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BAE gets £859m boost for Navy's new Type 26 frigates


Jan 18, 2009
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BAE Systems has agreed an £859m contract with the Government that pushes forward the development of a new class of warship for the Royal Navy.

The company has signed a demonstration contract that will provide funding to begin ordering major parts for the new Type 26 Global Combat ships.

Under the deal, which moves the programme from development towards the early stages of manufacturing, BAE will begin investing in systems for the first three vessels in the class, which require long lead times to build, such as gas turbines engines, diesel generators and steering gear. It will also begin work on on shore testing facilities for the ships.

The Type 26s are intended to be built as one for one replacements for the Navy’s current Type 23 frigates, meaning that 13 of the new ships could be brought into service, where they will make up the core of the fleet.
BAE gets £859m boost for Navy's new Type 26 frigates - Telegraph
BAE will build the new ships at its Glasgow shipyards, and the contract will support 600 jobs there as well as a further 1,000 positions throughout the UK within the defence company itself and its supply chain.

Ian King, BAE chief executive, said: “We have a long and proud heritage of delivering complex warships in the UK and this announcement is a significant endorsement of the Government’s commitment to sustain this important national capability.

“Through the Type 26 programme, we are transforming the way we design and manufacture naval ships with innovative new technologies, leading-edge processes and modern infrastructure.

“New ways of working ensure we can continue to deliver the highest quality equipment at the lowest possible cost and compete effectively for future UK and international orders.”

The Type 26 programme will sustain the UK's sovereign abililty to design and build warships for the next 20 years, and follows on from theGovernment's £348m order for three offshore patrol vessels last year, which are being built by BAE.

Prime Minister David Cameron said: “This is a substantial investment in our shipbuilding industry. Investing in these warships will ensure we continue to keep our country safe, at home and abroad.

An official final decision on the Government’s investment in the Type 26s is expected later this year, but defence analyst Howard Wheeldon of Wheeldon Strategic Advisory said the announcement signals thinking around the programme’s future.

“The message from this is commitment,” he said. “If they left this contract until the ‘main gate’ decision later this year it would be impossible to meet the delivery schedules.”

Despite pressure on military spending, he said he was hopeful that the full 13 vessels would be built.

“They were intended as one for one replacements and the Navy is fighting very hard for that,” Mr Wheeldon said. “It is a very good and affordable design.”

Under current plans, the first steel for the Type 26s would be cut in next year, with the first ship in the class going into service with the Navy in 2020. The ships are expected to have service lives of 40 years.

The announcement comes a day after BAE delivered its annual results, in which the company hinted that the years of austerity which have squeezed defence budgets could be coming to an end.
Britain’s Future Frigates: Type 26 Global Combat Ships
Dec 13, 2014 13:59 UTC by Defense Industry Daily staff

Latest update [?]
Dec 1/14: Industrial. In the run-up to the September referendum on Scottish independence, then defence secretary Philip Hammond had made clear that UK naval ships were made in the Union, meaning that an independent Scotland couldn’t build future ships such as T26 frigates. Now that the Scots have voted to remain within the UK, Michael Fallon defence secretary confirms that Type 26 frigates will... {click to expand +}

In the late 2000s Britain slated to replace its existing fleet of Type 22 Broadsword Class and Type 23 Duke Class frigates with 2 new ship classes under a program known then as “Future Surface Combatant” (FSC). By the 2010 Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR), the FSC’s C1 (T26) and C2 (type 27) tentative variants were merged into a single Type 26 Global Combat Ship (GCS) class.

Outside attention often focuses on big-ticket ships like aircraft carriers, submarines, and advanced destroyers – but the frigate is the real backbone of most modern navies.

Lord Nelson loved his HMS Victory
and her fellow first-rate ships of the line, but he asked the admiralty for more cruisers
because he knew their versatile value as the “eyes of the fleet.” Modern multi-role frigates that can engage threats on the water, under water, and in the air fill that same role today, protecting other navy ships or undertaking independent action away from their task group.

