an emergency basis....
Myanmar has 31 Mig-29 compared to 8 for BD.
BD has 16 F7-BGI and 16 Yak-130 as well that are
good at WVR but it needs those SU-30SMEs to
guarantee air superiority.

No offence to Pakistan but Myanmar has made a
big error in buying JF-17 as they will be target practice for the BAF Sukhois.

I understand your point.jf is in the process of upgrading.after Aesa radar,it might become more dangerous and if you like new jf model,you can buy it.we will provide you every weapon if you need it.
i hope now no fight will occur between bd and myanmar
8 migs vs 31 migs
fm-90 vs s-125,kub,hq-12
not a good situation for us
Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB
36 mins ·
কথাগুলো সত্য হলেও অপ্রিয়

আমরা আজ সকালে যখন মিয়ানমার সীমান্তে যুদ্ধবিমান এবং যুদ্ধজাহাজ মোতায়ন নিয়ে পোস্ট দিয়েছিলাম।

কিন্তু সত্য হলো আপনারা সবাই বলছেন ভুয়া নিউজ,আমরা যখন একটা সোর্সের কথাও উল্লেখ করলাম সেটাও ভুয়া বললেন,ছবি দিলাম সেটাও ভুয়া বললেন......এমনকি সামরিক বাহিনীর অনেকেও আসল ঘটনা জানার পরেও আমাদের পেইজকে ভুয়া বলে নিজেদের গা বাঁচানোর চেষ্টা করছেন

একটু আগের পোস্টে আমাদের অনেকে খারাপ খারাপ কথা বলছেন,পেইজ নিয়ে কথা বলছেন। সমস্যা নাই......বলে যান।

আমাদের পোস্টটা ডিলেট করার মুল কারন কয়েকজন উর্ধতন অফিসার আমাদের পোস্ট ডিলেট করতে বলেছেন,বলেছেন এটা কনফিডেন্সিয়াল নিউজ এবং এটা নিরাপত্তা পরিপন্থী। তাদের উপরে তো আমরা কথা বলতে পারি না।

যাই হোক.....আপনারা আমাদের পেইজকে কিভাবে judge করবেন সেটা আপনাদের ব্যাপার।

আমাদের পেইজ নতুন কোন পেইজ না,২০১৫ সাল থেকে আছে।যদিও তখন অত এক্টিভ ছিলো না।আমরা সব সময় যেকোন ডিফেন্স আপডেট আগে দিতাম এবং এখনো দেই।আপডেট গুলোর সত্যতা কতটুকু হয়তো আপনারা বর্তমানের সাথে মিলিয়ে দেখতে পারেন বা ভবিষ্যতের জন্য অপেক্ষা করতে পারেন।

তবে আমি এখনো জোর গলায় বলবো "আমার দেয়া নিউজ সঠিক ছিলো"......এখনো বিশ্বাস হচ্ছে না???

ISPR যখন ব্রিফ করবে আশা করি এর সত্যতা পাবেন।

অনেকেই ইনবক্সে খারাপ ব্যবহার করেছেন,অকথ্য ভাষা ব্যবহার করেছেন।আমরা আপনাদের কিছুই বলি নি,বলবোও না।

Just wait for ISPR briefing.... Then you guy's will be able to know who was right or wrong

Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB
36 mins ·
কথাগুলো সত্য হলেও অপ্রিয়

আমরা আজ সকালে যখন মিয়ানমার সীমান্তে যুদ্ধবিমান এবং যুদ্ধজাহাজ মোতায়ন নিয়ে পোস্ট দিয়েছিলাম।

কিন্তু সত্য হলো আপনারা সবাই বলছেন ভুয়া নিউজ,আমরা যখন একটা সোর্সের কথাও উল্লেখ করলাম সেটাও ভুয়া বললেন,ছবি দিলাম সেটাও ভুয়া বললেন......এমনকি সামরিক বাহিনীর অনেকেও আসল ঘটনা জানার পরেও আমাদের পেইজকে ভুয়া বলে নিজেদের গা বাঁচানোর চেষ্টা করছেন

একটু আগের পোস্টে আমাদের অনেকে খারাপ খারাপ কথা বলছেন,পেইজ নিয়ে কথা বলছেন। সমস্যা নাই......বলে যান।

আমাদের পোস্টটা ডিলেট করার মুল কারন কয়েকজন উর্ধতন অফিসার আমাদের পোস্ট ডিলেট করতে বলেছেন,বলেছেন এটা কনফিডেন্সিয়াল নিউজ এবং এটা নিরাপত্তা পরিপন্থী। তাদের উপরে তো আমরা কথা বলতে পারি না।

যাই হোক.....আপনারা আমাদের পেইজকে কিভাবে judge করবেন সেটা আপনাদের ব্যাপার।

আমাদের পেইজ নতুন কোন পেইজ না,২০১৫ সাল থেকে আছে।যদিও তখন অত এক্টিভ ছিলো না।আমরা সব সময় যেকোন ডিফেন্স আপডেট আগে দিতাম এবং এখনো দেই।আপডেট গুলোর সত্যতা কতটুকু হয়তো আপনারা বর্তমানের সাথে মিলিয়ে দেখতে পারেন বা ভবিষ্যতের জন্য অপেক্ষা করতে পারেন।

তবে আমি এখনো জোর গলায় বলবো "আমার দেয়া নিউজ সঠিক ছিলো"......এখনো বিশ্বাস হচ্ছে না???

ISPR যখন ব্রিফ করবে আশা করি এর সত্যতা পাবেন।

অনেকেই ইনবক্সে খারাপ ব্যবহার করেছেন,অকথ্য ভাষা ব্যবহার করেছেন।আমরা আপনাদের কিছুই বলি নি,বলবোও না।

Just wait for ISPR briefing.... Then you guy's will be able to know who was right or wrong

Can you translate it into English?
ISPR Chief Lt Col Rashedul Hasan denied any such military move. He claimed he did not know anything about navy ships being deployed, but confirmed a flight group near Cox’s Bazar.

Why it is a news? Cox's Bazaar is a forward BAF base. So, there should be many jet planes stationed there. The news only proved our that our forces are talk only without much teeth comparing to Myanmar though our PDF fanatic warriors talk of engaging with Indian forces.
While i believe in emphasis on non-military spending for Bangaldesh, these events have shown the need to have a capable armed forces.

Otherwise Bangladesh may some day be found with its pants down.

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