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Azerbaijan supports Pakistan on Kashmir

Artsakh has always been Armenian

The whole world knows only nogorno karabakh is in dispute.

Artsakh and other areas of Azeribaijan, illegally occupied by armenia, are not in dispute. They are Azeri land.

I know armenians. If they take van in Turkey, or Nakhchivan, they will say,

"Van has always been Armenian, Nakhchivan has always been Armenian...no occupier of this land"

armenia has to abide by international law, else it will be a terrorist state like israel.
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Dude dont waste your grey cells. Say "whatever" and chill.

But one question - Is it the official Armenian position that it supports India over Kashmir.?

Dude dont waste your grey cells. Say "whatever" and chill.

But one question - Is it the official Armenian position that it supports India over Kashmir.?

They do not care it at all and happy with the life, no cribbing at all.
Long Live Azerbaijan-Pakistan and Turkey Friendship.As far as Indians are concerned i would ignore.One does not have to be big to speak truth or support the right cause.Indians of course have colonial mindset largely due to the fact that their *** was ruled by Muslim Mughals for decades and then British.British Left but it appears they left their colonial mindset with Indians.
Long Live Azerbaijan-Pakistan and Turkey Friendship.As far as Indians are concerned i would ignore.One does not have to be big to speak truth or support the right cause.Indians of course have colonial mindset largely due to the fact that their *** was ruled by Muslim Mughals for decades and then British.British Left but it appears they left their colonial mindset with Indians.

The world "Indian" Apply to you also b4 1947..

And nobody ashamed of Mughal rule in India. We study the same in our history text books as Mughal Era like Maurya era etc.

Long Live Azerbaijan-Pakistan and Turkey Friendship.As far as Indians are concerned i would ignore.One does not have to be big to speak truth or support the right cause.Indians of course have colonial mindset largely due to the fact that their *** was ruled by Muslim Mughals for decades and then British.British Left but it appears they left their colonial mindset with Indians.

You may be not aware of the fact that the same Mughals and British ruled over present day Pakistan as well.
The fact that you ascribe Mughals as colonialists reflects poorly on your knowledge of mughals. They were not colonialists but conquerors of Northern India and made this their home. They made alliances with the local tribes so much so that Shah Jahan and later Mughals had increasingly hindu blood in them and many had temples in their palaces. Its difficult to comprehend how one considers Mughals as foreigners when (excepting Babur), Northern India was the only place they ever lived and ruled. In short, Mughals were Indians.

On topic of Colonialism, the definition itself means colonising of land, Pakistanis maybe unaware but in Kashmir only Kashmiris are allowed to own land and resources, how can one insinuate colonialism is beyond me. However since you mentioned it, Pakistani Kashmir maybe taken as an example, since Pak Gov concedes it is not a part of Pakistan, but still allows outsiders to settle there.
Simple reason dear....India want to keep Kashmir under its belt...Now its upto world to accept it or dont accept it.....We dont care...In this presnet centuary 2010, Kashmir is an integral part of india...and will remain as it is.....If the world start dividing itself on the baisis of religion..then there is no end to it....

First you say that India should bribe Azerbaijan, then you threaten the country and if all this fails you "dont care" what the world thinks. This kinda mentality is what ignited the conflict in the first place.

Artsakh has always been Armenian........there are no occupiers on that land.

This is your word against the position of the international community. Research the UN and OIC resolutions and you will see Armenia is recognized as an aggressor country. Who committed ethnic cleansing and occupies 20% of another country.

Azerbaijan is a soviet installed state by Stalin to please Ataturk. After the fall of USSR the new Azerbaijan did not even recognize NKAO until later.

I will show everyone here how you lie. How can Stalin have made Azerbaijan? While the state of Azerbaijan was the first democratic country in the Islamic world in 1918. That was before Stalin, here watch this video. This is the standard Armenian answer to everything. Never engage in a debate, just dismiss everything.

Azerbaijan will need more than Israeli weapons and intelligence to take back Artsakh from Armenians and it has nothing to do with guns.....as far as Russia is concerned we hope that they don’t pull another “operation Ring” on us when Azeris were given an Army battalion to surround Armenian towns and purge them.

There are 2 Russian military bases in Armenia. There are discussions going on a possible 3rd Russian base in Armenia. What Armenia are you talking about? Armenia is merely a vassal state of Russia, nothing more. We are dealing with the Russian here, so dont flatter yourself.

Instead of spending all the oil money buying Israeli weapons why don’t Aliyev spend a little for the refugee problem that he maintains on purpose as political tool. Armenia absorbed and solved its refugee problem in less than two years after the conflict and they have no oil and are under blockade from both sides.

