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Azeri want attack on Iran

Masallah my friends really trolling fest in here.

@atawolf : why do you always post crap. Do you think that you are defending the hunner of Turks or do you think that you are doing a good PR for Turks.

(Really of topic but what a heck) You (atawolf) and ottoman-Turk are the worst kind of ambassadors on the net for Turks.
Please please please in the future speak for you self and don't speak for common Turks becuise you don't represent "real Turks".

Ps. Now I really did a major trolling :)
You are very funny man,very amusing.
Visiting a shrink can sometimes be good.
You can make a joke about it, but Azerbaijan army is always ready to protect and seize. I personally support Israeli attack and you should ask yourself why Azerbaijan is siding with Israel? Maybe you can get an answer....

Ps. Now I really did a major trolling

Only part I agreed with
This article doesnt prove anything..This is just a conspiracy theory and a mere speculation..Thread`s title is also misleading..OP just celebrates his comeback from temporary ban today, i guess:welcome:
This article doesnt prove anything..

It IS speculation but it is not conspiracy. By the way there is nothing wrong with speculation. There are a lot of indications if you READ what Aliyev says. Iran and Azerbaijan already have hostilities and it is logical that Azeri supports attack on Iran. If you don't understand this, there is no use in communicating to you because of your low capabilities of understanding things.

If Azerbaijan opens Israeli bases, what would that mean? Yes, exactly, you just mastered kindergarden logic, Azeri support attack on Iran. I already listen to see Azeri leaders and they all say this.
Man this Ottoman Turk charchter is the biggest loser on earth. He's literally made trolling his life's mission. Atta is your avg internet troll, but OT is just a unique breed of lifeless loser.
There are facts in world politics, not "ifs"..Insults also hold no value, just shows posters quality, keep that in mind-may be this time you will stay here longer before tasting the pink again

I can say the same thing about your post. It is just speculation. For Azerbaijan it would not be nice to say they want an attack, because that would give away their position. The truth is undeniable there are huge frictions between Iran/Azerbaijan on every level. If your little brain doesn't understand that because you want to be "right" good for you. Have your victory.
Funny how Iran and Azerbaijan have removed all Visa restrictions and how Iranians and Azeris regularly hop borders every day without any trouble. Iranians go on the other side to drink and have fun while Azeris come to our side to do grocery shopping and get medical help in Tehran. Such a thing is rarity in the Middle East. So much for animosity and all this war talk.

Too bad Iranians and Azeri nationals don't think like khomaini and aliyev, eh Ata? Too bad for you indeed.
Funny how Iran and Azerbaijan have removed all Visa restrictions and how Iranians and Azeris regularly hop borders every day without any trouble. Iranians go on the other side to drink and have fun while Azeris come to our side to do grocery shopping and get medical help in Tehran. Such a thing is rarity in the Middle East. So much for animosity and all this war talk.

Too bad Iranians and Azeri nationals don't think like khomaini and aliyev, eh Ata? Too bad for you indeed.

Abii, you should disregard the reality and live in this kid`s fantasy world..Reality just doesnt get through his thick skull
My suggestion to Turkish people is to first help Azerbaijan get its land back from Armenia. Unfortunately, the whole Turkish world just watched Armenia to win the war and kill Azeris.
My suggestion to Turkish people is to first help Azerbaijan get its land back from Armenia. Unfortunately, the whole Turkish world just watched Armenia to win the war and kill Azeris.
Good point. Turkic world is not the same as 20 years ago, it is getting stronger with the day.

Can Persian extremist answer this. Why is Azerbaijan so Anti-Iran?
Good point. Turkic world is not the same as 20 years ago, it is getting stronger with the day.

Can Persian extremist answer this. Why is Azerbaijan so Anti-Iran?

What's a Persian extremist? lmao

Parsis are the only peope in the Middle East, Central Asia and all of West Asia that don't have tribes/clans etc... No Parsi ever cares about such things. Yet a pan turk like you is calling us extreme.

The world as Ata sees it. You should have your own show,
I think it's sad that azerbaijan wants to arm to the teeth with israeli weapons , cause once they go to war with armenia , they have russian weapons.
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