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Babri Masjid case- Indian Supreme Court unanimously strikes down Muslim's petition

I hope RSS does the same for Taj Mahal and tens of thousands of other mosques and places of worship in RSS land. All of it must be donated for a charitable cause i.e. Hindu temples LOL

As for Indian Muslims, keep blaming Pakistan LOL
Whatever Indian Muslims think or do, it's none of our concern. Our focus should be on how to cash this situation to build perception. We have a huge opportunity in front of us. Kartarpur vs Babri Masjid
Just convert it to a Hindu temple and be done with it

LOL easy nigga. Why so fast? You think this is it? This is only the beginning. There are thousands of places of worship that need to be demolished and transformed into Hindu temples.

There are millions of Muslims that need to be raped, lynched and converted to Sita and Ram. This journey just merely began.
The fact is Ayodhya has always been a holy place for Hindus. How would Muslims feel if Hindus want to build a temple in Mecca?

Honestly, some people are making a mountain out of a molehill. This ruling sounds like simple common sense to me.

That's not the problem. It's fine if it is holy to u...a mosque is a mosque and there's no shortage of them. One can be built right next to that temple and it will be fine(as in it will serve the purpose as a place of worship) without inconveniencing ppl.

The issue is the mob taking the law into its own hands...destroying the mosque and killing ppl.

If the Supreme Court's decision based on archaeological evidence was to remove the mosque and rebuild a mandir in its place and then the official authorities proceeded to carry it out...that is fine
...that is how things are done by law in a "democracy".

If however "might is right"...and Hindu mobs can demolish a mosque, kill ppl and get away with it...that is no different than what u guys accuse Babur(or whoever Muslim ruler is accused of it) of demolishing the Hindu temple and building a mosque in its place.

The key difference is that Babur or whoever...was a monarch...he didn't claim to be a "secular democracy".
Hindus are in majority in India , and they have full right to claim whatever pleases them. They said their was a mundir, sure there was.
But hey Muslims, whenever you come to power, well I don't have to tell you what you will be allowed to do.
And yes, all mundirs in Pakistan were built on the top of masjids...

Islam is not native to South Asia.

All Mosques in South Asia including the ones in Pakistan have been built by destroying Hindu Temples.
Archaeological evidence cannot be brushed aside as conjecture and hypothesis. Babri Masjid was not constructed on vacant land but on a Hindu structure, rules SC

Archaeological evidence supports an underlying structure of Hindu origin, SC says
I agree with you and expecting same for Taj Mahal means Teju Mahal....
Eunuchs who??

isn't it too few people ... whole Bangladesh and India attack on too few people
Islam is not native to South Asia.

All Mosques in South Asia including the ones in Pakistan have been built by destroying Hindu Temples.

There it is folks. He said it himself. This is where we are heading now. Who needs more proof?

Western ally Hindustan is in vengeance mode and I like it.

Let's demolish all the mosques in Hindustan. While we at it, let's rape, lynch and kill as many minorities as we can. Would be a double whammy.

I agree with you and expecting same for Taj Mahal means Teju Mahal....

LOL Tejas Mahal.

That's not the problem. It's fine if it is holy to u...a mosque is a mosque and there's no shortage of them. One can be built right next to that temple and it will be fine(as in it will serve the purpose as a place of worship) without inconveniencing ppl.

The issue is the mob taking the law into its own hands...destroying the mosque and killing ppl.

If the Supreme Court's decision based on archaeological evidence was to remove the mosque and rebuild a mandir in its place and then the official authorities proceeded to carry it out...that is fine
...that is how things are done by law in a "democracy".

If however "might is right"...and Hindu mobs can demolish a mosque, kill ppl and get away with it...that is no different than what u guys accuse Babur(or whoever Muslim ruler is accused of it) of demolishing the Hindu temple and building a mosque in its place.

The key difference is that Babur or whoever...was a monarch...he didn't claim to be a "secular democracy".

Their Arab brothers bestow them with medals on the very same day when Modi rapes and cages occupied Kashmiris. Why wouldn't they feel emboldened? The Western world that screams and shouts human rights blah blah cannot stop rewarding their little Hindu tyrant to counter China.

Let's face it, RSS is right now transforming Hindustan into their own thinking and they have the support of both Arab "Muslim" leaders and obviously the Western world. When 8 million Kashmiris are caged like animals for months and no one is batting an eye lid, demolishing a mosque and giving the land to Hindu mobs is just a walk in the park for these people.

I like it though. I want more anarchy.
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Yeah, the armed and well trained men putting down their weapons before Hindus instead of fighting till death. Speaks a lot about who deserves the title of Eunuchs.
Ok,now talk about slap which followers of Azad have got today:-)
There it is folks. He said it himself. This is where we are heading now. Who needs more proof?

Western ally Hindustan is in vengeance mode and I like it.

Let's demolish all the mosques in Hindustan. While we at it, let's rape, lynch and kill as many minorities as we can. Would be a double whammy.

LOL Tejas Mahal.

Their Arab brothers bestow them with medals. Why wouldn't they feel emboldened?
Arabs(or any other group for that matter) are going to do what's in their interest. Idealistic thoughts like the "ummah" concept should be set aside. Pakistan should know that it has to further its own interests by its own strength instead of looking towards our "brethren". It's time to buckle down and work hard...the world bows to money and power only.

The 'calls for peace' before the verdict hinted the decision was going to be against Indian Muslims. More lynchings in Modi's India for them.
Stone worshippers have their way; no one's surprised.

North Indian Muslims better get their act together; every mosque may become a target now based on claims of long lost "temples" or "birthplace" of imaginary characters.
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