All our internal displaced people has been assinged to homes. But this is a temporary solution. Their homes are now occupied by Armenians.

By the way, this same Armenian user, denies photographic evidence that Armenia keeps pigs and cows in an Azeri mosque, now occupied by Armenia. This guy actually said "the animals wondered into the mosque and just stayed with no one to take care of them." He actually thinks that pigs and cows themselfs just wondered into a mosque and settled in. So this the kind of nationalist person we are dealing with. In added the video below.

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Long Live Azerbaijan-Pakistan and Turkey Friendship.As far as Indians are concerned i would ignore.One does not have to be big to speak truth or support the right cause.Indians of course have colonial mindset largely due to the fact that their *** was ruled by Muslim Mughals for decades and then British.British Left but it appears they left their colonial mindset with Indians.

Are you forgetting that it was your ars* too that the Mughals and British ruled?

Or perhaps you need reminding that your tushie was also ruled by Maurya, Gupta, Pala, Kushan and Sikh empire at one time. But of course these ones are easily forgotten.

So if you do not have any thing of intellectual value to add on the relevant topic, at least stay away from making yourself look like an ignorant you-know-what :tup:
Azerbaijan became the center of the smuggling of deadly weapons, which can be used for terrorist activities in India, based in Pakistan militant groups. (The Asian Age.)
According to recent reports of the Central intelligence agencies, militant groups based in Pakistan, carrying weapons across the border from Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, and deliver it to new recruits in ***************** Kashmir.

Well, Let's imagine that Pakistan is buying weapons from Azerbaijan. I wonder how they are carrying weapons to Pakistan? There are only two ways, through Iran or through Turkmenistan. What do you think about it.
Azerbaijan became the center of the smuggling of deadly weapons, which can be used for terrorist activities in India, based in Pakistan militant groups. (The Asian Age.)

You are twisting words. Azerbaijan is not the center but a route. This route implies Georgia-Azerbaijan-Iran-Iraq-Afghanistan. The weapon sources are located in Russia, that would be the center. What deadly weapons are you talking about? Pakistan only buys Azerbaijani small arms.

According to recent reports of the Central intelligence agencies, militant groups based in Pakistan, carrying weapons across the border from Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, and deliver it to new recruits in ***************** Kashmir.

According to the worldmap Azerbaijan and Afghanistan are not neighbors. Infact there are several countries in between them. Have you even bothered to look where Azerbaijan is located in the worldmap?

Well, Let's imagine that Pakistan is buying weapons from Azerbaijan. I wonder how they are carrying weapons to Pakistan? There are only two ways, through Iran or through Turkmenistan. What do you think about it.

Through Turkmenistan? Are you kidding me? You do realise there is a "Caspian Sea" between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan? Also Pakistan has a more advanced domestic military industry then Azerbaijan does. So it wouldnt make sense for Pakistan to buy the unknown Azerbaijani "deadly weapons" and smuggle it thousands of kilometers to use in Kashmir. So I think you dont know what you are talking about.
Where is azerbaijan on the world map?

We don't need to be so haughty and so full of ourselves.

Azerbaijan no matter however small,its a sovereign state and a UN member and their opinion and stance does make a difference, though only by a single numerical value.

Also its has more proven oil reserves than India.

More interesting data can be found here.


Indian ambassador: India wants fair solution for Nagorno-Karabakh (Interview) | Foreign policy | Trend


Azerbaijan's recognition of Kashmir as Pakistani territory is mostly due to 2 reasons.

1)Pakistan doesn't recognize Armenia as nation,strange considering the fact neither Azerbaijan nor Armenia have any problem in recognizing eachother as sovereign nations,

2)I remember reading a news report regarding a UN resolution on demilitarization of some border region of Armenia & Azerbaijan,where India along with China voted in favor of Armenia.Azerbaijan lodged a formal protest to the Indian diplomatic mission there.

It won't make any difference even if Azerbaijan doesn't recognize India as a whole, as the only nation's opinions near the Caucasus that matter to India is Turkey.

At the max ,India might might take a U-turn on its stance regarding Nagorno-Karabakh.

Another thing that might concern India is this news report.

Azerbaijan center for smuggling deadly weapons, The Asian Age | Armenia News - NEWS.am

Though its an Armenian website and the report can be ignored as propaganda,but if proven true ,it"ll mean big trouble for Azerbaijan.
Another thing that might concern India is this news report.

Azerbaijan center for smuggling deadly weapons, The Asian Age | Armenia News - NEWS.am

Though its an Armenian website and the report can be ignored as propaganda,but if proven true ,it"ll mean big trouble for Azerbaijan.

