Haha, or majority of people in the past believed the world was flat.
Piece of thought...
If really 1.5 million Armenians died while the total population of Armenians were 1.3 million
1. How could Ottomans kill more Armenians than exist?
2. On what statistics does the accusers base this? They pull statistics from their behind.
3. Where is the evidence that a genocide happened? Nobody got killed because they are what they are. They got killed because they attacked the government.
Also, another piece of thought. Armenians have good tactic, they keep accusing and then avoiding the duty to prove their case in court. Also they get the attention off what they did. Armenians ceased the city of Kars and annihilated the Muslim population to hand it over to the Russians. That is just one example. Another example is terrorizing Turkish supply lines to Caucasus front.
If Armenians agree to take this matter to the court, they will be worse off since they are the ones who commited crimes and took arms against the government.