The Type 26 GCS will have to fill that niche – but first, its requirements and design must be defined.

received modern refits to keep them going a bit longer. All remain outclassed by more modern designs. Another 10 frigates of these types have been sold abroad to Brazil, Chile, and Romania, and 3 Type 22s have been deliberately scrapped or sunk. The 2010 SDSR decided that the rest of the Type 22s will join their fellows abroad, or in the scrapyard, leaving just the Type 23 Duke Class. Fortunately, the Type 23s have been doing a lot of sailing in less strenuous environments than the treacherous North Atlantic seas they were designed for. That has helped them to last longer, but no ship lasts forever, and replacements are needed.
Type 26, 2013
click for video
Key Type 26 design criteria include multi-role versatility, flexibility in adapting to future needs, affordability in both construction and through-life support costs, and exportability. In reality, these requirements represent a set of key trade-offs. Some can be complementary, such as cost and exportability. Other pairings usually come at each other’s expense, such as the desire for high-end multi-role capability within a small ship footprint, versus the desire to keep initial purchase costs low.

The current Assessment Phase was designed to make many of these trade-offs, and the program was timed so it can take the 2010 Strategic Defence Review into account. Initial reports indicate an imagined cost of about GBP 400 million per ship, but the Royal Navy is no better than the American Navy at shipbuilding cost estimates.

The first ships of the Type 26 class are due to enter service in the early 2020s, and Britain envisions at least 12-13 of them. The current Type 26 plan involves 5 basic frigates, and another 8 ships with additional anti-submarine warfare equipment.

By the 2030s, around half of front line Royal Navy personnel are expected to operate on Type 26 frigates.
T26 concept, 2012
(click to view full)
At present, there is no full detail design, and hence no defined equipment set for the Type 26. BAE’s original working baseline reportedly involved a 141m, 6,850t ship, but reductions in target cost led them to publish figures of 148m but just 5,400t. The crew would be just 118, with room for 72 embarked troops.

The ship will use a CODOG (Combined Diesel Electric or Gas Turbine) propulsion system, with a 36MW MT30 turbine from design partner Rolls-Royce, unspecified MTU diesel generator sets, and a gear box via David Brown Gear Systems Ltd. GE will be the overall integrator for the diesel-electric system. Current plans state a top ship speed of 28+ knots, with 60 days endurance and a range of 7,000 miles/ 11,000 km) at normal steaming speed of 15 knots/ 28 kmh.
MK45 Mod 4
Armament will include a 127mm gun, where according to Jane’s BAE’s Mk 45 Mod 4 has an edge over Oto Melara for the Maritime Indirect Fire System requirement. The new MBDA/Thales CAMM (Common Anti-air Modular Missile) will replace the current Seawolf system for short range air defense. CAMM/FLAADS-M benefits from carrying an active radar seeker, reducing the need to rely on a ship’s own radar illumination for targeting during saturation attacks. The Ministry of Defence has also reiterated that the ship would have a mission bay for “unmanned air, surface and underwater vehicles, or additional boats.”

Little is certain beyond that. The big outstanding questions involve radars, the combat system, and secondary weapons.

T26 mission bay, 2012
(click to view full)
Radars. Based on the drawings of the May 2012 design, the long-range volume search radar atop the integrated mast would be a Type 997 Artisan system, which is also slated to equip Britain’s future carriers and upgraded Type 23 frigates. The drawings also show the compact antenna faceplates of an active array radar mounted around the integrated ship’s mast, however, similar to Australia’s CEAFAR/ CEAMOUNT solution. At the very top end, a dedicated air defense variant of the ship could use the SMART-L derived S1850M radar that equips British Type 45 destroyers.

VLS. The May 2012 design’s 48 illustrated vertical launch missile silos combine 24 larger Mk.41 or Sylver cells and 24 shorter cells. The VLS systems do come in different lengths, and the smaller cells would probably be slated for the short-range CAMM air defense missile. By October 2014 it appeared Mk.41 was the UK’s choice.

Combat system. The use of CAMM means that at least some aspects of the PAAMS combat system will find their way onto the ship, but that area is still very unclear. What is clear, is that the ships will lack America’s Cooperative Engagement Capability, which allows participating ships to see, track, and even fire on targets illuminated by any other CEC-equipped ship or plane. CEC makes a big difference to roles like wide-area air defense, and to ship’s potential for use in anti-ballistic missile networks. Its presence would have pushed the Type 26 toward a positioning as a high end frigate, especially in conjunction with a very long-range radar like the S1850M. Instead, the Type 26 looks set to become a versatile mid-budget “value play” within the global export market.

