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Bad conditions for Muslims in India

You guys can rant as much as you want about minorities in India being unhappy. End of the day India is secular and a democracy and will always remain that way.

Please enjoy your last day as Pakistan, cause the news in the western media is that Pakistan will be divided into different parts.
Then i guess you will be joining your cousins for a party.

http://z.about.com/d/goindia/1/0/Z/K/-/-/73081438.jpg<<<< LINK.
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How did Gujarat danga start? How many Hindus died before the it really started? None of Pakistanis debating even mention about as if some lives are more important than other.

Please post some videos, where the culprits are admitting to it as shown above.
Some mention unfortunate killing during partition but only side is mentioned as if the trains coming to India were any different.

You didn't spare your leader, imagine what they did to the public, obviously we were going to retaliate, not going to stand there while hindus and Sikhs were killing people.
They show Israeli torture, but completely ignore and not even condemn what Hamas does to Israel. This one way talk suits them well. Probably, that is why we see in Pakistan what is left is
* Army - which is itching to get into power.
* Mullah - who ready to get teenagers to go and bomb in Pakistan and abroad.
* Conspiracy theories - everything is RAW-Mossad-CIA, eventhough most of them know Taliban was created and supported by ISI.

Go look at the map of Israel after it formed and a map now.

From 10% of non-Muslim population in West-Pakistan at the time of partition to under 1% non-Muslim. Where did they all disappear?

In relentless attitude, now even kids born in UK and US who have Pakistani origin are becoming nightmares. Wake up dude and see what you guys turning Pakistan into! If goes on, there might no Pakistan government, only Taliban of AfPak!

Yes wake up:lazy:, stop dreaming Pakistan will not fall.

Some even come up with the claim that it is State's plan. Well one party debates with numbers and stats and other debate with fiction, emotional videos and "proof" they have but cannot show!

you want proof look at videos posted above, people are admitting for the crimes they did.
Yes ...an average Pakistani has much better life....he stays in house... indoors most of the time ...because moving out in the streets is dangerous...you never know who is going to blow himself in the name of jihad and take him along with him. Indians live on roads(according to you).....ad they re not scared of losing their lives to Moronic Jehadis..... so who's got better life.... decide for yourself.

sorry, That was a cheap shot....but you asked for it.

lolz...ur burrning. :flame:

Look we still move outside, and have much batter living standard then Indians....... even India and other nations are involved in terrorism in Pakistan.
lolz...ur burrning. :flame:

Look we still move outside, and have much batter living standard then Indians....... even India and other nations are involved in terrorism in Pakistan.

Says who...... your Political class...or your Mullas.....aur a maulvi ji @madarsa.....
At least in India Muslims are not blown apart each year on the day of Ashura like they are in a nation supposedly created as a homeland for Muslims in the subcontinent, and prides in calling itself "the Islamic Republic of Pakistan".

Luke 6:41 "Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?"
guys wy are we fighting over this with some other country people

condition of muslims in india has nothing to do with other country people its an problem of indian people
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Indian muslims once adored pakistan,now they're having second thoughts about a country created due to religious believes.u'll find lots of muslim girls getting educated and the the segregation is narrowing.No mullas or jehadis can stop them getting good education in INDIA !!!
I thinl it's a mis-conception from Pakistani people , I don't really blame them for it.

In the past I have come across several Pak forums which have a popular opinion that all Hindus are veggies , never eat pork , don't drink , hate muslims , are great believers in the caste system , etc etc.

I'm not really sure how these assumptions have come about but a likely source is possibly the lack of acess to India or Indian Media and the fact that there is an attempt to find the true Identity of Pak by dubbing India as a Hindu state and thereby a Hindu V/s Muslim divide gives Pak it's true sense of belonging.

Anyhow , back to the topic. I'm sure Indians too have many mis-conceptions about Pakistan and there is only one way to eliminate those, that is by people to people contact.

Therefore , I'd like to extend an invitation to anyone from Pak to come visit Delhi, especially Jana as she claims to be a Journo and always comes across as a champion of the Muslim cause of India.