This report comes from an Armenian propaganda website. And "big trouble for Azerbaijan" is exacly what they are hoping to manufacture. Look at propaganda picture they added. Is this supposed to proof that Azerbaijanis are terrorists? Armenian propaganda machine has been trying to depict Azerbaijan as a terrorist state for decades now. This is nothing new. The Armenian propaganda site refers to "The Asia Age". I tried searching for the original article but I found nothing. This proofs that this is nothing but manufactured propaganda.



Very funny how Armenia tries to link Azerbaijan to terrorism, while Armenia itself was behind "Azerbaijan State Oil Academy shooting". That killed 12 people in Baku, Allah Rehmet Elesin... I added two videos below, for those who are unfamiliar with the terror act. During the investigation the involvement of Georgian citizen of Armenian descent Mardun Gumashyan was published and is now wanted by Interpol. Here below is the link of Interpol and I added his picture aswell. So who is the terrorist now? First 20% of my country is occupied, a million of my people is forced to abandon their homes and now they target our students and professors.. we will never forget it!


Mardun Gumashyan, wanted by Interpol for organizing Baku Academy Massacre

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This is your word against the position of the international community. Research the UN and OIC resolutions and you will see Armenia is recognized as an aggressor country. Who committed ethnic cleansing and occupies 20% of another country.

Armenia is not the aggressive country. First of all you are dealing with the Nagorno Karabagh Republic and not Armenia. Second of all NKR defense forces are dugged in on a defensive position and it is the Azeris who keep violating the ceasefire and border intrusion which has cost them the lives of their soldiers in their failed sabotage attempts again and again. Third of all it the OSCE Minsk group chaired by Russia, USA, and France who are negotiating the peace process and they know who the real aggressor is and who is the one who refuses to settle this conflict. And lastly, ethnic cleansing was committed by Azeris on the Armenians of Baku, Sumgay.........that is what started the freaking war. If you think Armenian ethnically cleaned Azeris in kujalis then let that be a lesson to you tatars that you can no longer **** with us Armenians.

I will show everyone here how you lie. How can Stalin have made Azerbaijan? While the state of Azerbaijan was the first democratic country in the Islamic world in 1918. That was before Stalin, here watch this video. This is the standard Armenian answer to everything. Never engage in a debate, just dismiss everything.

You need to learn World history instead of that Turkish copy. Azerbaijan is a province of Iran. Today’s Azerbaijan was created like you said in 1918. There was no nation called Azerbaijan north of Arax river before then. The Azerbaijanis are Turkified Iranian Azaris. Why you deny your roots?

There are 2 Russian military bases in Armenia. There are discussions going on a possible 3rd Russian base in Armenia. What Armenia are you talking about? Armenia is merely a vassal state of Russia, nothing more. We are dealing with the Russian here, so dont flatter yourself.

Man, talk about lies. First of all there is only one Russian base in Armenia, the 102th military base in Gyumri. The lease on the base was extended not too long ago and the 4000 Russian soldiers are there to patrol the Turkish border with Armenia. There are something like 8 Mig 29s in Yerevan international airport (not a full base), again solely to counter Turkish F-16s. There are also S-300s in Armenia operated by Armenians, again for Turkish aircraft. Russia provides security to Armenia proper only! This has nothing to do with Artsakh or the constant threats from Azerbaijan to attack NKR. Might I remind you that Russia also holds military base in Azerbaijan. If Azeris don’t have the guts or the will to die to engage Armenians in Artsakh then please don’t blame it on the Russians, there are no Russians in Artsakh.

All our internal displaced people has been assinged to homes. But this is a temporary solution. Their homes are now occupied by Armenians.

Most of your refugees still live in railroad carts.........thank Sultan Aliyev for using them as a tool.

By the way, this same Armenian user, denies photographic evidence that Armenia keeps pigs and cows in an Azeri mosque, now occupied by Armenia. This guy actually said "the animals wondered into the mosque and just stayed with no one to take care of them." He actually thinks that pigs and cows themselfs just wondered into a mosque and settled in. So this the kind of nationalist person we are dealing with. In added the video below.

You are mistaken me from someone else or your lying on purpose.
Regardless, I have heard about this Mosque and we know the guy who made this anti-Armenian video, seems to be his full time job putting these types of propaganda out there on utube and he refuses to engage every time challenged or questioned. My take on this is that first of all how do we know that is the same Mosque. Second of all the writings on the wall can be done by Azeris themselves. I can write fluent Farsi, if I graffiti a Church does that mean a Persian Muslim did it? Thirdly the Mosque lies within Azeri sniper range and it is an abandoned Mosque. I don’t think it is the same Mosque anyway, we Armenians respect the Muslim religion and we live in many Muslim countries from Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon to Iran.

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