Secondary Weapons. The displayed layout shows a last-ditch CIWS gatling gun, and its positioning would allow Thales’ through-deck 30mm Goalkeeper. On the other hand, Britain has now used Raytheon’s smaller, bolt-on 20mm Phalanx system on its Type 45 destroyers, so either choice would just expand existing buys. The Goalkeeper has more stopping power, but the Admiralty could decide that Phalanx’s expandability makes it the more desirable option. The ability to convert a MK15 Phalanx mount into an 11-missile “MK15, MOD31″ SeaRAM launcher, or some kind of future “laser Phalanx,” is something Goalkeeper doesn’t have.

Helicopters. Merlin helos will provide maritime force protection and anti-submarine warfare capabilities, while AW159 Lynx Wildcats HMAs (Helicopter Maritime Attack) will play a variety of attack and utility roles. The Wildcats will share Stingray torpedoes and Mk11 depth charges with the Merlins, and they will also sportMartlet (light) and Sea Venom (heavy) missiles.

Industrial Team
BAE Systems has made 10 selections so far, and expects another 19-20 agreements in 2014, before the production contract is signed. Official selections so far include:

Targeting Exports
F124 fires SM-2
(click to view full)
Britain intends to develop its frigates with an eye to export orders, in hopes of to spreading development costs over more vessels, getting more benefit from the manufacturing learning curve, reducing costs per ship thanks to volume orders, and sustaining the UK’s naval shipbuilding industry.

Rumored design options for export customers include a choice of gas turbine engines for maximum speed, or a slower but more efficient all-diesel design; as well as optional ship equipment fit-outs focused on either anti-submarine warfare (ASW) or air defense.

So far, countries that have been reported as expressing some level of interest have included Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, and Turkey.
DSEi report
Talks do not a deal make, however, and Britain will have a formidable set of established competitors to contend with.

While the Americans have more or less abandoned this field, the Franco-Italian FREMM program offers a fully modern design, using the same MBDA PAAMS air defense missiles and DCNS SYLVER vertical launch systems as Britain’s Type 45 air-defense destroyers. Meanwhile, variants of France’s Lafayette Class stealth frigate design remain popular around the world.

The German-Dutch F124 air defense frigates offer stealth and advanced air defense via active array radars, while using the ubiquitous American Mk.41 vertical launch system for their missiles. Lower down the scale, ThyssenKrupp Marine’s globally popularMEKO Class family of ships provides a budget alternative. So does Damen Schelde’s modular Sigma Class , which can be built as anything from an Offshore Patrol Vessel to a full-size frigate.

Beyond the standard competitors, and countries like Russia with their own separate set of naval clients, China has recently begunexporting frigates in Asia. They will soon be joined by South Korea’s very capable naval shipbuilding industry, which has demonstrated success in fielding modern domestic warships, and has a very strong commercial shipbuilding base to draw from.
The Design speak for itself .. very nice ... and looks extremely advance .
With 24 cells that carry 120km range Aster 30 SAM and 24 cells for 24 25km range CAAM SAMs, it will have formidable air-defence capability.

6 Type-45 destroyers, 13 Type-26 frigates, 2 Queen Elizabeth carriers and 7 Astute class SSN will ensure that the Royal Navy is around the 3rd(joint with Russia) strongest Navy in a decade's time.
No doubt, they'll be among the best.

Obviously bro. We don't build much like before. But what we do build is top class, sometimes even better than those of the U.S. Thats the U.K for you. :)

With 24 cells that carry 120km range Aster 30 SAM and 24 cells for 24 25km range CAAM SAMs, it will have formidable air-defence capability.

6 Type-45 destroyers, 13 Type-26 frigates, 2 Queen Elizabeth carriers and 7 Astute class SSN will ensure that the Royal Navy is around the 3rd(joint with Russia) strongest Navy in a decade's time.
With 24 cells that carry 120km range Aster 30 SAM and 24 cells for 24 25km range CAAM SAMs, it will have formidable air-defence capability.

6 Type-45 destroyers, 13 Type-26 frigates, 2 Queen Elizabeth carriers and 7 Astute class SSN will ensure that the Royal Navy is around the 3rd(joint with Russia) strongest Navy in a decade's time.