Once you come over , you're most welcome to visit Chandani Chowk ( a mixed community living ) , talk to my boss Mr. Zulfikar Ali Khan who leads a huge company caller Kline in gurgaon or to my Plumber Ashraf. Ask them what kind of discrimination they have faced , wether they have been marginalized or not , do hindus avoid conversation with them or mis-treat them.

As regard the Bad condition of Muslims over here , it's more of an individual failure than an institutional one. If a kid is born into a Muslim family , he will never be refused admission to a decent school based on religion , ditto for a collage , a top B-school ( a la IIM's , ISB) , companies won't discriminate against him due to his religion when it comes to placements. All the framework is there for him/her to make as good a living as anyone else.

Mass poverty has it's roots in 40 years of Stupid Nehruvian policies , we decided to change course in 1991 and it will take another 40 year of those policies to consolidate those who have been left behind , we're only half way through to that path.

Don't quote me reports , come and see the reality. Being a internet junkie can cause a lot of mis-conceptions too. Articles on the net would suggest that Muslims in US and China are marginalized too but I'm sure thats not the case.
Indian muslims once adored pakistan,now they're having second thoughts about a country created due to religious believes.u'll find lots of muslim girls getting educated and the the segregation is narrowing.No mullas or jehadis can stop them getting good education in INDIA !!!

Classic case of uninformed opinion

Hardly any of the muslims who stayed back adored Pakistan. The "mullas" were mostly AGAINST creation of Pakistan. Those who wanted Pakistan went to Pakistan. Gender literacy difference between muslims is actually less than national average or even hindus as well as shown by the Sachar report, so no one including "mullas" are against girls getting education. Infact, many of these people are in the for front of setting up schools were the government has so far failed to provide access to high school education.
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This must be 100th thread on the same subject?

I am not even going to argue anymore on muslims in India and blah blah unless it brings something new to discussion.

I feel conditions of other people including Hindus are no better. In a secular country we should not differentiate between people based on religion, however if there are pockets of areas which needs attention it should be given. I am not against giving reservation for Muslims (I know lot of people will bash me for this). IMO India Muslims are the best Muslims of the world and I am not saying this without a reason. I also suggest Muslims in India should focus on joining military and police force, you can only change the system by getting into it, some of the complains will automatically rectify.
Yes the Condition of the Muslims is so bad that nearly 1/3 of the Presidents in India have been Muslims ; that too in a country where only 9/10 is actually a Hindu Population !

How many Hindu Present/Prime ministers did Pakistan Have ?

It cannot be denied that Social and Economic situation is poor in India and it needs improvement but it applies to Hindus and Muslims Both.
to the indians: we can keep on arguing that porverty in india is not the sole property of muslims alone ...and that other too share it coz porverty has no religion if it had then pakistan with its largest muslim population would have been the richest nation on earth(considering their argument that the muslims of india are alone poor) ......but you cant expect the people of pakistan to understand that statement because

The reason for formation for pakistan was religeous-they thought that they will not be tolerated/will be oppresed in a majority hindu india.....so if they accept the fact that the indians are secular barring a few lunatics then the reason why pakistan was created would become a folly!!!!! ....they keep them selves happy by asserting "poor indian muslims"at every chance that they get ,so that they know that pakistan was created for a reason.......

the people of pakistan are happy that they got seperated from india in 1947.......but no one on this side is sad too....we indians(present) are happy that pakistan had been created ......

to the pakistani's: if you guys are hell bent on proving that indians are oppresing the muslims by keeping them poor......ok say that is true(according to your arguements )....,now there are poor muslims in your country too who are being oppressed by your rich.........so you guys comment on indian muslims just because -it is ok if a muslim is oppressed by another muslim but its not ok for a muslim to be oppressed by a man of different faith? dont you think that this by itself is a folly!!!!!!!!

then then there are other threads here with comment on the porverty of indians as a whole(make up your minds whether all indians are poor or only the mulims are poor since you guys always come up segregating indians on religeous grounds) for which indians have time and time accepted that india is a poor nation that is raising...we know our porverty)........we are growing ......the world can see that ....we will take care of our porverty........but the question is have you stepped out of your house to see the condition of the your country before commenting on your neigbouring country....

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