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Azerbaijani sources claim Indian-made military equipment was transferred to Armenia through Iran

Armenia is a very, very ideologically significant place for Russia.

It is far more important to Russia than Crimea.

Russia would absolutely nuke Turkey for trying to annex Armenia if it wasn't in NATO.

Russia thinks of itself as the last Crusader Kingdom, and will absolutely defend Jerusalem and Armenia.

This is what makes Israel and Armenia the perfect trap for the U.S. to checkmate Russia (assuming Ukraine fails).

No it will not risk nuclear fallout nor will it risk WW3. No country will risk that. Not even Israel.
How good are these weapons?
Pinaka MLRS is a combat proven system developed by DRDO which has taken active participation in Kargil war… Pinaka has 3 variants i.e. MK1, MK2 and guided Pinaka

Guided pinaka Rocket system by ARDE in association with RCI, DRDL, HEMRL and PXE 👇





No one knows.

Indians lie about everything.
Proof of 122mm rocket integration with Pinaka launcher. A field optimized pod could be able able pack up to 3x times more rockets.
That would make Pinaka more modular like other MLRS, thus ensures that existing inventory of 20km rockets as well as 40km range ARDE 122mm ERR can all be used from Pinaka launchers post retirement of the vintage Grads in service that are manually loaded & aimed. Better logistics, flexibility, export potential..

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Yeah big support,every time Turkey does something they say "Greece and Turkey are both valuable allies in NATO" and "you should solve this on your own,it's between you two".
Thats also support. What do you expect them to do? come and bomb us?

I'm not saying they do.

I'm saying that Turkey annexing Armenia depends entirely on U.S. approval.

This means that the U.S. controls Turkish foreign policy de-facto.

Turkey simply needs to trade something valuable enough to the U.S. to get Armenia in exchange.

Kind of like how India agreed to be a frontline state against China to be able to de-facto annex Kashmir.

Maybe if Turkey could get Azerbaijan to become the next Ukraine, Turkey could get the U.S. to allow Turkey to annex Armenia.

The rumored Turkish involved coup attempt in Kazakhstan probably also would count (if it had succeeded).
At this point it is only sanctions and embargoes that stop Turkiye from doing whatever it wants. Sanctions and embargoes from E.U and US.

Dude,what are you talking about? Russia doesn't support Israel. Russia even let Azeris take much of Artsakh and forced the Armenians into giving up most of the area to Azerbaijan,even most of the parts they hadn't conquered.

You know why they did that? Because Armenians allowed Pashinyan to take power and he is pro-Western and pro-Turkish.

As for the "last crusader" comment,I wonder where did you see Russia act like a crusader.

Ah but according to prophecy,the Russians will eventually nuke Turkey. Or at least use weapons that will cause so much destruction.
Pashinyan is pro-Turkish now? lmao have you guys lost your minds?? 😂😂😂😂
Thats also support. What do you expect them to do? come and bomb us?
No,be more strict and impose more sanctions. Maybe help us with free equipment and stop giving dozens of billions to Ukraine. Simple things :P

Pashinyan is pro-Turkish now? lmao have you guys lost your minds??
It's a whole big discussion,but Pashiniyan has been the one who keeps talking about cooperation and trade with Turkey,who often backs off towards Azeri demands,who undermined the war effort during the 2020 war,attends Turkish and Turkic conferences and events,generally has a pro-Erdogan stance to the point that Armenians have been calling him nicknames that end with -oglu and consider him a traitor.

He also attended Erdogan's swear-in ceremony.

On the contrary, before the Khojaly massacres and the closure of the border gate after the Karabakh occupation, economic relations between Turkiye and Armenia were quite normal. Even today, tens of thousands of Armenian nationals work in Turkiye. Historical disputes are a separate issue, TR has never used this as a political tool, fully opened its archives and demanded the establishment of a joint history commission, but it was the Armenians who ran away from the table.

Secondly, Turkiye and Russia have developed a mutually beneficial relationship to the extent that they could never be direct enemies. Of course, there are many areas of geopolitical conflict, but each side has some leverage over the other. At the end of the day, these pragmatic allegiances help them resolve their issues at the negotiating table, and in the broader scheme of things, they serve to align their foreign policy approaches.

Today, the volume of Russian-Turkish economic activity is around $100 billion, but more importantly, especially after the Ukraine war, Russian assets and investments in Turkiye have exceeded tens of billions of dollars and are growing rapidly. I'm not just talking about big companies and sectoral collaborations, but on a more micro scale, for example in real estate sales, Russians have been in the first place for years. Not just tourism, for example, in July 2023 alone the total number of properties sold to Russian citizens was around 800, and today there are hundreds of thousands of Russians living in Turkiye , most of them with permanent residency permits. We live in the same workplaces, we live in the same neighbourhoods. Likewise, the volume of Turkish contractors' work in Russia is measured in billions of dollars. Turkiye also has deep and historic ties with Turkic and Muslim communities, which make up a third of the Russian population. Let me tell you a more interesting fact: A truly significant part of the population of modern Turkiye is made up of Turks and Muslims who fled the Caucasus and Crimean massacres.