Firstly the T26 will not be fitted with Aster 30, it has been confirmed that it will be fitted with 24 Mk41 strike length silo's.The missiles themselves have yet to be decided upon, but could be Tomahawk,LRASM,Kongsberg NSM, etc.or a mixture of these, At the moment we just don't know.
It will also be equipped with 48 CAMM cells, that is 24 cells in front of the strike length silos forward, and a further 24 aft of the funnel.
Firstly the T26 will not be fitted with Aster 30, it has been confirmed that it will be fitted with 24 Mk41 strike length silo's.The missiles themselves have yet to be decided upon, but could be Tomahawk,LRASM,Kongsberg NSM, etc.or a mixture of these, At the moment we just don't know.
It will also be equipped with 48 CAMM cells, that is 24 cells in front of the strike length silos forward, and a further 24 aft of the funnel.

OK. My information was incorrect it seems

I suppose the Mk41 cells can utilised for long range SAMs such as the US SM-series if there ever was a need for a very power air defence capability on the Type-26 - its radar has a range of 200km and so the longer range missiles can be utilised to the full.

Do you know what the maximum number of simultaneous engagements the Artisan radar is capable of? I have read that the Sampson radar on the Type-45 destroyer is capable of 16 simultaneous engagements at the same time.
I think PN has a great chance to get all the remaining 13 Firgates from UK and other 3 from Chile.
OK. My information was incorrect it seems

I suppose the Mk41 cells can utilised for long range SAMs such as the US SM-series if there ever was a need for a very power air defence capability on the Type-26 - its radar has a range of 200km and so the longer range missiles can be utilised to the full.

Do you know what the maximum number of simultaneous engagements the Artisan radar is capable of? I have read that the Sampson radar on the Type-45 destroyer is capable of 16 simultaneous engagements at the same time.

Yes the idea of opting for the MK41 cells as opposed to the Sylver cells currently in use in the RN, is that they give users far more options as to what weapons they choose to put in them
In the case of the RN though,they will be use for land attack and/or anti ship missiles though obviously this could change in the future. As the T26 in it's RN role will be mainly an ASW asset and not an AWD ship the sea ceptor missile will be it's main defensive armament.

In regard to the capability of the Artisan radar in particular, I can find no info on the question you ask, and quite frankly I did not expect to do so.It's range and number of targets that it can track range wildly according to whom you read, most of which seem to be educated speculation
When and if the official statistics are released publicly, I still would not take them as completely accurate, as the RN has a habit of giving figures well below the actual capabilities of their systems. I'm sure others do the same.

I have tried to post a link from official sources, but as a newcomer to the forum I am unable to do so,sorry.
I think PN has a great chance to get all the remaining 13 Firgates from UK and other 3 from Chile.

I wouldn't think you have any chance of getting the T23, and in any case why would you want them.You are closely allied with China as far as equipment is concerned and they can provide you with much cheaper products than we can.
I am not saying better,just cheaper.

The problem for any foreign would be purchaser of T23 is two fold. Firstly these ships have been worked very hard and need some expensive upgrading. When Chile bought their's they got a very good deal, a lot to do with politics at the time.

Secondly, the UK is from 2016 starting to upgrade the T23 to remain in service until the first T26 enters the fleet in 2020 or there abouts.The major change will be the replacement of the Seawolf system with Sea Ceptor (CAMMS) and it's associated systems. In which case the the T23 will be remaining in RN service for some time yet.
I wouldn't think you have any chance of getting the T23, and in any case why would you want them.You are closely allied with China as far as equipment is concerned and they can provide you with much cheaper products than we can.
I am not saying better,just cheaper.

The problem for any foreign would be purchaser of T23 is two fold. Firstly these ships have been worked very hard and need some expensive upgrading. When Chile bought their's they got a very good deal, a lot to do with politics at the time.

Secondly, the UK is from 2016 starting to upgrade the T23 to remain in service until the first T26 enters the fleet in 2020 or there abouts.The major change will be the replacement of the Seawolf system with Sea Ceptor (CAMMS) and it's associated systems. In which case the the T23 will be remaining in RN service for some time yet.
But I think if Chile makes up a deal for the remaining 30 then UK might push ahead to procure T26 much earlier.
But I think if Chile makes up a deal for the remaining 30 then UK might push ahead to procure T26 much earlier.

It would be nice if we 30 T23's but in fact we only have 13. As I said we are begining to update them from 2016, to be able to carry on until first T26 ready for sea hopefully in 2020. So we won't be getting rid of any of them in the foreseeable future.
Chile would be better off running it's current T23's for longer, and then eventually buy a couple of T26. The beauty of that is they would be able to have them designed to suit their own particular needs.

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