A regional struggle or power plays is one thing, but a hostility that could evolve into all-out war is just a fantasy. Even in that case, TR would be one of the last non-nuclear opponents that Russia would want to resort to nuclear weapons. Moreover, you should also think about whether TR is a non-nuclear country anymore or how much of the invisible part of the iceberg it will show you in case of a war.

And as a last point, the relationship between Azerbaijan and Turkiye has acquired a unique character, especially with the Shusha Declaration. According to the resolution adopted by the parliaments of each country, if war is declared against one of these countries, the other country will consider that war has been declared against it. In parallel with this, the coordination between military forces and joint infrastructure works, which have been going on for years, have now reached a certain maturity. This will be followed by a full joint structure in the next decade, especially in the air forces. In short, the two countries have linked their destinies.
Azerbaijans airforce will be the strongest in the region when TFX, Gokbey and ATAK II are ready.

No,be more strict and impose more sanctions. Maybe help us with free equipment and stop giving dozens of billions to Ukraine. Simple things :P

It's a whole big discussion,but Pashiniyan has been the one who keeps talking about cooperation and trade with Turkey,who often backs off towards Azeri demands,who undermined the war effort during the 2020 war,attends Turkish and Turkic conferences and events,generally has a pro-Erdogan stance to the point that Armenians have been calling him nicknames that end with -oglu and consider him a traitor.

He also attended Erdogan's swear-in ceremony.

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Its one thing to act tough and all against turkey when you live in America like these diaspora armenians but its another game when you live in armenia and you need to take into account your peoples welfare and the countries economy. There is a saying in Turkish; it is easy for the gentlemen who is single to divorce his wife.
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Thats also support. What do you expect them to do? come and bomb us?

At this point it is only sanctions and embargoes that stop Turkiye from doing whatever it wants. Sanctions and embargoes from E.U and US.

Pashinyan is pro-Turkish now? lmao have you guys lost your minds?? 😂😂😂😂
The nonsensical narrative of countries like Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan that like to pretend to be independent but, at the end of the day, follow orders from Washington is truly delusional.

"HoLD mE BAcK BrO"

Armenians have next to zero influence on policymakers in Washington.

What U.S. leaders don't want is for Turkey to go on an annexing spree while under NATO protection without getting something of sufficient value in return.
Pinaka MLRS is a combat proven system developed by DRDO which has taken active participation in Kargil war… Pinaka has 3 variants i.e. MK1, MK2 and guided Pinaka

Guided pinaka Rocket system by ARDE in association with RCI, DRDL, HEMRL and PXE

Good. When are your defense officials planning on offering it to Putin's regime? I was a bit surprised that they're buying from Iran and North Korea but not from India.

Both Iran & North Korea are sanctioned countries yet have state of the art defense technology.

I'm guessing it has something to do with quality.
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Good. When are your defense officials planning on offering it to Putin's regime? I was a bit surprised that they're buying from Iran and North Korea but not from India.

I'm guessing it has something to do with quality.
Likely hasn't been offered.

Russia is the wests obsession. Any weapons going that way would be bad for india-west relations. We need the trade.

I think they would buy if offered. Would make trade imbalance more palatable to both sides.

I really dont think "quality" is that big of an issue for an mlrs system (i think its quite good on paper personally). Its shoots a bunch of dumb rockets (not guided pinaka) in the direction you point it. Not very cutting edge stuff and pretty useful in an artillery war, which is what ukraine has largely become.

Of course the best case scenario woild be that they prove highly effective opening the door to more exports.

but if there are quality issues it would be great to see them play out in ukraine or karabak as opposed to kashmir. India will always be the largest customer for indian defence products. think we will find out in armenia soon enough.

big win for the industry

Likely hasn't been offered.

Russia is the wests obsession. Any weapons going that way would be bad for india-west relations. We need the trade.

I think they would buy if offered. Would make trade imbalance more palatable to both sides.

I really dont think "quality" is that big of an issue for an mlrs system (i think its quite good on paper personally). Its shoots a bunch of dumb rockets (not guided pinaka) in the direction you point it. Not very cutting edge stuff and pretty useful in an artillery war, which is what ukraine has largely become.

Of course the best case scenario woild be that they prove highly effective opening the door to more exports.

but if there are quality issues it would be great to see them play out in ukraine or karabak as opposed to kashmir. India will always be the largest customer for indian defence products. think we will find out in armenia soon enough.

big win for the industry


Suppose they order it in. Would India decline? Or are the Russians not in need of it?
Azerbaijans airforce will be the strongest in the region when TFX, Gokbey and ATAK II are ready.

Its one thing to act tough and all against turkey when you live in America like these diaspora armenians but its another game when you live in armenia and you need to take into account your peoples welfare and the countries economy. There is a saying in Turkish; it is easy for the gentlemen who is single to divorce his wife.
Diaspora Armenians are actually trying to help Armenia,but Pashinyan pissed off Putin with his nonsense.

Putin got angry because the Armenians allowed Pashinyan to kick the pro-Russian government.
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